Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Justin Timberlake Countdown

Today's Justin Timberlake SNL video is from way way back in the day.  Justin plays Jessica Simpson while Jimmy Fallon is Nick Lachey.


  1. Oh man. I was one of those people that loved Nick and Jessica show. And I hate reality tv. I am shamed.

    1. I liked the show too and I liked them as a couple.

  2. The apology for not being able to load the commercial still cracks me up!

    This is hilarious! <3 Jimmy Fallon.

    *I wouldn't trust her to cure cancer. I wouldn't even trust her to cure a ham.

    *And then it got awesome again from a different angle, if you know what I mean.

    *So what if I cried because I thought Peter Pan was ground up to make peanut butter?

    *I have to drop the kids off at the pool! By pool I mean...

    I am so going to do that to Mr

  3. Oh my gosh, I had not seen that clip before, so hilarious! I am not a huge JT fan but I loved him in that, his take on her mannerisms was awesome.

  4. "We're sorry, but the clip you selected isn't available from your location."

    No bueno. :(

  5. These fella's sure do like dressing up as women....

  6. Oh man, I remember when this episode aired. Wasn't there a Punk'd spoof too? This was so funny!

  7. I love that it let me watch an ad then tell me I am in the wrong region.

  8. Wow JT's nose was alot bigger back then..
