Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Michael Vick Didn't Get A Lap Dog

A few months ago Michael Vick as forced to admit he had purchased a dog. You know, for his kids. They missed having one around the house. Because of his past convictions and brutalization of dogs, you would think he would get a quiet breed. You know, because it is for the kids. Nope. Instead, Vick got a Belgian Malinois. Those are the dogs that the military uses because they are so tough. You know, because Michael's kids wanted that.


  1. I don't care that he served his time, f anyone that mistreats/abuses animals.

  2. I cannot believe ANYONE sold this guy a dog. SHAME on them.

    The ONLY reason he stopped doing the shit he was doing was because he got CAUGHT.

    He has no remorse. In an interview he said the only remorse he had was that he had to serve time. Fucking PIECE OF SHIT. Let someone electric shock HIS genitals and see how he likes it.

  3. He should not be allowed near animals ever again.

  4. I hope that Animal Control makes regular stops at his house to check things out. So pissed that he got another dog. And he could easily afford private training for the dog, but chooses to take classes at PetSmart? Please. He's looking for publicity.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Hey I got better training at petsmart than at the ecpensive places

  5. He apparently has a new book out and is attending a signing at a Barnes and Noble in Exton, where a friend of mine works. (The poster said, "[book title] only; no memorabilia")

    I intend not to get near that place.

  6. Holiday, go- and throw shit at him. Dog shit.

  7. What parissucksliterally said.

  8. It makes me sick that not only is he allowed to have a dog, but he's also playing football again and making big bucks. Yeah, prison isn't enough for him. Wish he had been banned for life from every owning a pet and from playing football. Ugh.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I have a friend who has a Belgian Malinois. Gorgeous dog and VERY friendly. They are originally a shepherding breed.

  11. Well, for once ita with all previous posts!!!!!! He cant be trusted around animals and shld be forbidden to have them.

  12. He aint going to let them guvment folks tell HIM what to do.

  13. I agree with everyone in this thread too! I don't stand for animal abuse. Or any abuse for that matter. This makes me want to cuddle my fur babies extra hard right now.

  14. I don't care if he's "reformed" or whatever. What he did to the animals in his past is utterly inexcusable and what bothers me is that he only got a small slap on the wrist for it before coming back to the NFL where he ended up making even MORE money than before. I don't understand why professional athletes are put on these pedestals and seen as "above the law." Personally, I thought a more fitting punishment is that half of his earnings should be automatically donated to various animal welfare agencies for a set period of time given what he did. But whatever - I'm a huge animal advocate and believe there is a layer of hell devoted to people like him in the afterlife.

  15. I'm not saying I don't agree with you guys because I do but it cracks me up that some people have more readily forgiven Chris Brown, Kobe Bryant, Ray Lewis and Ben Rothelisberger over Michael Vick. Crazy!

    They're all a-holes, though.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      @Lisa - I haven't forgiven Brown, Bryant, Lewis or Rothlesberger (sp?) either. Kills me that everyone sucks up to all of them.

    2. Same here! People have done way worse to other human beings and they don't get half the persecution he gets

  16. He shouldn't be allowed to own a fucking animal, not even a goldfish. People say he paid his dues, but in my mind he didn't. He should've gotten kicked off the team. He participated in the slaughter of many innocent animals, for his own pleasure.

    I also don't buy "he grew up with dog fighting as the norm". You grow up, you learn that shit is wrong. Growing up around alcoholics and substance abusers, I saw them get behind the wheel all the time. It was a normal occurrence. When I drink, I make plans prior to have a sober driver. Why? Because I am an adult, and have some common sense. This piece of shit is vile.

  17. It't like allowing a pedophile to adopt a baby.

  18. I like that it looks like the dog is about to shit on his shoe!

  19. I had a bunch of friends who went to Virginia Tech and some of them were there when he was or had friends who were. This is a secondhand story, but a friend of a friend met him at a party and went to a bedroom with him. She said, "Let's just make out," when he wanted to go further and he responded, "Michael Vick doesn't make out. Michael Vick fucks." Then he left the room and returned to the party.

    1. Haha I love when asshats refer to themselves in the third person. It highlights their fuckery

    2. Why settle for seconds?? Know your're worth.Know what you want and don't settle.Ol' girl wasn't down to clown,she was dismissed.No problem here.

    3. I really like this story for some reason. I will steal his phrase. Sugar doesn't make out, Sugar fucks!
      And what an asshole Michael Vick is!

