Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cindy Crawford Says Richard Gere Was Too Old For Her

For the first time ever, Cindy Crawford explained why her marriage to Richard Gere ended. I always thought it was because there were not enough mirrors in the house. As much as Richard Gere loves looking at himself, I'm surprised he has time to do anything else. It turns out though, as Cindy told Oprah, it was the age  gap more than anything. When they divorced she was 25 and he was 42. Cindy said that when she was 21 or 22 it was ok, but then it got hard and she didn't want to be in his shadow and they did not have much in common which they probably still don't. I was pretty shocked they got married. I think the world was. Well, the non People reading people of the world were anyway.


  1. I thought it ended because he kept calling her an idiot after she lost the gerbil

  2. He has always given me the creeps for some reason

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    That dress is doing terrible things to her booble region

  4. I thought she was tired of being his beard and wanted a hetero.

  5. I saw The Guardian on TV this week. Gere's current wife Carey Lowell was unbelievably beautiful in it. Things turned out OK for him.

    1. Lowell always bugged me on L&O. Something about her rubs me the wrong way.

  6. I understand that. It makes sense.

  7. i get the age difference. and they have both moved on and both have kids. why is oprah asking about it now?

  8. Ha-remember when they took that full page ad out of some newspaper declaring how straight they were?

  9. Curly - I do! It was the oddest thing then and still is odd! It was after the gerbil incident?

  10. I think that she is smarter than your average model, even at age 21, she has been a successful businesswoman though not as successful as Kathy Ireland for example but Gere is interested in more esoteric things, like Buddhism and the Dalia Lama. Maybe too out there for a young woman and good for her for not putting her career on hold. Many men still expect that. Maybe even Gere because I am pretty sure Carrie is not working much if at all these days.

  11. As stated earler, everyone seems to have gotten what they really needed in a spouse in the end, and anyone who has ever met Carey Lowell in-person knows that she's crazy amazing, and has the perfect combination of personality and depth to make him very lucky indeed. Only wish that we saw much more of her on TV or in films NOW.

    Her Timberland print ad of over 15 years ago with her daughter -in Vanity Fair and other upscale mags- was only about as perfect a print ad campaign as I've ever seen.

  12. God, I had completely forgotten these two were married!

  13. I had forgotten too. I also have no idea abt a "gerbil incident." I thought that was Ozzy. ;)

  14. @VIP. Comment of the day!

    @DontRain. The Ozzy rumor (?) was that he bit the head off a live bat on stage. *cringing*

  15. Ok, here's a link to the ad they paid $30,000 for:

  16. I had to Google that ad but was unable to find it.. They did make a good looking couple though. I personally have never found him to be all that handsome. His eyes are too close together.

  17. stop with the Gerbil rumor! it's an urban legend!

  18. The ozzy thing was not a "rumor" that shit actually happened.

    1. @smash- you're right. Isn't there video of it somewhere?

    2. Lotta- there tots is a video! I unfortunately witnessed it at some point in my life. Enough for me to remember it FOREVER!!! That is not an imagen easily scrubbed from the brain. :(

    3. smash, its the gerbil/ gere thing that is the urban legend. Ozzie biting the head off is indeed, sadly true.

  19. He's NMS but I can see this more being about lifestyle than anything. Cidny and her current H are a good match as she likes to get her party on if all the blinds are to be believed where as RG (as tina above mentioned) has his meditative, philosophy thing happening.

  20. @curly. Guess that was a wasted $30,000.

  21. When they were just dating she wad EVERYWHERE talking about how much she wanted to be married to him.

  22. She has always mystified me, there is nothing attractive about her whatsoever IMO, that disgusting mole looks like a piece of food or a turd ball hanging off her lip. Gere is too Jewish to be attractive and his new wife looks like a man. I never advocate lip fillers but that chick needs some bad. Oh and Cindy's son is the ugliest thing, he looks just like her and has an utterly moronic name. And she apparently sells her kids to perverts so what's to like about her?

  23. didn't some celeb come forward recently claiming to be the one who started the gerbil thing? i want to say it was stallone, but that seems an odd pairing...

  24. @888 wow way to bring the hate! Too Jewish to be attractive? WTF is that??

  25. Someone (BBB) has their nasty hat on today.

  26. Yeah her boobs look weird there, but her face is exquisite. She was (and is!) so incredibly beautiful. It's really unfair, lol.

  27. I think I have watched An Officer and A Gentleman 100 times through the years and it is still one of my favorite movies.
    I have a thing about men in military dress uniforms and Richard Gere looked fine as hell.

  28. @888 you sound like a real winner. in case you don't get it, I'm being sarcastic.

