Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Andy Cohen Talks About Adrienne Maloof's Exit

Knowing that she was going to be replaced for next season of RH-Beverly Hills, Adrienne chose to skip the reunion. We all knew that, but Bravo had never confirmed that she skipped the reunion until yesterday when they released this clip of the reunion show. Brandi Glanville has never looked happier when hearing the news and Andy Cohen is just a little ticked off.


  1. Yeah, Andy's pissed because Adrienne is still threatening to sue anyone who talks about the fact that she used a surrogate. Ya, I said it. And I feel confident saying it because I ain't got shit, Dron!

  2. I don't watch these shows, so I have no opinion whatsoever on any particular person. However, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't show up to do more "work" after being fired either.

    And um...if she DID use a surrogate, suing anyone would be ludicrous. You can't be prosecuted for telling the truth.

  3. @vip, she admitted to it after alllll of that in the life and style article. I thought that's why Andy was pissed. They signed agreements then she just up and has a sit down with a mag and admits everything she stopped them from talking abt. Either way, lovedddd his shade.

    And omg how awful was the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick about this on last nights ep.

    1. You should see all the negative comments on Faye Resnick's "design" FB page.

    2. @katie This makes me irrationally happy!!

    3. The fuck!?! Did I miss the reunion show!?!?

    4. @Sugar Don't worry, you haven't missed it!! Part 1 of the reunion will air immediately following the season finale next Monday. Then the OGs of the OC are back the following Monday on April 1st!! Oh, how I've missed Tamra's snark!

    5. I think it's going downnnnn in the OC this season!

    6. Sorry I was busy, but this is awesome. Everyone hates her. The reunion looks soo good, Andy said Brandi "drops a bomb" on Kyle at it. The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick is def trying to whore herself into the evil drama creator role but she also has to be a huge bitch to pull it off as much as she she has been in the first place. Her tone is so annoying. "You're being misled by a very bad girl" like Yolanda's ten years old and Brandi wasn't standing right there. She needs to go. Well I still wouldn't mind a Dinner w/ Friends of Hws show hahaha, bring back Alison Dubois!

  4. If she confirmed to a publication that she did infact use a surrogate than how does she have a case anymore?

  5. I don't know how she had a case in the first place tbh. Adrienne Discusses Surrogacy

    1. @Onyx Exactly! She has no case!!! Apparently her role model in life is John Travolta. Let's sue everyone who tells the truth about us! And I love that she's trying to blame Brandi for breaking up her family. Ya, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Adrienne is a huge bitch

  6. LaToya Jackson asked Andy about it on WWHL last night, and he still wasn't allowed to say anything about the surrogate thing. Pisses me off. And yes, I realize it's not technically "suing," just sending a bunch of cease and desist letters. Apparently Adrienne forgot that she lives in America where you're not supposed to sue people for telling the truth!!

  7. Talk about biting the hand....

    Soon she will be a teensy footnote in pop culture.

    You just know she sits around wondering why her wildly bad taste doesn't appeal to the masses. I'm sure it has nothing to do with her dull personality and lack of humor.

  8. And noooow RHOBH discuss...Perfect place for it. I read all the discussion the other day and now I want to see that episode and I HATE reality tv. Do not make me like it you guys.

  9. Good bc Adrienne was dead weight and a total fake! I just watched the last episode and I hope Faye goes with her!! I can't stand them!

  10. Yeah I think brandi and Andy signed their right to talk about it away, but if its true I don't know why they signed. I can't figure out why else they wouldn't be allowed to talk abt it.

  11. And her new hairdo is an absolute disaster! She can do no right!

  12. I find the cast blogs to be most fascinating. It seems the past two weeks Yolanda is really letting her true thoughts out about all the shenanigans.

    Marissa seems like such an unhappy person. Ditto for Adrienne. OMG. Her party was beyond TACKY/creepy. I can't believe the season is already ending. Jersey felt like it went on forevs. These are the only two I watch. I'll catch Atlanta every now and again, but I'm faithful to Bev Hills and Jersey.

    I'm curious to see Kim and Kyle. Yolanda brushes on their relationship in her blog. It's very interesting. I do wish Kathy Hilton was on this mess.

    I wonder if Paul will show up to the reunion. This show is so juicy....

