Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shocker! Lindsay Lohan Is Still Drinking

Sometime in the next six weeks, Lindsay Lohan is going to rehab and will be there for 90 glorious days. I honestly can't wait. I'm really hoping we don't hear one word from her over the course of that period, but I get the feeling we will. I don't know if she can handle being out of the public eye for that long. I don't know what her family is going to do without the money she earns from her various friends. I think there will be complaints about the facility. Maybe an attempt at leaving. I suppose there will be stories about her from other patients who leave and they will come out and sell their stories. Lindsay has been spotted a clubs drinking vodka. Lots of it. I don't understand why she just does not just drink at home. It is like she goes out of her way to drink in public. But, she wants you to know that despite all her problems that have been associated with her drinking, that she does not have a problem and that rehab is just not for her. This of course means that when she gets out she will go crazy with the drinking.


  1. If she had accepted jail she would have been out by now.Stupido.

    1. Not really. She would have had 95 days for the lying charge and 180 days for the probation violation. Of the 275 days she would have served a minimum of 68 days before being released.

  2. I wonder which assistant, family member or "friend" will get caught trying to bring her "medicine" to her. Maybe like a piƱata cake filled with pills. Or a bottle of face toner, filled with the vodka. I have lots of ideas but no one to enable.
    Sigh. I dislike this woman so much.

  3. This might be what kills her. If she really is sober for 90 days and then goes on a bender when she gets out, her tolerance won't be as high and she won't be able to handle it, just like Amy Winehouse.

  4. I just don't get why they gave her 45 days to report to rehab. If she's so bad off that she needs 90 days lockdown (rehab or jail) why the long delay? It doesn't take 45 days to find a facility.

  5. Best. Pic. Evaaaaah!!!!

  6. I reckon she doesn't like her own company very much and that's why she needs to be out.
    I don't blame her. I wouldn't like her company either, drunk or sober.
    Please, please please give us a Lohan free 90 days.

  7. I have a feeling with those parents she was predisposed to booze...

  8. Agreed, Zeeky!! I'm betting she will jet off to Europe at the last minute and then lose her passport again and be unable to make it back in time, to boot. The denial of taking any responsibility for herself is staggering.

  9. Addiction doesn't make sense. At least to those that don't have addictions. Enty, you'll never understand her, thank your lucky stars for that

  10. she cant drink at home. no drama. except if her parents are there. she has a pathological need to be in public and be seen. she is also a pathological liar. 90 days wont even get to the surface between the cutting, the lying, the sex trade, the dv, the parents of the year.

  11. @nothanksdarlin. i think she is dual diagnosis. clearly her mom and dad have alcohol issues so she certainly is predisposed. i think enty gets her. i think we are all just over her

  12. Suzzique, the ghoulish 27 club countdown awaits.
    This girl is so messed up, if she were to actually change she would need to:
    1) admit she has a problem
    2) accept responsibility for this
    Ain't gonna happen

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  14. @VIP- Also a good position for vaginal murder.

  15. She has never had to face any true consequences for her behavior. Why should she stop going out? It's not like she'll get into any trouble for doing it. Plus, she HAS to stay in the tabloids, it keeps her hourly rate higher.

  16. Ok, the last rehab incidents were when she was having sex with another patient in a stairwell and punching an employee.... Shall we expect any less drama this time? o_O

  17. Rehab is pointless for anyone who doesn't recognize that they have a problem. My guess is that all the substances she wants will somehow become available to her. The only good thing is that she'll be off the streets for 90 days.

    Because she chooses to get wasted in public AND drive, it's not unlikely that she'll end up hurting someone. Look at that actress from Melrose Place. You can't ever take something like that back. :(

    If her lawyer is there to serve her and only her, he is an idiot. He should have had her choose jail. She would've been released by now.

  18. Should we take bets that she will somehow manage to avoid going to rehab until after her birthday? I agree with someone's assessment above - she will manage to lose her passport etc, etc, etc. She is used to getting what she wants and really doesn't know otherwise. That sucks if you are an addict who desperately needs help. Many addicts have to have a come-to-Jesus moment before they can begin to climb back out of that pit.

