Sunday, March 03, 2013

Charlie Sheen Wants To Mentor Lindsay Lohan

In this history of bad ideas, Charlie Sheen wanting to be Lindsay Lohan's mentor is not the very worst, but, I'm not sure it is a good fit. Granted, nothing else has worked so Charlie might as well get his shot. It is not like he is a sober coach. The guy gets wasted all the time. He spends money like crazy and everytime he reunites with Brooke Mueller she goes off the deep end. Oh, and there is still the thing where he cannot see his kids with Denise Richards unsupervised. This is a guy who thinks he can mentor someone? All I see is a non-stop party and Lindsay even more out of control than she is now.


  1. as long as Charlie's paying Lindsay and Dina will be stuck to him like glue.

  2. What Misch said.

  3. Maybe it will be like math: negative x negative = positive. But I was never very good with math.

  4. I see no good will come of this. Here's to her final fall.

  5. A match made in tabloid heaven.

    I say let him try, its not like anyone will blame him if something happens to her. She's a mess already.

  6. I actually have hope for this! Don't ask me why, because I don't understand why I have hope, I just do!

  7. So, is "mentor" now Hollywood-speak for schtup?

  8. Welp. Perhaps they will cancel out each other's negatives?

    Oh god, please, don't let these two have children!!!

  9. Eh, it cant get any worse its been done before remember when mad mel tried to help cheeto queen brit. 2 negative cam make a positive.

  10. I'm sure he has good intentions but that is no match for the deep-seeded assholery that is Lindsay's entire personality.

    I think deep down Sheen is a good guy and I think deep down Lindsay is not.

  11. hunter, I'd agree with that. Lindsey is just plain mean spirited blaming everyone else.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Hunter: I was coming back to say the same thing...I totally agree.

  14. This ought to be good. Charlie has known Lindsay for awhile. He knows what he's getting into, not meant to infer he's known for having good judgement.

  15. Hunter, I first read your last line as "I think deep down Sheen is a good guy and I think deep down Lindsay is hot." Good for a laugh there!

    This is going to be a train wreck for sure. Enablers Anonymous, anyone?

  16. I'd read that before he got into drugs (which probably exacerbated an underlying mental issue), and got burned a ton of times, Charlie Sheen was one of the nicest, sweetest, generous guys in Hollywood. I'm sure mom and daughter grifter are licking their chops. The guy has a lot of money and probably has some of the best drug connections in Hollywood. I dunno about this one.

  17. I think this sounds completely reasonable. Maybe he can share some of his tiger blood with Lindsay. WINNING

  18. I read this as Charlie wants to be her pimp.

  19. Anonymous9:56 AM

    more of the same. it's their choice, their lives, let them live and learn. who are we to stay, stop, listen to us, do it this way, if they're not willing, they don't want to and they don't care. Let em do what they wanna do I say.

  20. What is his deal with her? This relationship (or whatever it is) is so weird to me.

    1. He claims he's never touched her. I believe him. As skanked out as he is, he can still afford waaaay better looking/less cracktastic chicks. This might not be the worst idea, actually.

  21. I agree w/ you guys, I'm just confused as to why - if he knows her well enough - he would even think he could help. Best of luck to him I guess, hope he keeps his valuables locked up.

  22. I don't understand the comments here. It absolutely can get worse for her.

  23. I think deep down Charlie is really a nice guy. Lohan and her bitch of a "Mother" will bleed him dry. I hope he has his stuff insured cause if he lets her into his home she will rob him blind. He's wasting his time and his money. She's a lost cause and not worth even trying to help anymore.

  24. Did anyone see Charlie on Letterman? He was completely geeked out of his mind. He could barely keep himself in the chair.

    Ive heard he is very nice and very generous he also has very serious drug and mental health issues.

  25. I think by "mentor", he means, teach her how to do drugs, not get caught, and still show up on time for work, if she ever has any. I agree with hunter and others, deep diwn charlie a good person with habit and mental issues, whereas i dont get any goodness coming lilo and her skankomom. Its weird, but if lilo hurts him or takes advantage of him, I, and i bet others, are gonna feel sorry for him and angry with lilo! So weird!!

  26. The sad thing is that, even as messed up as he all too often is, Charlie still has his shit together much better than Lindsay does, because he's actually capable of going to work on the set, doing his job, and behaving in a reasonably professional manner, at least as far as I've heard. I do think he has a very kind, generous side to his personality (yes, he can also be a dick, but I dare say drugs, booze, & mental illness don't help that at all...), and he probably really does want to help her and think he can do it. Bless his heart...I just hope she & her maternal parent (I refuse to call Dina a "mother") don't rob him blind or even worse; frighteningly enough, I could see the two of them going to murderous lengths to get what they want, and for all his faults, I don't think he deserves that.

    (Psst, Charlie--if you really want to spend money helping people out, call me! I won't expect you to sleep with me, and I'll put your money to good use paying off debts, saving the state of MA my unemployment payments, and helping one of my dearest friends get a divorce, so you'll get some major bang for your bucks. How about it?)

  27. @hunter, birds of a feather would be my guess.

  28. So it's nothing but the best of the worst for La Lohan? And to answer the question, yes he seems more than qualified to mentor her. She's so far down in the hole, he could probably help her out - but she truly needs more help than even the MOST qualified professional could provide.

