Friday, March 29, 2013

Jennifer Lopez is Divalicious Without Talent

You would be surprised to hear that I actually have no problems with someone like Mariah Carey being a diva when it comes to her performance riders. I think she has earned it. I think Mariah and a few select others can be divas if they want. For as long as time has been around, popular singers have been divas so I'm ok with it. What I don't like is when someone who is not a good singer acts like diva. According to the NY Post, Jennifer Lopez was offered a ton of money to perform in India at a cricket tournament. Anyone offering Jennifer money to come perform a concert should probably be fired, but the organizers tired. They tried hard. Jennifer though wanted a private jet at her beck and call and hotel rooms and live chickens sent to her dressing room every fifteen minutes. Well, maybe not the last part, but it was probably something ridiculous like that which pushed the organizers over the edge who hired Pitbull instead who has apparently been a joy to work with.


  1. Now MV does Santeria?

  2. MV droppings all over in here!

  3. She was the Latina flavor of the month, she will go the way of so many others soon enough and will be begging to give free shows at that point

  4. O goodness, she's a bitch and all about the money, but she can deliver once in a while. "On the Floor" was amazing, and she has a dozen tracks that stand up. Is she too much in love with herself? Of course. Does she pay for sex with hot men? Sadly, both in cash and in moments of embarrassment. But I like her. She's pretty, and she's intense.

    Also, I walked down the street next to her once in Miami Beach, and I was struck by her honey-carmel skin and her intense beauty. I thought at the time, "This woman looks like Jennifer Lopez, only blonde" -- and later that day I saw her blonded out in the Herald and I was all like omg. She's awfully pretty.

    1. I saw her once, at a distance, here in ATL. While I think he talents are very limited, she looked f'ing awesome, and I can honestly state, I'd kill to look that good, at any age. Hard to believe she's in her 40s. Also, while I freely admit Mimi has great talent, I have zero interest in ever hearing her sing, anything. Not my thing, at all. Boooring.

  5. "beck and call." Pretty sure you mean "beckon call."

    1. No, "beckon call," is an example of misheard phrases, incorrectly used. The word "beck" is a shortened form of beckon, and means to silently signal w/ a nod or finger motion. It came into use in the 14th century, a subservient phrase, meaning to be responsive to the person's slightest request, "on call." Now you can use it, Olde English Gangsta-style. :)

  6. If she were asking for live chickens, I imagine that it would be to make fabulous outfits like this feather dress she wore by Marchesa. Only fresh feathers for ms.jlo.

  7. And this is a surprise how?

    Also, asking for a private jet is not unusual. If I'm not mistaken, she and Mark Anthiny actually share a private jet.

  8. No,it is beck and call.

  9. @Marcia, is it?!

  10. I find her ridiculously beautiful. Jenny from the block, you're beautiful and have tons of cash- quit being a pain in the ass.

    1. There's no doubt she's drop-dead-gorgeous! I love her face profile. :-)

  11. EmmmmmVeeeeeeee!!!!!

    I believe it's 'beck and call', too.

  12. It is Beck and Call

  13. Well, FFS! I'm going to slap my best friend later. She ribbed me for using "beck and call" back when we were freshmen in college (12 years ago) and made me feel stupid for not knowing that it was "beckon call." I had no reason to disbelieve her.

    She's out of the wedding.

  14. That'll fix her little wagon, Karen!!! /shakes fist

  15. Put me on the list of those who think she's ridiculously beautiful. Dresses like an asswipe, but damn, is she gorgeous!

  16. It's beckon call for all intensive purposes. (sorry, couldn't resist)

  17. Gahhhhh!!! Don't get my anal li'l heart going on grammar issues!!! =)

    ^that sounds all kinds of wrong. LOL

  18. I can't help it either. I love that beautiful bitch, I just do.

  19. I was just going to axe which one. Supposably beck n call? Lets conversate about it!

  20. J Ho needs to go back home and raise her kids. Oh wait--like all celeb moms, she has nannies to do that. All she had to do wwas birth them and score a People cover.

  21. I hate when people say orientate or addicting

  22. I've been hearing people say 'conversate' a lot, not alot, but a lot.

  23. Karen - you definitely need to pull in a second string bridesmaid for that offense! And it took me 6 months to correct my best friend saying "Hindsight vison is 50/50". You'd be surprised at how often she could slip that into a convo!

    I am going to be out most of the day, so I would love it if you guys get try to get this mentioned in the better threads today:
    THESE ARE THE FINAL FEW DAYS TO HAVE 1/2 THE CDAN T-SHIRT PROCEEDS TO HELP I DO THE ROBOT'S SISTER CAROL PAY FOR BABY BEN'S MEDICAL AND FUNERAL EXPENSES. Please if you can, order a t-shirt or post the link and a reminder if you don't already see one in the thread. In this one instance, Enty won't see it as spamming

    Link to buy CDAN T-shirts

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. That's what I like about this comments. Not only I learn gossip, but I also learn grammar, like that "Beckham call", which was something I didn't know it was "beck and call".

    Thank you Enty and CDAN viewers.