  20. @Holiday, bring a pit bull, get his book, proceed to have the dog take a shit in his book, close it, and give it to him. Let him know what you and the "fighting dogs" think of him. Be sure to squish the poo down really hard so it seeps out a bit.

  21. I decided to look up the Belgian Malinois. They're very smart and obedient, and are great with families when properly trained. If you are harsh/heavy-handed, they'll basically tell you to F off and stop listening to you.

    While I don't agree with Vick having a dog, I wouldn't be so quick to judge the type of dog he got. They seem to be good, loyal, watchful dogs.

  22. Ugh. I hate hate hate him. I don't begrudge the notion that people can change, they can. But for this kind of crime, I think his better bet was, in lieu of adoption, becoming a good donor to a local shelter. I don't know that I could ever see him with a dog and *not* think "dog killer." But if I knew he was providing some much needed monetary support to a local org that needed it, I would respect his involving himself that way.

  23. A Belgian Malinois is supposedly the dog used in getting osama bin laden.

  24. And so is the breeder who sold him the dog.

  25. Malinois are GREAT dogs! However they have high energy and need to work. The military uses them for the same reason they use GSDs, smart, loyal, workers. I don't want anyone to get any ideas that this breed is a fighting dog, it's NOT, they are shepherds.

    HOWEVER< I sure wouldn't trust Vick with any dog. I sure hope someone is watching out, these dogs are highly loyal and need someone to trust and bond.

  26. Mofo did the crime and DID the time,folks still won't give him a break.If he had shot anotha nigga,no one would have said shit.

  27. @Agent, I read that too, a favored choice among the military, easily trained, stamina, high energy, good demeanor. They resemble a German Shepherd but have a stouter body and are not as big.

  28. I wanted to make a joke about the dog sniffing out what a jerk he truly is and go Cujo on him, but then I realized they'd put the dog down for that.

    What a complete asshole. Karen, that story just backs it up!!

  29. justcurious, what he did was WORSE, IMO. he REPEATEDLY abused and tortured dogs- using some as PRACTICE BAIT. Go READ what he actually did, and if you are still so quick to defend this "nigga", then I feel fucking sorry for you.

    1. So killing/abusing an animal is worse than killing a human.

      I feel sorry for YOU.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Yep. Animals are innocent soulsm

    3. Not those dogs they sicced on blackfolks.I can't stand a pitbull.Wasn't that the breed Vick was torturing? He should've got a medal.

    4. Humans can make a choice to get away from their advisers in most cases...animals can't.

    5. Sometimes I think animals are better off w/o human contact.They don't need to be YOUR pet,companion,service animal,baby,watchdog,bombdog,boyfriend;-)
      But then again I love my cow,chicken and hog.

  30. If it helps at all, his team has NEVER been up to its hype. Every year something falls apart. He's almost done, imo. Sucks.

  31. @Izzie, I'll give him credit for being honest and not trying to force the issue. But, yeah. Jerk.

    @just curious, you may be right. No one seems to give a shit that Ray Lewis probably killed a guy.

    But doing time doesn't erase the actions of a person. A man can go to prison for thirty years, but that doesn't mean that the people he killed or raped are suddenly alive and un-raped anymore. Vick went to prison, served his time, but that doesn't mean that those dogs are all better and he doesn't deserve to have one again.

    1. No one gives a shit that Clinton was accused of rape and sexually harassed a female.He's still one of the most popular ex-prez out there.WOMEN love him.

    2. @ Just Curious. Oh Hell Naw *takes off earrings* You leave my Clinton out of this.

    3. From the 2008 book,"Gamechanger",former President Bill Clinton's efforts to persuade Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to endorse his wife's presidential bid fell flat when Clinton told the Democratic lawmaker that just a few years ago, Obama would have been serving the pair coffee.


  32. @Karen - Plenty of people give a shit that Ray Lewis probably killed a guy, and believe he did. Those people are not Ravens fans.

    1. Ted Kennedy left that chick at the bottom of the lake,it stop him from running for POTUS but he remained senator and the incident never overshadow his legacy.

  33. @Amber, it's ridiculous. Since I'm from the DC area and close enough to Baltimore there are many people who love Ray Lewis around here, even if they don't root for the Ravens. Even my DAD tried to tell me that Ray Lewis is a Christian now (as if that makes up for it). I told him that Lewis could praise Jesus to the skies, but it doesn't change the fact that he killed a guy and doesn't regret it.

