Friday, March 29, 2013

Jenelle Evans Snorting Percocet

That Jenelle Evans snorts a variety of drugs does not shock me. I think everyone who knows her name knows she uses a ton of drugs. What constantly surprises me is how readily she or her friends will consent to be taped while snorting drugs. The video below is from 2012 and shows Jenelle snorting Percocet. Jenelle knew about the video but does not think it is important because she is clean now. Uh huh. Keep fooling yourself.


  1. ....... Speaking of snorting. What a hot mess.

  2. Geez, why not just swallow it like the good Lord intended us to do.

    1. Yeah, snorting it is really gross.

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Teen mom money... smh

  4. but snorting it makes the high come on faster and more intense. She is going to OD one of these days.

  5. She's snorting the shit with tylenol in it?! Just stupid... I'm sure its oxy.

    1. Oxycontin, or Oxycodone? Because Oxycodone is Percocet, it being the brand name. It contains either 325 or 500 mgs of Acetaminophen, or Tylenol. Oxycintin is pure oxycodone in 10-80 mg doses, time-released, and just one high dose pill can have the same any of oxycodone as 16 Percocets. Just trying to help, I know that's confusing to most people who dont mess with that stuff. People snort both, (Ugh, and dangerous!), too many Percs, will kill you as well as straight Oxycontin, but it's a quicker way there, usually. It takes a while to build up to large doses of Percs, in my exp. Does this person have custody of her small child(ren)? I pray that's not the case. :(

    2. P.S. Not trying to sound know-it-allish, and only replied to you because it was near the top. I just see lots of confusion all over the internet on drug threads. Im not a doc, nowhere near it, but one of my many past lives involved working w/them, and taking lots. I honestly wished no one abused or misused meds in this manner. I think it's heartbreaking. Especially that young, and a mom. Poor kid(s?).

  6. And they're trying to keep gay marriage from happening by saying gay couples can't procreate and shouldn't adopt kids while this piece of trash is allowed to? What a messed up world we live in.

  7. There's lots of percs or most commonly oxycodones that don't have Tylenol .. They are tiny and come in mgs of 5-30 and are commonly snorted and since OxyContin is now time released the percs have gone up in popularity .. Opiate addiction is a long and powerful one and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I wouldn't call her trash for being an addict. Addiction cuts all class lines. As for the rest of her lifestyle - whatever I don't know I'm sure it's deplorable - but it really grinds my gears to see people be so judgmental about addiction. I'm 14 months clean from a 9 year PHYSICIAN ordered addiction. Our doctors are bigger drug dealers than most people realize. Maybe if this girl gets clean she can get her act together. I wish her the best ..

  8. @New Life - thanks, I'm an old fart and was seriously wondering why she doesn't just swallow them? I kept thinking about it itching my nostril too.

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM


  10. Crushed percs? I can't imagine that would absorb faster. Must be lots of big chunks that just end up down your throat. Might as well just chew them anyway.

  11. Every single time I take oxycodone (when the pain gets too bad), I get nausea and sometimes vomiting, and always tired and itchy. NEVER high, never happy, just itchy and barfy and sleepy. On the tiny 5mg pill. I think snorting it would turn me into a mess.

    @Alicia, congrats on being clean, I've heard opiate addiction is one of the hardest to kick, especially if it's connected to pain management. I agree, there are doctors out there who hand drugs out like candy and other docs who won't give pain meds when they're truly needed. I hope you've found a good one!

    @All About Eve - AMEN!

  12. I've just never understood people getting hooked on Percocet; I've had it a couple of times post-surgery, and while it helped a bit w/the pain, ibuprofen was probably better in that regard, plus I never had any kind of "high" or anything w/Percocet. Hospital morphine, on the other hand... ;-) After surgery, they usually put you on something called PCA, or patient-controlled analgesia; you get morphine or whatever else they decide to give you through your IV, and you can hit a button whenever you need more, although no more often than every 6 minutes. (Wonder how they hit on that number?) It did help the pain, but mostly I was stupid, sweaty, and spacy, as the following tale will relate:

    After my bowel resection 10+ years ago, I was in quite a bit of pain--not surprising, considering the incision started above my navel & went down far enough that I joked I'd gotten my bikini shave for the summer from the Mass General surgical unit--so the first couple of days, I was definitely slapping away on that button like a rat in a Skinner box, desperately trying to get another treat. Well...2 days post-surgery, I found myself lying in my hospital bed at 8 a.m. w/the TV remote practically smoking in my hand, watching the Teletubbies, with a silly smile on my face--hell, probably drooling slightly--and thinking "Awww, this is actually kind of cute...I should watch this more often..." Meanwhile, the part of my consciousness that wasn't completely stoned out of its mind was wearing a black leather jacket and standing there, arms folded and shaking its head, muttering "Dude, this is fucked up!" (Figuratively, not literally, of course, but the whole split-consciousness bit was definitely amusing.) So yeah...drugs are bad, kids, OK?

  13. My uncle died doing this.

  14. Isn't she pregnant???

  15. snorting percocet with bud light chaser
