Friday, March 15, 2013

Traci Lords Says She And Her Mom Were Raped In Steubenville

I'm not sure what is going on in this town in Ohio, but it sounds like this teen who is taking on all these guys should be hailed and not vilified. Traci Lords says that when she was 10 she was raped in the same town and also says her mom was raped there too.


  1. That explains a lot. I hope they nails those boys asses to the wall. Sick fuckers

  2. It is the white, windowless panel van of towns...

  3. Tracing lords was an UNderage teen working as a porn star. She snitched on her colleagues to avoid a prison sentence. She tried legit acting (crybaby,pretender) but between jobs,she writes and Re-writes her her biography to make money adding more salacious details each time.

  4. I'm really glad all those of texts and pics are exposed, no way can the defense continue to say she was "willing" (UGH) even tho they are still trying. Why is it that the onus is on the victim to prove guilt? Women have to pay out of pocket for police rape kits. WTF

  5. I don't know who Traci Lords is so I'm not commenting on whether what she says is true.

  6. Traci talked about this in her book, she's from that dump. I guess now more people have heard of it.

  7. 1/3 women will be sexually abused in their lifes so it's not a suprise that in a town,there was several rapes

  8. Don't know much about her so I don't want to comment but this whole situation with the girl is repulsive. WTF is wrong with the teenagers nowadays? I know this kind of things happened before but they're just becoming more brazen! I mean to post the pictures on Twitter and brag about it it's disturbing.

  9. @msgirl, she's a porn star who lied about her age (she was underage) to get her start. Not saying she's lying about the rape, but you do have to question her integrity. Not because she was a porn star, but because she lied about something so serious.

  10. I live in the Steubenville area and I can tell you that as of today (Friday afternoon) one of the kids who was at the party in August is testifying about what he saw. Apparently he drank underage, drove drunk, AND took cell phone video of the boys doing stuff to that girl, but because he agreed to testify he's been given immunity.

    There's a live video feed on our local NBC affiliate:

  11. I think a man forcing his underage step-daughter into porn says more about his integrity than hers. She was a child then and should never have been in that position.
    If that is the kind of man the mother brought into the home than I am sure there was sexual abuse going on.
    Everything about this is sad.

  12. This is old news. I saw it pin a tv biography two weeks ago -- one of those e! or bio channel shows

  13. I hate to sound stupid but I have not followed this story about Steubenville and cannot comment on what's happened. Thanks for the live feed Victoria,

  14. I believe her. It looks like she has been speaking about her rape long before this recent scandal came out. It's not like she is trying to jump on some sort of bandwagon. I find her life story incredibly sad. It seems that she is in a much happier place now, I applaud her perseverance.

  15. I like Traci Lords. Hell, even some of the peole born into wealthy families like kim kardashian exhibit deplorable behavior. Did she need porn to make a living?

    Traci Lords was born into poverty and the stepfather was a pig who exploited her. This is not surprising.

  16. Than you should give equal blame to the mother for allowing that man into the house.
    A lot of traci 's colleagues like Ron Jeremy said she was a natural at such a young age.

    1. Just Curious, you are one entertaining moron. I know others on this site want you to go away, but you always give me my biggest laughs of the day. Please don't ever stop dropping your hate-fueled sh*t bombs on us. I'd miss your unique brand of idiocy.

    2. I was responding to an earlier post concerning Lord's stepfather turning her out.
      But I 'm glad you're amused by my posts . I think fucked up white folks are hilarious.

  17. Exploited? Traci Lords was one of the most enthusiastic and willing porn stars of that era. Every person who worked with her said she was not only a natural, but eager to perform. She only became "exploited" when the law came down on her.

    I have no idea what went down where she grew up, but she has very little credibility.

    1. Sorry Dick Largeless, but she was exploited the moment someone put her underage ass in front of a camera.

  18. Yeah when it comes to her porn past, Traci is full of it. I mean, she set up her own production company, went to Japan and Europe... yeah, real exploited.

    1. Because after being pushed into porn while she should have still been in high school, she had so many skills to fall back on, right?

  19. Wow an underage girl being exploited by her stepfather from a fucked up background and you guys think she was happy riding dick?! Did you ever consider that maybe the people on the set were nice to her and and showed her affection and she was a fucking kid that wanted to please them. Of course not, she was just a natural whore. Fuck you Dick, just curious, and you ilk.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi...long time reader, only posted a few times but, reading these comments I have to reply. I work with a lot of sexual abuse victims in my profession and, I am stunned at the comments about how enthusiastic this underage girl was to work and what a natural she was. It seems a lot of commenters are implying, if not flat out saying, that you can't exploit someone who is willing or enthusiastic to engage in underage and illegal sex. However, it should give us all pause that such a young girl WAS enthusiastic for this and WAS a natural. To me there is no question this came from an oversexualization of her body from a young age. In general people aren't "naturals" at something that is foreign or new to them.

