Saturday, March 16, 2013

Are You Jealous Of The Goopster

The thing about a new Gwyneth Paltrow movie appearance and also her book is that she does a lot of press. These are perfect opportunities for her to stick her foot in her mouth. This is not really a hopeless thought on our part as she has shown consistently over time that she will say lots of things to prove she cannot relate to anyone. She is on the cover of Self this month where she shares her slim body secrets. Starve. That is a very short article. In the article, other than sharing her dieting secrets, the Goopster also says people like her again. Apparently they have all been jealous for the past 15 years ever since she won an Oscar at such a young age. Yeah, that is why they dislike you. I don't think people you are paying count as friends, but she can think whatever she wants. I think people actually dislike her more now than 15 years ago. Are you jealous of her? Do you wish you could be as uptight as her? Do you wish you thought everyone was a millionaire with a staff and countless hours to yourself and look down on everyone else?


  1. I want her house in LA with the vineyard. Maybe
    Let her stay on as a housecleaner.

    Smug little bleeder isn't she?

  2. Obviously! Not. But if she really says she starves, I'd like her more. I remember years ago (around 1996), Salma Hayek was interviewed for In Style, and they asked her about her diet and fitness secrets, and she said something along the lines of "I don't really like to watch what I eat, so if I'm feeling fat I don't eat for 30 days." Love that she was actually honest!!

  3. why is her nickname"goopster"?

    1. Have you never heard of/seen her "lifestyle" blog? Its called "GOOP." For Christmas, she had a list of "small, last minute gift ideas," and they said something like, for a teacher, mailperson, etc. I will never forget it, because there was a link fur fly swatter for $40.00 on the list. That woman. Ugh. No, people dont dislike you out of jealousy over your Oscar, Paltrow, its because you do sh*t like make up unhealthy diets that you force on your kids, while only letting them watch French tv show DVDs, that you gotat a little sidewalk sale in Montmarte. Ugh.

  4. That looks like a 15 year old cheerleader on that cover. Photoshop to an extreme degree!

  5. I dont know, I like Fishsticks Paltrow better (courtesy of Dlisted).

    Im going to try Zumba next week. I still want to eat gluten products though;)

  6. @lottacolada good one!!! Any more photoshopping and she'd be faceless!

  7. @Dale hale:
    a mix of goopy and hipster?

  8. She has a website called goop. She tells us what to wear when traveling via air ($500 sweaters), and the best cleanses to take to make us shit our brains out so we can lose 5lbs.

  9. cate blanchett was robbed of that academy award that the goopster got. cate should have gotten it for 'elizabeth'. it was a masterful performance.

    goopy only got it because she was and is in the hollywood in crowd.

    that said, who cares what she says or thinks. seriously. she is just a middling entitled actress. as they say in boston, she was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple.

  10. With all her eating and elimination obsessions, she's a Freudian analyst's dream.

  11. I don't like her OR dislike her; I'm indifferent.

  12. Can't relate to this chick in any way whatsoever. But, love the dress. Also eye makeup looks a little Cameron Diazish.

  13. Anonymous10:16 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I like her acting, not her personality. And that cover is NOT the buisness.

  15. She still has that self satisfied aura about her. People can't relate to her because she lacks human frailty.

  16. I've been on her website. I didn't leave feeling disgusted or annoyed. She just seems like a woman who doesn't understand the John and Jane Doe's of the world.

  17. I thought that was a picture of blake lively on the cover. Photoshopped ten years off her face.

    She sucks.

  18. A friend of mine saw her at a grocery store. apparently she walks through with a clipboard and points at things that her assistant then has to put in the cart. but. she didn't even speak to her assistant the whole time. makes her so relatable.

    1. Poor assistant, hope that job pays well.

  19. I didn't think she deserved her Oscar for Shakespeare in Love, but I always thought she was a good actress. Sliding Doors is a fine example. Her more recent movies don't give much chance to showcase any talent. I don't see why anyone would be jealous of her over another actress though.

  20. I give her a pass on the food obsession she said she started the macro diet after her dad was diagnosed with cancer.

    I can relate after my dad was diagnosed with cancer I would of done anything to shove vegetables down his throat but he wasn't having any of it. I would eat them to show them how good they were but no bueno.

