Friday, March 01, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

So, just in case you don't know who Jennifer Garner is married to, she carries around a name card.
Jessica Lowndes goes out last night despite knowing she is not going to have a job much longer after 90210 was canceled.
Katie Holmes and Judy Greer's play might have sucked, but it does look like they have become friends.
Kelly Osbourne with a cast on her foot.
I assume what Kendra Wilkinson is wearing is some type of swimsuit or  underwear worn by her grandmother.
Yeah, Katherine Webb looks pretty good here.
Liam Hemwsorth out all alone yesterday.
Mila Kunis on Graham Norton while
Ashton Kutcher reminds himself that he could have had a V-8.


  1. Those are some ugly assed shoes on Jennifer Garner

  2. Mila looks so pretty again!

  3. Mila looks so pretty again!

  4. Jessica Lowndes looks like Elvira here, minus the awesome makeup and big boobies.

    Has this country really deteriorated to the point where people are now going to watch F list celebs dive into a swimming pool?

    I hate to admit it, but Ashton is hot. Mila would look hotter if she would use some eye cream.

    Katie Holmes - blah, not great looking or particularly talented, presumably stinky feet and now in one of the worst outfits I have ever seen.

  5. what is up with Judy's look.

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    1. That was way harsh, Wendy

    2. Maybe some people just have zero shits to give whether Wendy Davis thinks they're a proper lady. Eh?

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    5. @ Wendy... weren't you sorta doing some demolition yourself, with your original comment?

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    8. Whoa sorry Tuesday. You don't have to agree but don't be nasty. Seems like sinking to someone else's level. :

      And by the way Wendy: what the hell does Kelly's criticism have to do with her being a lesbian? That was really homophobic.

    9. @Sherry I get riled up when people talk shit about same sex preference like its disgusting or subnormal

  9. Love Judy Greer on Archer

  10. I see absolutely no future for anyone on 90210.

    Kelly O is very accident prone.

  11. Judy Greer! Fern Mayo 4 EVA!

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  14. Judy Greer! I will forever love you, Deadly Girl!

  15. OMG disco! I don't know anyone else who has seen The Specials!! I loooove that movie!

  16. Who is this Katherine Webb? Off to google.......

  17. That's 2 for 2 pix of Jennifer Garner with a blouson top so perhaps she is pregnant, as was speculated after her runway posture.

  18. Wendy, you're a misogynist bigot. "You aren't attractive nor feminine enough to attract a man" What the everloving fuck?

  19. Did Kelly Osbourne fall off her high horse and break a foot?

  20. wendy you've been bashing lots of women celebrities today. care to post a selfie picture so we can bask in your outer beauty which must be Helen of Troy like

  21. Didn't Kelly O have a problem with painkillers and admit to injuring herself to get meds?? Is she at it again? I remember hearing her say she used to throw herself down the stairs. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I hope she's okay.

  22. No way could Mila ever be called average in looks. She is beautiful.
    Kendra has completely shapless legs and the boots aren't helping.

  23. Jessica Lowndes, i fucking love her. I hope she still has a career after 90210 :(

  24. FWIW, Jen probably has to bring that "name sign" to pick up her kids at school. It's a safety thing. Our school does the same thing.

  25. I LOVE Judy Greer.

    I watch a LOT of crap TV but cannot imagine spending more than a second on a show about diving "celebs".

    Pink's husband must be gay because Pink is not feminine and also "mean"? o_O

  26. Aww Violet probably made that Cat in the Hat hat in school for Dr. Suess's bday. We made those with my pre-k kids last year.

  27. @Jane: that was my thought too. Those kids are as normal as it will ever get in Hollyweird. I think all credit goes to Jen G.

  28. That Jessica chick has a shrine of puses on her mantle which is to fab, but not purses I like so only a little fab

  29. If only raging beauties with sweet dispositions could attract men, we'd all be very lonely, Wendy. People who are ugly inside, not outside, may have a harder time maintaining a long-term relationship, though.

  30. Why is the Webb girl wearing a scuba diving suit to jump into a pool? I'm not watching that show to find out.

  31. @Frufra Yes, I think that's a car pick up card for her daughter's school.

  32. Really now, did Kelly O really descend into self abuse to gain pain meds? I did not know that, but sure don't doubt it for a moment. Guess daddy didn't want to share his? And the fall off the high horse comment was spot on.

  33. I spent most of yesterday trying to get caught up on Ghostie Burrito Whore Gate (mustnotgooglespacedocking,mustnotgooglespacedocking, mustnot), looking up lovely ladies like London Andrews and regretting that I couldn't figure out how to do safesearch. Today looks like it is all about puzzling together conversations when most of the comments are deleted. This is way better than reading the actual items! You guys rock!

  34. @talkstoomuch, I deleted my comments because being stalked isn't my thing. That was just getting creepy.

    1. Sorry, I didn't realise it was getting serious! I thought it was just some random with a bee in her bonnet. I see that person was all over other posts also deleting like crazy and thought maybe someone found their meds.

  35. I'm not sure why, but it makes me happy to know that Katie has some girlfriends. I think she may still be awkward around regular people.

    Mila is very lovely, I just wish she would dump Ashton. I know the heart wants what it wants but hers needs an intervention.

  36. No worries @talkstoomuch! I have all of the comments in my email if you want to finish the puzzle. :)

    The gist of the ghostie burrito whore gate (and you are wise to not google space docking):

    B Profane had a s*fit, said that ghosties (ppl filling in) were writing the blinds and then called us all Enty's whores

    Mikey re-capped, with the awesome lines of:

    Himmmmmmm: Hi Everyone, I'm here! Not that I'm RDJ or anything, wink nudge!

    Everyone: Not now, Ironman.

    Count jumped into whore defense mode, saying that most of us probably don't exchange sex for cash

    Amber asked if it's ok to exchange sex for burritos

    Everyone demanded "NOT NOW, IRON MAN" t-shirts

    The next day, Enty posted a picture of a burrito for the residents of WhoreTown.

    HTH! :b

    1. Thank you! I remember the Not Now Ironman from when it happened but I forgot that B was the instigator. It was a fun read, I think for everyone but B. This one above seems much more random. And c'mon! Who hasn't been down on their luck and hungry and thought "well, wait, what KIND of burrito??"
