Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Today's Blind Items - He's Scared

Back in the day before this A list all movie actor became who he is today he was just another actor trying to move up the ladder. That he went so high so quickly is not exactly hard to figure out when you hear about his casting couch experiences with men. Wait, you haven't heard about them, but you might in the very near future. It turns out that he once shared a very close, intimate relationship with one of his co-stars. She used to be A list in movies and television. She never had sex with our actor, but they became very close off-screen and he shared to her how he got the role in which they both starred and how he had got another previous role as well as his life growing up which he has never shared with anyone. Now, our actress is short of cash and has written a manuscript/historical fiction type book which barely fictionalizes those couple of months together. She envisions a book and a play and maybe a movie and apparently it is really really good. Every publisher who has seen it has loved it and then immediately passed because they are scared of what kind of wrath the actor will bring down on them. A few play producers have shown more gumption than the publishers and it might move straight to a play.


  1. I'm not good at these but...how about George Clooney?

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Garner, Victor Garber

    1. I thought of that, but Garner isn't hurting for money. Affleck is doing very well.

    2. Anonymous12:27 PM

      True. Works for both Cruise or Travolta, but the wrath part makes me think Cruise.

    3. Travolta and Kristie in Look Who's Talking or Olivia Newton John in Grease?

  3. This has to be someone who is not only A list but also powerful. Tom Cruise comes to mind.

  4. Tom Hardy. Wait he admitted that at first then backtracked right?

  5. Which Two actors star in multiple movies together?

    That's fucked up. I wouldn't trust no one in Hollywood.

  6. Replies
    1. Ooohh...I like your guess. ;-)

    2. Would a gay person out another?

  7. Wrath of the actor? I was thinking Tom Cruise as well.

  8. I second Ms Cool - Kelly McGillis.

  9. Michelle Rodriguez was with Renner in S.W.A.T., which was released after 'Dahmer'.

  10. So Tiny Midget....and Kelly McG is a good guess. Tom was nothing--small role in Outsiders, then shot to fame in Top Gun, shitty life growing up..and now if you mess with him, you face his wrath--or Scientology's

  11. Who is a former a list in both movies and television actress who is now hurting for money?

    I don't even know who Kelly McGillis is..

  12. Oooooh!! I'm liking Tom Cruise with Brooke Shields as the former A-Lister. She has an axe to grind too. BTW, the movie was early on in TC's career: Endless Love.

  13. Cruise and Gina Gershon.

  14. Tom Cruise was pretty much already A list or just on the cusp by the time Top Gun came along. Taps, Risky Business, All the Right Moves and Legend all predate Top Gun.

  15. Wow I was thinking Brad Pitt and his rise to fame after being the hot dude in Thelma & Louise.

    Kelly McGillis is an awesome guess though and yes, people would fear Tom Cruise's "wrath" for sure.

    However, this sounds like someone who isn't actually gay so I'm gonna maybe stick with Brad Pitt.

  16. What dragon said.

    @Onyx, Tom Cruise's co-star in Top Gun.

  17. Sam Worthington+ Wrath of the Titans?

    some one from that movie

  18. I imdb'd her, I really don't know her at all name or face lol. But doesn't look like she had much tv other than a few bit parts.

    I just think it might be more shocking than Tom and lets be serious if it was about Tom shed be in a secret hole somewhere by now ala Shelly.

  19. Kelly is a great guess but she's only said wonderful things about Tom. She also seems to have integrity, is happy where she is now, I don't think it's her.

  20. Kelly McGillis was in several top box office films in a row in the mid 1980's. Top Gun with Cruise, Witness with Harrison Ford, The Accused with Jodie Foster. She was A list for a few years.

  21. Tom cruise and Rebecca demornay in Risky Business as the movie that really made a lot of noise for him.

  22. Also Kelly was never on TV.

    But I do think the answer is Tom, what with "wrath".

  23. How about ah-nold, well known dick?

  24. A secret isn't a secret if you tell one other person....

  25. Oh what about Shelley Long? She was in a movie with him, Losin It. She was definitely A list, and was in movies and TV, and I don't see her as having any ethics.

  26. Not Victor Garber; he was always out, just not loud about it.

    I like the TC/KMcG train, however they were not too close after Top Gun. Brooke Shields maybe.

    Mel Gibson/Jodie Foster maybe fits too, however he has done TV early in his career and I don't think she is hurting for anything right now.

  27. Tom Cruise Leah Thompson

  28. Travolta/Donna Pescow
    (Sat Night Fever is the movie)

  29. Whoa Shelley tried to commit suicide in 04? I didn't know that. I also didn't know that the reason she left Cheers was because she had a newborn.

