Friday, March 29, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Mickey Rourke shows off his Hammbone in yoga pants.
This is Michelle Shocked outside her gig that was canceled last night.
Rob Lowe has his very own jet pack.
Selma Blair has no pants.
Sean Lowe on his way to DWTS rehearsals. Apparently he and his fiance are not getting along.
Tara Reid as Effie or a clown. Not sure.
Rebecca Gayheart's daughter is obviously a Tara Reid fan.
Taylor Swift hangs out with the military.
Zac Efron on the set of his new movie.


  1. What's the goss on The Bachelor?! I usually don't care when they break up, but I really like that Catherine :)

  2. Mickey Rourke used to be one of the hottest men alive. Now, it's hard to look at him, especially in those pants.

    Dear soldier, stay away from Level 10 Creeper, squinty Swift!

    Rob Lowe annoys me for some reason.

    Zac Efron is pretty.

  3. IDK if that's just a bad shot or if Rob Lowe is seeing Tom Cruise's plastic surgeon.

  4. @Lotta, it's a bad shot, but I saw all the other pix, and Rob is definitely showing his age (in a gorgeous way, mind you).

    Michelle Shocked. Whatever.

    No, Mickey, nooooooo!

    1. @EmEyeKay, ok I looked at the rest of the photos and you're right. The orange skin isn't doing him any favors though.

  5. That pic of Michelle Shocked makes me smile

    I want a jet pack!!!!!!

    Who is Sean Lowe ? The virgin bachelor? From far away he look goooood!

  6. That knit cap MRourke is wearing is beyond ridiculous. I wonder if he even went to yoga or just liked wearing those pants.

  7. Those aren't yoga pants on Mickey Rourke. Those are compression running pants. If you're going to chastise someone's attire, you better damned well know what you're talking about.

  8. Selma Blair is wearing jean shorts. It's not like she's bottomless.

  9. Tara Reid looks good in that pic. Think she is trying to get a part in the last Hunger Games movie?

  10. Is it possible that Michelle Shocked is an ass?

    Rebecca Gayheart looks pregnant.

  11. Old Mickey Rourke Hammbone yes, now no.

    Run away from Taylor, Military Man! She will stalk you.

  12. Selma has no pants because Lindsay stole them a few days ago.

  13. No no NO! Only Jon Hamm has the hammbone. Mickey does have nice legs I will give him that.

    So another canceled show for Michelle. Seriously I don't wish financial ruin on anyone but she brought this on herself. You can't spew hate and expect people to love you. lboogie: Michelle is a folk Singer who was gay, then not, then born again, then stated "God hates fags" at Yoshi's in San Francisco 2 weeks ago. And, has since then seen her shows canceled. Even tho she backpedaled poorly (probably due to her agent telling her to).

    I want a jet pack too!!! Go Lowe.

  14. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Rebecca's little girl looks more like her dad than Rebecca, wonder if the 2nd child looks more like her. She looks like she got herself together hope both her and Eric are doing better.

    Agree Mickey is wearing running pants but in Enty's defense I sometimes wear mine to yoga they're comfy. Mickey on the other hand shouldn't be wearing them ANYWHERE.

    Tara's Effie costume is pretty good. I'll bet it doesn't look so got after some molly, coke and a bottle of vodka, just sayin'.

  15. Compression running pants?!?!?!?! Bwahahabhahahaha! Mickey - your best friend now is Axl Rose. Bwahahahahahahahaahha!

  16. Michelle Shocked is an asshole.

  17. Selma: would it kill you to do leg lifts once in a while? Rob Lowe: hands down the hottest middle aged man ever so stop withe the spray tans! Lastly Zac Efron is off the charts hot, your attempts at insulting him will never take.

  18. My boyfriend Zac is hot <3

  19. When will people like Michelle Shocked learn that they have a perfect right to free speech - but so does everyone else who doesn't agree with you and part of their free speech is exercise, as she is doing, their right to protest by not attending or paying for her concerts?

    1. Agreed Cecillia00. She has a right to say how she feels and in return the public has their right to respnd in their own way as well. However, IMHO thre was vitriol in Michelle's original statement amd I believe people responded more to the feeling than the words.

  20. Zac can pretty much have any woman he wants=boring. So what if he is gay. His private life is none of your business. Unlike most celebs, it is rare that paps catch him in his day to day life.

