Friday, February 01, 2013

Your Turn

Do you watch Groundhog Day every year? I do. I find it fascinating that we have a movie for the holiday that many people watch, but is not actually a day off or that was even paid attention to by many people until the movie came out.


  1. Groundhog Day!

    I only care bc I have lots of family in PA. It's a totally wacky thing to take a sleeping groundhog out and flash him about.

    I love this movie. Who doesn't love Bill and all his antics?

  2. I've only seen Groundhog Day about three times, so it's definitely not a tradition, but I do like it a lot.

  3. I love Bill Murray and the movie, but I don't watch it every year. I don't think I actually ever viewed it on Groundhog Day.

  4. I don't, but I think I'll start! My favorite one is when he just kidnaps the groundhog and drives off a cliff. Never gets old!

    1. Well, maybe he's ok...
      *truck explodes*

  5. I hated that movie when I saw it - it never seemed to end. But since then I've heard so many good things about it, I think I'll watch it again.

  6. One of my all time faves!
    Hey there wood chuck chuckers! It's GROUNDHOG DAY!
    It's cold out there! It's cold out there every day! What do you think this is? Miami Beach!?
    Phil? Hey, Phil? Phil! Phil Connors? Phil Connors, I thought that was you!Hey, hey! Now, don't you tell me you don't remember me because I sure as heckfire remember you. Ned... Ryerson. Needlenose Ned? Ned the Head? C'mon, buddy. Case Western High. Ned Ryerson! I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show? Bing! Ned Ryerson! got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing, again. Ned Ryerson! I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple times until you told me not to anymore? Well?

    Ahh, classic.

    1. My fav line, after andie macdowel tells murray hiw much fun the people had all night dancing and such:" yeah, they're hicks!" So majestically rude!

  7. Yup! We're planning on watching it many times tomorrow.

  8. Do you know I have never seen this movie? When I told my husband his face was priceless! It's weird too, because I'm a total movie like that type person. It's on my list!

  9. I don't think I have ever seen that movie the entire way through. Boy it sure has become a total cult classic.

  10. I've never liked Bill Murray, I've never liked Andie MacDowell, I didn't like that movie when it came out, and I have no ambition to see it again. Watching Bill Murray do the same thing over and over and over is my idea of a great big drag!

  11. I don't make a point of watching it ON Groundhog Day. More like I make a point of watching it whenever possible. I freaking LOVE that movie.

  12. I like it, but the only movie I watch every year is A Christmas Story.

    1. FSP - I'd never watched that movie all the way through until this past Christmas at Mr. Disco's insistence. I was convinced I was going to hate it but it was hilarious! The line that made me laugh the hardest was "Dad's gonna kill Ralphie!" It was just perfect. Sorry about gushing over a movie everyone's seen a million times but I'm excited to have viewing it be a tradition now.

    2. @disco - that's one of my fav lines too. So cute when she hands him the milk and closes the cabinet door. :-)

  13. My little sister loved that movie. She'd watch it over and over and over... For that reason, the very mention of Groundhog Day gives me nightmares.

  14. LOL Sugar! Guess what I'll be watching tomorrow.

    My mom and I used to watch it together every year. Then I moved cross country. But I still try to watch it at least once a year.

    How awesome (or painful) would that be to have an extended period of time to learn piano, a foreign language, and listen to Sonny and Cher every morning?

    I got you Babe!!!

  15. I love this movie! No one in my family understands...

  16. Don't drive angry!

  17. I watch it every Ground Hogs day and several other times thru the year. I love the movie. And my dearly departed grandmothers birthday is tomorrow so its a special day for the family. I live an hour away from Punx so its a big day around here!

    1. Where do you live?! I live in Elk County. A little over an hour from Punxy

  18. RCB - I was waiting for you to post. I knew you'd have the Groundhog Love!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. You know me so well Dia! Have a great weekend too, I know I already am because I had the day off! I've been watching Thor and Star Trek all day :)

    2. I'm totally jealous. Although I'm watching a rerun of Big Bang Theory. Go Nerds! Not the same as Thor's abs!

  19. Love this movie so much! I don't have any kind of tradition around it though.

  20. I've seen it several times (and I do think it's hilarious) but not yearly. Like FSP, my only yearly is Christmas - "It's a Wonderful Life," "Elf," & Charlie Brown are musts in our house.

