Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Apparently the best man was unwilling to dress up as Donkey.
Andrew Garfield heads to work as Spiderman and
Shailene Woodley gets set to make her debut as Mary Jane.
That is a big bag lunch Hugh Jackman is bringing on his flight.
This is how I prefer my Justin Bieber sightings.
If Jermaine Dupri is playing Santa Claus there is no way he can afford what Mariah Carey wants.
Jennifer Lawrence is once again Katniss.
Jessica Simpson shows off her baby bump while
Nick Lachey shows off his son to sell new records.


  1. Chestica looks all kinds of wrong there.

    Andrew Garfield is so blah to me.

    Were Mariah and Jermaine drunk when they took this picture?

  2. Cute baby! Jess looks far along. When is she due?

  3. Lovely picture of father and son.

    Jessica looks classy, as usual (said in my sarcastic tone).

  4. Nick's baby is just a beautiful doll!! I'm on love with the baby.

  5. I take a big meal when I fly...

  6. #1, I bet was at a Comicon. A friend of mine went this weekend and the Fonz gave her a huge hug.

    WTF Bieber? WE need those to protect us from you.

    I hope JLaw doesn't get the hair trouble from over-dyeing. Back to the Quarter Quell!!

    At what point does a baby bump become a baby boulder? My kids were huge, after 6 months, bump was my head.

    OMS, Nick Lachey is creeping me out.

    Set 2, ACK. It's not Monday anymore!

  7. Forget Mary Jane, I'm excited to see Shailene as Tris in Divergent!!

    I thought they were done shooting Catching Fire, are they quickly moving on to Mockingjay?

    Awwww Nick's son is too cute.

  8. Nick lachey's son is so adorable. I'll buy that lullaby.
    I'm so used to seeing jlaw as a blond that the dark hair makes her look pale and emo.
    JD with his massive debt.
    Biebs has become so reckless with his marijuana use. If that mask was taken off all the weed smoke would come pouring out.

  9. That baby is cute

    Jermaine giving mariah his santa claus alright

  10. @Lotta, they're shooting follow-up scenes, the main filming is, I believe, finished.

    BACK THE TRAIN UP - they're making a movie out of Divergent?!

    1. @prolixe, yes!!! Shailene is Tris and Kate Winslet is also cast but no word on what character she'll be.

  11. Holy shit, that baby is beyond adorable!!! Such gorgeous blue eyes! I love the surprised look on his face too. Geeez, my biological clock is ticking SO loudly today!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous12:35 PM

    OH my God, the Nick and Baby picture are putting my biological clock in to hyperdrive. Sooooooooo soooooo cute! Thor better watch his back.

  14. oh good, another 18 month pregnancy from Jessica.

    I love old pictures-he kind of looks like Freddy K.

    I always wonder about people who dress up as characters on their wedding day, what's wrong with being yourself?

  15. Ooh, I bet Kate will be mom (Natalie). She would fit for someone who starts out (one way) and turns (another way) - kind of an opposite of her Titanic role, but then coming full circle.

    (Parenthesis for spoilers)

    1. @prolixe, I'd like her to be the mom too but the buzz is she could also be a great Jeannine Matthews.

  16. Awwwwwwwwwwwww! I can already see that one's going to be a handful :D

  17. Since birth Nick and Vanessa's baby has been one of the most gorgeous I've ever seen. I'm excited to see Shailene Woodley in another role - she was great in The Descendants! And...Shrek wedding? Now that's a bit much.

  18. I love Jennifer Lawrence's hair dark!

  19. That is one cute kid, Drew.

  20. Jennifer's hair looks too dark to be Katniss. It looks next to black in that pic, and Katniss is really more of a dark auburn. Maybe it's for the new David O Russell project?

  21. Everything says it's for reshoots, but why the hell is her hair *black*? I are confuzzled.

  22. The Nick Lachey pic looks like something that comes free on a pack of diapers.

  23. So Jessica Simpson had a gorgeous baby. Nick Lachey had a gorgeous baby. What would have happened if they had one together!?
    And yea don't know who said it but I was thinking the same about another forever long pregnancy from Jessica lol she's about 5 weeks along here right? ;)

  24. Look at his lil' hand. I just love baby's hands! *Ahem" SUNNY, not baby hands on adults! Big difference!

  25. That is one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen!

    OMG I didn't know anything about Divergence! Have to see who is directing, I want it to be good! Who is 4?

    I know, that hair for Katniss is much darker than before, unless it's the lighting? Weird.

  26. I used to watch Shailene on that abc show... Godawful acting skills.... I don't think I'll watch this new Spider-Man franchise. Give me Kirstin Dunst any day over Shailene!