    She was born rich, lives rich, married rich and will die rich. So will her children and their children after.

    1. But that new cook book she has is severely unhealthy, if you follow it to the letter as she does, since she's now made up this new idea that her family is "allergic" to about 70% of everything. Her kids shouldn't have to suffer for her neuroses. Plus, she's a huge bitch to her employees. F her and the horse she rode to spy thru Beyonce's windows, on.

  21. She's a pretty woman, lovely figure, and I liked her in Duets where she played a girl that didn't have much.

    She's been raised in a rarefied atmosphere of privilige and nearly Hollywood royalty.

    She should have learned from her husband's concert audiences what real people ..."the masses" are like, but apparently not.

    So it seems that she can't see the forest for the trees. No self awareness or understanding of the plight of others. There's so much she could do and give but she's blind to it all. Sad.

  22. Was there a glitch in the photoshop software that morphed Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth's faces together? That's bananas

    Well, Lola and Reno will stop by later today, but I'll just say I still like her. Yes, still. Maybe it's because I know so many people that are fanatical about the stuff they put in their bodies (as well as the beauty products and cleaning products they use), and I grew up around a lot of wealthy people who have absolutely no idea how bizarre it is that they do things like chipping in to buy the high school athletic director a BMW for doing a great job, or buying an extra Suburban because they accidentally agreed to take extra friends on their ski trip that year.

    I think the kind of people that rub me the wrong way are the Donald Trumps of the world. Gold plated toilets? You're tired! (Oh yes I did!)

    1. @Sunny-Holy sheet it does look like one of those creepy face morphs.

    2. Hey Sunny! Hope you're well woman.

  23. I just finished a delicious cheese danish. Nope. Not jealous of the poopster.

  24. I can't dislike something I don't care for

  25. Isn't Goopy a family nickname?

  26. Not jealous just can't stand her face. Puketrow is delusional. Same pile, different foot.

  27. Hi Sunny! Was waiting for you to show up and support the Goopster :) We can always count on Team Sunny!

    And who am I to judge as I love AnnE, the other most hated actress!

  28. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Why is she on this magazine, blind reveal?

  29. Ha ha, Dia!! And I swear there are no google alerts involved! (Only because I'm daft and have no idea how to do one!) Have a good day, darlin :)

  30. "Smug little bleeder"
    Bleeder? Is that supposed to be an insult? I've never heard that, so I'm just wondering.

    Of course of all the magazines she has to be on the cover of the one called Self.

  31. You know, she's one of those celebrities who LOOK for people to recognize them. If she spent a complete day without being acknowledged, it would probably shatter her sense of identity. Can.Not.Stand.Her.

  32. She doesn't bother me that much, there are other people who irritate me more like Beyonce. I like Goops website, i think the style, design and content of it is really nice. If only I could afford it though, oh well, ....

  33. She's a decent actress, I actually like her as Pepper Potts. But she's so smug all the time...Some of that may be the press skewing the facts, though.

    I don't envy her having to starve herself and I don't think she is that attractive. Pretty, yes. Attractive, no. She seems like one of those girls that do not exude any sexiness whatsoever.

  34. Doesn't she change diets like she changes underwear? I seriously think she's been on every diet from micro to palo.

  35. gosh, i'm still not quite getting the point that Goop is trying to make...maybe she should do another...oh say...88 magazine covers, umm... oh yes Oprah! Dr. Phil, Ellen, Andersen Cooper...umm, oh! she could make a movie about it, a 'health thriller' The Slaying of the Carbs....

    she could win another Oscar and look like an anorexic twig with two raisins for breasts! Oh...I wish I could be more Goopish....

  36. No matter what she says about the masses not being her “target audience” the Goopster still cares what we think. She needs our gluten-filled butts in the seats of her movies and our chubby powdered sugar covered fingers clicking on her website.

