Friday, March 01, 2013

Blind Item #1

This celebrity is still considered a Tweener I guess. No one outside the Tweener age really likes him even if he is getting outside that age. Anyway, his people have been calling all kinds of attention to themselves in the past week as they try and get some Adderall for their boss. Apparently they had enough to last for their current needs, but someone thought they were being raided and flushed hundreds of pills down the toilet. The boss wants his Adderall. It is his current drug of choice, despite what the media discusses.


  1. I Beliebs it's the Biebs.

  2. Justin... today's his birthday.

  3. Hahahaha the thought of Scooter flushing down beaver's stash is hilarious.

    Isn't that how Lindsay's misfortunes in life started, with Adderall?

  4. Justin... today's his birthday.

  5. Does this mean no sizzurp?

  6. Justin makes sense...doesn't the rumour mill say he doesn't get it up? One of the not so desired side effects of adderall...

  7. Just smoke your herb kid!

  8. jhc This isn't exactly a blind. someone please get him some he can be awake when he chooses his clothes. looks like he gets dressed in the dark

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What is the effect of taking adderall? Is it a chill pill?

    1. It's literally crack in pull form. So horrible for people that do not have add... And probably for people that DO have ADD.

  11. This is biebs for sure. Asshole. Fucking hate people who use ADD-medication for kicks - it took me 3 years for them to even consider putting me on medication and I've had severe ADD my entire life: 20+ years of depression, social anxiety, eating disorders, underachievement and low self-esteem. I was a mess.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't feel sorry for myself because I am very proud of who I am and I would not have been me if it wasn't for everything I've been through. But it's just so fucking disrespectful to people who genuinely have felt like shit and are met with caution and skepticism from doctors specifically because there are assholes who just feel like getting high or lose a few. I don't judge people who occasionally do drugs (I'd be a hypocrite, to say the least) but man, buy some blow or ephedrine or whatever. And it's not like Bieber can't affford it.

    Speaking of Adderall - is it easy to obtain in America or is this just a case of the rich and the famous getting whatever the hell they want? I've always gotten the impression that it's much much easier to get your hands on.

  12. @g.strathmore, of you actually have ADD or ADHD, it calms you. If not, it has the opposite effect, and is used as an "upper".

  13. @g.strathmore: it's a bit like cocaine, really. You become sped up and focused, less hungry, filled with energy.. Definitely not a chill pill! Most of the time it's hard to fall asleep too, so maybe that's why Bieber smokes so much weed. The effect when you mix the two is that you feel very clear mentally and still have a high energy level, but you're less jittery physically. It's great when you're at a party!

  14. Adderall is one of the most addictive script drugs around...If you don't really need it you should stay clear of it

  15. I can't wait til he goes away.

  16. @Ivs, I have social anxiety too. I have a coworker who goes on and on about taking benzos to get to sleep (the same prescription I use to avoid having panic attacks). She talks about sharing with her husband, how she passes out. I bite my tongue every day, it pissed me off to no end.

  17. What a flaming pussy. All that money and he got the jones for Adderall. Adderall is a drug for girls age 14-18. By 18 they should be able to throw the puss around and get real blow.

    I feel Adderall was designed to be easy to abuse. Sweet flavor, the blue ones are easy to crush in a dollar with just your fingers, and it takes next to now chopping, goes right into powder. Does leave some blue boogies if you don't pay attention to keeping clean.

    Yeah I did em. I'm not a puss like Biebs though, because I only did em when Meth wasn't convenient, not because it was my fave drug. Sometimes you need the extra kick to get your work done or to get home from the bar in one piece.

    1. Nothing like a kaleidoscopic of bugars from crushed up adderall. Looking like fruity pebbles coming out of the nose. Taste the rainbow, bitch!

  18. @count: livia said I had to ask you if I could be a ghostly burrito whore. Can I?

  19. This is not blind. Question: Why does JB wear that huge gimme cap? It looks ridiculous.

  20. @Count Jerkula, I get that people try it sometimes so you're not one of those assholes lol (well you ARE an asshole but in a good way).