  29. @Sarah: 888 is a Hitler worshiper.
    The use of the repeated #8 is a common sort of secret code for Hitler, as H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.
    Saying that Gere is too Jewish looking is weird as Gere is descended on both his mother & father's side from people that came on the Mayflower.

    1. I saw some of 888 's other comments & I get that he/she/it is a racist piece of crap. Didn't know the connection between the multiple 8 & Hitler. Asshats like that need to be called out for their uneducated, hate filled speech. And I bet @888 will cry "freedom of speech" but that is no free pass to be an asshat.

  30. I had forgotten about these two too. She is looking very CZJ in this pic.


  32. annabella: No worries about 888... while I don't often remember "handles," I believe that 888 was the enlightened soul who tried to sell us on the premise of real men in the south - her interpretation made the gentlemen from DELIVERANCE seem like Fred Astaire's proteges... I've commented a total of about 10 times cumulative on ALL boards, and1 never derisive about another person, but 888 is trash - I'd rather watch Liz & Dick again before I'd read anything she has to say. just ignore her!

  33. I was just going to say I didn't think Gere was Jewish not does he look like one! 888 is always trying to ruin threads, I'm sorry I'm even addressing this as I'm guily of feeding the troll.

    I think it's rather nice what she said, nothing negative at all. And at the time he was HUGE.

  34. @smash, calling bs on you viewing video:

    1. Matthew I don't know what the hell kind of link you put up but I was talking about the BAT he bit the head off of. Not the gerbil up the but. Thanks for you help though!

  35. Cindy has the curtains and furniture line so she does really well, especially because it's all mainstream. I liked them together, but I just figured he wanted kids and at the age of 23, she was having none of it.

  36. Getting shaved by KD Lang changed everything for Cindy.

  37. Yeah, the Ozzy story is true. Richard and the gerbil? Not so much.

    I think RG is hot as hell, but I'll never forget that story where he berated CC for mispronouncing "epitome" at a dinner party.

    She's very smart. She'd probably just read that word and never heard it. Pretentious asshole.

  38. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Richard was acting real creepish at the Oscars. Schmoozing it up. very kissy and touchy. him and his wife still together? nonetheless I love him

  39. I thought it ended because he doesn't have a vagina. Because you know, that's what she likes.

  40. WTF is too Jewish to be attractive?

  41. ^Right? Whaaaat?

    I'm not sure I understand how it was ok at 21 but not 25, but whatever. That is a huge age gap. Could work for some, though, just not them. I kind of forgot they were married til Enty posted it.

  42. ?
    I have the hots for a Jewish guy and will let it be known I would ride him for days on end, if given the chance. Haters are asses, unless you're a hater-hater. I'm down with that.

  43. Jewish guys are SO. EFFING. HOT.
    That is all.

  44. Ahh come on, 888!

    Hate is the ugliest four letter word. Lighten up, you
    Will ferl better;)

  45. Hater hater in the hizzay!

  46. Someone (BBB) has their nasty hat on today.

    @ LuLu G - That's not her hat, that's her head.

    @ Hallandale Beach Blog - I only know Carey Lowell from Law and Order, but there was an article floating around about her last year:


  47. Well, not an article, per se. But read it. It's funny. :)

  48. I too forgot about them. They were the 90's version of Katy Perry and Russell Brandt. I remember how they would go on TV shows and talk about how "in love" they were.

    I don't think age was the problem. They were together a long time before they married; I always thought they looked too much alike. They have the same coloring. They could be father and daughter.

  49. In my humble opinion, Carey Lowell was one of the hottest Bond girls ever!

  50. Cindy Crawford grew up in the town I raised my kids in. She graduated from high school to pursue chemical engineering at Northwestern. The girl is smart!

    She and Gere never seems right for eachother, but us townies loved seeing the limo parked at the local butcher shop - Cindy inside buying stuff for dinner and Richard outside in the car.

  51. Richard Gere isn't even Jewish! His parents are BOTH Mayflower descendents not to mention like 6 pilgrims LOL. And also, Jewish men (and no, I am not including the Hasids on this bc they are some of the least attractive men on the planet) are just like Italians and Spaniards. Dark and handsome! What is not to like? Yes, sometimes they are a bit short, but ugly? NO.

    I shouldn't feed the troll. But that was just the most assinine comment EVER.

  52. Richard Gere is a Buddhist.

  53. The Ozzy thing is a mix of the true stories of him biting the head off a dove in his meeting with his record label right after he left Sabbath and the time Alice Cooper threw a chicken out to his audience thinking it would fly away but instead got torn to shreds.