    She exposed her lime green Jello self years ago. There was a 10 minute window in the celeb Universe where Brad & Jen and Bennifer were all over the place at the SAME TIME. We couldn’t open a newspaper or magazine without looking at their coiffed, spray-tanned & blinged-out mugs. Goopy swooped down from the rafters and made some ridiculous press release or gave an interview saying that she needed to “clarify some things”. The gist was that she wasn’t dumped by Brad and Ben the decision was HERS and she is perfectly happy being single. Um, okay. Why say anything at all? Five seconds later she was accidentally on purpose knocked-up by Chris Martin

    She most recently said something about retiring from acting? I didn’t read the source article, I just skimmed over a few headlines. More jealously. This time it was probably directed at JLaw or whoever is getting all of the romantic lead scripts right now, because it ain’t her. This was back when Silver Linings first started to get buzz and the Jr. High School girl in me figured she was making a preemptive strike before some article came out claiming that Goopy was officially over. At least Jolie admitted to wanting Hunger Games for herself.

    Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that the Goopster is the jealous one. She’s a big, fat, seething, wobbly bowl of lime green Jello. Whenever she gets her feelings hurt she swoops down and sh*ts on the regular folks once in a while to take the edge off and repair her ego. Instead of kicking the dog she does a magazine cover or drops another book. She will always be rich and famous, she doesn’t need the money. Goopy isn’t as unaware and out of touch as most people think.

  37. Whoa, CDAN Reader are you the artist formerly known as Himmmmm?

    "Accidentally on purpose" made me laugh, a lot :D

  38. Hey Goopie take Anne Hathaway with you and just get lost...for a very long time...

  39. Hathaway seems more in touch with "real" people than Paltrow. I can't day I would be too upset if Paltrow were to retire from acting. I have never once wanted to see a movie just from learning she was in it. She's a decent actress, but I can think of numerous other actresses who can do just as well in her roles.

  40. I think Jacaranda summed it up perfectly as well as others who said she's been in her ivory tower so long she simply doesn't understand third world problems.

    Wanna change the public's perception? Do a total "Audrey Hepburn" and donate your time to people in need. Ghandi out and suffer like they do. Then you'll humanize yourself amd possibly see the light. Until then you just don't resonate with the masses.

  41. People dont like her because shes a whiny brat. I dont know where she gets the jealous from.

  42. I don't like pretentious people...those who are so stuck on themselves and the fabulous life they live they have no idea that there are people who have to struggle financially just to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads. Goopy is the worst of them. Look at who her friends are. That is who she is writing her column for--Beyonce and Madonna.

  43. I am jealous of the photoshop tool they used to put Jennifer Anniston's face on her on that cover.

    And Chris Martin is cute. I don't like his music, but he's cute.

  44. I guess I wasn't the first person to notice time I'll read the other comments first.

  45. I still like this description of her and her "media:" "Learn From Me, Lowly Peasant."

    She's delusional in the Kim Kardashian/Taylor Swift manner: She believes the crap her minions, handlers and press tell her, and she is living in her own world which has no relation to anything even resembling reality. And she loves it that way!

  46. Nope...not jealous.

  47. I've gotta say, I'm having a hard time hating her. Pretentious and out of touch with the world, yes.
    But I think she is lonely and full of self-loathing, so she is trying to fill that empty place inside herself with eating disorders and attention seeking.
    I can't say this with any expert opinion. I'm an overfed housewife who hates to buy clothes unless they're on the clearance rack. It's just the impression I get.
    Jealous, no.
    Pity, yes.

  48. She's a pretentious, delusional, and soulless cunt. Every time she opens her mouth, I want to break out the duct tape.

  49. @ Sunny, if you talk to Lola would ask her "What's up?" to my e-mail? She asked me last week and I haven't heard a thing.
    AND @ ABlake, How's it going with your project? ; )

  50. Hola Mikey, everything is aces! Thanks for asking ;)

  51. I liked her a long time ago when she smoked cigarettes and dated Brad Pitt. I'll never be jealous of anyone who does not partake in: coffee, alcohol, dairy, eggs, sugar, shellfish, deep-water fish, soy, wheat and processed foods. F that, life is too short.

  52. I like her, her foot-in-mouth moments are funny. I believe she genuinely thinks she's doing the right thing. Doesn't mean it's right but I can't hate her.