  26. On one of the wedding boards that I frequent, a girl titled a post, "My FMIL [future mother-in-law) has done a complete 360!!!!"

    I wanted to say, "...I think you mean a complete 180...otherwise she's back at the beginning." She was really upset, though, so I thought that would be too trollish.

  27. J-Lo is gorgeous, but that's about all she has going for her. I did love the Wedding Planner, but I think that was mostly due to Matthew McC's hotness (he was in his prime back then, well and during A Time to Kill)... remember him all sweaty throughout that movie?

  28. Ugh, a lot of people do the 360 reference. You'd think they would clue in that you're back to where you started with a 360. I can excuse some mistakes, but that one changes my perception of the perp.

  29. @Karen, LMAO that's really funny.

    The ones that always get me giggling are when people type out could of, would of, or should of. It makes no sense.

  30. What about people using an apostrophe in every word that ends in s?

  31. @Barton- Ahahaha! love it.

  32. The apostrophe drives me nuts and the other one is loose and lose - "I'd like to loose a few pounds." ARGH!

  33. I wonder if Enty is ever going to reveal J-Lo as MV... maybe the day his website is about to shut down? That would be a bittersweet day.

  34. Could/would/should of drives me insane!!!!!! My fingers are itching to correct what I just typed! Gahhhh!!!

  35. What's really awesome is when people correct someone for grammar issues and the corrector is incorrect. Lol. I see it a lot with ho/hoe .

  36. You mentioned someone correcting: just the other night, my friend asked me how to spell...'a lot'. He's dyslexic and a very poor speller, but I tried to explain to him that 'a lot' is not a single word. It's two words: a lot! He argued with me, told me I was wrong. I wanted to smack him. A lot!!!

    1. There is a hysterical blog post about that. I can't get my phone to paste in a link, but google "alot hyperbole and a half" it made me laugh, well, a lot.

  37. @Izzie - but surely once the pounds get loose enough, they'll fall right off :)

  38. @ethorne:

    Actually she is into Santeria. It actually an open secret in the santeria communities. When she married Marc, he had her initiated. Thats all I will reveal about it.

  39. So funny I was just reading this in the DM. According to her "people" Jenny from the block was busy at this time promoting her new album so she could have never been there. Uh huh, riiight..They also mention another story:

    "Lopez also reportedly asked for nine dressing rooms for her 90-strong entourage ahead of an interview with the BBC.

    The NY Post reported that before filming a video for African AIDS victims, the asked for a 45ft trailer, white lilies, yellow roses with a red trim and apple pie."

    Personally cannot stand this woman who thinks everyone has to be at her beckon call a lot. If she did a 360 on her personality I might summon the strength to like her...(Had to join in)

  40. @Meanie Reese, that's hilarious!

    I hate when people use "irregardless" instead of "regardless." It's not a word! And when people put the apostrophes after acronyms or numbers that don't require them, like "the 1950's." It should be "the 1950s."

  41. Anonymous9:04 AM

    You guys, she's not MV because she can't sing, has no singing double, was always auto tuned within an inch of her life. Her voice is awful in her music, but it's clear that it's her voice, warts and all. MV is about a singer who has a great singer filling in for them, like Milli Vanilla, ,hence the MV, that would cancel out J Lo, who's track singing is horrendous. She has no talent, except dat ass. She's made it on Her looks, the fact that her relationships are always media fodder, her clothing and perfume line were a thing, and the fact that she's latin, that's what she's got going for her, def not the singing. that's not a whole hell of alot to base a career on, but she's done it.

  42. @Karen - lot's. Pet peeve right there.

  43. Anna Nonymous, I know! It annoys me to no end that so many people insist she is MV. No way in hell!

  44. Oh, and Enty? I apologize for incorrectly correcting you. I hate being wrong, but I hate it more when people won't admit to being wrong.

  45. I like JLo, I admit. She always looks fabulous, her movies are entertaining and her songs are fun.

    I like Mariah as a person, but I truly dislike her singing voice and her songs.

  46. Anonymous9:24 AM

    It's literally like grammar fingernails down a chalkboard on

  47. Nope. No one has ever "earned" the right to be a dickhead and if they did, it would NOT be for singing a song or two.

  48. Lol I love the "beck and call" confusion. Karen, that is so hilarious that your friend misled you. Speaking of "misled," I used to always pronounce it as "MY-zuld" in my head....had no idea that it was the past tense of mislead although I knew it meant something like "fooled" from context. One time I guess I said it out loud and boy, did I never make that mistake again!!! Lol

  49. @Don'tRain: Welcome to the club! I did the same thing, thinking it was an obscure term for being cheated out of something ("That bastard misled me out of the deal!") If you pronounce it like that, doesn't it seem like that would be the proper meaning? And like you, I only (mis)used it out loud once!

  50. @Taracu

    Supposably. Heh. My fave Joey line!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. and also, the thing no one mentioned - who would have thought that Pitbull would be "a joy to work with?" That is a nice surprise.

  53. I thought I was the only one who thought JLo was secretly kind of awesome.

    Language pet peeve: using "beg the question" when "raise the question" is meant.