    1. @Susan Wait, have you never seen the original RHOC?! Stick around after part 2 of the BH reunion on April 1st so you can see the magic that is Vicki Gunvalson!! She's the reigning champ, 8 seasons and counting. And Lauri Peterson is making a comeback

  13. Sugar - Upcoming Monday is the finale; the next week is the reunion. You didn't miss it.

  14. I think Faye is the epitome of being an opportunist. She realized there's an "enemy hw" spot opening up... She brings the drama, accepts her role, and manages to stir the pot. i don't think she cares if she's hated because she's still talked about and loves the attention regardless if its negative.

  15. least we now know Brandy may have a big mouth...but Brandy doesn't lie.

    First season...I loved Adrienne and Lisa, couldn't stand Camille and Kyle. 2nd season I loved Lisa and Camille, and hated Adrienne, Kyle and Taylor. 3rd season...I love Lisa, Brandy and Yolanda. I can't stand Kyle, Adrienne and Taylor.

    I want to be friends with Lisa, Brandy and Yolanda. They're awesome and have each others backs. They don't throw each other under the bus. That Kyle is so 2 faced.

    1. You've brought my feelings into words. Sniff sniff. Thank you!

  16. Oh...and Faye Resnick ain't no lady. She's a scumbag who wrote a book looking to make money off the murder of her bff Nicole Simpson. She's a money grubbing piece of trash with too much plastic surgery. She made a fool out of herself in front of Yolanda and Brandy.

  17. Paul taped a segment for the reunion, it is supposedly him saying that in no way did Brandi break up their marriage.

    Anyone with half a good eye could see that she was openly hostile to him since the very first episode.

  18. Camille's inner bitchiness is coming back out this season, IMO. It's like she dropped her image consultant.

    OMG. It probably eats Adrienne and Kyle alive that Lisa is so well liked. How is she doing on DWTS?

    And the morally corrupt Faye Resnick with her lady talk. Bwahhhhhhhhhh. Isn't there a rule that if you've posed in a dirty mag, you've pretty much thrown out all credibility on ladylike-ness?

  19. I want to be Lisa, Brandy and Yolanda's friends as well. Lisa likes to uplift people and Yolanda does as well, but I sometimes have difficulty reading her ... I think it's cultural.

    I like that she gets along with her ex's and David's ex's as well. It says a lot about her as a person. I am sure Taylor brought Linda to the party to start something, but they are all above that nonsense.

  20. Don't let the door hit you on the way out Adrienne..
    As for Faye, she's just repulsive.

  21. Here's the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick being classy. Only click on it if you have your bucket of brain bleach ready and you're not a work :)

  22. Crila16, she wrote 2 books on the murder and did the playboy spread. Such a lady making money off her best friends murder.

    One was something about the private diaries of Nicole Brown Simpson.

    Yes private diaries as in not for your bff to exploit to make a buck.

    She then followed that up with Shattered in the Eye of the Storm.

    In both books she says Nicole told her on many occasions that OJ was trying to kill her, yet this was never passed on to the LAPD and was only heard about in the books....

    In the second book she claims she met with her lawyer for him to document evidence that she had the OJ was the killer.

    At best she is a liar, at worst she withheld evidence that could have put her BFFs killer behind bars.

  23. Oh I CANNOT wait for RHOC starts. It is my absolute FAVORITE! Looks like Gretchen and Tamra are on the outs again and why has nobody addressed Vicki's ever changing face??? It's horrendous.

  24. *to start* I was clearly way too excited to form a sentence.

  25. Using a surrogate was her secret? Why is she ashamed of that and why did Brandi feel like it was something to be revealed?

    Andy and Bravo need to learn that they should wait to make any casting announcements until after the reunions.

  26. I dislike Adrienne but what Brandi did was wrong. Just like she has in her own family she used the kids as collateral damage out of vegence. Sooner or later she will piss off Andy and be off the show. As for Faye she is human sludge.

  27. seriously, how can anyone care about this? there is alot of botox on those couches.

  28. Okay I will add this..I actually saw the epi (or part of) where Faye Resnick was intro'd to the group. I am a pretty good judge of character and it's more than obvious that there is something NQR with Faye. I think she's like Asslee Simpson. She'll do anything or anyone to get/stay famous.