    1. I'm off to get Jessie's name embroidered onto her very own Team Gwyneth satin jacket. It's a small club, but we are very loyal. Ha ha

    2. Yay, finally!

  53. I like her *ducks*. I have to say that I AM jealous of her legs.

  54. @sherry
    Hi!! I am well but the bambinos are keeping me crazy busy (feel free to leave the "busy" off my last sentence. That works too. I am usually a 10pm Cdan reader so I typically keep my nonsense to myself. I hope you are hanging in there. Sorry about the layoff, but you are a smarty pants (the good kind!!) and will land on your feet

    I don't talk to Lola outside Cdan, but she usually pops on to help me fend off the Gwyneth haters (kidding!! Who cares??). She'll be by. LOLA!!!!!!

  55. I think she's fine - she said the point of her website was that she (who gets recommended facials by superstars) can share her information with everyone.

    Now people piss and whinge because they can't afford a $500 sweater and her recipes have French names when they want a burger. I can't afford that sweater and I'd prefer a burger, but it's not my life she's depicting! It's HERS!

    There are interviews every day in magazines where celebs get asked about their diet plans, exercise plans and 'style secrets', and they lie through their teeth... But when Goopy ACTUALLY TELLS US she gets drawn and quartered.

    No I'm not her biggest fan, but I'm not about to rip her ass for no good reason. I wish all the celebs were being as honest as her!

  56. Also: her face is a little Biel-esque on this cover to me, rather than aniston...

    And I totally think this is a BI reveal.

  57. Oh my god I hate her. We don't dislike you because we're jealous. We dislike you because you say annoying, delusional, narcissistic crap like that in every interview. Here's an idea, Goop! How about next month your Goopy blog tackles a little something we mortals call "humility." See, being humble is actually a good thing Fishsticks. And it's one thing you've yet to learn at all.

  58. Oh my god I hate her. We don't dislike you because we're jealous. We dislike you because you say annoying, delusional, narcissistic crap like that in every interview. Here's an idea, Goop! How about next month your Goopy blog tackles a little something we mortals call "humility." See, being humble is actually a good thing Fishsticks. And it's one thing you've yet to learn at all.

  59. I dont like this insufferable beyotch. STFU Gwen

  60. @turkishtaffy: he is! he's positively sexy in the Princess of China video they did with Rihanna. Other videos of his annoy me though. Coldplay is generally not one of my favourites - too soulless.

  61. SUNNY!!! RENO!!!

    Yes, we irrationally love our Goopster.(We secretly have a Goop signal. :P)

    I agree with Sunny. I grew up with a lot of wealthy people too and she's the harmless sort who really (I think) is a kind soul who can't understand the hate because she does think she's relating.

    She doesn't seem so much to have the "look at me and what I have and what you don't" attitude so much as just not understanding that "affordable" and "simple" to her is not translatable to the average person.

    What's funny is I never used to like her (Brad Pitt era) it was after she had kids and seemed to so intently want to be the perfect mom, the perfect woman that she seemed so vulnerable (and therefore more relatable). And, I would adore having her closet....

    (Mikey...I haven't been getting alerts from that email but I just looked and emailed you back.)

  62. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Gweneth is totally out of touch with reality.

  63. Thanks ABlake, Sunny, and Lola. We are all good. : )

  64. I wonder if she's lonely in general? I never really see her photographed with friends or people that are consistent in her life. Barely pics of her and her husband. It must be sad to google your name and read how much people hate you. I'd be in tears.

    I'm not jealous of her at all. Her privilege comes with a price tag I wouldn't want to pay. As far as relatability goes, if she was never raised to consider others who are not privileged like she is and as an adult she's never had to learn how to, it will be hard for her to change. She's never been put in a position where she had to learn that skill. I know a few people like this. Their life is such that they'll never learn.

  65. Actually are Goop and Chris actually together ? I wonder...

  66. I am super jealous. I want a marriage for show and starving children that I perversely name after food (which they probably can't eat). I'd also like a huge stick up my ass - does that help with colonics?