  54. Just wandering in to wish everyone a happy Easter!

    *backs my bad spelling, lack of punctuation self on outta here!*

  55. @Don't rain- my sister pronounces jalepeno Jalappino and chicken cacciatore Kakeyatoor.
    Another bad one- could care less for couldn't care less.

  56. I liked her then I didn't but she's starting to grow on me again. She'll always have a special place in my heart for being in Out of sight with George Clooney, one of my favorite movies and she was really good in it too. I just wish she would stop being such a diva!

    Grammar pet peeve: lose and loose, drives me crazy!

  57. I like em both but to me, it will always be Mariah > J Lo.

  58. I'm glad to hear Pitbull is awesome! I'm a big fan. JLo is meh

    My grammar and spelling are atrocious (Thank god for spell check!) but it drives me crazy when people pronounce words differently. Theater as thee-ate-her, Mario as may-rio, Tuesday as toos-dee.

  59. Expresso and expecially. Nuff said.
    I will admit that I didn't know it was 'throw caution to the wind' for awhile.
    Happy Friday y'all!!

  60. My grammar pet peeve - conversate - !!!!! Ahhhhh!! I want to shake people " it's converse! Coverse I say!!! "

    I think Pitbull would be fun to work with. Remember when Lilo sued him ( or threatened to ) and he invites her to the Grammys? I loved that.

  61. One thing I don't like is when people use curb instead of kerb. One is to curtail something the other is a footpath.
    Another thing is when people use 'of' instead of 'have'. As in, 'I could of used that' instead of 'I could have used that'.
    Supposably and could care less bug me too.
    Phew!! It feels good to get that out.

  62. @Its Just U

    Are you British, by chance? Because "kerb" isn't used in American English. Curb is used here to mean both "to curtail" and as a raised edge around a street. Maybe you're thrown off by American usage?

    Also, your user name makes me smile considering the grammar aspect of this thread.

  63. I wanted to smack a fellow tourist who was raving about the "quess-uh-dill-uhs" in Mexico.

    1. Oh mooshki, don't even get me started on mispronounced Mexican food. I'm a white girl waiting tables in a Mexican restaurant in the south.

  64. Hyperbole and a Half was the best blog ever. I miss it. :(

  65. "What I don't like is when someone who is not a good singer acts like diva."

    Thanks Enty for finally confirming that MV does not have a great voice

  66. @Livia No, not British. I am Irish.
    And my screen name is a play on my real name. :-)

  67. I'm glad to hear Pitbull's a nice guy. Now if only he was a talented guy...

    I can't stand his sloppily rhymed nonsensical brag-raps!

  68. Live chickens every hour would be a simple thing in india

  69. Don't trouble yourselves, grammarians, just be like Rod Stewart and "let your inhibitions run wild". That always cracked me up.

  70. There's a great community on Live Journal (remember them?) with those kind of funnies:

    Not a lot of traffic, but still pretty funny.

    "let your inhibitions run wild" -- That's hilarious! Unfortunately for me, mine already do...

  71. Conscience is often written as concious auuggghh!! Makes me crazy!!

  72. JBlow is initiated in Santeria(Regla de Ocha)a long time ago. It's a pretty open secret. Chickens are sacrificed in rituals. It's an African diaspora religion from the Yoruba nation.

  73. @Borg Queen
    JBlow was initiated before Marc Antony and even her first husband. Her mother's family is heavily involved. Marc Antony might have brought her into his Santeria family, but she was already initiated.

  74. JLo's Dad is Co$. Santeria has a large following in So. FL and she was right in the mix when she lived here.

    "The heat was hot.." Horse with No Name by America... the heat was hot cracks me up every time I hear it.

  75. late to the party here but spent years biting my tongue every time my MIL or FIL would say, "We'll unthaw some steaks for dinner." Finallly told my husband that if his parents were going to un-thaw them, that would mean they'd be re-freaking-freezing them. He couldn't believe it drove me that crazy. But it did! At least HE stopped saying it.....

  76. JLow is gorgeous but I wish she would stop denying that she's had plastic surgery. The photos don't lie, bitch! You had a nose job, just admit it!

  77. Thanks! Finally somebody else s noticing the 360 thing. Drove me mad.

    When I lived in China, there was a sports brands there called 361. For me, it was just like "lots of effort for little results" but nobody else saw it ...

  78. A few years ago I worked with concert promoters in Asia. On a trip to Indonesia to meet a big promoter there to see if there was a way of working together without them ripping us off (there wasn't, so a wasted trip), he told me about the time he'd got Mimi for a gig. The rider stated that no tobacco products were to be listed as sponsors. (Fairly standard, where promoters are able to sell sponsorship, usually it's expected you'd let the artists management know which firms, in case of any conflicts).

    Anyway Mimi arrives at the venue the day before for load in, pre-planning etc. and there are Philip Morris branded products floor to ceiling promoting the show.

    She didn't say anything, just turned around, went back to the airport and flew off. Kind of respected her for that though! I did hear from another promoter that she was great fun (before she got married).