  30. Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd.

  31. I read this as Brad Pitt. Not sure who the one writing the tell all would be. Juliette Lewis comes to mind, but she's always the fall back guess, so I'm pretty sure it's not her. LOVE the TC guesses, though. Kelly McGillis just had an article out, I think it was about the anniversary or re-release of Top Gun, something like that. Could be her. IIRC, she's an out lesbian now. Not that it matters, but she's been pretty open and honest about what she's been up to, including the bout with alcoholism.

  32. We're discussing some one who isn't gay. travolta/cruise/etc dont fit!

    i say Brad Pitt

  33. "Gumption" hmmm, Tom-Hanks-y Panky anyone?

  34. Why would anyone want to read a book, go to a play and watch a movie about Jeremy Renner? And what power does he have over anyone?

    Lets get real people.

  35. I like Rebecca DeMornay and Tom Cruise for this one. Risky Business made Tom Cruise a star before Top Gun.

  36. Or Kevin Bacon and Lori Singer...she was huge in the 80s with Footliose and Fame

  37. I like the Willis Shepherd guess.

  38. Remember that the actress is hurting for money, so some of the guesses are clearly out for that reason.

    I forgot about Kelly being gay. That would really suck if it's her.

  39. Rebecca DeMornay is another good guess!

  40. Tom Hanks and Shelly Long from "The Money Pit"

  41. Maybe Kirstie alley and John travolta

  42. Leah Thompson is starring in an ABC Family Network show "Switched at Birth". Plus she had Caroline in the City. I doubt she's hurting for money.

  43. George Clooney and Roseanne Barr . That is why they never had sex.

  44. Thirding Bruce Willis Cybil Shepherd guess. Didn't she write a book a while back? Thinking Cybil would be out of cash by now.

  45. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I thought Brad Pitt and Geena Davis while reading this. She was in Commander in Chief on TV, and she's pretty much dropped out off the face of the acting world lately to fulfil her childhood dreams of becoming an Olympic archer. I can't imagine that pays very well. I also have no idea whether it was a childhood dream, but that sounds more romantic than 'I was the original Katnis'.

    Also, I can't imagine that producers would been keen to piss off Brad and Angelina. They're still worth too much.

  46. To me this screams Tom Cruise. Not sure about the actress though. Kelly has been pretty open about her life.

    Maybe Tom and Cher? Don't know if she is hurting for money, but she always made it a point to say "We just never talked about it" if she is now "talking about it" it would be epic!

    Oh wait, they never were in a movie together... dang, that would have been juicy!

  47. Wrath could be a clue for Brad Pitt as well bc of Seven.

    1. Thats kind of a dated reference: Seven.

      With the latest Die Hard coming out, I'm still thinking BW.

    2. Wrath of the Titans? I have no idea.

  48. Travolta/Olivia Newton John?

  49. I'm sick, so I could confused, but the way I read the blind it doesn't necessarily have to be his first big hit. It could be a co-star from another big movie he did and he was just telling her about how he got his other roles and his upbringing.

  50. What a C U Next Tuesday! So much for friendships in Hollywood.

  51. Brad Pitt and Harley Jane Kozack, she wrote her first novel in 2005. Has not worked much lately.

  52. I know I'm wrong, but I'm trying to think back to A list TV AND Movie. Kristy MacNichol? She would have been A-list back in the day for both. Brooke Shields would be A-list after Suddenly Susan-if Enty is fudging the times again...
    Bruce WIllis has been vocal about his childhood check his wiki page.
    I don't think Kelly McGillis was ever A-list TV.
    Ugggh, sorry everyone I'm rambling.

  53. Cybil Sheppard seems like she couldn't keep a secret like that for 2 months let alone 20+ years. She is always outspoken and talking trash about people.

  54. Why would publishers worry about what wrath Tom Cruise would bring down on them, and playwrights wouldn't? I doubt he has much sway over either industry.

    I'm thinking it's got to be someone connected to Hearst or Barnes and Noble or something like that. Who's related to a media mogul?

  55. John Travolta Kirsty Alley?

  56. Topper, there are many CoS members in Hollywood, could very well be in publishing but may not be in theater.

    This is someone who is scared and powerful - which fits Tom perfectly. His castle has fallen down, and if this kind of news got out it will finish him as an action star.

  57. I'll go with Clooney and Mrs. Garrett from Facts of Life or Leo and Joanna "lifetime movie channel" Kerns from Growing Pains. Maybe Michael J Fox and Geena Davis. She had a three episode deal as the Keaton's nanny.

