Saturday, March 02, 2013

Rihanna Wants To Have A Baby With Chris Brown

Rihanna has given an interview to Elle UK and in the interview she says that she is ready to have a baby with Chris Brown. Yeah, because there is nothing like making more Chris Browns so they can beat other people. Or of course he could beat her while she is pregnant. Oh, or he could beat their kids. Oh, or he could beat Rihanna in front of their kids. Oh, or he could cheat on Rihanna everyday again and then she confronts him in front of the kids about his cheating and then he beats them all. Oh, or Rihanna could confront him and start hitting him and instead of taking the time to beat her he just kills her.


  1. She looks soooo thin.

  2. She looks soooo thin.

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    She's making a fool of herself

  4. Today's Enty is making a fool of themselves with this kind of juvenile writing.

    1. Oh, or Redd could be seriously right about that.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. crazy dearest coming to theaters soon

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. They both beat on each other. Still.

  9. That's good. If we are gonna find out child beating is in Chris Brown's repertoire, it might as well be with someone stupid's child.

  10. What a misguided mess!!!

  11. Anonymous9:22 AM

    She never gave herself a chance to even love anyone else. I think he using her

  12. This scares me.

    ITA auntliddy. Some people should not, under any circumstances, be parents. Those two together = napalm situation. Just say no, please!

  13. Yup. These people are just like the crackheads that live next door to me. Fight, scream and yell then crying "i love you!" We all have had bad relationships but I really hope they don't drag kids into this.

    1. Alma, you live next door to my parents? J/k, they never say "I love you". Just the first part.

      And I'm fine, just fine, I tell ya :-)!!!

    2. Frufra! You are awesome!

  14. I agree with Dia...some people should not have kids. I feel she may just want a kid with him to always have a connection with him. How sad.

  15. Gosh she's such a disaster. Gorgeous though.

    1. She's CRAZY GORGEOUS! No pun intended! ;-)

    2. @Diana LOL agreed!!

  16. Lets not forget she keeps making this choice. So she must be getting something out of it. We may not agree with it, but it's her own life to keep fucking up.

  17. You can't help who you love, only what you do about it, but she's just asking for trouble.

  18. I know chris can n is a douche but this 2 f-ups do beat on each other she is just as abusive as he is ppl always forget tht and make her out to be a victim. This girl is no victim she parties just as hard if not harder then he. If they want have kids it will be tabloid heaven.

  19. Did anyone see this week's "ripped from the headlines" Law & Order SVU where Chris Brown killed Rihanna? My all time favorite is still the one where Dave Grohl killed Courtney Love!

    1. No, but I will now, what season, and was it the SVU one? I also want to see the Sheen one.

    2. @bri Courtney Love/Dave Grohl was regular Law & Order, season 13 episode 3

      Charlie Sheen was Law & Order Criminal Intent Season 10 episode 1

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Is this her way of generating more PR in order to fatten her bank accounts? Because that's how I read it. I used to think she was stupid; now I think she's cold and calculating.

  22. you can't fix stupid

  23. I guess if Chris Brown is going to knock her up, it's better that it's this way.

  24. @ VIPblonde - No I read about it in Gawker, though. I figure I'll see it in repeats. You can't swing a cat without hitting a L&O rerun of some sort.

    I can't believe I never saw the Dave Grohl/Courtney Love episode. Was it SVU or one of the other franchises?

    OT: I was looking at Jessica Chastain's movie and TV credits and she played an ADA in that awful "Law and Order: Trial by Jury". I love me some L&O but that particular franchise reeked to high heaven.

    1. @Mango It was regular Law & Order, Season 13 Episode 3: Law & Order

  25. Dude must have magic stick - or is blackmailing her. Something else must be up b ause this situation is a hot mess and makes no sense

  26. This is getting real old, real quick.. Rihannas feeling of self worth must be non existant as she actually considers creating an eternal connection and bond to that POS Chris Brown. Having a kid with an abusive partner is a entirely different ballgame than just being knocked around in a relationship, and I don't mean to downsize the severety of spousal abuse.

    I really hope that she can grow up some more and find her self worth before she gets pregnant by anyone, best scenario for both her and baby.