  21. NO! I hatehatehate that movie. We used to own it after a mix up with an old roommate, it sat on a bookshelf for 8 years till we finally sold it to Halfprice Books.

  22. I love that movie and the holiday. I ridiculously love groundhogs.

    1. Me too!! It's a rare animal to love, lol

  23. Love it.

    I said... Call me bronco!

  24. Never seen it all the way through, dont want to

  25. Groundhog's Day is my birthday.....I don't watch the movie every year, but I do watch Clueless every year--that's my tradition. Lol

    1. Ruby - it's my birthday, too! And if the movie is on, I watch it. However, I have decided that I will not be aging this year. Instead, I will be losing years ala Benjamin Buttons.

    2. Ruby - it's my birthday, too! And if the movie is on, I watch it. However, I have decided that I will not be aging this year. Instead, I will be losing years ala Benjamin Buttons.

  26. "A Christmas Story" is the only movie I watch every year also. "Goundhog Day" is ok, but not the funniest I've ever seen.

  27. I used to work with a guy who is the spitting image of Ned Ryerson, lol. This and What About Bob? are my fave Bill Murray movies.

  28. Yes AMC is getting into the spirit of things and doing a marathon so you turn on the tube anytime and catch it.
    'For your information,HAIRDOO'

  29. Yes! I love this movie. Just watched it a couple months ago and will probably watch it again if it's on Crackle.

  30. Yes. This is a movie, that makes me smile just from hearing the title. The no reaction look on Bill Murray's face cracks me up.

  31. No, even though my TV-movie sister stars.

  32. I think Groundhog Day has got to be one of the worst movies ever.

  33. I love the movie but I never want to hear "I've Got You Babe" by Sonny & Cher ever again after seeing it so many times. It's right up there with "It's a Small World After All" at Disneyland. Too much of a bad thing is a bad thing.

    1. I feel exactly the same lazyday603. Both those songs make me gnash my teeth.

  34. Um, no one pays attention to Groundhog Day?? I guess you've never lived in the snowbound Northeast, where we are disappointed every year when Puxatawney Phil sees his shadow on Feb 2 and we have to live through another 6 weeks of winter. Believe me, we are all aware of Groundhog Day.

    I'm in the middle of a lake effect snow storm right now. It will be a whiteout on the drive home. For those of you who don't know what lake effect snow is, it's when a storm system travels over the Great Lakes, picks up a TON of moisture, then snows heavily and repeatedly on us. A foot of snow doesn't even slow us down, roads are cleared very quickly in Central New York.

    A little sunshine would be nice right now!

  35. I really like it! My kids do too. We don't watch it every year though.

  36. We love this movie and watch it if it's on, but don't make it a yearly thing.
    We used to watch Las Vegas
    Vacation before every trip down from Seattle, then we started going every other month to look for a house and it got really old in a hurry. We always thought it was good luck to watch it, and it seemed to work that way.

  37. Since it has not been mentioned, I have to tell you all how important this movie is to fans of Buddhism. Bill Murray's character transformation from the barely tolerable onscreen talent, who exploits everything he can from the repeating day until he discovers it leaves him unfulfilled, then decides he'd rather die than live this way, then the admission that he is a god, to the fact that no matter how rehearsed, he cannot bed Andie McDowell...until he finally begins changing and starts helping people, starting with the dying homeless man... and it is his maturation and development as a kinder human being that finally releases him from the loop (and find true love).

    Anyway, its a very interesting movie if you look at it that way. Not an endorsement, but here is more:,3680,0,0,1,0

  38. Sorry, better link is this one:

  39. Jim, I had never thought of it in that regard , but now you've brought it to my attention the message is so obvious, I can't belive I didn't notice. Thanks

  40. Going to Puxatawney PA for groundhogs day one year is on my bucket list.. Too much fun to pass up! That and Salem Mass for Halloween are the two " holidays " I would love to celebrate properly!

  41. I hated the move Groundhog Day. Maybe I'd like it now that I'm an adult but I think I have better things to do with my time.

  42. I think we've already seen it twice today...

  43. it's great, except for Andie McDowell.

    People with too much free time ran the numbers, and he was probably trapped there for 10-30 years.

  44. I've only seen it once. I saw it when I was a kid and I didn't love it. Maybe I should re-watch?

  45. Testiment to how wonderfully made that movie is. Nobody cares about the holliday, but the acting and writing (and directing) make this movie the most watchable film of all time.
