Friday, February 08, 2013

Rex Reed Is A Jackass

I am all for a scathing review. In fact, I much prefer scathing reviews to kiss butt reviews because I think it takes much more writing ability and intelligence to find new ways to say something sucks and comparing it to other things in life that suck. There is a line that you don't cross though and Rex Reed in his review of Identity Thief crosses the line. I think we all know it is going to be a bad movie. It looks like it is a good 90 minutes of escapist fun that I am looking forward to watching on DVD in a month. Write your review and trash the movie. I am all good with that. Rex does not just write about the movie though. He also insults Melissa McCarthy. In the second paragraph he calls her tractor sized and a hippo. In the third paragraph he calls her obese. Why? Body jokes are not funny and just show a lack of creativity and writing ability. Criticize her acting, but not her body.


  1. Rex Reed continues to write reviews? I used to see him in the Observer, but that was last century.

  2. This article takes on the movie from a female's perspective/It is no fat-proud film by any means. Also mentions jackass Reed:

    1. @Libby. Awww! I was so hyped to watch this movie too. After reading that review, I just don't think I can't. Well, there's always Star Trek II. Cannot wait to see that. Counting down the days. 😀

  3. What a horse cock. Totally unnecessary to make mean personal attacks when reviewing a movie. Melissa is great and doesn't deserve that.

  4. I thought he was dead...

  5. I am sure her size is poked fun at in the movie. It seems to be the norm in roles she is in. It gets tiresome.

  6. I just wanted everyone to know that not only jackasses freak out at heavy women on-screen, the Jezebel reviewer claims the director isn't comfortable with fat either. There ARE gross-because-she's-big jokes too, supposedly.

  7. MISCH, me too! Most surprising part is he's still alive and reviewing.

    People tell me the movie is funny.

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I'm a big Arrested Development and Bateman fan, but he has made some stinker flicks.

    Funny, this website spends a good deal of time poking fun at the way people look. More than a tad hypocritical for criticizing Rex Reed for doing the same, don't you think?

  9. I'm no fan of McCarthy's but this was a bit much. Anyone ever seen the amount of plastic surgery Rex Reed has had?

  10. Mr Reed has jumped the shark and outlived his career shelf life. He sounds like he wrote that with a terrible hangover.

  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    In Hollywood, looks are everything. Anyone in the business knows that. You could argue that her choice to be overweight is as much a career move as it is a matter of laziness, over-eating, glandular, or whatever. Certain roles call for certain body types, be them muscular, lanky, the fat guy/girl etc. It's the nature of the business. If you can't take the heat, go work McDonald's where you can eat all the burgers and fries you want!

  12. I LOVE the comments at the bottom. He is being slayed in them for his unnecessary commentary on Melissa McCarthy's size.

  13. Like standing on a riverbank, banging on a bucket and screaming 'FISH'!---It's bound to work sometime. keep trying. Enty needs the clicks.


  14. I agree with everyone that her weight has nothing to do with her acting abilities and shouldn't be used in a movie review.

    But Enty (and many others) seem to think that it's okay to make jokes about women being too thin and that's not okay, either. I'll admit that I'm sensitive to it as someone who has struggled with an eating disorder, but when I was deep within it and someone called me "too skinny" my reaction was to starve myself more and get more depressed that I wasn't perfect. Pointing out someone's weight is NEVER in good taste.

    1. Amen! My daughter was anerxic at one time, and i used to cringe when people said oh youre so nice and thin. You hv no idea why someone is fat or thin: they may hv cancer, be taking anti rejection meds after transplant, may be ill or anerxic. So keep your big mouth shut.

  15. Yes, Rex's review is offensive to McCarthy, but she is famous BECAUSE of her size and boisterous personality. If she were thin, she would not be where she is now career wise.