  21. Wasn't Mickey the top guess on the BI about an actor who cross dresses?

  22. Anonymous5:05 PM


    The real issue here (the one that no one is "getting") is that there are opinions (that's right, opinions) nowadays that people HAVE to agree with, or risk ostracism. One of those opinions is whether same-sex marriage is right or wrong. It has become a kind of shibboleth: even if a celebrity refuses to state his or her opinion on the issue of same-sex marriage, if they are asked for it, that person risks everything. If I say I'm against same-sex marriage, I'm instantly sized up as a hateful bigoted homophobe. You see, the footing of the argument has subtly changed, and only recently: the issue of gay marriage or "same-sex" marriage turned into the matter of "gay rights" (and then they began spinning it as an issue of "human rights".) I am FOR gay rights. I am AGAINST same-sex marriage. Marriage is one man, one woman. The pro-gay-rights folks now even compare the issue of same-sex marriage to that of interracial marriage years ago, in order to increase their numbers and get more people on their side. It's absurd. Same-sex marriage has more in common with the matter of GMOs than it does interracial marriage. Think about it. And Michelle's sign (the one that says "Is Michelle Shocked obligated to publicly state her personal view about Prop 8?") is a very valid and timely matter: there are many pro-gay-rights types who would say that, yes, she IS obligated to state her personal view. That's not freedom; it's SLAVERY. Slavery to a kind of Group-Think, a kind of Hive-mindedness. Again, it's the shibboleth aspect of all this. It's very definitely a Culture War thing.

    Regardless of which side of the fence any of us here fall on, regarding the issue of same-sex marriage, if you don't think that there IS a Culture War taking place right now, right this very second, (not just regarding the matter of same-sex marriage or gay rights or whatever you care to call it, but a whole lot of OTHER ones), well, I'd say just give it some time and you'll figure it out eventually. Things are going to be heating up pretty soon. What's at stake is nothing less that what it is to BE human in the first place. We're making the all the wrong choices, and have been for the last decade or so. The chickens will be coming home to roost pretty soon...

    1. Don't waste your time on a site like this. The dummies here aren't capable of high minded thinking like this.

    2. For fuck's sake. Seriously? Ugh.

    3. You can't be pro gays rights and concurrently assert that gays aren't the "right" kind to marry. It is very much an equal rights issue, and I'll bet you're the one who has some soul-searching to do, "Anonymous". We don't take kindly to haters here, and you've made yourself plain as day.

      Don't let the door hit ya....

    4. Good one Izzie! I love that movie!!!!

      I still want a jet pack!

    5. it's 1 thing to respectfully State one's Opinion, and another to stand on stage and say "God hates fags".

  23. Is that Charlie Brown adult-speak I hear? Wa-wa-wa-waaaa!!!

  24. I want all kinds of Zac Efron mmmmm

  25. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Mickey was SOOOOO Hawthorne circa Angel Heart. SMH

    Hi Tara! You're okay.......right? (SIDE EYE)

  26. Eff Michelle Shocked.

    Rebecca Gayheart killed a nine year old kid and just got a fine and probation. Eff her too.

  27. Actually anonymous raised a good point, then lost it in the last paragraph. My opinion is my opinion. To be put on the spot to where my opinion on an issue can cause repercussions is NOT Cool. That being said...Shocked is cray cray and anonymous, it is a human rights issue.

  28. Thank you @rexruther. So sick of people saying idiotic things like that. Where I come from gay marriage has been legal for a long time- and guess what? Nothing has freaking changed, except we have been to a bunch more super fabulous weddings. And I say this as straight married woman with two children. Hatred repackaged is still hatred. Wrong side of history....

  29. Also, @Wendy Davis don't let the door hit you on the way out. I agree with @rexruther completely.

  30. Well said rex and "Unknown." I support equality for all.


    Dude. This is a video of Michelle Shocked that goes with the picture. It is truly bizarre. She not talking and jumping around trying to mime things and scribbling on some paper. This is some grade-A crazy.

  32. @steampunk jazz. If you are saying what I think you are saying, I agree. Everyone has an "opinion" on something, but if your opinion makes you go into the voting booth and tick off "No gay marriage ever" then it is not an opinion anymore. It's discrimination and yes indeedy it makes you a bigot. And you are forcing your "opinion" on a whole bunch of strangers who weren't going to invite you to the wedding anyway.