    Can you tell that I feel strongly about this? I also hate that Rothlisberger essentially got away with raping that girl in a bar.

    1. I'm about forgiveness and 2nd chances.Did Ray have the deep pckets to beat the case? Yes. Does he have a history of this like Pacman ? Not that I know of. Do I believe he's changed? Yes,I do.
      Big Ben? I'm a Cowboy fan but I know pro athletes are walking targets (Crabtree,etc).I think Ben was innocent.

    2. Yup, now he's moved on to "medicinal deer antlers" to shorten his recovery time... Stand up guy really. I don't understand why people feel the need to go oooooh but XXX is supported (usually of opposite race), but then again I don't see color. I see crime. I see crimes that are on the dgaf

    3. I will not forgive. You can't come back from some crimes. The are pathological and signs of sociopathy, lack of remorse is right up there as a key indicator. I don't care if you are back as night or albino, some crimes ARE that bad.

  34. I won't forgive him until he actually speaks up about it, and does some animal abuse rescue work.

    I don't follow football that much so know nothing about Ray Lewis.

    As for Ben, that disgusts me.

    I believe people can change, and if you grow up in the hood chances are very clim (think The Wire) but actions speak and I haven't seen anything that tells me Vick is horrorfied about what he did to those poor dogs.

    1. Vick did speak out about and apologize repeatedly about what he did.Where were you??
      He has done PSAs about animal cruelty.Again,you were MIA.
      Some cultures dogfight,cockfight,etc.

      Vick broke the law,did his time and continue with his life.
      He doesn't need to kiss anyone's ass nor ask for 4giveness.
      He's a man. A proud Brother.

      If Vick being a pet owner pisses you off,stay pressed.

  35. @Karen - that whole "he's a Christian now" just chaps my hide. (And I am one!)

    I was talking to a friend during the elections when Newt Gingrich was running for Republican primary.

    I said that I wouldn't trust a word out of that man's mouth, and that a guy who had an affair, divorced his wife and remarried (then cheated on and divorced that wife) while she was being treated for cancer should have ZERO say in women's reproductive issues, much less imply he might run for president. Also - 84 ethics charges?

    My friend said, Oh but he's a Christian now. God forgave him, we have to as well.

    I said that forgiving and forgetting aren't the same thing, and it's awfully convenient that his so-called penance comes out during election time. Whatever.

  36. @Karen - The logic of some people absolutely kills me (sorry, I know I'm talking about your dad by proxy). Because, you know, no Christian has EVER done anything wrong!*

    *I'm not anti-Christian, or anti-any religious faction for that matter. Just making a comment about how ridiculous it is that being [whatever] absolves people of bad.

  37. @Izzie, I'm a Christian as well and that bothers me, too. My dad also liked Newt and I told him that I wouldn't vote for a guy who cheated on his wife and divorced her during her cancer treatment. I was really annoyed because my parents (and I) didn't like Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal, but then they didn't care as much about Newt because they agreed with him politically. It fries me.

    Unfortunately, so many politicians in both parties are super cheaters. At the end of the day you're probably voting for one.

    As an aside, when Fred Thompson was in the Republican primaries in 2004, no one in the media could find an ex-girlfriend--or his ex-wife--who would say a single bad word about him despite him dating LOTS of women between his two marriages. It made me think that he probably wasn't a cheater because he'd break up with them first--and in such a nice way that they still loved him a dozen years later.

  38. keep defending that "mofo", just curious.

    Repeatedly torturing and killing animals is AWESOME! Do you have Vick posters up in your room?


    1. Eagles are in the Cowboys' division,therefore,I can't root for them.The same with the Steelers,I'm glad they got a HNIC but I can't root against my 'Boys.

      You're more concern with animal welfare than the murder or homelessness of your fellow man.I feel sorry for you but I get it.

      I mean I don't care for whitefolks who are "victims" of their on self infliction (lohan,sheen,whitegirls jogging by themselves at night,drunk whitegirls going home with strangers,etc) because I know they are part of an overprivilege demo.And I know that the Black/Brown folks in those same sitches,no one cares about.

  39. @just curious - I believe paris was commenting to the habitual torture and killing of dogs and how sick that is, not discounting human life.

    1. The man did his time.Some of y'all are supposed to be Xstians but you're definitely not Jesus b/c Jesus 4gives.

  40. Anonymous12:19 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Yes, what Vick did was reprehensible, but should his children be punished? Like most kids, I'm sure they want pets. Why should they be denied?

