Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kelly Osbourne Is Out Of The Hospital

Doctors have discharged Kelly Osbourne from the hospital and at least according to the statement put out by her employers, E!, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Kelly. So, they ruled out epilepsy? I guess they have or Kelly would have shared that with the world right? I am kind of being sarcastic because she does not need to share, but the entire Osbourne family has felt duty bound for those checks to tell tabloids all that ails them so maybe she is just waiting for the right paycheck? The statement says that, "Kelly Osbourne has returned home and has been given a clean bill of health by her doctor... Doctors ran numerous tests and determined that this was most likely a onetime episode of which there are no conclusive results." Just don't let it happen while you are driving. I wonder if it will happen again. Oh yeah, doctors don't know.


  1. Sometimes, the scariest thing the doctors can find is absolutely nothing. When they can't find anything wrong, you're left feeling vulnerable that it could happen again at any moment and frustrated that you can't be proactive about treating it.

  2. one of my bffs passed out behind the wheel. had an accident involving just her...she is bulemic and has passed out before.

  3. It is not entirely uncommon for a person to have one seizure, for no apparent reason, and then never have another one again.

  4. @tamarind - kelly had a seizure, which is different than passing out. i'm not saying that you're saying kelly passed out, but i want to prevent anyone else from misinterpreting.

  5. I was thinking...... father has neurological issues- not entirely caused by drugs-, jack has the MS- perhaps familial weakness in that area? Or she cld have just had a virus that caused her to seize. Its interesting.

  6. I hope they figure this out. I know it's frustrating, but sometimes tests come back as inconclusive. Doctoring isn't an exact science, it's close... But not exact.

    I really really hope this isn't drug related. Even if she's not actively using now the damage may already have been done.

  7. I saw a pic of Sharon and Kelly's sister, Aimee, going to the hospital to visit. I wonder what Aimee's life is like.

  8. @cathy- I think tamarind was just making a reference to enty's sentence "Don't let it happen while you're driving."

    @Dia- ditto to everything you said.

    @Sugar- ahhh! Your avi is creepy/hilarious at the same time

    1. If you cross me I'll beat you, woman!!!

    2. Sorry, that was my avi talking. Not me. ;-)

    3. @Sugar- LMAO!!!

      You are forgiven =]

    4. @Sugar - that made my morning! Hahaha!!!

  9. I'd rather be stuck w/the Osbournes for many more years than to ever have to see another Kartrashian! At least Mama Bear loves her kids and they still have the one daughter who refuses to join in public events.

  10. @auntliddy - forgot about the family history of neuro problems. Bad combo all around.

    Maybe it's a sign she needs to work less and eat more (I think she's too skinny now). Take care of yourself Kelly!

  11. I've had a seizure only once, it lasted for 20 minutes, soiled myself, and bit my tongue.
    I was burning the candle at both ends, and my brain just said f it.

    1. No agenda groupie- I always try to catch you but am always to late!!! ITM!!!! LGY!!!!!

  12. @auntliddy- that's the first thing I thought when I saw the seizure story, too. Family neurological issues?

  13. No doctors don't alway know, and it depends on what Kelly told them...she may be taking something to keep her weight down...

  14. Part of me keeps wondering if Kelly may have relapsed and this incident is drug related.

  15. She looks really cute in that photo. I hope it's all OK for her. It's scary not knowing what's going on.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Justice Roberts has had 2 seizures for no known reason -- and you know he had every test imaginable -- almost 10 years apart. Unexplainable seizures happen.

  18. +1 with Pink_Palace.

  19. Lola - you always have the cutest creature avi!

  20. Thanks, disco. The little creepy crawlies need some love too! :D

    (It's a Namibian Web-footed Gecko, they lick their eyes to collect the dew that forms on their eyeballs.)

  21. Fake weed. I'd just about put money on it.

  22. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Bad drugs????

  23. If it IS anything serious all she has to do is wait and in time it will declare itself.If it's anything neurological she will eventually have more seizures.

  24. No reason my butt. Hard drugs can mess you up bad. Brain cells be damned!

  25. It was reported that her seizure happened on the set of Fashion Police. It must have happened after filming, because I watched the episode and she looked absolutely fine. Either that or she had a seizure, they brushed her off, righted her lavender coif and continued filming.

  26. Anonymous12:32 PM

    im with enty. It seems like if one of them farts, theres a press release

  27. Her brain probably just wanted to finally actually do something.

  28. As the mother of an epileptic I am very involved with the Epilepsy Foundation and I can not begin to tell you how many people have just one seizure and then never have another one again in their lives.
    Many famous people have/had epilepsy including Danny Glover, Margaux Hemingway (she used her phenobarbital to od on), Neil Young, Lindsey Buckingham, Prince, Florence Griffith Joyner. There are so many more that I could list. Some suffered only a short period of time and others all their lives and then there are the ones that eventually took their own lives because they weren't able to deal with the disease any longer. Some hated the side effects of the medications so they turned to either alcohol,drugs or alternative medicine to see if it helped. Another side effect is the depression for some epileptics.

  29. See, reasons unknown. Seizures are hard to diagnose. If she does it again, or more than once or twice, they'll say she has a seizure disorder. I don't drive because of mine. If I hit someone due to one, I'd blame myself, to me, it'd be like driving under the influence because I know there's a possibility. I can't take that chance with other people's lives. I hope Kelly never has another.

  30. @jenn thank you for not driving. my cousin died because an epileptic had a seizure while driving.
