Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Anchorman 2 is being filmed. How can that not get the top spot?

Every cat, everywhere.
Colin Farrell says goodbye to a woman he had been spending some quality time with at his hotel.
Emma Stone in NYC after a day filming Spiderman.
Honey Boo Boo's 8 month old niece has had her ears pierced.
Catching Fire - The Capitol Portrait Series.
Heidi Klum in New Orleans ahead of America's Got Talent.
Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas at an event. Alec managed to not beat up anyone, or threaten anyone or be a racist.


  1. I didn't think it was possible to get any more excited about Anchorman 2 than I already was. Then Harrison Ford joined the cast. Squee!

  2. I don't see anything wrong with an 8 month old having her ears pierced. If it makes me a horrible person, meh.

    1. My daughter had hers at 3 months.

    2. I think I was around the same age. Unfortunately my ear grew a little wonky so one hole is slightly higher than the other.

    3. Neither do I. In fact I recommend it. I had my ears pierced in fourth grade and it was a nightmare--I would have much prefered to have went thru it in infancy.

    4. @Dani- mine were pierced as a 10 month old baby and I'm glad I don't remember it the way @scratchy kitty does.

    5. I had my ears pierced as a baby so people would stop thinking I was a boy.

  3. Colin Farrell is yummy.
    Emma is so pretty in the Revlon commercials but what happened to her curves? Her legs are so thin.

  4. I love Harrison Ford. I hope hope hope he is a good guy IRL.

  5. I see nothing wrong with babies getting their ears pierced. On the one hand, yeah, it's nice for the kid to make their own decision about it, but on the other hand, it's nice to do it before they can remember the pain. On the third hand, some people might get tired of strangers thinking that their girl baby is a little boy.

  6. Uy, Emma Stone is walking on toothpicks!!

  7. My daughter got confused as a boy constantly. Especially if she was in gender neutral colors and I didn't put a headband on her. I got sick of it and pierced her ears at the pediatricians office. If for some reason she doesn't like them pierced one day she can take the earrings out! Problem solved!

  8. Agreed about Emma Stone. she was so beautiful,

    1. ....and now she's Hollywood skinny. sad.

  9. Oh Emma please ditch the blonde (when not filming spidey) and EAT something.


  11. I had to wait until I was 12, beg, plead, promise... So can my daughter (and the boys for that matter.) *veg* And if she complains, I'm gonna point her right straight to Grandma.

    Plus, I think they need to be old enough to take care of the piercings themselves before they get them.

  12. Anchorman 2 - squee!

    The cat chart is dead on!

    Colin Farrell cleaned up very well. He's yummy.

    I wish I'd gotten my ears pierced when I was a baby. I was five when my mom did it and remember the experience to this day. Ice cube, hot needle, screaming, then it got infected and had to be repierced. When I was in HS, my BF - who was terrified of blood - asked my mom to pierce her ears. She saw the needle and passed out cold. And my mom pierced her ears - she didn't feel a thing, woke up with a pair of earrings in her ear!!

    This must be my year. Catching Fire, Anchorman 2, Mad Men, Downton Abbey. Please oh please let there be a Sherlock this year!

    I was at my doctor's office this morning and there was an US magazine in the waiting room. Flipping through it, I saw this picture of Heidi and KKs. YIKES!

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Izzie that's quite a picture. One of Kim's boobs is the size of Heidi's torso. Not saying she looks great here, much better in the photo above.

      Ladies, you gotta choose boobs or leg, Heidi always looks better with leg.

  13. I'm personally against getting a kid's ears pierced very young, but I also don't give a crap what other people want to do with their own kids. I just know that I wouldn't care if my daughter was mistaken for a boy (I always was!) and I don't want to deal with cleaning them.

  14. It's entirely commonplace in certain Latino communities to have a girl's ears pierced before baptism.

    I've always found it handy. It avoids that awkward what an adorable baby, is it a boy or a girl question.

    1. That's what we did Jamie. I pierced hr ears two weeks before her baptism. She looked so pretty in her dress and pearl earrings!

  15. It really wasn't bad having to clean her ears. It was more of a hassle having her in a full body harness for 3 months (she had hip dysplasia). Plus waiting longer is more traumatizing I think. I my daughter cried for about 30 seconds and was absolutely fine. I'm from NJ. It's kind of weird if you don't pierce your daughters ears. It's a cultural thing I think.


    Sorry for yelling. I'm just really stoked now.

  17. Ear piercing is the least of that families issues, Enty. If you want to judge try to pick a more inflammatory topic.

    And does CF friend have a swimsuit under that dress- I can't imagine trying to bend.. Never mind, that's probably how they got together in the first place.

  18. Anonymous1:17 PM

    did u guess read that supposedly emma annonymously tweeted under a surname..something abt her boyfriend and the new mary jane "sitting in a tree".. than it mysteriously disappeared and the account. Read it in todays daily news

  19. I don't care about the ears pierced, what I care about is the chemicals and suger in Honey Boo Boo's mouth.

    What happened to Emma? Much much too skinny. There's some issue going on there, could she be a reveal? I hope not, I still like her.


  20. Ah Boo Boo family...keepin' it classy.

    I wouldn't mind spending QT with Colin Farrell.

    Emma Stone needs to eat a sandwich and invest in some eye cream.

    Alec & Hilarious = barf

  21. My daughters ears were pierced when she was five months at the doctors office, very simple but this is an individual decision and shouldn't be judged. As someone said before, that is the least of that family's problems.

    Can't wait for Anchorman!!

    Emma is looking very skinny there, hope all is well with her.