  16. Not cool. Imagine a bad review at your job and then they add "oh, and you're a fat ass".

  17. Rex Reed is a perfect example of "those who do, do and those who can't, criticize" He is a bitter queen who takes out his anger on working actors for his failed attempt at being an actor. His only claim to fame was the camp classic, MYRA BRECKENRIDGE and that was because Mae West and Raquel Welch was in it.

    1. Truth! Just another bitter, old stunt queen.

  18. blah blah blah, oh my god, she's fat?! You're kidding me, I bet she hasn't heard! I bet NO ONE HAS EVER TOLD HER THAT! These kinds of stupid insults just make him look dated. The world has moved on, dude.

  19. Melissa McCarthy is funny because she is fearless in her comedy. Between delivery, and physical comedy she has carved out her own niche. Rex Reed is about as relevant as Gene siskel. Movie reviewers on a whole are kind of useless in this digital age.

  20. Reed is gay,he can make those remarks about women with no serious backlash.Perez Hilton does it all the time.

  21. Not a very professional attitude from Rex Reed ... "tractor-sized" and "hippo" - a lazy angle to take indeed.

  22. ooh i went on twitter rant yesterday when i saw that! it just pissed me off. he also said she was a "gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese" so rex reed answer me this if she has a short career how did gilmore girls which she was on last for seven years? dumbass

  23. Reed is an idiot. Melissa is very happy with herself, and incorporates it into her comedy. Ie, she doesnt give a shit what u think rex, or anyone else.

  24. As a "person of size", I can speak for myself and I assume Ms McCarthy (who doesn't need me to speak for her, of course) and say that I'm aware of my weight, sometimes painfully so, and someone else reminding me of it says more about them than me.

    The other day, someone called me a "fat f*c*" and I was offended. I mean, I'm not a f*c*. The fat part has no power over me any more.

  25. Not a very well written review, I understand that her size is one of the reasons she stands out in Hollywood but why is it even mentioned in a movie review? Has nothing to do with how good or bad the movie is.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Rex Reed is a jackhole. There is no place for all the insults directed at Melissa Mc Carthy. He would be within his right to say: I don't like her as an actor, comedian and I feel she is overrated But to sit there and trash her for her weight is uncalled for. It seems like making fun of overweight people is the last allowable prejudice.
    I believe it was when Mike and Molly first started as a show that a writer in Marie Claire stated she had no desire to see "fat people" in bed. So this isn't the first Melissa Mc Carthy has been in a controversy over her weight.

  28. I’m usually good with names/faces but I seriously thought Reed and Patrick Stoner were the same person. We are being used! Stop talking about tired old Rex Reed and clicking on his links! This is the most heat that queen has seen in 20+ years. I wouldn’t be surprised if he parlayed this into a Piers Morgan interview.

    As for Melissa McCarthy…Puh-LEEZE! This is the requisite stupid assed Chris Farley-esque “laugh at the fatty” movie she had to do in order to get a role in something else or get a pet project into production. Hollywood cranks out sh*t like this 10x a week. She doesn’t need to establish her brand, Bridesmaids did that. Everyone needs $$ but she’s got her steady Mike & Molly paychecks. Nope, she had to do this in exchange for something else. Enty said this would be on DVD in month. This bullshit is probably “On Demand Same Day in Theaters” right now!

    Let’s not fall into the “no body snark” argument. Life is too short. There’s a million skinny bitches in L.A. that are trying to get the same roles. If Melissa lost weight she’d look exactly like Michelle Monaghan (who was red hot in the mid 00’s) but do really need 2 of them? This is Melissa’s time right now, just as she is. Identity Thief is a blip that will be forgotten in – what movie were we talking about?

    1. You gotta admitt Tommyboy was funny.

  29. I personally am just not a fan insulting a persons physical features in general. Its just rude and unnecessary. Everyone has some kind of flaw that I am sure they are well aware of! What's the point of criticizing and making someone else feel like shit!

    Now if what you are wearing is ugly... well then fair game! You best know I am going to talk about you!

