Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Goopster Has Lost Her Mind

I know I drink a lot, but there was a time not that long ago when Gwyneth Paltrow had a show on Food Network or Travel Channel with Mario Batali right? The one where they became best friends. The same guy who makes his living cooking pasta and pizza.This was about the time that The Goopster told us she had started eating normally again and was not on the macrobiotic diet which was just made up and was really just her starving herself and every few days having a piece of celery. Remember Gwyneth cooked us a chicken on a video and came out with a cookbook that had normal recipes? Yeah, well those times are gone and now we are back with the cooky Goopster. The one who says she lets her kids go to bed hungry rather than feed them carbs because she knows they are bad for them. Everyone says they are bad for them so she deprives them of carbs. Meanwhile, when Chris gets the kids its off to McDonald's and fish and chips and mashed potatoes delivered with an iv. The Goopster's new cookbook has no recipes with carbs. None with chicken eggs and none with dairy. Chapter 1 - "How To Make Air Taste Great." Chapter 2 - "The Air Cleanse." Chapter 3 - "I Ate Too Much Air - What Do I Do Now?"


  1. What amazes me is how "healthy" she has eaten, yet she gets blackouts /though she was having a stroke, and other problems. I have eaten plenty of junk food throughout my whole life, hardly ever get sick, and am in damn good shape. And I am two years older than she is- she also has the money and access to the best health care, and is a fucking mess.

  2. I'm just gonna go ahead and guess that the average cost to make one of her recipes is about a thousand dollars, after you go buy the 300-year-old balsamic vinegar and the splash of Courvoisier (carb-free of course).

  3. What happened to good old fashion portion control, balance, and ALL things in moderation?

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I've got to assume she knows about good carbs, right? I can see her limiting bleached-out/bad carbs. But even a fatty like me knows about the good grains and cereals.

    Gwynnie is just someone destined to be obsessed with food. It strongly suggests an eating disorder.

  5. I like the slick reveal that she and Chris are separated.

    1. +1, @Cathy ;)
      Thought it was just me.

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    That's really f'ed up to extend your weight loss dietary restrictions to your kids!!! I read this article somewhere else and she was saying that her husband and kids know what it's like to be hungry from not eating carbs. Your husband and kids are hungry, feed them you selfish bitch. Sorry guys, that just really pisses me off.

    1. Umm...I don't suppose they can feed themselves?! Why is it assumed to be the woman's job? They both work.

  7. To be fair, it's not about not having carbs. It's gluten intolerance/allergy. My BF's sister posted a picture of some dried alphabet noodles that were supposed to be "wheat-free, gluten-free". One of the ingredients was Vegetable Gum 405 - a thickener derived from petroleum used in antifreeze & paint remover. She's in Australia, but I'm sure we have the same crap here. What we put into our bodies IS important.

    1. @Amber Kraft used different ingredients for the UK than they use for the US. We get all the chemical crap. Was going to link to the side by side labels, but apparently more and more people starting noticing because now there's a petition going! DM Kraft Story

    2. Nothing is labelled correctly anymore. I read the US is trying to put aspartame into milk without labelling. Write to your senators, demand correct food labels

  8. This woman is insufferable. I can't even enjoy her character Pepper Potts in IM b/c all I see is The Goop. No need to wonder why Chris tours a lot.

  9. She is such an insufferable asshole.

  10. I know what she means about that hunger thing though. I don't feel like I've eaten unless I've had a spud.

  11. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Good catch Cathy, that is a nice little reveal he slipped in there...when Chris has them...

  12. I don't mind her diet kookiness. I read the whole article; she said that she found that her kids were gluten and dairy intolerant, hence the "no carbs." I don't mind when people raise their kids macrobiotic either. You know who was raised macrobiotic? Guy Fieri. Not kidding. Grown-ups eat however they want to, but there's nothing wrong with trying to give your kids a good start in life :)

  13. Her previous book had rave reviews in Amazon. I didnt read it but I do follow Goop and her recipes are always good and interesting.
    She does enjoy food and while she might not be Ferra Adria, I find her more believable in her shtick than Jessica Alba for example

  14. She shld relax with the food and just eat. It isnt rocket science. Just eat good fresh tood in moderation, and stop all the fads and gimmicks. And stop setting her kids up to have eating disorders.

