Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former A list Tweener and now just a B celebrity who is everywhere, but does not do much to deserve her A list name recognition was hanging out last week with this B- list celebrity/reality star and her C list celebrity boyfriend. Some smoking of some pot. Well, a lot of pot. The next thing you know it is threesome city. I love how she pretends to e the victim in her current relationship when she is the one who started it all in the first place. She just didn't get publicly caught.


  1. Don't break his heart, Miley, his achey break-y heart.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Who was Miley hanging out with last week?

  3. Who was Miley getting freaky with ?

  4. BTW, everyone knows lots of pot leads to threesomes.

  5. I smoked and i never had any threesomes. Rats!

  6. I must be smoking it wrong.

    1. Ditto. Must be the celebrity grade medical card stuff.

  7. Miley with Demi and Wilmer? I hope not if only because no one ever should sleep with that douche. Yuck.

  8. Liam isn't a c-list celebrity, I don't think it's Miley.

  9. Who would the other two be?

  10. hmm pot just makes me want to eat and sleep. Threesomes are what she enjoys obviously. Nothing wrong with that either. And on that note I'm gonna go eat an eggo and some potato salad cause I'm NOT high right now.

  11. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Msgirl I read it the same way at first but it's the B list girl's C list boyfriend not Miley's. So there's an A list tweeter, B list reality and the B lister's C boyfriend.

  12. msgirl,
    It's not Liam that's C-list. It's the other celebrity's boyfriend that is.

  13. Miley, Kourtney and Scott. LOL! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little writing that.

  14. Anonymous9:28 AM

    And Miley, Demi and Wilmer fit the ratings. That's all kinds of gross.

  15. just the thought of being in the same room with Wilmer let alone schtupping him is revolting. Miley, Miley, Miley. Girl, you make it so hard to kinda sorta like you.

  16. Is Miley playing the victim? I kinda see that whole thing as media driven. I don't recall seeing her or hearing her play the victim. At any rate if it is them, then they should break up. No sense in robbing yourself of your 20s to settle down. Rock it, don't knock it.

  17. She can't be tamed!

  18. I think it's Miley and the other celebrity could be Kelly Osborne and her new boyfriend.

  19. @Gypsy - might referring to that tweet she sent. One of her backup singers tweeted that she had to send her ring in for repairs & Miley tweeted back, ugh, what a pain, when that happens to me, people say I'm calling off my wedding.

  20. Is Liam C list though? He's B imo

  21. Liam was in Australia & Philippines last week. Reports are saying he is back in LA this weekend. Be interesting to see if they are seen together or not.

    Oh and the ring fix story seems like a nice cover for the truth.

    1. Miley just got a new tat from Kat Von D, but that was Friday, maybe she was hanging out w/ her and DeadMau5, it for the last week, UK A list "it girl" model, Cara Devigne has been staying at her house. Not sure how the tabs have missed this bit of info! Liam hasn't been papped coming thru LAX, yet, and Liam's car is still at Miley's, along w all of his stuff...this hasn't played all the way out, yet.

  22. I'm high right now and I don't wanna engage in a threesome. Unless Loki and Jon Snow show up at my house. Then it's on like Donkey Kong!!

    1. RCB now THAT is my kind of threesome! Maybe swap out Loki for Daryl, but regardless, I am game.

    2. You two can share Loki, I'll sneak away with Jon Snow

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Damn I hope that's not your baby then.

    5. Hahah CJ- no that's not my baby, just my niece.

  23. Definitely Miley as she loves her pot and her girls but I hoping like HELL it doesn't involve Wilma.

  24. How about Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler? That would fit b/c no?

  25. Anonymous9:47 AM

    @chris Vanessa isn't a reality star. Can't be them.

  26. Ah OK now that you've cleared that up, yep it's Miley.

  27. well I for one, have smoked lots of pot and had lots of threesomes, but, hey it was the 80s!

  28. Miley got a tattoo this week from Kat Von D who is dating Deadmau5, right?

  29. @Dena, that is GROSS!!

    She did get a tat, of da Vinci's anatomical heart by Kat Von D.

    Off to find the pepto.

  30. @ AuntJess - Eggo and potato salad? Are you sure you're not high? :)

  31. Mmm yummie. I think ill light up as well!
    ***Legal in Wash state bitches!***
    Probly skip the 3sum though.

  32. It is St. Patrick's Day- so instead of you all wearing green, you'll just be lighting up the green!

  33. Couldn't it be Selena Gomez?

  34. @Xander--Ah, the Lighting o' the Green, eh? Too bad I'm lying low today, although I was planning on making Irish soda bread at some point, and if I really feel the need to get my drink on, I've still got some Jameson in the house.

    My roommate's bandmate just stopped by to pick him up so he wouldn't have to brave the subway in Southie today--he used to live down there (the friend, not the roommate), and says he'd always leave town whenever the parade happened! My mom keeps asking why I don't go, but I just tell her that I'm not keen on dealing w/several hundred thousand drunken assholes wearing green. (She also wants to know why I don't wear orange, seeing as I'm the Wrong Kind of Irish for Boston--read: Protestant--to which my response is always "Ma, I thought you said you loved me! Why are you trying to get me killed?", and she just laughs. Yes, my family has a sick sense of humor...)

  35. BTW, my dad's background may be Irish Protestant (not unusual for northern NH & VT), but they weren't assholes about it; they were simply Methodists pretty much from the mid-18th century, or as long as Methodism has existed as a sect. They were fairly hardcore about their beliefs, but as far as other people go, I believe the attitude was "live and let live". Still, it can feel awfully awkward here in Boston, where Irish pretty much equals Catholic... *sigh*

  36. Even if hints point to Miley, can this just be Selena?

  37. I am with Jaracanda and Trainrides: Selena Gomez

  38. Threesomes! Seems like alot of work. Who puts what where? Who goes first? Who chooses location- bed, couch or floor? Who cleans up? Can everyone sleep over or just the core couple? Too much to think about!!!!

    1. @auntliddy My best friend told me that my low self-esteem would get in the way of threesomes. And that in an orgy, I'd be the one sitting in the corner not knowing what or who to do. For dignity's sake, I disagreed and proudly insisted How comfortable I am with sexuality. But deep down, I, too, am truly confounded with threesomes and orgies.

  39. I was kinda thinking Selena, maye she got the Biebs hooked? She is older...but it's probably Miley.

  40. Miley seems to talk to Evan Rachel Wood a lot, who fits B list with a C list bf. Only they are married and they are not reality.

    For the lulz: miley, stodden and creepy lost dude

  41. And, @shityoucantbuy, ERW is pregnant. Not that it would stop them, but probably would.

  42. There's some good taste in men going on in here! But sorry, RCB, Loki belong to me and I ain't sharin'.

  43. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Miley you so crazy! Pot and threesomes? Like that's never been done before.

  44. Enty's use of pronouns is driving me nuts. "her A list name recognition was hanging out last week with this B- list celebrity/reality star and her C list celebrity boyfriend. "

    Ok, the C list BF of who, the former A lister and subject of the BI or the B- celebrity?

  45. Miley, little minx!

  46. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Shes not even playing the victim. Lol. Its probably her, but if he really is in australia hooking up with girls than why shouldnt she have fun to? They just need to end it.

  47. I smoked pot, never did any 3somes. They must be smoking ménage-troi-juana. I think this may be Miley as well.

  48. how about Miley, Wiz and Amber Rose?

  49. Miley. She slept with Liam's brother. I don't feel sorry for her one bit.