  19. "attempts at leaving"? She's supposed to go to a lockdown. It would be "escaping" and I totally believe her mother will try to help her escape.

    I agree with Kaye, rehab does no good for someone who doesn't recognize they have a problem. That said, I don't think addiction is her biggest problem. She's doesn't have the life skills (usually taught by the parents) to deal a life that doesn't involve attention and fame. I used to feel sorry for her but no more. She needs to ask for help even if she doesn't know what the problem is.

    I believe we're looking at a future member of the 27 club and no one with any power to stop it will do anything about it.

  20. I guess I'm the only one here who is afraid she will OD before she gets to rehab? I don't find joy in watching this woman destroy herself anymore than I didn't find joy in watching Amy Winehouse do the same. Seriously, this is a sick woman and she needs help, and I think all the hate being spewed on her is shameful. If she had cancer, would you be rejoicing in her downward spiral? Of course not. Alcoholism is just as much of a disease and just as fatal without treatment. I hope she makes it to rehab. It really is her only hope.

    1. @Topper - well said.

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    3. Topper - I thought the same. Isn't that how Morrison died? While he was waiting to go to jail??

  21. I know it's gonna get me some hate, but I'm starting to feel sorry for her. Clearly she has some serious shit she is trying really hard not to deal with. Been there, done that and it wasn't any fun at all.

  22. I actually think she will be around a nice, long time, and when she finally does go, it will be like the episode of Sex and the City that I watched last night - the cokehead falls out the window yelling about how everyone is so boring and she's the only fun one left.

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  25. Tara Reid is also an active alcoholic and she doesn't have ANYWHERE NEAR the ridiculous problems Lindsay Lohan has. Let's remember this and remind ourselves Lindsay is a total asshole.


    1. @Hunter: move that cone is seriously my favorite Lohan moment EVER.

    2. @hunter, YES. This self-entitled twat gives no fucks about anyone or anything that isn't Lindsay Lohan.

  26. Lucas I'm really digging your new avatar.

    1. @hunter - thanks! We did a calendar for all the departments in my building and since mine is all auditors and number crunchers we did nerds as our theme. I wish I could say I had to go out of my way to put that look together but all I did was add tape to my glasses, slick they hair a bit and clip on a bow tie from my kids halloween costume.

  27. TMZ is reporting that she is on her way to brazil next week for a promotional appearance gig. I'm sure she will manage to get stipuck there for a long while.

  28. Typical do do as much as you can get your hands on before you're carted off to rehab! Her next 40 days "free" are going to be EPIC!

  29. While I agree that rehab will do this trick no good at all--and my Dead Pool list is sort of counting on it--we can't fault the judges/judicial system for at least trying. She CLEARLY has addiction issues, and 90 days in rehab means 90 days in rehab; there will be no early release after 40 minutes because the facility is too crowded.
    In lieu of actual punishment, which she won't get in a California jail, a sentence in rehab with even a tiny chance that it could help is definitely the best way to go.

  30. The difference between Lindsay and other alcoholics/addicts is that Lindsay is a klepto and pathological liar. She will not take responsibility for anything she does, and she's done a lot of bad things. I just don't think there's a good, kind person underneath her addiction.

  31. @ethorne - you just made me laugh out loud - kind of a stunned hoot - well played.

  32. Ethorne hahahahahahaha

  33. I still can't believe LiLo is only 26. And I can't believe that the judge let her leave the courtroom free, thinking he was doing everyone a favor by giving her that sentencing and tagging on the lecture at the end. Yeah, not severe enough. She should be in lockdown, as a first step toward serious detox. From the drugs, booze, and her family.

    Trying out a different theory here, based on watching the experiences of a friend of mine over the past few years. I'm wondering if she's simply addicted to risk? Seeing how far she can go before someone finally, firmly locks the cookie jar? To me it makes sense, the lying, no sense of self-responsibility, apparent self-prostitution, need for public drama and so on.

