Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today. Selena Gomez has gone two for two in outfits that are definitely not Disney worthy. Here she is with Vanessa Hudgens who
was also in Paper Magazine
Meanwhile, Elle Fanning got Vogue Magazine. And she is a better actress. Go figure.
Scarlett J shows off a ring on her engagement finger.
Steve Martin hanging out with Anne Hathaway who went wickerless at the Costume Designers Guild Awards .
Lily Collins showed some costume love at the event,
Thandie Newton at a party in London.
Victoria Beckham shows Harper the sights in Paris.
Will Smith watches his oldest son Trey DJ. Apparently DJ'ing is the new career path for Scientology sons.


  1. Lily collins should hold a red bull can and say "red bull, it gives you wings"

  2. Selena is just gorgeous, IMO.

    I also think Lily Collins is gorgeous, too. Holy Cow, was I stunned when I found out Phil is her dad...who'dathunk?!

    And, there's baby Harper...gosh, she's got some nomming-worthy cheeks!!

  3. I love Victoria B's hair!!! The lowlights are super cute and subtle.

    V Hudge actually looks super pretty in the first photo! Color me shocked. Her Joan Jett impression is actually cute also.

  4. Omg, Elle Fanning has baby hands! That freaks me out so bad and I don't know why. This is not to be confused with people having small hands because they're's disproportionate. Please tell me I'm not the only one. lol

  5. Will's son looks kind of sexy there.

  6. Lily Collins looks like Brenda's prom dress got fucked up in a drunken fight.

  7. @Reese Baby hands freak me out too!

  8. I think Selena looks great here. Vanessa Hudgens, not so much.

    Harper is so cute. VB's highlights/lowlights are perfection.

    Steve Martin just went down a few notches for posing with AnnE. Maybe he's planning on making fun of her in a book? Yes, that's it.

    Elle Fanning is pretty in a doll like way.

  9. Holy shiz, will smith has other children?? Well off to Google I go, lol!

  10. ;( I'm not clicking on that, Evil-one-who-used-to-be-Sunny!!!!! lol

  11. @Sunny. That was just plain mean. ;)

  12. WTH is going on in pic 2? Creepy.

    I like Elle's pic.

    Also, I have bitty hands and feet. My hs boyfriend used to say my toes looked like little shrimp. FEET freak me out, when people post or tweet their pedicures, I get the shudders.

    ScarJo walking almost completely bundled with just her knuckles showing... that's showing off her engagement finger?

    Thandie, you are beautiful, talented and wealthy. BRA.

    Baby Harper is so freaking cute.

    Will's kids look exactly like him. If he's gay with a capital G, there must be some serious IVF going on.

  13. I should add that I'm a smallish person, they're not freaky bitty like Sunny Voldemort up there posted.

  14. Harper is going to have such a lovely face but right now I want to pinch those cheeks!

  15. I just adore that little Harper Beckham!

  16. I keep thinking that those are rolls of toilet paper or white Styrofoam cups on the back of Lily's dress. Oof. Don't like.

  17. Harper gives me baby fever!

    Is will high in that photo?

    That dress suits Vanessa very well. She looks incredible.

    Thandie and Selena are being worn by their suits & need bras or dickies underneath. Thandie's is the worst of the two and looks completely ill-structured for her body.

    Baby Harper is SO cute!!!

  18. @ethorne so true Lily Collins looks like she is wearing Brenda's prom/virginity loss dress just all crazy. I liked it better on Brenda (and Kelly) and also because neither of them were under 90 lbs. Seriously Lily eat a cracker.

    1. @Izahart- lmao at virginity loss dress. I had a virginity loss NIN tee.

  19. was Duane Martin also in that Dj party?

  20. If you're a celebrity offspring who doesn't have the ambition to make your own celebrity run, you either model or DJ.

    Try naming celebrity offspring - None of them are working as schlubby school teachers. Models or djs to a one.

  21. Something about Lilly Collins' face looks different...

    Harper is just adorbs! Victoria's hair is perfection!

    Vanessa H. is annoying to me for some she tries too hard or something - can't pinpoint it.

  22. Steve Martin needs to play Jason Bateman's father in some kind of movie. The resemblance is amazing!

  23. Wow, all I could think was Smith's eldest looks exactly like him during his Fresh Prince days.

    I would have thought it was him.

  24. Helllooooo Trey :) You can DJ me anyday.

    I love love love Harper. I wonder if the Beckhams are constantly pinching those cute little cheeks of hers.

    There was a woman at my friends baby shower this past weekend who looked exactly like Kristen in the baby hands sketch. We couldn't stop laughing every time she picked up one of the miniature food items and now I can't stop laughing imagining Kristen at the baby shower eating little cupcakes and mini sandwiches.

  25. Thank you Sunny, for the best laugh of the day!!

  26. I find thandie newton very pointy. And harper? Love her!!!!! Wecwant her back in america!!!!!

  27. Will Smith is an incorrigible douche. His children, even more so. Especially Willow.

    Is this son by Jada, or someone else? I didn't even realise he had an older son called Trey.

  28. That's his son with someone else, who used to be my friend and neighbor when I lived in NY many years ago.
