Thursday, March 28, 2013

Justin Bieber's Mom Says She Has No Control Over Her Son

In an interview with E!, Justin Bieber's mom says all she can do for her son now is pray for him because she has no control over his life anymore. "Of course I pray for him and I encourage him. I can't really speak to how he handles that part of his life." She also says that she learns many of the accusations against him via the internet just like everyone else. For example, she cited his recent run in with his neighbor. Justin used to let his mom tell him what to do all the time. That changed about a year ago when he not only turned 18, but also when she asked him to be on the cover of her book and he said no.


  1. Well you created this monster now you'll have to live with that...

    1. Cosign! Thats what happens when you spoil a child.

  2. That's what you get for "giving him to a Jewish guy"! {eyeroll}

  3. Anyone know why he refused to be on the cover of her book? Anyone know why she even has a book? Can I write a book?

    1. Let's write a book! We'll all write books! It'll be anarchy!

  4. What she's really saying there is "I failed miserably as his parent and now he has no idea how to be a responsible adult and his life is going to spiral out of control and I am working really hard to set myself up for when that happens." Ya reap what ya sow betch.

    1. She only had a tenuous grasp on him 6-7 yrs ago, but a multi -millionaire 19 yr old? Yeah, that's well over. I thought we were all in agreement that neither mama Biebs or daddy Biebs were throwing out any Einsteinian genes, anyway. This too, shall pass, or he will one.

  5. Don't most teenagers stop listening to their parents once they turn 18? Isn't that the usual age people start to think they know everything?

    1., as the mother of a 14yo, I can assure you that it happens LONG before 18. I told my son I'm going to start calling him Google.

    2. @Lizzie LOL at you calling your son Google! I can kind of relate because I've worked with 5th and 6th graders for a few yas now and even THEY think they know everything! I think teens are just naturally arrogant but when you add millions of dollars and tours and yes men to the mix it just goes straight to their heads. Fam can be a terrible thing.

    3. @ Izzie So sorry about my autocorrect changing your name ;-)

    4. That was my first thought too. Most 18 year olds show out; think they're grown!

      That's a tough age... for parents

  6. Good for him that he refused!!!

    And, yeah, praying it away always works. /eye roll

  7. Wait! 'giving him to a Jewish guy'?! What is up with that, @Izzie???

    1. @Reese - when Tricycle Braun approached JB's mom about having him do some demo tapes, she said she had prayed that God would send her a Christian man and did He really want her to give her son "to this Jewish kid"? (Like Braun was going to pull an Abraham on her precious baby Bieber or something {eyeroll}). She consulted the elders of her church and got their prayerful permission to let him go to Atlanta with the Jewish guy who apparently wasn't looking for a Canadian tween sacrificial lamb.

    2. Ok, puzzle pieces in place.

    3. Shiz! What an anti-Semitic witch. I had never heard that story. My father is of Spanish Jewish ancestry, so that just makes me despise the Beebeepeepees even more.

  8. I saw her interview last night (after TMZ - not sure the name of the show). She was smiling the whole time. Like she's just happy to be living in the shadow of her famous son. She could care less that he's spiraling out of control.

    I put her in the same category as Dina Lohan, Michael Lohan and Chris Jenner. Just happy she's now famous via their offspring.

  9. @S.Joy. Most of stopped at 15, when we were sure we knew everything, and then started again at 18, when we realized they could toss us out of the house at any given moment. *g*

    1. @Gayeld very true!! I remember thinking my parents were complete idiots... but I never actually voiced that opinion!

  10. This bitch.

    She is responsible for turning her little shit into the grown monster he is today.

    Congratulations to the Mother of the Year.

  11. Congratulations, your son has grown up to be a massive douche.

  12. His mom is a total nutcase. There was no hope for Justin from the start, poor kid.

  13. I'm sick of everyone blaming the mother. Like seriously? Why not blame his fucking fans for giving him such a big ego, and all the girls who throw themselves at her creating an even bigger ego-maniac that thinks he's this generations Jesus?

    1. Because she if she hadnt spoiled him, he wouldnt have such a snotty ego, thats why.

  14. When he is 30 he is going to be sleeping in her garage.

    I wait for that day to come.