    Cybill wouldn't keep this a secret. She talks about her and Elvis "the one thing he wouldn't eat before me!" in every interview now.

  58. I think Mistymoo has something there. Roseanne was A+++ back in the day and George Clooney not only has a lot of pull in Hollywood, but a lot to lose as a sex symbol.

  59. Cybil and Bruce HATED each other. There is no way he confessed anything to her.

    And I think Brad would be considered A+ right?

    The Clooney-Roseanne is an interesting guess though.

  60. What about Chris Evans and Jessica Alba?

  61. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Tom Cruise fo sho. Travolta's already as good as out, or been outed. Brad Pitt, if this was about him wouldn't be someone who's "wrath" you'd be afraid of, he'd send a nice polite letter from his lawyer, but there wouldnt' be any wrath.

  62. I know its not them, but damn I wish this was John Travolta and Kirstie Alley!

  63. I agree that Tom is the only supposedly closeted (but only in his own mind, he's out to everyone else) big time actor who would "bring wrath" down on anyone for this. Brad Pitt would probably shrug and toke up...Pitt has nothing to prove to anyone, probably wouldn't even care if anything thought he was gay.

  64. I don't think Kirstie Alley is hurting for money, and I think she and John are pretty close still, aren't they? Plus they're both $cientolonuts.

  65. Hi all! First time commenting, long time lurker.

    Something about this has me thinking Kirstie Alley and John Travolta. Kirstie is in the photos today and the wrath part could be a reference to her first movie Wrath of Khan.

    Just some thoughts..

  66. Arnold SChwarzenrtlkrjg and Brigitte Neilsen?

  67. I make that guess solely on the fact that if ANYONE is hard up for cash - it's Brigitte.

  68. I agree with Redshirt...I think the wording is a clue..Travolta and Alley. She's the type to write a tell-all. She's always so open about her life and throws everyone under the bus. Don't forget what she did to Patrick Swayze's widow.

  69. Adrien Brody and Asia Argento, who has admitted bisexuality and wouldn't think it a b

  70. Adrien Brody and Asia Argento. She has admitted to bisexuality, so to her this would be no big deal. But Adrien would probably have a problem with it. She's written some out there stuff as well.

  71. Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler.

  72. figgy made a great point about Brad, and I agree. Brad would probably use the 'outing' of his casting couch past as a way to speak out and stop it from happening to anyone else (if that were possible). He has NOTHING to prove, and isn't that bothered for 'wrath.'

    I would be disappointed in anyone being outed, other than TC, because he's such a sanctimonious ASS. I would be very disappointed in Roseanne if she told Clooney's secrets. Not cool.

  73. What about Travolta and Olivia newton John?

  74. @msgirl, Shelley Long is an *excellent* guess. Co-sign to it.

  75. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Plenty of actors have used the casting couch. Not everyone graduates from Yale or Julliard, or has a famous mommy or daddy. Just call the play "Frisky Night Fever."

  76. I think this is talking about Tom and Rebecca. She was definitely A list for a long time. Did a remake of The Shining for TV. I remember seeing photos of them hanging out at clubs around the Risky Business time. Plus I think she has the intelligence and drive to write an interesting script.

  77. Geena Davis had a good supporting role on TV's Buffalo Bill, then a tiny part in Tootsie; did her big movies, including Thelma and Louise with Brad; later did her lady president TV show. I think it's Geena. Geena is also a really good writer. Her coworkers on Buffalo Bill talked about this a lot back in the day; they said she had written most of an episode but not finished it and they all wanted her to finish it because it was the best script they had ever seen.

    Between archery practices, surely she would have loads of time for writing these days?

  78. What about Kristy Alley and John Travolta? Remember they had that emotional affair.

  79. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling? They seem pretty tight in a non sexual way and she might be able to write a screenplay, she seems not too stupid.

  80. I don't think Kelly McGillis was ever A list on television.

    I don't even know if you could call her an A-list movie actress with really on 2 high profile roles.

  81. Don't think this is Cruise. There have been rumors about him being a pool boy, etc. and the blind states we haven't heard the stories before.

    Besides, Cruise isn't known to have close, extremely intimate relationships with anyone but Davey Miscavaige.

  82. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I think this is Travolta/Alley... especially with her recently talking about their emotional connection throughout the Look Who's Talking movies (which I love btw!) I really can't think of anyone else. And the wrath could be Scientology and his lawyers, who seem to be rather busy lately.

  83. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Plus, Grease and Saturday Night Fever seem more "back in the day" to me than Risky Business and other Tom movies.