  67. BUT I would like the opportunity to make out with RDJ, so she does have that one on me.

  68. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Why, as a society, do we need to have people related to us? Some people will not get who you are. You HAVE to be alright with that. Constantly hating on Gwyneth for not relating to the "masses" is just showing that the "masses" are needy. IMO, of course. We (the masses) dont want to come across as needy........DO WE?

    A question for all the CDAN women. Coco is liked by a great many of you. What, EXACTLY, has SHE done for society? WHY is SHE the bees knees? She isn't a humanitarian as far as I know. Seems a bit self involved/promotional.


  69. Anonymous8:54 PM

    ^^MY POST....a TOTAL drunk post, BTW^^....



  70. I don't hate her, but I don't love her either. My only experience with her film wise is Shallow Hal, hello awesome, and her brief Peppering in Iron Man. I am jealous of her self control though, the will power it takes to avoid such delicious foods!

    Turkish when I was in high school I wanted a free trade tat just like CM's on the back of my hand. I would draw a giant equal sign with Sharpie and just go over it and over it every single day to make sure it wouldn't fade. Thank god I didn't follow through with that one, I definitely would have regretted a massive = later in life.

    Sunny I'm with ya on the 10pm CDAN club, I usually end up deleting my comments because it just looks like I am having a crazy, late night, online chat with myself :p

  71. FancySN Coco has shown me that it is totally ok to post nudey pics of myself on Twatter and that older men with cornrow ponytails can be sexy too.

    Wait, we are talking about Ice-T's Coco, right?

  72. Hi J Sierra
    It's 10 o clock and here I ammmmmmm! Hey honey. Hope all is well. I do the same thing. I start typing and realize I'm just doing it for posterity. There's a very vain part of me that doesn't even want to bother unless I can garner at least one LOL from somebody. :)

  73. i think gwyneth and chris are married but don't have a marriage.

  74. maybe with all that money and fame and time on her hands, she is attempting to fill a void in her life by try to educate the masses on how to make life better for themselves, you know, how to be more like her perfect high ass self. I think she's in a loveless marriage and is lonely. I just don't take direction from bitches.

  75. Loath her, would ACTUALLY look at Nicole Kidman than read/acknowledge this piece of work.

  76. Loath her, would ACTUALLY look at Nicole Kidman than read/acknowledge this piece of work.

  77. JSierra please post your late-night comments. I love Your posts.

    I'm so happy that I'm not going to kvetch about the Goopmeister. My boyfriend is here but after traveling for 2 days he is unconscious. I have the best of both worlds; he's here but I can still fritter away time on CDaN.

  78. I guess Goop got Cameron's permission to Photoshop her face onto hers. So creepy.

  79. @ sylmarillion 4:40: YES! That is the only Coldplay song that I can stand. And Chris and Riri are SO hot together!

    I like Ri and I wish she would hook up with CM-a guy that would treat her right.

  80. I loved her in "Emma!" I also liked her in "A View from the Top" (which I think is a totally underrated gem--Kelly Preston totally stole that movie.) Which means, I guess, that she should do more comedy, and stop sharing her personal life with us. I just really don't care about that.

  81. @objects and desires I've never heard it put that way before but that is a good point. Interesting....

  82. Who IS that on the cover?!? Gwyneth is 40, over restalyned and always has bleach fried stringy yarn hair. She doesn't resemble this computer image at all. She is also horribly mistake, as usual. We aren't jealous and don't find her relatable. I find her embarrassing and shameless, undereducated and phony. She is not unaware, she absolutely STRIVES to be umrelatable. It's where she derives her value, because she is deep down one of the most insecure twats on the planet, ridiculously desperate to portray an image she has a hard time sustaining with any authenticity. S she feels the need to overstate her worth time and again, I broke up with HIM! I am so Euro, Americans are puppies needing therapy, despite my hometown friends being wealthier and my new friends being multimillionaires and billionaires, I was the first to be able to afford a shrink... And the latest gem... I keep my private life PRIVATE, because I'm real, but I thought my recent panic attack was going to kill me, and my miscarriage that I wouldn't tell you about but now want to because I see you don't like me nearly killed me , too. I have had so many near death experiences, don't you like me know?! Pity me, but don't pity me. Be jealous, but don't be envious. I'm real.. A real, I sufferable narcissist, who doesn't know her ass from her face.