  42. Layna - I think you're confusing "hate" with distrust, ie I don't hate Vick if he's changed (which we have know way of knowing) vs trusting him with a dog.

  43. Anonymous12:28 PM

    msgirl: I appreciate what you're saying, but a lot of what I've seen and read suggest that many hate Vick. Which is their choice.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. @Layna Day - well written.

    As for Michael Vick (and I'm as surprised about this as anyone else) I agree with just curious. MV did apologize and did the PSAs. Not sure, but I believe he also donated money to shelters. He has also done whatever his sentence required of him. I haven't heard that he's done anything wrong (other than being a sucky football player) since then. I do believe in redemption - and since he's done his time, I've given him one more chance. Just one. Blow this one and you're history.

    As for Ray Lewis, I lived in Atlanta when he killed that guy and totally agree - his money bought him a pass. I couldn't stand watching everyone suck up to him over this past Superbowl. He's a POS.

  46. Belgian Malinois... this sounds familiar... did Enty recently ID Eva Mendes's dog as this breed?

    Oh, and fuck Michael Vick.

  47. @just curious - I completely understand what you're saying. However, I take issue with the continual phrasing with "no one cares about". That aspect is simply not true. Many of us DO care. I'm not going to vouch for everyone that comments here, because I don't know for a fact, but many of us (and people elsewhere) do care.

  48. Full disclosure, I'm a huge Eagles fan. Obviously I was as surprised as anyone when the Eagles signed Vick and as an animal lover, very upset about it at the time. However, I have followed him since then, and he truly has worked in the community discussing how wrong dog fighting is and owning up to his past. I personally do believe he realizes that what he did was wrong, and is in fact trying to be a better person.

    This picture is from him taking his dog to training classes at PetSmart. If nothing else, it seems that he is trying to be a good owner and I think he is under too much scrutiny at this point to have anything bad happen to the dog.

  49. Regardless of what dog he purchased Nillas are going to have something to say about it. LIFE YOUR LIFE stop worrying about what other people have.

  50. Vick,Brown and Tiger,I like that fact that these brothers keep whitefolks pressed by taking a page outta whitefolks'handbook: being passive aggressive.

    Vick adopting animals

    Brown fucking his "abuser"

    Tiger with no shortage of snowbunnies to screw.

    They know they're being watch so they do their thang:keep whitefolks' panties in a bunch.

    Kinda like when Oj was on the golfcourse looking for the real killers.

  51. Lawd, fuck a judicial system! The court of public opinion is harsh as fuck! Damn a sentence! You do your time and you still are going to pay for your crime. Unless of course the public deems you worthy of their forgiveness. Enty, you are missing your calling, California needs more prosecuters like you, not anymore so called entertainment lawyers.

  52. Thank you Amber! That is exactly what I meant.

    I don't care HOW many PSAs this shit has done, I still say if he were not caught, he'd STILL be doing it.

    And I would feel the same way if he were a WHITE MAN.

  53. Michael Vick lives down the street from our farm and this article was published in one of the local Philly papers a few years back. I know many of you may not agree with it, but hopefully it gives you something to think about.


  54. Elle Ghee - that was a very interesting article, and I do agree. We try to buy as locally as possible - fortunately, we live in area where that's possible and not as expensive as other areas. I haven't gone so far as to meet and name the animals that end up in our fridge, but we know the farmers and have checked their places out.

    I remember a case here in my town where a dog was dragged behind a truck for about 10 minutes and had scrapes, burns, cuts, etc. There were something like 1,000 calls to adopt him in the first hours after the story was released and the opinion sections were filled with blistering comments. A couple of days later, there was another story about a little girl whose mother's boyfriend had abused for years and she was finally removed from the home. A couple of opinion outrage pieces, most of them directed at DHS incompetency and no rush of people willing to become foster parents to a broken little girl.

    That said, I still despise Vick and what he did.

  55. I don't know. I think people who abuse will abuse again. Whether it be a person or an animal. I know that the judicial system is there for you to "do your time", but there really is no rehabilitation. Not only that it would take YEARS of therapy to undo whatever causes these people to do it in the first place.

    No I don't think it's wise for a child abuser to have a child or live with children nor do I think it's wise for someone who's abused animals to be able to own an animal. REGARDLESS of the situation.

  56. I don't know. I think people who abuse will abuse again. Whether it be a person or an animal. I know that the judicial system is there for you to "do your time", but there really is no rehabilitation. Not only that it would take YEARS of therapy to undo whatever causes these people to do it in the first place.