  29. See ya mawoof hoof. She is the biggest phony ever. Won't even notice her being gone.

  30. I used to not like Yolanda but she's really growing on me. I love how she's no nonsense and I loved how she grabbed Marissa's face and told her that if she has an issue with someone, to say it to their face instead of gossiping about them.

  31. Everything from Adrienne's nose, to her hair, to her teeth, to her eye color is fake. She has bothered the ever-loving shit out of me ever since she came on the Bravo scene.

    I guess Faye has temporary amnesia about what a heinously disgusting person she is, to profit from her "best friend's" death. I think Brandi's best line yet is when she said Faye "walked up and put her dick on the table" that made me LOL

  32. I just hope they do NOT bring Faye on as a BH Housewive next season. I cannot stand her, though I have a funny feeling that Andy will because he senses that she will be good for ratings. If they do I hope they bring on someone who is can shut her down at every turn since it seems these women do not know how to read Faye for filth. On the same note, when did Camille become Faye's biggest supporter? She hated her first season

    1. @Montana I would be surprised if they brought Faye on full-time. Andy tends to get rid of 'wives that are universally hated and only there to start problems (see Jill Zarin and Danielle Staub)

    2. If faye comes on that'll be awful. Apparently I've read they're trying too woo LeAnn Rimes onto the show. Which would be the meanest thing ever to Brandy.

  33. I don't care for Adrienne but she is the one who got Brandy on the show. I think Brandy is a shitty friend for revealing something so private that was, in all probability, told to her in trust. I think it's just a matter of time before she spills some Foster and Vanderpump secrets.

  34. Adrienne is NOT the one who brought Brandi on the show. That was Bravo's clunky way of introducing her. As if Brandi and Adrienne are in the same social circles! I don't know what Bravo was thinking! It would have made more sense to have Taylor introduce her, because they're on the same social/economic level.

    I don't know if this is true, but I've heard that in one of TMC Faye Resnick's books, she's claimed that she and her best friend Nicole Simpson had a lesbian affair. Has anyone read her books?
    What a lady!

    Pardon my laziness, but I'm just going to cut and paste what I posted in yesterday's Blind Item #2:

    Last night's ep was GOLDEN. I thought that Marisa was going to be a breath of fresh air but she's trying too hard to ingratiate herself and I'm beginning to think that she's just not very bright. Seriously. And when she said that she thought that Brandi found her husband hot and that her husband thought so too... way to throw your husband under the bus! Again!

    Adrienne has her tacky party for some drink she's shilling; does she need the money that badly to sell shoes and now vodka? Paul sprays himself to look like a tree and Adrienne does a talking head segment and basically calls him an attention whore. Nice. She NEVER has a nice word for him. If he has his hand in the small of her back while they're walking she will tell him to stop pushing her. If he's holding her hand, he's pulling her. What a BITCH.

    Lisa's party: I don't think her house is all that great but OMG the grounds and the view... PARADISE! Guests are circulating and The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick strikes, sticking her nose into a conversation and refuses to leave when she's politely asked to excuse herself! She thinks that she if she utters her venomous words in dulcet tones, she's being lady-like. SKANK!

  35. I wonder how many Chanel handbags Faye Redneck has to borrow to cover her man-parts?

  36. I stand corrected then Mango. My bad. Monday can't get here fast enough. Can't wait to see Lisa and Faye throw down.

  37. Lol at the comments! Dislike FR and Camille was completely agreeing with her with her insinuating herself into the conversation...really? I think Camille lost some popularity notches there especially when she tried really hard to get over all of the negative publicity she had over first season.

    Marissa could learn alot and I loved it when Yolanda told called her on her sh*t about telling it (the text from Brandi) as a gossipy story. The "ladies" were all over that especially Kyle.

    Not going to miss Adrienne at all, it would be fun if Paul stayed in as a male housewife though.

    Tired of Kyle and Kim's shenanigans as if their hands are not dirty, hmmmm.

    Can't wait for my favorite RHOC..whoo hoo!!

  38. @mango, your summary is perfect, I DVR so I'm usually a day late watching lol. I read that abt Faye though it is in her book. What a soulless bitch.

    Omg though, I found this site, you girls should read this. The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick read the newspaper article they have a photo of....this trick started as a manicurist and married well. Cokehead, previous arrests, and she got her book deal thru a connection with OJ's DEFENSE attorney. What a classy broad.