  15. @VIP - she also talks about doing an "elimination diet", which isn't a diet in the sense that "hey I'm going on a diet." It's used by allergy doctors to help you find out what foods you're allergic to. A girl that used to work for me screwed up her body because she was doing all of those fad diets, and she had to go on elimination to get it back in order.

    1. @Amber Those are a bitch! One of my good friends had to go on a doctor-ordered elimination/rotation diet where she can only eat four things a day. As in, "today you can have almonds, asparagus, salmon, and bananas." She hated it!!!

  16. She's really effing up her kids eating habits. I understand that she wants nothing but the best for her family but you can't let kids have something one day and take it away the next. We're not talking candy, we're talking food.

    After hearing mommy talk about not wanting to get fat and not eating certain things, the inevitable is the children progressing an eating disorder.

  17. Amber, I go grocery shopping with a magnifying glass. I look like Sherlock, but it helps. Everybody please wash bananas before peeling. You're welcome.

  18. Control Freak Extraordinaire.

  19. Rich lady telling us how shes just like everyone else.

  20. Straight up potatoes aren't great for people with dietary issues (I'm generalizing), but tubers are. Know what's DELICIOUS? Mashed yams w/a little olive oil, white pepper & cinnamon. Pinch of salt.

  21. I think she is just one of those people who tell so many lies, that she just simply doesn't have a clue as to what she has said in the past!

    she certainly doesn't abide by the Twain quote, "if you always tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything," or something to that effect.

  22. Processed carbs ARE bad for you. Cereal isn't anything but basically what you could swallow in a multivitamin plus sugars. I'm sure she means those and not good carbs like grains and veggies and fruits.

  23. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Yummy, Amber! That does sound good. I need to eat more sweet taters myself.

  24. Didn't she go macrobiotic b/c she was feeling "sick" and had a whole ton of vitamin deficiencies? Makes me wonder if those came from anorexia, not intolerances.

  25. @Agent - We cook most of the things we eat from whole ingredients. We can't obviously control what happens when we eat at restaurants, but I know I definitely feel better when I eat at home vs. out!

    @VIP - That's awful. I don't understand why with Michelle Obama's healthy eating and exercise thing she's got going, they aren't pushing harder about labeling and quality, but whatevs.

  26. Is the cooky Goopster related to the cookie Monster?

  27. @Layna - If you cube them, toss w/olive oil and a little curry, then roast 'til they get golden edges - MMmmmm. Pair it was some roasted lemony chicken and it's fantastic. Not all that much work, either.

  28. This trick. I just can't.

    First off, since I love all of you: Please check out Dlisted's post on this. Shit had me dying last night with my glass of wine - and crackers and cheese.

    Isn't feeding your hungry kid one of your most primary/basic instincts as a mom?!?! I remember when I was entering my second year of not getting knocked up, I said to The Husband, "Fuck. I just want a kid so that I can feed him."

    I knew her whole Spanish bonanza with Mario was a SHAM. I wish he took me.

    I am all about the European way of thinking about food: Eat good seasonal food and enjoy the fabulous indulgences of life in moderation. Pasta, pizza, bread, wine, cheese - Bring it! And as a person who has a legitimate life-threatening allergy to nuts and peanuts (I literally have almost kicked the bucket), the whole craze with being allergic to everything drives me INSANE. (Off soapbox.)

  29. Ugh Amber! I looked that Vegetable Gum 405 up and it's horrid. Why would anyone use that? And it's sneaky labeling it as "vegetable" when it's petroleum. I immediately looked at my Alphabets and they were truly organic. Thank goodness!

    Goop doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. Complex Carbohyrdrates are in fruits (oranges, plums, etc), vegetables (broccoli, spinach and more) and legumes (beans including soy).

    Her advice is irresponsible and borderline dangerous and she should be offering any diet tips until she learns a bit more about what's "good" and what's "bad" when it comes to carbs.

