Friday, March 22, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former A list mostly movie actor has seen his career stall after being in some very big movies. He will tell you it is because there are no good roles for him. The fact is, he has dropped to B- because he is a pain to work with, not a very good actor and his graduation from only booze to booze and coke is making him a big liability. He does not shower much either.


  1. Id say Shia but he's been all buff lately and looks like he showers more frequently .. So I got nothin.

  2. If not Shia I would say Ryan Phillawhatever.

  3. Stinkies-

    Matty no shirt

    1. You forgot one-Ethan Hawke. Big movies, A listed, career tanked, cheating w/ Angie Jo, drugs, alcohol...

  4. Cannot stand Shia but yeah, he's buffing out and you can't do that on coke and booze. I did read that he's not coming back for the 4th Transformers, though. (I have the had the distinct pleasure of having never had to sit through one of those movies. Yay!)

  5. I thought of Depp, but not sure if that fits entirely.

  6. What is the deal with washing do they stand themselves ?

  7. Replies
    1. He always looks greasy to me but nvm I checked his IMDB.

  8. I'm surprised no one has guessed Gerard Butler yet.

  9. Gerry Butler is opening a big blockbuster this very weekend. I can't wait. Even though he's a skank, I love his movies, and I think he's very talented.

    I also think Shia can be a very talented actor, but I could still see him being the answer because he's phoned in a lot of recent performances.

  10. Sam Worthington? He was almost A for a minute.

  11. Colin Farrell. He seems to have disappeared

    1. Seachia, Collin had bigger problems than coke since way back do I don't think it's him. His drug problems predate this blind :( bummer for him and this guy

  12. What is it with Hollywood men & showering? Good god it sounds like they're all dirt balls. Maybe they should make a new show ' Queer Eye for Hollywood Guys.'

  13. Rob Pattinson? Is he doing anything these days?

  14. What's Seth Rogen been up to?

  15. Well I can't judge. I haven't showered since Monday, but that's what hyperemesis gravidarum will do to you...

    1. I totally just had to google that!! I feel terrible for you!!! I think I may have had that my last pregnancy:( we just found out I'm 5 weeks along and my ONLY symptom is Morning sickness but so far I can quell it with peppermints and ginger candies. Lots of rest and I hope you feel better soon!!

    2. Its been many years, but i remember it well. Feel goid soon my sistas.

    3. Thankee much auntliddy!

    4. ALICIA!!!! Xoxoxo xoxoxo

      I heart goss
      Oh you poor thing. I was so sick and pukey with both my babes, but not what you have. Hang in there

  16. colin farrell it seems has/had drug problems, but that guy is a great great actor. have you seen en bruges? if not, watch it because its awesome and written and directed by one of the great irish playrights, Martin McDonagh.

  17. In Bruges in great! Colin's had a run of bad luck lately with his movies, but he was recently shooting Winter's Tale, which if they do it right will be huge.

  18. I loved Total Recall! I just love Colin so I pretty much support anything he does. I know I'm the odd one.

    1. @iheartgoss you're not the only one. I love Colin Farrell too.
      Then again we are both from the same side of Dublin and share the same surname so I kinda have to.

  19. I agree with GWU. Sam Worthington. Ugh. Can't stand him. Looks skanky AND has an attitude.

  20. That Shia guy looks like he stinks. Grooooosss. I have never seen a movie he's been in though.

  21. I thought of Russell Crowe for this.

  22. You can get buff while coking and boozing via steroids. Ask any pro wrestler from the 80's.

  23. Johnny Depp. My sister met him, said he smelled like he hadn't bathed in months.

  24. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Shia Ladouche
    his thing seems to be always acting surprised, hyper, adrenalined, delivers his lines intensely but that's about it. The not showers much, points to La douche

  25. Oh no Goss! I hope you start to feel better.

    Rob Pattison has a lot of things going for him professionally at this time.

    I'm thinking the Depster on this one. Lone Ranger was the only movie he did in 2012 and all the others are a year out in "pre-production" so that could mean they would never get done, save for the 5th Pirate of the Caribbean.

    Although Shia was supposed to do that play and ended up getting bumped for being an ass. He has nothing scheduled beyond this year and what is already in the can.

  26. Oh and I heard "In Bruges" was an awesome film. Won rave reviews from everyone practically.

  27. Wow I always thought the rumor about Depp not showering was just a misconception based on his wardrobe. I'm a bit shocked/crushed to find out it is true!!! Well poo.