    Also, many sexual abuse survivors will tell you that while the abuse WAS truly sad and scary, as it was still a sex act, it may have "felt" okay, or even good. That doesn't mean the person wasn't exploited, it means that someone exploited there sense and understanding of pleasure and its appropriateness.

    Again, I love this site and all your comments but, really hope some of you rethink your perspective.

    1. Thank you Dori, well stated!

    2. Thank you Dori, well stated!

  22. errgghhh, your perspectives. Thanks.

  23. Thank you G

    Thank you Dori

  24. I'm sure this is going to be unpopular, but I am going to agree with Dick and Andy. Setting up her own production company was a way for her to control her film, her career and her own future. She did it herself, for her own porn career. She could have easily gotten out of that career. THAT is what I have the issue with. When she was of age, she could have stopped, or even when she was out from under the control of her stepfather, but she didn't. She chose to stay in the industry. I hardly think that's exploitation.

  25. Thank you Dori for stating what should be logic concerning exploited women and children.

  26. Very well put G.

    Don't many victims of abuse become sex addicts? Not only that but sex feels good. It is easy to see how it can be an escape. Instead of dealing with the stress, sex and even being aggressive in sexual scenarios is a way of relieving tension and aggresive feelings. I know both men and women understand that aspect of any sexual situation.

  27. Yes, she probably could have gotten out of the business, but this is what she had been doing for a while and probably felt this was what she was here for. I'm sure being abused warps your sense of worth. She did eventually get out. She found how to get control and used it to help her gain a better future for herself.

  28. Thanks for that Dori. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I become so enraged with some comments on posts like these that I have to stop reading most of the time. Abuse affects children in different ways; I pass no judgment on survivors. Trust me, it comes complete with a lifetime of suffering.

  29. Dick and Andy,

    I can see where you are coming from. Even well after she was old enough to stop and became an adult she continued.

    However, I think she thought of her sexuality as a powerful advantage and lucrative way to become financially independent. That is one way to have control.

  30. People here are assuming that no teenagers can make decisions for themselves. I've known teenagers that were more than mature enough to make informed decisions about their sexuality, and I've known college girls who had no business fucking anybody due to their lack of emotional maturity. There's an unfortunate tendency for people to assume that because something was fucked up for them, then it has to be fucked up for everybody. That's intellectually lazy. People here are assuming that the girl was exploited (and now we seem to be throwing abused around) based solely on their own expectations.

    1. I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that she was underage and her stepfather got her into the business. But hey, try to justify your repulsiveness any way you'd like if it makes you feel better.

  31. Anonymous12:39 PM

    X that place off the road trip map.

  32. At 15 years old she was one of the most prolific porn stars in the industry. That doesn't happen overnight. That is a child who was sexually used and abused from pre puberty. She only knew how to be sexual and got praised and adored for that very reason. That is called Grooming and is illegal.
    As for why she didnt just pick herself up and dust herself off when she became of age, well maybe she didn't know she could. How many people from wonderful, secure, happy homes are able to go out in the world and be a completely able adult?
    I will never understand why the police even wanted to prosecute her! She was the child being filmed being sexually abused by grown men and women. That is madness.
    I respect the fact she realised she is worth more than that and overcame her horrific start in life. It is NEVER a child's fault that the people in their lives who are supposed to love and protect them instead use and abuse them and erode their self worth.

  33. There are some mature teenagers. There are very few mature adults. If I based my opinion solely on her porn, that would be intellectually lazy. A common theme in her music is control. It is not subtle at all.

    A 16 yr old using their sexuality as currency to "manipulate" their stepfather into running away with them and helping them get into porn probably is not that type of mature teenager. A 16 year old having sex with their step dad is not abuse? I doubt he waited until she was a ripe old 16. Are we assuming a 14 or 15 year old initiated sexual contact with dear old dad?

  34. She was sixteen when she did her first film. Hardly one of the most prolific actress, either. People are sensationalizing.

    1. And some people are rationalizing. It kind of makes me wonder why you're so bent on trying to convince people what occurred was okay. You wouldn't happen to have a teenage stepdaughter, would you?

  35. Her story is only a 'big' one because she was underage, formed her own company to continue to sell her material, and tried mainstream film/tv. She wasn't very talented, so there came the ridicule and jest regarding the beginnings of her career.

  36. The Stubenville rape is so sad and horrific to me. I have been following the story for a few months and justice will not be done, not by far.

  37. I think she said some years before that she had her cherry popped when she was about 13. Either the rapist wasn't totally rapist or she was lying then or she is lying now in order to sell more books.

