Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blind Item #4

Drinking and more drinking and yet even some more drinking. Not only has this former B list actress gone from hit television shows to begging for work and wandering the streets because of her drinking, but all those black and blue marks and injuries she says are the result of accidents are all because of her drinking. The concussion she got a few weeks ago when she slammed into the edge of a wall full speed is just one example.


  1. Aw, @Frufra, I remember that story. So sad. :( Addiction is a b*.

  2. What is the story with Erin Moran? I know she had/s a drinking problem. Sad. :/

  3. Heather Locklear

  4. Rose McGowan. Drinking heavily would explain why she thinks she looks good with all those fillers. Ladies, never drunk-dial your plastic surgeon!!

  5. Haha I almost said Baba Wawa just for the concussion part

  6. @VIP, didn't she have reconstructive surgery after a car accident messed her face up? She does look like she's had recent fillers. I'll give the girl a pass for *owning* the role of young Cora on OUaT last week.

    DM's giving crap about her being in a foot brace for the 3rd time. I had a foot injury 4 years ago and had surgery 3 years ago. Once you get an injury in a vulnerable area like your foot or your back or your hand, they are more to injury forever after. I've been in my brace at least three times and people are like "again? What's wrong with you?" I just smile and take it but I'm eye-rolling inside, like I haven't heard that before.

  7. I just watched that ep of OUAT last night & I was soooo shocked at how good Rose looked, considering all the scary pics lately. She was fantastic, great ep.

  8. Who's the actress that was on my names is earl? I guess her. Known drinking problems.

  9. Who's the actress that was on my names is earl? I guess her. Known drinking problems.

    1. Anonymous2:26 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Changing my guess to Heather L. Just realized...it says hit Shows with an "s".

  11. @Mac: Jaimme Pressley (spelling might be wrong) u mean?

  12. Anonymous12:45 PM

    @macattack jamie pressely...and thats a hell of a great guess

  13. I like the Jamie Pressely guess!

  14. Heather Locklear always has been and always will be A List!!!

  15. My first thought was Spaz, so I'm with @Colleen.

  16. Heather Locklear was on TJ Hooker and Melrose Place - both popular tv shows

  17. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Tara Reid ever do TV? Or how about Paris? She's desperate and insanely angry and jealous about the Katdashian fortune train

  18. Amanda Bynes? She cray.

  19. Michelle Rodriguez from Lost? The "full speed" comment made me think of Fast & Furious.

  20. Michelle Rodriguez from Lost? The "full speed" comment made me think of Fast & Furious.

  21. Jaime prestily was on Kathy and she seemed really together. Funny and quick-witted.
