Friday, March 22, 2013

Queer Eye For The Straight Guy

Ten years ago, Bravo was a channel that showed highlights from operas around the world and movies with subtitles. That is pretty much all it showed which is how it got its name. Then they decided to try a reality show just for kicks. It was called Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. If not for that show, I doubt we would have seen any of the shows that now dominate Bravo's lineup. Queer Eye was so popular that NBC would show the episodes just to make sure that people without cable could catch the episodes. It burned hot and fast and Bravo over saturated the heck out of it because they had nothing else to show and it was such a monster hit. It disappeared almost as fast as it showed up. Now, it is coming back. At least for one show. The 10th anniversary show.


  1. I used to really enjoy that show.

  2. Oh, I am soooo watching this!!!! Love it!!

  3. I say this with absolutely no shame:

    FUCK YES!!!!!!!!

    I've missed Kyan (so hot), Thom and Jai.

    I've seen plenty of Carson and Ted.

  4. I remember that show! It was awesome!

  5. Yep I will watch it!! I loved when they sit in the bat lounge and drink cocktails and watch the reveal.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Carson annoyed the bejezzus out of me. I felt Kyan got to the heart of the problem with the straight guys but Carson would scare them away.

  8. Yay! Loved this show!

  9. I love this show!

  10. @discoflux. Did you know tha jai is on Reba McIntires new show? They make him play über gay, but he is still so precious!

  11. Dang, I don't get cable. :-( Used to love it!

  12. Oh, too funny--was just talking about this show Wednesday night with my sweetie. Loved it! I'll find a way to watch...

  13. I never missed this show! Let's motor...

  14. Met Carson at a friends house party, couldn't have been sweeter or kinder. He took about an hour talking to someone's sister who was in service deployed in Iraq at the time by cell phone she was a huge fan of the show and it was such a nice thing for him to do. He was completely gracious to everyone.

  15. YAYYY! I LOVED that show!

  16. How nice to hear Seahorse! Loved this show to death. I wanted them to come and redecorate my house.

  17. Loved this show. The one guy, is on a sciency cooking show, I love it too.

  18. Oh I love Ted. And ABC needs to give Carson his own show.

  19. Great great show! I watched faithfully. Will definitely check out the anniversary epi.

  20. I miss that show! Mmmmmmm ... Kyan

  21. I cannot believe it's been ten years.

  22. There was a blind, I think from Ted C, that one of the guys was actually straight. I always suspected Ted, just cause he seems the most 'middle of the road'....anyone else hear about that? Nothing was ever confirmed and I've not heard any more about it.

  23. Totally setting the DVR (and kicking the kids and Grandma out of the house when I watch it.)

  24. Holy crap it's been TEN YEARS! I feel like a dinosaur

  25. I saw Ted on his book tour last year. This was his idea. Not only is it the 10th anniversary, it will be the 100th episode. Also, Ted is gay. He has a long-term partner, Barry, and spoke very movingly about same-sex marriage.

  26. Anonymous11:44 AM

    bring it back for good, I loved those guys! there are so many straight single guys that need a little help. turn it in to a movie!

  27. Ted is on the cooking show called Chopped on The Food Network and I love him. He also does several other hosting duties for other shows on the network.

  28. Met Thom on a beach in the Bahamas back when the show was on. He stopped and chatted with me and could not have been more gratious! Can't wait to see the show!

  29. Such a fun show, shame it burned out so quickly. Glad that Carson and Ted are still able to find decent work in front of the cameras.

  30. I got to watch the show with my Mom, just before she passed. What a great conversation we had. She could not understand how they "got away" with calling them queer.

  31. So excited! I hadn't heard about this. Count me in! My husband would watch with me sometimes & noted how Thom always seemed half in the bag at the end. It seemed like they all had fun working together.

    @donner - I do remember that blind from Ted C. Hmmmm.

  32. 10 years! That's crazy. I loved this show.

    I didn't know there was a 'straight guy' rumour. I would go for Kyan or Thom for that one.