  27. Oh dear sweet baby Buddha no, just no. That poor child wouldn't have a chance. Not unless they never saw it & had an army of nannies to watch it.

  28. Damn, you were doing so effing good!Leave these two alone. Whatever happens to them is their business, not yours. You neglected to let everybody know that she and Katy Perry are still friends too! I guess that translates into Katy ain't shit like Adele. The fact that people in their lives aren't focusing on it and demonizing them for their choice and you and yours are is just... Yes, focus on some more stuff. Why don't you look up all the other men who have abused a woman or anyone else and see what their lives were like after. I'll give you some names Josh Brolin, Axl Rose, Sean Connery, Mel Gibson, Eminem, Gary Oldman, Charlie Sheen, Nicolas Cage....You fail to go in on any of these dudes on a regular basis. There seems to be a pattern or even a reason. I won't speak it but it seems obvious.

  29. They can be the new Whitney and Bobby. Good luck, assholes!!!

  30. Anonymous1:08 PM

    there's something in her eyes that says that she's more aware than she used to be. I know it sounds stupid, I just want to believe that she gets it a little bit, so much. I don't think even she is dumb enough to do that, she could kiss her career if she does that. Who would listen to her music, or go see her perform if Chris Jr. was backstage? Not me. I turn off her music now as it is.

  31. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Let's not all forget that Enty does like his cocktails on the weekends, it's more than likely that this is a drunk post.

  32. Naaaaaahhhhhtibinyaaaabababeshnamanaahhh hummmabinyabumbaaaaa

    It's the ciiiiircle of stupidityyy, and it disgusts us allllllll. Through bar fights and club brawls, through black eyes and doooooonkey punches. Til they finaaallly dieeeeeeee and they gooo awaaaayyyyyy. It's the ciiicleuullee, the circle of abuse.

  33. I also agree with @ dia papaya and others here. You need to be in control of your own life before you consider bringing a new life into the mix.
    Hopefully it was an "I wish" statement and not a statement of actual intent.

  34. Well, whatever.

    It's not like abuse is a cycle right?

  35. @ VIPblonde - thanks for those links. I swear I've seen all the old L&O eps; I must have watched it and never put 2 + 2 together. My BFF and I still watch the repeats and text each other with lines of the cheesy dialogue.

    There's an ep in which Logan (Chris Noth) arrests a rock star (named ("C Squared"!) who says he's going to call his lawyer and Logan replies, "Yeah, I'm crying all over my blue suede shoes!"

    And there are some great eps back from when the web was taking off and Detective Curtis tells the some kid that he knows all about the internet and "Prodigy". *snort*.

    Those episodes are also full of sightings of all sorts of A/B actors/actresses well before they became famous. Some with their old noses, lol.

  36. She's not getting out of this alive.

  37. This article is the product of a very sick imagination.

  38. I detest the skankbag, but I think that the SVU fantasy of her beating beaten and choked to death and thrown off a yacht was Schadenfreude to a level that ought only to be discussed drunkenly with friends when no one is listening.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I think Ri Ri is just playing this for what it's worth. It's no secret that EVERYONE hates Chris, so it just smells like a publicity stunt to me at this point. IDK, i like to think she's not that stupid, but she sure does get a lot of interviews out of it.

  41. Both of them get on my damn nerves. I am serious. I do not care how nice the abuser is. How much money, gifts, trips, etc that he/she throws at you. Once they beat you, you can never trust them again. For this one to say she wants a child with the jack off that beat her, there has to be something seriously deep down wrong. They are both children themselves.

  42. just for info about Gary Oldman

  43. I came across this article last night, it is called Photographer as a Witness:A Portrait of Domestic Violence. I will say though, it is graphic and a little disturbing, but it gives a first hand account of domestic violence in the US and is a really eye opening article. Rhianna and CB glorifying this behavior is just disgusting and needs to stop.

  44. @JSierra, it's been over 4 years since that happened, and we know nothing of any prior incidents with females nor since, so how is anyone besides Enty sensationalizing violence?

  45. Anonymous6:50 PM

    She should really shut up now.