  22. Emma Stone's legs give me the sads.

  23. Hello: living "legend" Harrison Ford in the photos and in the DM today. Reveal.

  24. A friend of mine left her baby with her mother for the afternoon and came back to find her child's ears had been pierced. She called me hysterical because she and I have always been firmly entrenched on the "babies are not Christmas trees and thus don't need ornamentation" camp. I had to talk her down because she was feeling a bit murderous towards her mother for wildly overstepping her grandmother boundaries. The earrings came out and years later her daughter still has zero interest in earrings. We laugh about it now but at the time she was sobbing "SHE LOOKS SO TACKY!"

  25. Could Heidi Klum be the answer to the blind yesterday? Her having fun with the fans while the Kartrashians advised everyone not to look at them? Just wondering..

  26. For those of us inclined toward global politics - Hugo Chavez has died. Good luck, Venezuela!!!

    1. @disco, and Castro still alive! That was my first thought upon hearing the news earlier lol

  27. It makes me sad that we're always trying to speed up development with girls. Why can't kids be kids and babies be babies? Jewelry and makeup and adult clothing isn't for kids. Or babies. And we blame pop stars for being bad role models. How about setting boundaries and examples at home first?! Crazy.

  28. I was also thinking of Harrison who is a definite reveal. Makes me sad because I'd like to think he really is squeaky clean. Ah well, it doesn't depress me as much as others might. I've never loved him, but liked him.

  29. I don't see anything wrong with ear piercing at such a young age. As they get older, they learn how to take care of the piercings, since it is all you know. At 8 I was deemed responsible enough to get my ears pierced. I failed to actually take the earrings out, and skin grew over the back of one of the earrings. Tweezers and lots of ice got the earring out, and I will never forget how awful it was!

    @BunnyMother, how is it different from putting on headbands, bows, and frilly dresses? At least the earrings are baby proof, so you don't have to worry about them putting one in their mouth, unlike little clip on bows.

  30. Breaking News: Hugo Chavez is a Goner! if anyone care lol

  31. Woohoo for Anchorman 2! I love that movie. I wonder if Dorothy Mantooth will have a cameo.
    P.S. I live in a Whale's Vagina (i.e. San Diego)

    Holy shit, Dragon! Thanks for the update @Hugo Chavez. Should we send flowers to his BFF Sean Penn?

  32. I think I'm one of the few people that didn't like Anchorman.

    Love the cat decision tree, so true. :)

    Emma, come over to my house. We have a pan of yummy lasagna and bottles if red wine. Geez! :(

    My mom made me wait until 12 to get my ears pierced. Turns out, my ears reject earrings so I can't wear them anyway. Personally, I'd rather see earrings than those stupid frilly headbands. Sorry, those drive me crazy!

    1. You're not the only one. I didn't find it funny at all.

  33. I had my ears pierced twice as an adult, both times at a hair salon--the first time (when I was 18) they got infected and had to come out; the second time was when I was 22 IIRC, and it managed to take that time. Like @curlyhairslacker (hey, that ought to be my nickname today! :-) I also have trouble w/earrings, and try to use only surgical steel for posts/wires (I don't care for gold), although sometimes I can handle good quality sterling silver for a while. Were I to do it again, or to take someone else to get their ears done, I'd go see a professional piercer, expense be damned--they have special needles that cause a lot less trauma to the tissue than the old ear-staplegun routine, so the ears heal better and stay open. (Now I have this mental image of myself bouncing a baby girl on my knee while sitting in your typical tattoo/piercing joint...)

  34. @Robin, I'm allergic to cheap jewelry but a friend in my theatre group taught me this trick for when I had to wear costume jewelry for plays.

    Get a bottle of clear nail polish and "polish" whatever metal will come in contact with your body. For earrings, paint the post and the backing all over.

    It worked perfectly for plays and I use it when I want to wear cute earrings (like holidays or dressing up). I take them out as soon as I get home, though - having nasty red earlobes is not my idea of hot.

  35. My parents made me wait till I was 12 too. I'm not big on piercing babies. I think they should be able to take care of them themselves. I let my daughter get hers at 9.

  36. I think ear piercing as a baby is cultural in some communities. In my community, it's the norm for baby girls to have their ears pierced and actually shocking when it's not done.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I definitely recommend getting ears pierced with needles. Guns can be highly unsanitary and cause more trauma to the piercing site than needles.

  39. Er... just adding I mean by a professional. Not at home. With disposable one-use needles. And gloves.

  40. My ears were pierced when I got my first set of booster shots by my pediatrician. My mom's explanation is that I was getting poked anyway (she has a warped sense of humor).

  41. Damnit, just spent 5mins on Google trying to find a front on pic of Colin's new piece and I got NOTHING!

  42. Do some research before you start Boo Boo bashing. I have said it before, aside from eating/health habits, there is a lot the rest of the world can learn from Alana and her family. Like tolerance and open mindedness.

  43. If Christina Applegate is making movies, I hope it means she's not the ill actress.

    If you like the Cat's Decision-Making Tree, you'll love Mapping of the Cat Brain

    @ Izzie - good lord, Kim K looks as if she's ready for milking in that photo. She must not own a mirror. And Kourtney looks like a little girl in grownup's clothes.

    1. @Mango - haha thanks for posting that link

  44. @Mango, that cat brain chart had me laughing out loud (and once again startling the resident cat). "Mysterious adoration of just one spot on the bed" - cat sleeps on the bottom left of our bed every single day; his other preferred spot is directly in the middle of kid's bed. Replace "can opener sonar" with "5A feeding demand yowling" and "hatred of dogs" with "inexplicable desire to taunt any and all canines", you've got my little ginger terrorist.

  45. colin. farrell. There are no words.