  15. And where's his mentor Usher?

    1. @G Usher's currently on The Voice screwing up a decent show by mentioning Justin Bieber's name 956,354,685,742 Times!

      And that was just in 2 nights.

  16. Pretty harsh to not be on the cover of her book, though.

  17. You don't give your kid to anyone. Would anyone really let a teenager have a career as a actor/musician? My ex wanted the boys to play pro football. After college, they can be professional mimes if that makes them happy. But they will get a degree and not be pro anything until they are adults.

    1. Amen and right on alma!!!!!

    2. Alma, I just maybe fell in love with you. 100% I would be so disappointed if my kids can't be forced into college. You learn so much about yourself as well as the education.

  18. Wow, i cant believe all the comments I read blaming the mom. Do the people posting this stuff even have a kid?

    I worked in stratford for awhile, JB home town... From the sounds of the town folk (students, adults) that came into the spa, the mom was young when she had him. they were poor but not completely pov. Justin and the mom were "nice". Fame made it5 so that they were rarely in town at all, although when the mom was she was very pleasant.

    I think the mom was a good influence at the beginning, back when Justin actually was a good kid. I dont believe persay in bad kids (unless they have been seriously abused or have a mental disability). I think kids make bad decisions, which is when they have a chance to be good or bad long term.

    Imagine you are a poor kid, and suddenly you hit the jack pot. all the girls want you, everyone strokes your ego, you have tons of cash and cars. Than you have mom saying "nope, cant do that and this"... Most kids would not listen to their parents, let alone under these circumstances. Ive also read that justins mom used to confiscate his phone when he was bad (and much younger). Its what moms do. Think hed let her do that now? hell no.

    1. Poor kid hell. Try spoiled brat. And she made lots of money of off him, so yes she is responisble for how he's turning out. She could have been like Mama June and saved his money in a trust fund and kept a humble lifestyle. Instead, no lets live the high roller life and let all the teen and tween girls worship him. If shes so religious, why did she allow her son to be idolized like that? Better yet, why didnt she steer him into Contemporary Christian music, a lot of which is quite excellent, instead of pop music? This whiny witch gets no sympathy from me any more than Dina and Michael Lohan do.

    2. 1. Per se*
      2. The mentally abused are bad kids? That certainly came out wrong.

  19. and most parents I think wouldnt let thier kid go off on thier own... and I think for awhile justins mom went with hinm on tours and stuff like that. I can picture him telling her to get lost and not come.

  20. Maybe Justine will come out if the closet and that will set her straight and all these outbursts will end.

  21. lots of people hit the jackpot and have shit loads of fans and don't act like self involved, petulant fucking dickbags.

    Ever heard of Rob Pattinson or Taylor Lautner?

  22. He seemed to be doing well, a decent kid. Too bad his mom tried to cash in on him to sell her book.

    I think alot of it comes from the lil douchebags he is hanging with now.

  23. I agree that eventually kids are going to rebel, it happens. But not everyone is "writing" books proclaiming what a good mother they are because they've forgone a young, unplanned, unmarried teen pregnancy abortion while their unruly teenager dooshed out on the world. Just like the
    Lohags, she is enjoying the lifestyle he provides for her too much to make waves. Instead of using her pull to make anti choice films, she needs to get in therapy to try to help her son not make the same dumbass mistakes she did and Allah forbid, procreate in his teens.

    1. Teally, whose mother writes a book about them????!!!!

  24. I know she's far from a saint, but the Biebs was actually a good kid up until he was 17 or 18, so she did something right. I don't think you can blame her for a lot of his current douchiness.

    1. Teenagers are always going to rebel, and the later they do it, the more serious it is. Like bieber.

  25. Thanks for all your sacrifice mom. Now fuck off.

    Before he turned 18 his mother DID control everything he did. She made him go to bed early, etc. Once he turned 18 all bets were off.

    I had an employee who was 16 and it was like pulling teeth to get that girl to behave. I spoke with her mother and she said that Melissa was just uncontrollable. It happens.