  27. @Lotta, that would be interesting - has Kate ever played a bad guy? Jeannine was one scary b!

    Re JLaw's hair - the first 4 or so days after a semi-permanent dye, the color is really dark. Katniss's hair is a deep auburn/mahogany, so they may have started with the darkest shade in expectation of lightening on set. (My hair is mahogany colored, whenever I use any hair dye, the deepest color sticks for at least 3-4 days before it starts to wash out to the actual color on the box.)

  28. Is Justin finally becoming self aware enough to know that he stinks?

    Cute baby Nick!

  29. That's a cute Daddy and even cuter babay

  30. That Lachey baby is THE cutest thing!!

    Yep we're in for another 14 month pregnancy with Chestica.

  31. What a pretty baby!

  32. That little guy is Nick's mini-me. What a doll.

  33. I thought Jessica only just got pregnant with her second child like a month ago?

  34. Nik Lachey is kinda bleh to me, but omg, I could just nibble that baby!

  35. Nick Lachey looks creepy as hell on that album, but the baby is a cutie.

    I guess it's the same colour as it was in The Hunger Games, but JLaw's hair looks darker to me. Maybe she's paler? I hope they do a better job with CF, I like HG as a standalone film but not as an adaptation of the book. The Battle Royale film was definitely a better adaptation imo (and a better book, but I do enjoy the Hunger Games series).

  36. Wtf Shrek wedding? Ok.......

    Hugh Jackman, damn that man always looks good!

    I didn't get into Hunger Games, but interested in Divergent since a lot of you seem to like it!

  37. Exactly Curleyhair. Why would anyone have a theme wedding. What do you show the grandkids for your pictures. Look how stoopid grandma and grandpa were. Like getting married at Disneyland iin mouse ears. Ugh.

  38. Count me in as someone who does not get theme weddings. Unless maybe you're in Vegas? But that's because Vegas weddings always seem more like a show than a real ceremony to me no matter what anyone wears.

    I have a friend who had a 'Tokyo Spring' themed wedding with 20 guests in attendance.

    She insisted all the women wear furisode - which I wouldn't have minded - but the kimonos had to have seasonally appropriate colours/patterns. The ones I could find were either 'seasonally inappropriate' or they were extremely expensive. Of course we were also told we HAD to wear all the correct accessories - (plain, so as not to outshine her) obi, zori (NOT FLIPFLOPS. Had to be authentic zori!), tabi. There was nobody to rent from, so it was basically like buying a bridesmaid dress without being an actual bridesmaid. There was a note on the bottom of the three page long dress code saying they had the right to refuse entry to anyone not dressed in 'the attire outlined in this document'.

    Of course she wasn't actually Japanese herself, and neither was her fiance...

    I declined her request.

  39. MJ is supposed to be hot, that chick is even blander than Dunst.

  40. @Goodnight, wow, Bridezilla much?!

    Mr & I have said more than once, if we could do it all over again, we'd have eloped. Way too much drama!

  41. Jennifer's hair was definitely lighter in The Hunger Games, but the book described the character with black hair, so maybe she relented after so many people bitched about it.

    OT: In the same article re: Jen's new hair, I just read that Ben Affleck shaved off his beard at a post Oscars party. I liked him with a beard! And couldn't it have waited til the next day?

  42. @prolixe

    She was dreadful! She was very much a bride who believed it was her day, her way or the highway. She only invited 20 people but 5 of us (all female) declined because of the sheer cost involved, which apart from the outfits also included a $70 ferry ride to the destination, paying for the bar, and donating money in lieu of gifts. She was very offended by the low attendance, but she chose an 'intimate' location that could only take a small number of people and she chose to demand her guests wear elaborate and expensive outfits. She chose to cut off the friendship with all five of us.


    I thought it was darker! Her hair colour didn't bother me in the first film, not when crucial thinks like an explanation of tesserae, the relationship between the districts and the capitol, Katniss's confusion over her feelings for Peeta, Peeta's lost leg and Katniss's deafness were left out. I know it was difficult to include information about Katniss's personal thoughts since the book is in the first person and the film doesn't have a first person narrative, but they made the choice to do that and I think it negatively impacted the film. Just my opinion, though.

  43. That baby!! What an adorable little fellow!

  44. That baby looks excited, lol, like he's just been given good news.

    "What? No way! Awesome!"

  45. yeah, i might vomit at Locky

  46. @Goodnight - Agree, although I thought they did a pretty good job w/ the book to film adaptation, overall. I remember being more disappointed in the way they did her fire dress than her hair. ;) Also, I cannot believe I forgot to comment about your friend w/ the theme wedding. I meant to say, after reading that last night, I would NEVER complain about having ever been a bridesmaid again. What an unbelievably bizarre request.