    It's all about balance and portion control as mentioned.

  30. *should NOT be offering...*

  31. I remember reading the BV with Gwyneth as the obvious guess, about how Gwyneth has osteoporosis at such a young age. Here she claims to eat super duper healthy, when in reality she is bulimic and has deprived her body of vitamins for years due to the puking, which is what caused the osteo at such a young age. Her hair used to look gorgeous and healthy...she just doesn't look healthy to me anymore.

  32. @Sherry - I do really wish the US was strict about labeling. I personally want to know what I'm putting into my body. My family has a lot of cancer, and while I know my diet isn't going to prevent me from getting it, I'd like to reduce the avenues. It's not fair to people mislead them about what they're actually eating.

  33. Guess she is done with her pizza oven...

  34. I don't even buy that the kids and Chris are allergic to gluten and dairy. I think she is a f'n control freak and tells them that anything wrong with them is due to their diet so that she can be in charge of what they eat. She is obsessed with food. I would think with as "healthy" as she claimed to be eating she would be consuming enough vegetables and beans and such to avoid being anemic and would have done some research on making sure she was getting enough vitamins and such from her diet. Perhaps a multi-vitamin would have been a good idea you idiot.

  35. The cookbook was actually family recipes from her DAD. Not HER recipes she cooks for her children, what her DAD would cook for her and the family when she was a child.

  36. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Blackouts can be caused by serious calorie restrictions. Eating disorders just make me sad. I am having a crappy day and want carbs and cheese.

  37. Anonymous10:10 AM

    While I agree there are some eating issues going on here I hate that good nutrition is getting a bad rep because its coming from Goopy. Processed carbs and sugars are bad. I wouldn't want my kids going to bed hungry, that's shitty. I don't control what my husband eats, when he's still hungry after dinner he has yogurt and berries.
    I try and stay away from the things she's speaking about, although I have to have a piece of pumpkin loaf from Starbucks once a week. God that stuffs good!

    Other than that I'm with Amber I make everything from scratch with good ingredients. 3/4 of the plate should be veggies and meat portions shouldn't be bigger than your fist. Limit potatoes, cheese and pasta. I substitute couscous and sweet potatoes. I have a killer sweet potato and butternut squash curry soup recipe if anyone wants it.

    All that said I still think Goop has/had bulimia and I think she's seperated from Chris.

  38. Since we're on the topic of food and cancer, did you know that frying and baking potatoes can cause cancer? I only learned about this last year. Boiling them is fine, but apparently frying and baking activates a potentially cancer-causing element. Sorry to bring everyone down :( Like @Amber, I am now hyper-vigilant about food. One of the by-products of losing your dad to cancer. And coincidentally that's also the reason I always give Gwynnie a pass on the food thing. She originally went macro with her dad when he was diagnosed

  39. @Amber: I firmly believe that what you put in your body CAN stop cancer, or at least inhibit the growth of cancer.

    My mother has been battling it for four years now. Cancer here, take care of that, then it pops up somewhere else, chemo/radiation/operation, etc... a couple of years into it, she cut out all sugars, and basically only eats fruits, vegetables (including common weeds), legumes, and nuts. No dairy, no meat, no bread except something called Spelt bread (I think that's it) that she makes herself. She's been cancer-free for over a year now and is in great shape. Her test results keep coming back negative. She'll be 72 next week and I'm so f'ing proud of her for making these changes to her diet to stick around awhile longer.

    SHOUT OUT TO MY LOVELY MOTHER!!! (Not that she's reading.)

  40. In order to have feelings, motherly or otherwise, Goop would need to possess a soul. It is obvious her plastic, fem bot self is void of such a thing (maybe souls contain carbs). As such, feelings of joy, compassion, and love are not present in the subject, having been replaced by jealousy, rage and the desire to control others.

    Now my studies haven't shown if a person such as this is born soulless or a soul never develops due to childhood trauma. However, I am lead to believe that those conceived and/or incubated with cocaine and alcohol present in the environment are less likely to possess souls.