    15 years, according to this website:

  38. From what I read she deliberately only made the one movie when she was legal thru her company, so her “fans” could only own/ view that one legally. She clearly had a good business head at such a young age.

  39. @Silly G; what else was she gonna do?She dropped out of school and had nothing after she was caught doing it underage. It is pretty hard to start a normal career after that, especially if your life hasn't been exactly normal and has been all about sex. She was raped multiple times and I think she was heavily traumatized.

    If Courtney Stodden lived in the eighties she would be the equivalent of Traci: weird life, (step)parents condoning it (Traci's stepdad drove her around to the set and Stodden's family sold her to a gross dude). People say 'omg, Stodden, that's so sad, she is being abused'. She is just as old as Traci was at the time and has the same life (Pretty sure Stodden is abused/medicated by her 'family/hubs', then why is Traci being judged? She is a victim too.

    I think TL did pretty well for herself, she turned her life around and seems smart. While Stodden is probably gonna be the next Blohan, Traci was able to turn her life around.

    *Sorry for ranting, I am just very crazy about this subject because I read Traci's book and love her ever since*

  40. @Dick: I completely agree with u teens aren't dumbasses generally and understand what they are doing, but the thing with Traci is that she was abused at a young age and she was living with a stepfather who was taking advantage of her. If that happens at an early age, you change. She is/was damaged goods. When she was around industry people she was accepted and got 'love' by doing the only thing she knew how to do: spreading her legs.

    @YoMisho: she was raped as a kid. I don't remember the story completely but she didn't see the rape as the 'taking of her virginity' because she didn't want it to happen. She saw her first consensual-sex-act as her first time, eventhough technically it wasn't.

  41. I think the point here is that it's pretty difficult to take anything the girl says seriously, as she has little to no credibility. I have no way of knowing if she was raped, molested, pimped out, or whatnot when she was a kiddo, but I don't buy it solely because she says so. What I do know is that countless men and women she worked with said she was a mature, enthusiastic, willing and informed participant. Others prefer their own beliefs that anybody who does porn at 16 is necessarily being abused. On that we just have to disagree.

  42. Steubenville has a long history of covering up for its star football players. The police chief and DA should be brought up on charges.

  43. Wow, those saying she was "mature" enough are absolutely fucking disgusting. A damaged teen lies, we shouldn't ever believe them? Give me a break.

  44. A 16 year old cannot make a mature, informed, enthusiastic decision to do porn because....

  45. @YoMisho, I for one would still consider myself a virgin at that age, despite being raped, if I were in her position. The sex was forced upon her, she had no say in "giving" him her virginity. Why should she allow him to claim it?

  46. I give Traci a big hug. She was sucked into porn by a creepy stepfather after her mother fled OH after being abuse for years. I'm glad she's breaking the cycle finally.

  47. Coaches cover up for their athletes all the time. It happened to me, thank God it was only a copping a couple of feels in the hall, but I still remember how angry and helpless I felt when the coach(who was also the principal) told me to just forget about it. I did, until I got home, and told my mother, who brought holy hell and the school board down on his head. The star basketball player got three whole days, (big deal) and we(his other victims) got permission to beat the hell outta him if he lay hands on us again. Ah, the good old days when problems could be solved with fisticuffs. That principal still hates me though. It's mutual.
    I kinda love Traci Lords, and she must be a good actress having faked it all those years. ;-)

  48. Thank you @G
    Thank you @Dori

    Well said.

  49. Also thank you @Speakeasy.

  50. My biggest problem with Lords is how she changes her story to suit her needs. I don't think it's a coincidence that her story changed now that Steubenville has gotten into the news.

    I don't doubt she came from a really screwed up background, but a lot of people do who don't do porn. From everything I've read and watching Lords interact in business (1995), I find her to be a lot like Heidi Fleiss. She is opportunistic when it suits her.

  51. Dick, you stated: "Hardly one of the most prolific actress," but then you state "countless men and women she worked with said she was ....". I have an issue with that contradiction and your opinion is thus meaningless to me.

  52. Some EPIC victim blaming in this thread... almost all from men. What a surprise.

  53. All of the victim blaming is disturbing. Teenagers, even 'normal' ones from safe, supportive homes, cannot make decisions the same way an adult can. Their brains are literally not fully developed yet. Mental and emotional maturity does of course vary from person to person. That said, a person who's been abused from a young age is highly unlikely to be able to make truly informed decisions about their life, just because their baseline for normal would have been so skewed by the abuse. If someone has been schooled from a young age to believe that being sexual is good and normal and you get rewarded for it, then they're likely going to think it is and act like it is and encourage it. That is not informed decision making, that's walking the only path they've been shown. It's not confined to one sex, either.