  29. What?? He has seen her crack pipe form and thinks it needs improvement?? Because seriously, I can think of absolutely NOTHING he could mentor her at .. other than proper drug paraphernalia usage .. and perhaps its etiquette.

    Ya .. I am a linkin' mama today!! LOL!! Enjoy the Musical Youth!!

  30. Isn't Charlie known for being a drug-addicted woman beater?

    I don't get all of these comments about him being "a nice guy" deep down. How deep is it, the fifth circle of hell?

  31. He's also a racist along with Lohan.Hope they both o.d.

  32. Are you kidding? He's the perfect mentor! He can teach her how to be constantly shitfaced, and do whatever she wants, including shooting and/or assaulting her partners, and still have a wildly successful career. What more could she possibly ask for in a mentor?

  33. Oh, and people probably say he's "nice" because he spends money on them.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Good lord. I cannot believe people think that Charlie "I shot Kelly Preston" Sheen is a good guy. He's completely mental, a drug addict, AND he beats and occasionally shoots women. He just happens to be charming is all, and Lindsay is not. Charm does not a good guy make.

    I hope everyone is just confusing him with Emilio.

  36. Just to clarify: I don't think Charlie's a good guy per se, but I do think there's a good side to his personality--even most assholes aren't 100% dicks 100% of the time--and encouraging him to explore that side strikes me as a good thing. I'm just not convinced that LiLo is the person he should be exploring it with...

  37. And no, even in spite of his being an asshole all too often, I still don't think he'd deserve to be killed by Lindsay & Dina--and yes, I'll say it again: I really can see them going that far if they decided they had to for whatever reason--because, if nothing else, he is a father, and as long as he's alive he may yet get his act together for the sake of his kids.

  38. "I cannot believe people think that Charlie "I shot Kelly Preston" Sheen is a good guy."

    Your're being too harsh,that was just " gunplay",an erotic form of S/M, and both were getting their jollies off except Kelly started acting like a pussy about the whole thing.That's why she broke her engagement off with Charlie and married Travolta.She figure it was safer to marry a gay man than Charlie Sheen.She's more prone to HIV,but at least she's alive.Might be wearing diapers for the rest of her like in case of accidental leakage but at least she will be alive.

  39. To topper and others who find likeability of charlie strange: THATS the weirdness!! All these things he has done are true, but somehow, someplace, you have empathy for him! I cant explain either-, unless, like Kramer, he has the kevorka!

  40. He won the lottery when he was born.
    Took his mothers white breast to his tongue.
    Trained like dogs. Color and smell.
    Walks by me to get to him.
    Police man. (x2)
    All my peaces. (x2)

    He won the lottery by being born.
    Big hand slapped the white male american.
    Do no wrong. So clean cut.
    Dirty his hands it comes right off.
    Police man. (x2)

    Police stopped my brother, again. (x3)
    Police man. (x2)

    Jesus greets me, looks just like me.

    Do no wrong so clean cut.
    Dirty his hands it comes right off.
    Police man. (x3)
    Police stopped my brother, again. (x3)
    Police man. (x2)
    Police stopped my brother, again. (x3)
    Police man. (x3)
    Hey now. Hey now. Hey now. (x5)
    Hey. (x5)
    Hey now. Hold on. Hold on. (x3)

    All my pieces set me free. Human devices set me free.
    All my pieces set me free. (x2)
    Human devices set me free. (x2)
    All my pieces set me free. (x2)
    Human devices set me free. (x2)
    Hey, hey, hey all (x3)

    Vedder knows what's going on.

  41. I can't imagine you can get any worse than her mother as a mentor. Sad.

  42. I'm twisted but I kind of understand this. In my heart I believe he is saying he can help her navigate the shark infested waters of fame. Best wishes to all.

  43. Yep. Blind leading the blind.

    This is rather like the time Britney Spears went off the deep end and Mel Gibson invited her to Costa Rica to "give her advice" about her career.

    There is no irony whatsoever in Hollywood.

  44. This actually makes me worry about Charlie... these women can really take advantage of him.

    Re: all the violence Charlie's done, I don't give him a pass for. Not acceptable. But his problems aren't simply too much money and privilege or an addictive personality -- he's truly mentally ill. I doubt the Lohans could rob him blind, but they may try.

  45. Charlie has millions of dollars of sports memorabilia, and probably millions of dollars of other stuff. Hopefully he keeps track of her and Dina if they ever come to his house.

  46. I think that it will be a non stop loop of validating their existence, there wont be actual change just rationalization. I don't see how the two of them could look much worse other than father time, should he come a callin'. I don't know much about actual Charlie Sheen, as the child of an addict for a father, that should be enough of a reason to get sober, it obviously isn't/wasn't but he seems like he is generally a nice guy whereas LiLo is just a straight up c*nt. If she is so broke, go work at Starbucks like Drew Barrymore did when no one would hire her. That is all that I have.

  47. @just curious---I think I am starting to grow a liking to ya

  48. Will never forget when Charls showed up at a party in his honor at a then hot restaurant chain two hours late, attired in silk pajama's with a hooker of Eastern European lineage on each arm. Was in the early 90s.