    My alternate theory is that mirrors eat your soul, which leads to rapid atrophy in the soul of a narcissist twat. Think of it as "Those consumed with themselves consume their own soul."

    My studies are on going and I'll keep you all up to date on any future developments.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. She's bulimic she binges ...she also totally full of shit.
    Do you remember when she broke her leg a few years ago and her doctor said she had the bones of an 80 year old woman....
    She's dangerous, if those kids are healthy and don't need her latest fad diet she's doing them harm...they need dairy for their bone...
    The woman's a loon

  42. it's about balance, folks, and clearly she has lost that plus a whole lotta brain cells-I'm guessing. Carbs are important, not so much for diabetics who have to consume carbs in moderation and balance but essential for children who need carbs to develop, grow and feed their brain cells. Goopy, maybe if you fed your brain a bit you might start up that thinking process.

  43. Anonymous10:24 AM

    FWIW, I think Gwynnie means well in her own way. But it's coming from an obtuse place. I can appreciate becoming more aware of her food after her father's death. However, there's a difference between awareness and mindless obsession. Gwynnie's approach feels like the latter.

  44. LOL - misread the book's title and thought it said, "It's All GOOP"

  45. What carbs so you speak of that help children's brains grown? Grains, wheat, flour, oats. No. They are not neccesary for growth. That is just silly to even say. Yes there are good carbs in sweet potatoes, turnips, cauliflower. Those are neccesary. But what she was saying is they are starved of gluten and wheat products.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. @Em - Congrats to your mommy! That's wonderful news :)

  48. There is a name for what the Goopster suffers from orthorexia.

    It exists and she should be the poster child for it.

    She can eat whatever the hell she wants, but she is passing on her food issues to her children.

  49. Big shout out to EM's Mom !Spelt Bread is wonderful. Thanks for that reminder.

  50. The best part of. this was the reveal.

    As a healthcare professional I had to take years of anatomy classes. I remember one of my teachers being livid over the no-carb craze. Our brains function best on carbs. To deprive children, whose brains are developing of an entire food group is stupid and dangerous. I also use this argument as a reason why I will never give up those delicious loaves of bread from the bakery.

  51. Again c Anne- you can get carbs from other foods other than grains!!! And wheat!! And flour!!!

    1. I know you can but I prefer to get mine in the form of artisan breads. :)

      I do take issue with the low carb/ no carb diets that limit the amount of fruit you can have.

  52. Cathy said...
    I like the slick reveal that she and Chris are separated.

    Yep. You can eat almost anything you want if you make it yourself. I'm a nut for Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes. Or I was until I read the list of ingredients.

    I found a nice easy recipe for chocolate cupcakes on "Joy of Baking" and made my own. Eggs. Milk. Butter. Sugar. Chocolate powder. Water. Nothing unpronouncable.

    That said it seems like Gwynnie is someone who tries to control her life via food or telling others what to eat.

    And again, thanks for the reveal Enty. :)

  53. @VIPBlondie: it's true baking/frying potatoes (esp. ones that brown easily) can cause cancer, but if you make your own, you can put the sliced potatoes in salty water for 15 minutes beforehand - that reduces the risk considerably (as advised by a study hereabouts).

  54. @VIP & sylmarillion - I believe the same is true for various oils. If you heat some of them to too high of a temperature it changes the composition and they become toxic. I'm not sure which ones, though. I basically only use olive oil or coconut oil.

    1. @Amber Here's a cooking oil comparison chart

      I'm with you, though. I do olive oil for cold, and coconut oil for hot (unrefined virgin, obvi) :)

    2. Vip, I nabbed that chart, thanks.

  55. I read the whole article; she said that she found that her kids were gluten and dairy intolerant, hence the "no carbs."

    @ VIP, did she mention if she diagnosed them or did a doctor?

    Gwyneth is very obviously obsessed with her body, self-image and what she eats (and, ah, expels). I get being careful about what you eat and wanting only the best for yourself and your kids,and she can certainly afford it, but she's taking obsession to a new level. And does she think we'll believe her dietary claims if she puts a 15+ year-old photo on the cover? It's just a little bit misleading.