  30. I'm glad to see Hollywood making more movies that feature women of different sizes, but I'd love to see a one featuring Melissa or Rebel Wilson that wasn't contingent on the fat jokes. Both women are hilarious and open to using their size to draw a few laughs, but I think both women are talented and charismatic enough to be interesting in other types of roles. Octavia Spencer has beat the stereotype a bit with her role in The Help, but I haven't seen her in much else since.

  31. I cannot believe that angry old queen is still writing. For who? My uncle used to see him cruising when he was still around and he was a jerk then. Still a jerk now.

  32. There's a big difference between Rex Reed and Perez Hilton!!!!! One is (was) a respected critic. The other made a living off of being a douche bag critic. Perez went after people because that was his gimic. Comparing those two is ... not the best way to make a point.
    Was it being inferred that Rex reed can say this because he's gay? No. No he can't.

    1. Gay men make fun of women's looks all the time.who's the fashion critic from Top Model,the old white dude who dresses dapper,he was the Lopez show taking cracks at Hillary's ankles. Did the feminist groups protest and boycott? Hell naw.
      How ya gonna be mad at a man who doesn't find women attractive to begin with? He's gay.There's nothing appealing about a woman to him.

  33. Let's not rush to judge. It's totally plausible that Reed had put together a similar review that spared McCarthy any personal insults. But, just as he was about to file it, he looked over to see her, literally, shitting in his Wheaties. Think about it. It's the only logical explanation for why such an esteemed critic -- also known for starting the rumor that Marisa Tomei did not really win her Oscar and was once arrested for shoplifting a Peggy Lee CD -- would trash a skilled comedic actress. The alternative is, well, that he's just an asshole.

  34. Rex Reed has sucked for a long time. His review of Cabin in the Woods read like he hadn't even bothered to watch the movie, since he criticized things that didn't actually happen.

  35. What an ass....if it is truly you job keep the weight insults in your head, but to critique a movie and then add to it with fat insults...well that insults me and lots of other people too.

    I am sensitive to the issue because I am overweight and have my own issues to deal with but most common decent people look past the weight on people and if you can't well then the hell with you because you wouldn't be my friend. This also pertains to handicapped people, disfigured people etc.

    My brother was handicapped (he passed away at age 26) and we, as a family, were actually asked to move to a different table in a Coco's restaurant because the elderly couple next to us was uncomfortable looking at my brother (he was about 10 years old at the time), needless to say we refused and the couple left, that is the first and only time something like that ever happened. And it was my brother who was so embarrassed that he was the cause of the issue for those people. It wasn't enough that it was something for him and all of us to deal with his handicap but it hurt him. We were aware of what my brother looked like, we did not "force" it on anybody but it was a little shocking.

    So suck it Rex Reed!

  36. Rex Reed kisses Mel Gibson's ass every chance he gets. His reviews stopped being relevant in 1990. After he crapped over David Lynch I knew he was just a cranky moron.

  37. Anonymous11:22 AM

    @Jessi- Unless of course someone has a small "peen." Then it's okay to make fun of them.

    Surprising amount of gay bashing on a website devoted to Hollywood. I don't know what Rex Reed's sexuality has to do with anything.

    1. There's a certain sensibility at work there.Women complain about fashion models being too skinny or not "real" women, the clothes not designed to every female body type but they forget a lotta women's fashions are designed by men and gay men to be exact.a lotta hardcore porn (throatgagggers,pissing on women,bukkake,etc) are produced by gay men.
      Ever noticed some gays referring to women as "fish",they're alluding to the a woman's vagina smells.

      Some gays can't really stand women.
      The Nicollette Sheridan from Desperate housewives accused that producer of assualting her and called it gender violence.Why wasn't it a simple case of domestic violence? Because dude was gay.

