Sunday, March 10, 2013

Jenelle Evans Leaves Rehab Again

The siren call of heroin was too much for Jenelle Evans to handle and she walked out of rehab after four days. This was after she had walked away after three days. Yeah, I'm sure rehab works really well when it is four days on and one day off. Jenelle says that she does not have a problem and that it was only bad choices in men that led her to have a drug problem. She says that now that they are out of her life she will be fine and does not need to do any more drugs or use. Uh huh.


  1. remind me again why these people are famous? **SMDH**

  2. Now there is more room for someone who actually wants help. I'm so sick of hearing about assholes like this one and Lohan.

  3. She had it right at "bad choices" and should have left off the "in men" as if walking out of rehab is an example of the good choices she makes without them. Living in denial = relapse in 3, 2, 1.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    She'll be ready once she hits rock bottom, it doesn't seem that she's there yet.

  5. She's lying to get high. I'm am addict. This is how it works.

  6. who is paying for all these stunted stints in rehab, can't be cheap

  7. @Tina Mallette, Teen Mom money.. Thats big money!

  8. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around hot mess Amber choosing to go to jail for 5 years because she couldn't get her shit together.

  9. She's looking a little more like a Real Housewife than she is like a Teen Mom. Heroin isn't just something you can break up with.

  10. She looks awful.

    I wish I could tell her, do it now. Make the hard choices NOW while you have your life ahead of you because they're going to be harder choices when you're 30, 40, 50, 60.

  11. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hot ass mess

  12. @faux101 - does Teen Mom film the rehab stints?

  13. She's not gonna make it to 30, 40, 50...

  14. Okay-
    I have seen friends lose their minds, money and morals over some good D. But this girl, honey, it is more than a man and his D. Getting them out of your life is just a start. You need to get the smack, pills, coke, booze, meth and what the hell else you are smoking, snorting, shooting, huffing, puffing or sucking. You have one child. If anything in this world is worth getting your shit together it is for your child.

  15. Heroin, not even once.

  16. Whoooooo! Whooooooo! Halfway down the track to Junkieville!

  17. I know...lets send her to Dr. Drew for "celebrity" rehab. His track record is soooo stellar!

  18. MTV needs to cut her out of that show if she is still using. This girl is gonna end up OD'ing. It's tragic.

  19. MTV needs to cut her out of that show if she is still using. This girl is gonna end up OD'ing. It's tragic.

  20. These people, this show,why? All disgusting.