    @ EmEyeKay - I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well. :) My BFF's sister was diagnosed with cancer and BFF found a lecture on Ted Talks by Dr. William Li called Can We Eat to Starve Cancer? that your mom might find interesting.

  56. @Amber & VIP - somewhat OT, but I was at Trader Joe's yesterday and they had coconut oil cooking spray. I've never seen it at our TJ's before and of course snapped one right up. Coconut oil is great for high temp cooking.

  57. @VIP - thank you!

    @Izzie - I've never tried the cooking spray. LMK how it is, because I'll toss out my BF's can of Pam (blech).

  58. @VIP, even if her kids do have a legitimate carb and dairy allergy (I'm not buying it) that's a sorry-ass excuse to send your children to bed hungry. She has access to almost any food she wants. You don't think there's something she could feed her children when they're hungry at night?

    She's bulimic. Has been for a long time.

  59. @katydid, I would like your "Killer sweet potato butternut squash curry soup" recipe! I'm always looking for seasonal not-too-difficult recipes and I love a good soup. Thanks!

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Here you go!
      Peel 1 lg sweet potato and 1 butternut squash cube and put in 400 degree oven tossed with olive oil, salt, pepper, garam masala (easy to find indian spice) and 3 garlic cloves cook until browned.
      Transfer to blender with enough low sodium chick broth to make puree. Transfer to stock pot, add 1/2 can lite coconut milk, cinnamon, pinch of cayenne, curry powder turn low and simmer for 45 mins. Taste then adjust seasonings and add more coconut milk if needed. I serve mine with some chopped bacon and a few sliced granny smiths

  60. @ femme brulee, that is my biggest problem, she is not only controlling what they eat but most likely how much.

    I have a bowl of fruit that sits on the table the rule is you can take whatever you want out of that bowl without needing to ask. If you want something else you need to ask and then the whole discussion of how close to dinner time is it etc...

    I will say it again I bet she would easily be diagnosed with Orthorexia.

  61. @Kimberly: Souls can be repaired? I thought it was like nerve or brain cells where the damage is permanent.

  62. I'm trying the winorexic diet...damn fun appetizer things keep messing me up

  63. Congrats on the healthy mom Em!!

    And Misch you need calcium for good bones and again, broccoli has more than milk. So dairy is not the only way to get there.

    sylmarillion and VIP..Another positive of soaking the potatoes in salt water is they crisp better when baking. Enjoy!

    Again, Goop presents herself as an expert without doing much research on her own behalf. Wasn't she also the suspected answer to the blind about the celebrity who left a rental car full of Taco Hell taco wrappers; lots of them!

  64. I think the misconception is she is "starving" her children. When I read that yesterday I knew it was misleading. I haven't had bread in a long while and sometimes I am starving for it! Does it mean I give it to that particular hankering? No. I eat a banana or some yogurt, or some nuts. There are many options open depending on how open your mind is to trying new things.

  65. Eat, drink, and be merry. Life is short.

    And like Count Jerkula said, don't spend too much time looking at mirrors.

  66. @Lots of you guys, thanks for the "yays" about my mom. I just emailed her and said the lovely CDAN ladies are giving her props! She knows who you are because I read when we vacation together (and I go down to see her a lot)

    @Mango, I sent on the link, thank you - I'm almost positive that book is on her shelf.

    RE: coconut oil - my mom only uses coconut oil. It is WONDERFUL to saute veggies in. She buys it in solid form. She sent me that heat comparison chart a few months ago.

    1. Em I tried to add a comment upthread but my phone is a beast today!!! :( so happy to hear your mom is on track for a LONG healthy life!! :) coconut oil on my dogs fur is beautiful shiny and smells fab also it is delicious to cook with in place of other oils. I am still an olive oil slut! I love it cold on salad.

    2. Em I haven't been able to tune in as much but I am glad your mom is going ok! My coconutty thoughts are with you guys!

      I have this recent obsession with coconut oil, I practically bathe myself in the stuff two or three times a week, it is a great natural deodorant too.