  28. um this blind says "not a very good actor" people johnny depp can act

  29. Martin McDonagh did "Seven Psychopaths" too. Not as good as "In Bruges," but I liked it a lot.

  30. The problem with this one is the filthy guys we all know are aren't B listed. I really wanna say Pitt because hes gross or Pattinson because hes worse, but they really don't fit in the ratings.

  31. You guys are good. Sounds like Shia LePainIntheAss, but Robert Pattinson always looks greasy and dirty to me.

  32. I don't think it's Depp he has The Lone Ranger coming out and getting ready to start the fifth installment of The Pirates of Carribean. Colin Farrell has a movie out now; and Colin was already known for being a little filthy but I would still hit it. Keanu is a good guess because people have reported that they have seen him out and about in NY looking worse for wear and yes I would still hit that as well. Sorry I have a thing for men with brown hair and brown eyes.

  33. @JenniferHansen: Obviously I neglected to read that part. You're correct, JD is a very good actor..Shite, thought I had one.

    Keanu never looks dirty to me but he definitely isn't a very good actor. He is however, very cute!

  34. I toally dont get being dirty and smelly either. Its like 10 mins to wash up, whats the probkem?

  35. i thought leo d, but he can act.... hmmm

    not sure.

  36. Colin Farrell hasn't so much disappeared as he has starred in all the lowest grossing big budget movies of the last decade (except for 2 Taylor Kitsch bombs). So nobody is seeing what Farrell is doing. But he keeps getting the gigs. Baffling.

  37. I'll go with Pattinson on this too. It would fit right in with the way he treated KStew after her indiscretion (if there actually was one).

  38. Enty lists Depp as A+ (a couple films that didn't do as well as expected don't erase the $8 Billion the others did). Plus, he can act: very, very well. He's obviously been taking some time off take care of his 2 kids who live with him, have some fun playing guitar and see to personal matters. After so many back-to-back films, he needed a break.

    @hunter - don't believe everyone who blogs (like @marlo). Keira Knightley & at least 3 other ppl I know met Johnny Depp & have said he smells very nice. French cologne. And he's incredibly nice to fans.

  39. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Another pirates of the Caribbean! Smh

  40. when i Think of don't shower I immediately think of Robert Pattinson...I've heard he smells

  41. I, too, thought of Pattison, but was he ever "A"?

  42. Matthew McConaughey. I've heard that his body odor is epic.

  43. Shot in the dark here .. but .. Adrian Brody?

    I mean, anyone else shocked as hell he is in that crap "Vince the Sham-Wow guy" movie?? The man is an Oscar winner for pete's sake, WTF!??!!? Could be I am waaaay off base .. hope so .. I like Adrian.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I was thinking maybe Brenden Frasier? Big around George of the Jungle and Mummy movies. Put on weight lately, and asked to lower child support payments because he isn't working as much.

  46. I was thinking the guy who used to date Rachel McAdams - he says he is taking a break from acting now.

  47. @iheartgoss sending tons of sympathy and love - my HG went from week 5 through delivery. Hang in there and just remember, it *never* last past delivery. Just take care of you and avoid triggers and if you can stand it? Drink as much warm water as you can in between being sick - sure, most of it won't stay down, but some will (plus it dilutes stomach acid, less damage to you throat) and dehydration is the biggest reason HG women end up at hospital.

    Screw showering babe, just hang in there!!

  48. Brad Pitt, maybe? He went that whole period of time with a barnacle on his face, calling it a beard. I also don't think he's that good an actor, somewhat bland, but does the job, like oatmeal. Moneyball was just... Eh. That cologne commercial made me LOL though.
    I don't get the not bathing thing some of these guys have, unless it's a mental health issue that affects actors especially. I don't want to smell b.o. funk is funk, no matter how famous it is.

  49. Poor Iheart! I was deathly ill during my last two pregnancies - I actually LOST weight, so I ended up just breaking even by delivery (not a bad deal) - so I feel for you.

    Try sparkling water with some lemon juice (not lemon flavour) and a dash of white wine. It's the only thing I could keep down, but that was at around 5 months along.

  50. Aaron Eckhart who no one enjoys having to work with.

  51. Not Pattison - I know some crew who worked with him on Vancouver Island and he is very easy to work with. Not lazy, nothing like that. He does drink heavily though. But not when working.