    I don't blame her. BUT she's obviously like Kate Gosselin in that she enjoyed the $$ he brought in and now that she's grown accustomed to that lifestyle, finds herself with no discernible income to maintain it. Hence her wanting to be on the Bachelor or Bachelorette or whatever. AND the book. When you're famous for nothing it's hard to keep it going. Hell when you're famous for acting or singing there comes a time when your star just doesn't shine as brightly and you'd better have saved a lot, invested well or have another career.

    Shirley Temple Black did it well transitioning from a child star to a diplomat.


  26. Maybe her book sucked and he didn't want to be associated with it, he has to protect his brand. That being said, I can't stand him.

  27. Does his Dad get any blame?

    1. Dads don't get blamed. Especially when they are not involved. I don't like it either, but that's how it is. When my kids are not perfect, I get all the blame. Even from the father's family. He does nothing but it is still all my fault.

      I don't doubt that he was going to rebel no matter what but no teenager could handle the godlike worship from all those little girls. It will go to their head. I see 17 yr olds get big heads when three girls are all over them.

      Not all mom's fault. But she is not blameless either.

  28. Woah! Wheres the compassion for this woman? She was sexually abused for years and years as a child and suffered horrible depression over it, tried to kill herself and battled addiction because of what she suffered. And she still managed to take a situation that can be too much for some people and made the best of it, being a single teen parent. Her kid is an adult now and it's only right for her to step back and let the kid make his own mistakes. Let him learn the hard way. I can't believe that after everything she went through, though, he wouldn't support her by being on her cover. It's apparently a very inspirational book.

  29. If we want to look at examples of child celebrities who seem to have grown into reasonable adults look at Rupert Grint, or Daniel Radcliffe. Or the Olsen twins even. It is possible. It is when the adults in the situation decide they don't need to parent anymore because there is money around that problems happen.

    1. Absolutely! :-)
      What causes trouble is when the parents want to be their kids' friends. A lot of the kids I grew up with had parents just like Beepeebeeppee and every single one of them has grown up to be drug addicted or alcoholic or worse. Kids can get friends off of the playground anytime they want--what kids need are parents!

    2. But Daniel and one of the Olsen's have both fought addictions. Daniel openly admits to having serious alcohol issues and Mary-Kate went to rehab. Sure they said it was to treat an eating disorder but Cirque doesn't treat anything but addiction. Period. Now she's dating a creepy 43 year old banker. I'd say you may only have a point with Rupert.

  30. Right on Sherry. That was PERFECT!

    And JB's dad is the one getting those swell tattoos with him....two parents are in the pic. I agree with Jax: he didn't have to go out this way....

  31. I agree, where's the Dad. He is equally a douche? Or just happy to get a check?

    This is what happens when fame hits a young kid. It's like when people without money hit the lottery. There was an article recently that most of them blow all of their money because they don't have the financial skills to invest the money and they buy all kinds of crazy, dumb, s&%t.

  32. To quote my Godson;
    There is no way to thank this chick enough for getting this douche canoe out of Ontario.

  33. Well, Enty has implied on several occasions there was more going on in the early Atlanta days with Bieber that would sully the Biebs pure image than people realized.

    This was just before all the trouble started.

  34. All you people defending the mom...I'm assuming you don't read the things she said while raising him...Because telling your kids they are the second coming of Jesus while they grow up really grounds them

    1. Preach, sister! (Pun totally and unashamedly intended)
      His mommy is a hypocrite--isnt there a commandment about not committing idolatry somewhere in the Bible? Like I said above, if she was so religious, why didnt she have Beepeeebeeeppee go into CCM?

  35. No big fan of JB and I know nothing of his parents. I do want to mention that he still seems to nice to fans in the hospital. Hopefully that removes some of the Massengils out of the douche.

  36. Waiting for the Ricky Martin/Menudo type story that will come out of this in the next few years after the Beeb's fans move on and he is looking for cash...Because you KNOW there is some ugly stuff behind this. And yeh, I think both parents are equally to blame; the mother who apparently is a lunatic ("second coming" my fat aunt Hattie) and the father who IIRC was thrown off the tours for coke and hooker indulgences.