      Smash & Dia y'all should hop on a bus down to Texas :) the weather is beautiful this time of year!

    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      EmEyeKay best wishes to your Mum. I camt imagine how hard the last few years have been on all of you. Good vibes your way-

  67. all her talk for this is just her way of hiding her severe eating/food disorders (along with the mania for excercise). she tries to pass it off the public as 'healthy' but really its her excuse for her troubled issues with food.

    I went gluten/dairy free due to really severe acid reflux/ulcer issues and i really dig it so far, i don't get bloated/constipated but guess what? I'm still eating those carbs, except, in moderation (follow the pyramid) and eat rice flour breads, corn flour pasta, etc., love it all.

    fact is i am not shaming my kids for what they eat or want to and i'm eating balanced, fruits/veg/caarbs/protein/fat.

    i can hardly say the same for Skeletor. i look a hella of a lot younger than her and i'm 41

  68. Thanks @smash! xoxo

  69. Em you should come with me to see dia one of these days! I get on the bus downtown by Uwajimia.

  70. Gwyneth is so full of shit. Her poor kids already have issues according to her own mouth. I highly doubt that you, your husband and your two kids all have the SAME food allergies.
    Not how it works most of the time.

  71. I'm just looking forward to when these kids are old enough to write a tell all book about their famous mother, can't wait for that one.

  72. To me it just sounds like she's vegan and trying to raise her kids without processed foods. I think gluten allergies are over diagnosed and the percentage is actually smaller, but it is the current fad. Only thing I don't like about the way she feeds her kids is not letting them have chocolate cake on their birthday. That's just wrong.

  73. she's got an eating disorder and is imposing it on her kids, husband and the rest of the world.

    carbs are not bad. alot of refined carbs are not good, but there is nothing wrong w/eating carby vegetables, such as the potato.

    if she weren't already famous, she'd have a zero following bec. she is trying to come across as an expert, and she doesn't know dick.

  74. Anonymous1:56 PM

    @count. Takes lots of heavy drinking to repair a soul. And removal of all mirrors from the home. Then, sometimes the damage is still too extreme and they are permenantly damaged.

  75. Anonymous1:56 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Gweyneth Paltrow is a straight-up psychopath.

  77. I like cheese.

  78. If there are no known health conditions , I'm on the "everything in moderation " bandwagon. One of my friends 2 young boys are now being seen by medical professionals due to their small size and growth delays. The reason- mom is so weight obsessed and afraid of fat that she's unknowingly deprived them of the fat and cholesterol necessary for proper growth.
    She said she'd just die if she had fat children. She's an idiot. Her husbands an idiot. I'm sad for her children.


    You all KNOW I irrationally adore her.

    TO second Smash...they quote about her kids being hungry was taken out of context she meant the hunger you get when you are obsessively craving something you can't have. Like I don't eat pork...haven't in about 25 years. But every once in a rare while, I get an intense craving for pork spareribs. Nothing can satisfy that craving (hunger). I'll make beef ribs, but it's just not the same (still won't eat the pork though).

    Oh...and leave my Goop alone!

  80. @ Lola - No I didn't know that about you (the Goop adoration). You know there are special camps we can send you to that can take care of that. ;)

  81. Coconut oil is awesome for your outside too! I now use it as a moisturizer & on my hair. It clears up dry skin really well & you smell good too!

  82. @Mango...I'm just gonna let my freak flag fly!

  83. @Disco...

    Where the hell are you?

  84. Im confused. There is a picture of her and a little boy I assume his her son making pasta.

  85. It might be too late to ask... But re the coconut oil... Does it TASTE lle coconut?

    Cos this isn't the first place I've seen people rave about hot great it is, but I just can't get my head around coconut and neat going together (unless you add curry).

  86. @VIPBlonde - Thanks, I just pinned that link on the oils!

    @Susan - I just read Dlisted. I cackled at "fair trade dew drops imported from Holland." :)

    I'm also in the "everything in moderation" bandwagon. I understand if you have an intolerance that makes you physically ill, you'd want to avoid it, but her almost blacking out means she is NOT eating enough.