  84. Anonymous4:11 PM

    lol I never comment more than once, but we know she's hard up for cash if she is doing Dancing with the once and wannabe stars.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan!!!

  87. John Travolta - Debra Winger - Urban Cowboy.

    She is has already written one book entitled "Undiscovered", were she reflects on the transformations and turning points in her public and private lives.

  88. Debra Winger did commercials and guest-starred on 70s TV shows like "Police Woman: Task Force: Cop Killer: Part 1 (#2.23)" (1976) and "The New Adventures of Wonder Woman" (1975) where she played Lynda Carter's younger sister Drusilla (Wonder Girl) on the TV show.

  89. Tom Hanks and Elizabeth Perkins

  90. Tom doesnt confide in people like that ,especially a woman! now if enty had said paull newman told him, then i would say its TOM so i call clooney or pitt

  91. Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron (2 movies together) or Carrie-Anne Moss (3 movies together). I'd say Sandra Bullock too but she's still A list.

    1. They wont o that too Keanu. he is too nice.

  92. Travolta is not all-movie. Break out star on Welcome Back Kotter (TV).

  93. What is Lily tomlin up to these days? She did that awful movie with Travolting in the 70s and she certainly can write. Maybe shes become totally repulsed by him?

  94. Not much of a friend whoever it is. Why does everyone always think George Clooney is gay??? I never get that impression. Not that it matters I'd still find him just as hot as I do now. Just like I think Matt Bomer is smokin hot and I have no trouble finding him believable as a romantic lead in anything.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. So, how's Minnie Driver doing these days? I could have sworn I read last year that she was living beachside somewhere.....

  97. Minnie..great guess..

  98. So someone's written a roman a clef about their old friend's rocky road to stardom, eh? Well, it has been a while since Valley of the Dolls came out, hasn't it?..My best guess would be that the actor is involved w/CO$, because if I were a publisher I'd worry a lot more about them than I would any given A-lister, no matter how much he foamed at the mouth; no idea on the woman, though. (Oh, and Welcome Back, Kotter was 35 years ago, so I think calling Travolta an "all movie actor" is perfectly appropriate by now. Just sayin'...)

  99. I think we should eliminate John T, the blind says we have not heard about them, the tabloids out Travolta at least once a year. We can also eliminate anyone associated with bullock since she isnt hard up for cash!

  100. Edward Norton, Primal Fear, Laura Linney or Alfre Woodard, though I hate my guess bc I love both these women and can't see them doing this. I can see Edward Norton being a total ass and wrathful (-and he was in Fight Club). He was also in People v. Larry Flynnt with strapped strapped Courtney Love, but she isn't TV.

  101. My other guess is Mathew McConahay (sp wrong, sorry) and Ashley Jidd, who starred in Time to Kill... Maybe Daario pulled plug before prenup payout...

  102. re Clooney/Roseanne. It says he told her how he got the role they both starred. He would've gotten his role on Roseanne from her, so I'd think it rules them out.

  103. Tom Cruise and Meg Ryan, she was on As the World Turns...
    (so high so fast =top gun) (wrath =some bizarre scientology god/nonsense)

    'Ravolta and Alley are tight and she doesn't need the money between dwts and endorsements

    What throws me off is "gumption" : is this a Forest Gump reference? Hanks isn't all movie, neither is Clooney though
    Robin Wright and someone?

  104. I seriously think Cruise for some of the clues:

    *high (Top Gun)
    *near future (Minority Report)
    *manuscript/historical fiction type book (Far & Away with Kidman)
    *barely fictionalizes (Eyes Wide Shut)
    *"short" of cash
    *play twice - Katie Holmes has been in play(s?) recently
    *"straight" to a play
    *never had sex (rumors that he & Nic weren't intimate)

    I'm tripped on A list movie & tv, and "role in which they both starred." Or does that mean movie? A role shared by a male and female actor at some point?

  105. The actor is probably Cruise, but it could also be Renner, Hardy, Bradley Cooper or even Sam Worthington. Colin Farrell, too, actually (heard some stuff about him and Kevin Spacey, whom I believe also had a hand (ahem!) in Renner's rise).

  106. Ally Sheedy writes and her mother is a top New York literary agent.

  107. No idea about the actress, but have heard many many time that this actor is Matthew Mcconnoughhey (sp).

  108. Whilst I really like the idea of enty leaving a whole heap of literal clues in each of the blinds for us I'm afraid I have seen way too many that are so poorly written that my brain hurts just trying to understand what he's getting at :)

    p.s. I think this is TC all the way!

  109. Oh, Anna. Now I'm walking around saying, "Hah, Uhm Ollay Shayday."