  33. This is god news! I loved the show and they really did help those guys.

    My husband could have used them, but he had me instead. When he traveled on business I did his packing and I put a 3 X 5 card in the shirt pocket telling him which slacks to wear and the tie was tucked in the neckline of the shirt. He was in charge of picking out his socks and belt.

    At home on workdays the slacks would be hanging with the shirt over them and the tie draped over the shoulder of the shirt. He was still in charge of socks and the belt.

    I really miss buying all those gorgeous ties! Business went too casual.

  34. I remember reading back in the day--it may have been in The Awful Truth--that someone had spent a fair amount of time on the Queer Eye set, and reported back that not only were all of the guys very sweet and friendly, but they all genuinely liked each other and got along, and that Carson was pretty much a big old mama hen. :-) Anyway, I loved all of when will the anniversary show be on?

  35. Del Riser - OMG. The card-in-pocket-thing is THE BEST advice ever. My husband just left yesterday for a work trip and was quizzing me on what tie goes with what. Lord only knows what he looks like when I'm home in Jersey. Ha.

  36. That show was the best. I remember reading about it right before going on a weeklong trip to Oregon with my (future) husband and our best bud/ future pastor (who got ordained to marry us). Anyway, somehow while we were there we got to see two consecutive episodes. (TiVo was a fantasy then - can't believe it's been ten years....) We were instantly gob smacked and hooked on the show but it sure did burn out quickly. It never seemed to jump the shark though. So excited for the new episode. Not sure about who may be straight, but we always felt that jai's talent was suspect and maybe he got the job for a talent they couldn't show on tv.
    P.S. since I rarely post hugs to Robot.

  37. So excited by this news!! I loved all the guys and am glad to hear the rumor that they all got along great. I can totally see Carson being a mother hen. I would love to hang out with them for a day.

  38. @Susan, Yeah, the card thing came to me after he went to CA. and called me at work one morning because he couldn't figure out what to wear with the grey slacks since he wore the blue shirt with the brown slacks.

    I finally had to have him lay everything on the bed and describe it to me and I told him what to put together then we decided on ties, it was a freakin' nightmare! Luckily I had packed an extra white shirt to go with most anything to cover just such an emergency. He had to wear the same tie with two different shirts but I had him do it several days apart.
    The cards worked great!
    He was really fun to dress cuz' he wasn't afraid to wear a pink, or mauve or lavender shirt, and his ties were always fabulous!

  39. I really hate the idea that "Queer Eye" killed Bravo .. but I guess it is kinda the way it looks.

    I think I have mentioned before .. I miss the old Bravo .. the old A&E .. the old Discovery Channel .. TLC. Cable was far more educational - and entertaining, IMO - in the 1980s.
    : /

  40. Both Mr. Bluezz & I loved this show! I think it was the 1st season when the guy getting the makeover wasn't totally into it. Carson kept jumping up & down, trying to see the guy changing his clothes. I think Kyan had to steer Carson away from the changing room. The guy appeared to not be amused, but it was funny as hell.

    To this day, if I forget & put creme rinse on top of my hair instead of the's as if Kyan is in the shower scolding me to always "start from the back when applying product to your hair!" :-D

    10 years! Wow...I can't wait to see all the guys together again. Kyan & Carson were always our favorites.

  41. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! I came believe its been that long!!

  42. Thom said the funniest thing about a guy's couch "I don't know if this sofa will give me scoliosis or crabs." !!!!
    Ovation is the what the old Bravo used to be; a lot of art shows, BBC Antique Roadshow and all weekend is BBC's Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth for the basketball widows. Hooray!

  43. please please can you post when it is due to be shown so your international readers can download? would hate to miss it! cheers x

  44. LOL that photo could be of any late-90s/early-2000 boy band

  45. @DelRiser...Index card in shirt pocket...Hilarious! And great idea. Just wish my hubby wasn't color blind.

    Yay, about Queer Eye coming back...would love to see them revisit some of their "makeovers" to see what they look like now. Thom had his own makeover show for a while, too (on HGTV?). Loved it, too (he would have the client pick three favorite items & style the room around that).

    I also miss Inside Actors Studio on Bravo. Love me some James Lipton! Enjoyed the Tina Fey episode this week.