  39. The MCFaye Resnick (as named by Camille, what is up with the new besties act?) revealed her truly horrible personality on this last episode. What a vile creature. And I loved the friendship demonstrated by Yolanda when she was sticking up for Brandi. I think Marissa thought her "i want to sleep with other guys" story line was going to be fun and frisky and instead came off as weird, awkward and anti-Dean. She is remarkably unself-aware. The red party was disturbing, and I won't miss the Hoof a bit.

  40. The thing about Brandi is deeper than just Eddie's betrayal. She has very deep issues regarding honesty. At one of the dinners Adrienne was talking about her pregnancy/labor..that's what brought it up. She was lying.

    And then again when Adrienne was upset with Lisa for not supporting her business, The Palms, Brandi corrected the ladies by saying the Maloofs only own 2%, so a bunch of girls staying at The Palms would not have made a dent in Adrienne's bank account.

    Brandi does not deal well with deception.

  41. All of the other housewives knew Adrienne used a surrogate. Brandi was listing examples of Adreinne's lies and the surrogacy cover up was one lie in a list of examples that Brandi gave at dinner in Ohai.

  42. Andy's not pissed because of her skipping the reunion, he's pissed because she tried to sue Bravo.

    He let Jacq Laurita get away with missing a reunion due to her being "devastated" over a freaking fashion show fight and she never got any kind of slap on the wrist and she's still on the show.

    Andy probably got in trouble with corporate for letting his housewives get out of line.

  43. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. PS...I think Terri is correct--the issue is not that the surrogacy was a secret--the issue was Brandi was saying that Adrienne is a liar and one of the lies she had told was about her experience with the pregnancy, labor, and delivery of the twins.

    Everyone knew they were born via surrogate so it was just Adrienne trying to top someone else's pregancy story--I believe what triggered it was Brandi sharing her book deal...and Adrienne immediately chiming in that SHE had a book deal--that got Brandi going.

  45. The idea that Adrienne is suing people is somewhat groundless. I have to sound like Adrienne, but what court was the suit filed in?

  46. Barton, she wrote letters threatened lawsuits, which meant that everyone had to get their lawyers involved. Whether she filed the paperwork or not, it doesn't make her less of a pain in the ass to deal with.

  47. OMG. I just dug around yesterday's blind items to read the post that was hijacked, and I'm kicking myself that I missed that shit. The ONE day I don't meticulously follow the blinds!?!?! Dying at how many of you make your husbands watch RH. I would NEVER.

    I can't wait to find out what casting changes will be made. I bet you Camille will be brought back full-time.

  48. Yeah, it would have been okay if it wasn't the same constant drumbeat of "she filed suit! she filed suit!" over and over. I'm gonna wait for Brandi to publish the letter that silenced her -- or, rather, that didn't silence her, as she talked and talked and talked and talked, mostly talking about how afraid she was to talk, given that she couldn't talk (and talk and talk and talk) about Adrienne.

  49. Susan, even I force my significant other to watch the Real Housewives shows, and he hated it totally at the start. Soon, he was all like "I can't stand that NeNe" and "You're wrong, Kyle is unbearable." He does agree with me, however, that Gretchen is the bomb.

  50. Barton - My husband will sometimes watch 10 minutes of RHNJ with me and he'll make some random observation. He usually retreats to the man room by the first commercial to beat his chest or watch a game or something.... I kind of agree with your honey - Kyle IS unbearable, with her Crystal Gale hair and evil cartoon villain. The daughter Portia is hella cute. I truly believe that porn shots of Lisa's closet and Yolanda's refrigerator should be mandatory for each epi. The epi featuring Marissa's inlaw's house blew me away. That house was fabulous. Something about Lisa's new house is kinda off for me, though. I think it's the whole name and entranceway. It totally gives a restaurant vibe. It's kind of weird...

    BH is so intriguing to me because the money these bitches have is just insane.

    I need to go to sleep....

  51. Lisa's house looks like an old Volvo showroom that was filled with furniture. That is something off about it.

  52. ^Crystal Gale laugh. Love that I catch my error 8 and a half hours later.

    Yes to the car showroom! Probably due to all of the windows? But her closet...Oh, her closet.

  53. I'm beyond late, but I just watched the last episode tonight and my favorite was Linda Thompson bringing Lisa a jar of jam to the housewarmimg and saying, "how middle class of me." .