    But yeah it's the fact that it's his favorite drug, like, really? You're abusing something made for people with severe disabilities, when there's like 10 other drugs that could the same thing for you? He obviously doesn't give a shit about anything. I really fucking look forward to the day he falls of the radar. CDAN-party at my house!

    1. My ex found it easy to get a script from a medical marijuana clinic prescribed by a cosmetic surgeon no less. He claimed it was for his ADD--which of course he didn't have.

  21. That's why he wears those gd diaper pants. He stashes his stashes in there!

  22. Thanks PuggleWug and Ivs. I did not know any of that.

  23. I think we can safely assume at this point that all A-List Tweener/former Tweener blinds are either Miley or the Biebs. Those two ought to get together. They'd create a whole new level of f*ckery never before seen.

  24. @Empress of Socks: Maybe. I think I may have to hold some try outs. These will be paid tryouts, Chicken or Beef Burritos. Bean burrito isn't my idea of a good first date. I may be a perv, but I'm not that freaky.

    He could get pretty much the same effect from taking a 6hr sudafed.

  25. Anonymous9:07 AM That knocks me out. But I am ADHD and have the energy level and attention span of a cokehead when I am not on Adderall. And being less hungry..doesn't work on us true ADHD'ers. But when I am off Adderall I get asked constantly what the hell I am on ( Coke, Meth, Etc), because of my 24 hour energy level and zero attention span. Having horrible chronic allergies that cause sniffling and nasal itching and rubbing doesn;t help either.

  26. Kimberly, how does weed treat you, when you are not on Adderall? Does it bring you down a notch?

    I sometimes think a ADHD chick would be a good catch. My line of thinking is that if she was crabbing at me, it would be easy to swerve/distract her and get on another subject. Plus the high energy level would be great for sex. Any validitiy to those thoughts? You don't have to comment on the sex portion if you don't want, I understand there may be some posters here with couth.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Count..yes weed does chill me out. Unfortunitly they frown on smoking at work so its adderall on weekdays so i can stay sitting in my chair and not pace the halls and run upndown the stairs. Yes the high energy level is great for sex as long as the guy can keep up with me.

  27. Thanks for clarifying the backstory of Community's Adderall Annie. Now I get the nervous energy & endless perkiness.

    Annie Get Your Fun

  28. Why are we surprised that the Biebs does adderall? This is someone who drinks sizzurp, FFS. He's trashy, trough and through.

    1. Edit - that should say *through and through. Stupid phone hemorrhaged while I was proofing :-/

  29. Count Jerkula, I just realized: you're Seth MacFarlane, aren't you?! Almost everyone I know loves you, while I think you're a misogynistic prick using "humor" to disguise the fact that you're a flaming asshole. Anyway, carry on.

  30. Anonymous10:56 AM

    If you are Seth, I want Charlize when you are done with her ;P

  31. I read on Gawker that Damon Lindelof (the guy behind Lost) tweeted about a stupid fucking hat that Justin wore. You have to see that had to believe, um, Belieb, just how fucking STUPID it looks. It's a big, yellow trucker hat that appears to be made of leather and has metal spikes all over it. Lindelof tweeted about it for HOURS.

    I'm convinced that Bieber is borderline retarded.

  32. Replies
    1. Mango, Thanks for the link. Needed a good laugh:)

  33. @Mooshki, I second that.

  34. @Mooshki: I am here to enjoy the blinds and entertain myself. If others enjoy what I write, great. If they don't, oh well.

    If you feel the need to stereotype me based on the nonsense I write here, go with it. I won't stoop to your level and do the same.

    You really think I am Seth MacFarlane? Then how did I have time to post in the Oscar threads?

  35. It's gotta be the Bieber, there's pics of him going into his hotel late at night wearing only those stupid pants.

  36. Just pictured Scooter Braun with Lorraine Bracco's helmet hair from Goodfellas flushing his stash. Giggles.

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