  38. For what it's worth, I think Melissa McCarthy is beautiful.

  39. I read the review & couldn't believe that someone who is part of a community that has had more than its share of discrimination would feel that it was perfectly fine to attack Ms McCarthy's physical size. I was heartened by the fact that the comments left on his website were how unprofessional it was to comment on her looks & not her performance. It struck me that because he couldn't fault her performance, he attacked her personally. As a fat woman I have had this happen to me as well. It always reflects more on the person saying the nasty stuff than it does on the person on the receiving end. To any of you in the same boat, you must be pretty awesome if the only thing they can comment on is your weight. Have a great day.

  40. I had absolutely no idea he was still around, much less still reviewing movies.

    I'm pretty sure none of my adult kids would know who the hell he was if asked.

    Bitter, bitter, bitter end to his little career.

  41. I saw this movie already. It was a Friends episode.

  42. Insulting her size is just very mean-spirited. What is he, in Junior High or something?

  43. I thought he'd died years ago. Meanwhile MM is laughing all the way to the bank.

  44. agreed. Jokes that resort to humiliating based on a persons superficial features and/or race implies a lack of creativity and intelligence. It's nothing more that immature, juvenile humor and disgusting to see coming out of an adult let alone a child.

  45. He's a dickhead, always has been.

  46. I have a joke: Rex Reed used to be relevant.

  47. Rex Reed died years ago. Or was that his fame that died? I forget.

  48. Rex Reed is gay and folks on here are calling him a horsecock,dick,asshole,telling him to suck it,etc. LMBAO!!!

  49. Oh boy, here we go.

  50. As someone who has struggled off and on with my weight, and who sees how overweight people are treated in our society, I detest fat-shamers. It seems like people who are larger are fair game to the shallow and feeble-minded.

    I have a co-worker who eats about 1/5th of what everyone else I know eats, but who is heavy. It's metabolism, and genetics. People who ridicule overweight people truly suck. Some of the most incredible human beings I've ever known, have "weight issues" (for those who label people as such). My opinion is that their skin needs to expand to contain their big hearts and beautiful souls. Fat-shamers are just ugly human beings who gleefully out themselves as such, but who don't have the self-awareness to realize it.

  51. I don't make fun of people because of their size ( big or small). What they wear, and their stupidity is up for grabs though. Reed is a dumbass, and I'm sure he dresses funny.

  52. People make fun of people's appearances when they don't like them whether is their POVs or they felt like someone wrong them.

    Maher comparing Trump to an ape, Al Franken's book,"Limbaugh is a big FAT idiot"

    Public figures know how to roll with the punches.

  53. I'm with you guys that what Reed did was horrible -- it sucks that she's being called tractor-sized and a hippo. But calling him things like a bitter old queen or other insults built on being gay isn't any better. Using gay as an insult is wrong.

    Besides, there's so many better ones out there! Jackhole, douchebag, dillweed, fucking fuck! The combinations are endless! :D

    1. Using gay as an insult is wrong.

      What about words of femininity(sp) like: douchbag,pussy,boob,cunt,twat,girlie man,bitch,man-whore,he-bitch,punk,etc

      These words are associated with women and imply weakness.Men and Women throw these around meaning to insult and demean.

  54. I always found Enty's fat man persona to be hostile to the obese.

  55. @Just Curious, while I agree most of the words you wrote are to try to say a man is "less of a man", douchebag does not. It's a feminine product, yes, but it basically means the same thing as tool. Anyone can be a douche, hell I have called my pup a douche once or twice!

  56. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Rex Reed can STFU as far as I'm concerned.

  57. Calling Reed a "bitter old queen" is tantamount to him calling McCarthy "a hippo" or "a truck." Neither are acceptable in decent discourse these days (well, at least on the blue gulags).

    He's a jerk and cruel, but that has nothing to do with his sexuality, just as McCarthy's size has nothing to do with her talent.

  58. OKAY. I know this item was a long time ago, but I just wanted to say that I specifically went to see that movie just to piss Rex Reed off. As a lady of size, I went to represent, and it was def better than I thought it was going to be, although I don't even know if I had heard of it before all the hullaballoo. So I guess if Rex Reed's sizeist jerkiness got my big bum into a theatre seat, then he just might be good for something.