  37. A difference between Bieber and other young people like Daniel Radcliffe or random pop singers, is society has seen Bieber as a punchline, ever since he released his first song. His songs suck, but they don't suck more than other top 40.

    Yesterday, everyone put up the human rights "Equals" sign in support of marriage equality. But I wonder how many of them also, even when Bieber was 15 or 16, use words like "Justine, Beaver, her, lesbian, f*g, qu***, closeted" to describe him.

    If I was 15 and every time I saw my name anywhere it came with a slew of gay slurs, I'd turn into an asshole, too!

  38. @Zeeky: I so agree with you on that. I have said and will likely say it again: Hilary Swank looks like she could be Justin's Mom...but that doesn't mean I think he looks like a chick. He's still growing, FFS!

  39. Everytime I see the kid's photo he looks like a female trying really hard to be a Chris Brown.

  40. Yes, wasn't his mom one of his best friends? That and the douche dad who's trying to hang and be cool with his boy (whom he reconnected with?) once fame hit?

    I'm sure the mom did the best she could under her set of circumstance but she did him no favours by treating him with precious gloves. Then asking him to endorse your book? I'm sure the Beibs felt like she was just another in a line of people.

    The kid is an entitled little douche but given his history we can hardly say we expected different.

  41. He is acting like any teenager that has millions of dollars...a nightmare.
    Momma doesn't want her $ cut off.

  42. He's hanging out with 25-35 year old dope dealers and professional party people. You think his mom is why he's a jackass? I doubt she's had any control over this little shitstick since he was about 15 years old.

  43. See! This is what happens when you let your son get caught up with Jews!

    I say that as a Jew. Justin Bieber is our pay back for you white asses stealing Mila Kunis from us.

  44. Amy- Shitstick is my new favorite word.

  45. I agree with Jax! Will wonders never cease!

    Someone needs to sit this little douche down and show him the files on Leif Garrett, David Cassidy, and all those other teen stars who thought they'd be rich and famous forever. Beiber thinks he's really talented and doesn't get that he's just really, really lucky. And as long as he's a cash cow Scooter Braun will keep milking him until he's dry.

  46. What I took away from his movie/documentary was he was a very sad and lonely little boy who seemed closer to his grandparents than his own parents. Fame and fortune can't buy happiness. I'm not defending him but I think he's an awkward weirdo immature teenage boy.

  47. @ califblondy - were they his maternal or paternal grandparents? Didn't his dad checkout when he was quite small? And then pop up later when he was rich and famous?

  48. People, if you want to know what happened to him, just Google his father - that will explain it all. All this douchebaggery comes since his waste of a space father hitched his greasy ass to the Bieber train.

    His father used to live in our neighbourhood when we were still in Winnipeg, and trust me when I say the Lesbeaver is just imitating what he sees from his deadbeat Dad. The man is a waste of space and had very little to do with his son until he turned into a money-making machine.

  49. Wouldn't his dad be at least halfway responsible for the way he has turned out? It seems his dad didn't start coming around, until he got famous.
    I think Bieber is deep down a good hearted kid, but he is just acting out right now. Money and fame have taken control of him. Hopefully, he won't get too out of control and ruin his life.

  50. born-again religous zealot & poot teenage mom with a history of sexual abuse; douche dad who wants to hang out with his son's cool friends; living with his grandparents; being "discovered" at a very young age by a much older musician; touring as a music act (b/c it's so healthy for all involved); and being teased constantly.

    Having all that fame and $, but constantly hearing jokes at his expense - JB's too small, he's a dyke, not enough muscle, tries too hard to be cool and so-on. He's always doing everything wrong!

    Hearing that every day might make me tell a few people to shut the fuck up.

    Maybe he's sick of his mom pushing her anti-abortion religious agenda or his dad not being a parent but a leech.

    He's 19. Give him some time. It sounds like he was a good kid for a good time. I remember a few embarrassing things from my teens and 20's.

  51. It's the hangers on and the yes people that have enabled him to become what he is today. As soon as he was whisked away to be groomed for stardom did he begin the change into superdouchebrat...