  83. Hi Sunny! I've missed you commenting on a regular basis. :)

    Ok, I just read the Daily Mail article where she opens up about a miscarriage and almost dying. Apparently, her panic attack resulted in a lot of tests and she found out she was anemic and vitamin D deficient and that the elimination diet (her new book) was a way of life. Then about two sentences later, she talks about what a booze hound she has become while living in England. Ummmm, ok? I find it strange that someone who eats so healthfully seems to have so many health issues. I subscribe to goop and seen all the recipes, all healthy and "as organic as possible". Maybe she has a secret McDonald's habit?

    I don't dislike Gwyneth. I understand she was born privileged and lives a lifestyle I will never know, but she should realize the majority of goop readers are not in her income tax bracket and try to bring it down a notch or three, if she wants people to like her.

  84. That photo on Self has been bugging the crap out of me because it looks NOTHING like her.

    It looks like Brooke Hogan.

  85. Jealous of her? Why? First off...I'm not looking to win an oscar...not ever.

    #2...does she not know how many people have won an oscar in the past before her? She's not the only one.

    The Jolie is way prettier than the Goopster and no one was jealous of the Jolie when she won. Explain that one Gwynnie?

    Everyone is disgusted with the Goopster, cause everyone knows she didn't deserve to win the oscar. She didn't do anything that was so amazing in that movie. Cate Blanchet should have won for Elizabeth...or Meryl Streep. There is absolutely no way in hell that Gwynie is a better actress than Meryl? When Meryl breathes, she'll blow any actress out of the water.

    People were angry that the Oscar's 1998 was fixed. Her daddy bought her that statue. She didn't deserve it, and people know it. There is no jealousy, just disgust and a reminder about how life is unfair, and if you have enough money and connections....that's how you'll get ahead. Not on your own merit.

  86. I'm cool with GP, Aniston, AND AnnE. *shrug*

    Also, I haven't seen the new cookbook, but I don't think she shuns ALL of those foods ALL of the time. I think she's just trying to expose people with health issues to an elimination diet. Many people don't realize the diet-health connection; for example, some folks are sensitive to nightshades and don't know it until the eliminate them from their diets and add them back in slowly. Switching to paleo helped me immensely, also for example.

    I think her heart's in the right place, so I just can't hate on her.

    And I STILL don't understand the Fishsticks moniker. Yes, I know where it came from, but it still doesn't make any sense to me. Like, does she EAT fishsticks? Did she write an article bitching about them? WTH?!

    "I find it strange that someone who eats so healthfully seems to have so many health issues."

    I eat VERY strictly, and while it's helped me GREATLY, I STILL have tons of issues. It happens. Diet can help a lot, but sometimes arthritis is still arthritis. *shrug*

  87. @crilla16

    1) I felt the same way when AnnE H. Won an Oscar for Les_Misérables

    2) I'm over hating on Gwyneth. She is who she is. Wealth is great. It makes life easier but sometimes it comes with a great price tag too ( not to mention responsibility). Just ask Michael Jackson.

  88. Ive defended her a lot of times.
    Basically I dont find her relatable at all and she obviously has an eating disorder.
    I find both hilarious, I dont need top earning hollywood people trying to be "just like me", like drew barrymore shilling cheap makeup. Thats why I enjoy Gwyneth Paltrow. Shes rich-up her own ass and doesnt pretend otherwise.
    But I do agree with some of you guys that the confession of the miscarriage is trying to score the pity factor, and an obvious publicity stunt (its very sad of course, but making it public at the release of her new book ...)
    PLUS I agree she didnt deserve that oscar

  89. Re: jealousy
    I do admit of being jealous. Do you guys read Goop? Some of the stuff she features there (expensive hotels, restaurants, beautiful artisany and clothes) is TDF
    I sure can live without them, but ill admit being a teeny weeny jealous from time to time :P
    As Lainey says, she should teach the new rich on how to spend their money