  34. I don't want her to die but she is such a narcissistic, klepto, DANGEROUS, drunk asshole that I would like to see her thrown in the clink for a couple of years. No separation from the general population, no special circumstances, no weekend furloughs, no special treatment at all.

    If she were a black, male, crack user, they miraculously would have found "space" for her, no problem.

  35. @Kloie, I never considered "Splat!" to be an episode about cocaine. It was an indictment of being single from and marked a dramatic turnaround from years of espousing a mantra of being happy and in love with yourself. All the episodes of SATC that followed were decidedly anti-single woman in tone. It was when the show went off the rails for me, digging at the fears of women that being single and on your own was not enough after all.

    1. Dewie, I agree, but I'm just saying I could see Lohan pulling that move. Kristen whatever's character had done coke right before, and, while coke itself is not the issue, per se, the self indulgent "me me me" attitude the character had us reminiscent...

  36. Everyone talks about the "27" club, but what you need to remember is that it really is a music club. Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Amy Winehouse - they were all singers/musicians.

    Something else - the judge also put her on probation for another 18 months or two years AFTER she finishes rehab, so let's be honest - she'll never go that long without something else happening. She kept getting in trouble because she was still on probation for her 2007 DUI.

    What I think the judge should also have done is revoked her licence, plain and simple. No driving period.

  37. @Surfer-How could you forget Lohag's amazing album with the poignant song about Mesh-shirt Michael?

  38. @ethorne - only real singers on the list, lol!

  39. Yes, nice new pic Lucas! Snazzy :)

  40. She's afraid to be alone, that's why she goes out. And can you blame her? How many of us would want to be alone with her?

  41. surfer, I thought he would revoke her license immediately for a min of 1 year.

  42. @Agent**It - maybe he purposely didn't - because that way they know she'll screw up and end up back in court.

    But most of her "offenses" happen when she gets behind the wheel.

  43. @Surfer-I wouldn't trust her on a coin operated kiddie car outside Wal-Mart.

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  46. Kloie, but if you agree, then the "me me me" thing is an indictment of living for yourself and the day. I'm not defending doing coke, but the entire character was intended to portray a single, unattached woman as a wreck. Lindsay could be hooked up with whomever and she'd still be wreck. I really resented the "the single woman's fate is to fall out of a window" - why, because I like to party and dress up and I don't see be partnered as necessary? It was a swipe at single women look around and say, "Eh. No."

    This is probably more a SATC discussion than a LL discussion...

  47. @Topper Madison: Lindsay's problems go way beyond alcoholism.

    If she were staying at home drinking by herself and slowly ruining her health and looks, I think you'd find everybody on this blog rooting for her to recover. Especially if she still had an ounce of talent, which she apparently does not.

    Here are the issues:

    (1) She has driven drunk many times. It's mindlessly irresponsible and could injure or kill an innocent stranger. I'm pretty sure that at all times she had the price of a cab on her, so she made the deliberate decision to risk the lives of strangers.

    (2) As reported here and on other sites, she steals. That has nothing to do with alcoholism. It makes her a bad person.

    (3) She thinks she's A-list and demands to be treated like that. Although alcoholism and grandiosity are commonly linked, Lindsay is like this when she is sober.

    A lot of people here look at this woman and are outraged because she's gotten away with so much bad behavior, not because she is an alcoholic. Heck, half of us are well on the way, judging by the Friday posts.

    We aren't hateful to well-behaved, responsible, functional alcoholics. We are expressing disapproval of a woman who can't control her behavior; risks the lives of strangers; lies and steals with apparent impunity; and has no sense of responsibility.

  48. Really is there any part of the PCL-R we can't check for her?? Will she just have adolescent conduct order forever?? And go down that list for her parents too. Little hope for any of them.

    Ali better get ready for work. She'll be off to Dubai soon.

  49. Anonymous12:23 AM

    OMg- when was this picture taken?! Jesus- that's sad

  50. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Is this recent? Why have I never seen this
