Saturday, March 02, 2013

Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer Is Awful

I don't know if you had a chance to watch Lindsay Lohan's lawyer in court yesterday, but it truly was one for the ages. There were a few things that could have made it better. Having a laugh track on with Shawn Holley's laugh. If Lindsay could have been there that would have been the icing on the cake. Just have a camera focused on her while the judge called her lawyer incompetent. Lindsay needs to do something fast because she is going to end up in jail if this goes to trial. I know, I know, I am excited about that possibility too. She won't though. She will take a deal and go to rehab for a month or two. She could also fire her lawyer and then try to get a continuance because the new lawyer would have to get up to speed. Meanwhile she could continue to party or as her lawyer said yesterday learn some valuable life lessons. You know, like liquor before beer is clear. Or is that the other way around? Then is it beer before liquor is sicker? See, these are things she would probably like to learn before going to rehab even though she doesn't have a problem with drinking or drugs.


  1. I see someone has already started on the booze train. It is Saturday, have fun, Entward!

    Her face is Bride of Chuckie.

  2. Dang, enty! Are you ok? You sound like me when my kids don't let me sleep.

  3. Liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, never sicker! Heed my words!

  4. Liquor before beer never fear
    Beer before liquor never sicker

  5. Liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, never sicker! Heed my words!

  6. OMG! The look on Liho's face is priceless. LOL!!!!

  7. Beer on whiskey mighty risky.
    Whiskey on beer have no fear.

    1. Yup, joymama. That's how we told it in South Texas. Beer on liquor never sicker. Liquor on beer never fear.

    2. Fru,Joymama, I'd rather read your helpful hints than the ass to the ghost burrito to the ass thingy.......Waiting for the NOT NOW IRONMAN ! T shirts. July Reader Photos should be fun to see this year.

  8. Question: Is it possible for Lindsay to fire her lawyer (the judge has already said he's incompetent) and then use that as a basis for a continuance? Any CA lawyers here?

  9. I think I could do a better job than this incompetent...I took Pre-Law in college...still, I wouldn't want to help Lindsay.

  10. Oh I'm so bummed that I missed this yesterday, the time differance was too big for me to make it work for once. I've followed all of Lindsays matters in court the last years. Yeah, I know.. Hella embarrassing :P I've have had nothing better to do with my days!

    Anywho.. If Lindsay wasn't out on a slippery slope before with all her troubles with the law, she sure is now. This guy is bad news. Was he the only one agreeing to her not actuallly paying, but for them to work something out? Something mutually beneficiary, if you know what I mean? Goddamnit Lindsay. Get off your knees, get off the pills/booze/other drugs! Find some worth in yourself, love yourself..

  11. She looks like the Grinch in this picture.

  12. Tabby, I thought the exact same thing when i saw that picture of her.

    Came to the comments to see if anyone else noticed the Grinch-alike look on her face.

    Leaving satisfied.

  13. Holy cow she looks like a ventriloquist dummy

  14. Hah hah, I damned near peed my pajamas over that face!

  15. She is morphing into Gollum at an ever increasing rate.

  16. I'm hoping her inability to hire competent counsel results in her being sent to jail to dry out for a while. Thats what happens to real people.

  17. Speaking of Gollum, this guy recorded a Smeagol version of Tears for Fears "Mad World" and it's hilarious. He also did "I Dreamed a Dream" as Gollum. I laugh-cried into my eggs.

    Smeagol sings Mad World

  18. I always heard it as:

    Beer before liquor, never been sicker
    Liquor before beer, you're in the clear

  19. Anonymous12:56 PM

    she's digging her own grave, so to speak, she always has been, this is gonna get good!

  20. There are probably not many lawyers who would want her as a client with her history of not paying, unless they are famewhores, and that would mean a terrible lawyer. :)

  21. I actually love the look on her face...even she seems surprised by her lawyers ineptitude.

  22. Enty, you should offer to be LiLo's lawyer.

    She wouldn't pay you, but think of the gossip inside scoops you'd get...

  23. MrWolf, with Lola, our legal eagle, by Enty's side.

  24. Here's a GIF of The Grinch's Evil Smile.

    And sure, the end face looks a lot like the one Enty has at the start of the article, but I think the starting face looks a lot like another one of Linds at court that same day:

    Lindsay's "I've made a terrible mistake" face

    Someone with more talent than I have should morph her court expressions into a similar Grinchy GIF.

  25. Her lips must have been repossessed for non payment.