    No I don't think it's wise for a child abuser to have a child or live with children nor do I think it's wise for someone who's abused animals to be able to own an animal. REGARDLESS of the situation

  57. I think Vick is a psychopath. He has no empathy for anyone. Ever read Lost Dogs? It has a horrifying scene of Vick crushing a losing dog against the pavement. I cried reading that book.

  58. its well documemted that animal abusers often go on to be serial killers, if we took them out of the gene pool early it would save human lives too

    1. Its well documented that most serial killers tend to be white.At least the ones that are worshipped and idolized (Manson,Gein,Marquis de Sade).

    2. Are you an expert on whitefolk

  59. Michael Vick is a piece of shit who should never be allowed to own a helpless animal ever again. Not just dogs,but any animal. I hope any NFL team that uses him has a losing season and the franchise loses major money. If there is any Karma he will get a career ending injury on the field. I hope there is a special extra hot circle of Hell for him and other animal abusers.

  60. I find it sickening that some of you turn this into a racial issue. Take you heads out of your asses and get some fresh air.

    1. I find it sickening that people get punished more severly over an a mutt than they would over another human.Vick's punishment was racist as hell but you can't see it because of the sheet over your head.

  61. F this piece of crap. I hope he gets run over by a bus filled with Steelers fans.

    1. I would like to see a bus full of Steelers outside a sorority house.Somebody will get fucked.

  62. its well documented that you play the poor fucking me race card on ever post whether relevant or not you are a bigotted one trick pony justcretnous i doubt you are even black

    1. Its well documented that there's a huge racial discrepency on this blog that's indicative of society in general.

      "..i doubt you are even black"

      That's because I don't carry a ball for a living nor a mic.

    2. 47 year old bald white dude from Ohio...nothing more fun than throwing some hood phrasing and riling up the "uppity white women" on this site. That's my guess anyways.

  63. Uh, Marquis de Sade was not a serial killer.
    @Wen, the only person who makes everything a race issue is just curious. People need to ignore him.

    1. I inserted De Sade b/c he tortured and young people,mostly young girls from a lower class.No matter how many times he went to jail,he continue with his prettymuch until his death because of his money,name and script skills.The whole concept of S/M started with him.I know you know this.

      "..People need to ignore him."

      You're one of the first knuckleheads to read my posts BUT tell everyone to ignore them....just like homophobe stuck in the closet.

  64. I'm with you, @parissucksliterally!

    Can you imagine being the trainer at the Petsmart and having to have him in class? :-/

  65. lord theres days when I don't know how i get out of bed with this big mothafuckin chip on my shoulder.

  66. Wen you must be new here. Either that or you don't read the comments at all.

  67. Damn JC...

    Here's what I think about the racial issue. I find...that some (NOT ALL) black people like to bring up the race issue in every scenario possible making it completely IMPOSSIBLE for things to NOT be racial.

    I honestly think MOST white people really don't give a good shit and are frankly tired of hearing about it!

    Regardless of what color Vick was...he did horrible things to animals and was caught PERIOD. I honestly think that if the man were white or even part white it wouldn't have mattered in a court of law.

    I understand you may have justification for the way you feel...but people need to move past this shit. It's really time.

  68. I kind of agree with just curious, and I'm white and European. Everytime time there is a post about C. Brown the enraged messages and epithets are epic. And don't get me wrong, I think he's scum and he deserves all of them, but what happens when the abuser is white? Like Edward Furlong (who abused his wife twice, that we know of) or Sean Penn. Sure there is outrage also, but the intensity pales in comparison.

    If it is a white man, many of you excuse his behaviour... drug abuse, mental health, and the "what a shame, oh, he was so cute back then when, blah blah, blah..."

    I lurk for quite some time, and I've seen this subtle racism applied in many other situations. Imagine for a minute if Tigger Woods was found in the same situation as O. Pistorius... sure the apologetic and sympathetic messages I've read here would be absent.
    I don't know who M. Vick is, but of course, I loathe animal abusers... it's only that I doubt many of you would judge so harshly some rich white celebrity killing lions in Africa.

    But just curious, there are white cdaners who seem very balanced in their judgement too.

    Anyway, giving that Americans love nature so much and are so empathic towards animals, why the USA is one of those countries who didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol?

  69. Anonymous11:04 AM

    take the dog away from him
