Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Video Shows Toddler Smoking Pot From Bong

I can't even begin to tell you how this video disgusts me and how there are not enough years in her life for this mom to makeup for this to her 22 month old kid. 24 year old Rachelle Braaten was arrested and charged with manufacturing pot and delivery of controlled substance to a minor. That is it. No other charges? How about being the worst f**king mother on the planet and videoing you being the worst f**king parent on the planet. Braaten says it was a joke but she realizes it is not funny. You know what is really awful? I bet in the next year or so she will get her kid back.


  1. She will no only get her kid back.she will wind up with her own TV show. Bitch

  2. This is awful, but how is it different from when a woman smokes while pregnant?

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM


  4. Cathy-that makes me *insane*...I work in healthcare and not 1 but 2 women on my floor smoked the whole time they were pregnant. Stood outside the building and smoked like it wasn't a big deal.

    1. Ugh Curly I feel your pain! My husbands father (the moron he is) is having a baby with his longer girlfriend. She has smoked (and possibly) drank throughout her entire pregnancy. It makes me sick,

    2. Ugh Curly I feel your pain! My husbands father (the moron he is) is having a baby with his longer girlfriend. She has smoked (and possibly) drank throughout her entire pregnancy. It makes me sick,

  5. Cathy, neither one are acceptable, but this is worse because she is not only giving her child drugs while her brain is still developing but she is also teaching her to do it and when they laugh like that it makes the child want to do it again and again and again. Before you know it the child is psychologically addicted and has a very limited and sad future. It's horribly disgusting.

    I want to punch this mother in the face. I do. I really, really do. How stupid can you be? Why are so many selfish, ignorant women so damn fertile? Ignorance, stupidity and extreme selfishness should also be accompanied by infertility.

  6. Looks to me like the bong isn't lit. I also don't see him exhaling any smoke. Not mother of the year, but not Satan either.

  7. I feel for our kids' generation. The s* they are going to have to deal with as a result of these idiots and the teen moms and the kartrashians... ugh.

    1. That's my though and fear. These kids are going to have a very hard time when they get older plus they will be the lawmakers when we are retiring and needing Medicare and whatnot. Now that is truly frightening!

    2. That's my though and fear. These kids are going to have a very hard time when they get older plus they will be the lawmakers when we are retiring and needing Medicare and whatnot. Now that is truly frightening!

  8. It's different because if you do this to a 2 year old child, you will no doubt be smoking pot in front of your child his entire life, allowing them to start smoking it very early on and basically involving them in a lifestyle that they will believe to be normal. I know that there are many pot smokers who read here, and I am not condemning the smoking of it, I am condemning people who live in trashy situations and think acting like this is funny and then their children are brought up not knowing anything different. If I had to guess, she is not probably playing with him or teaching him his colors this is probably the only thing she will teach him. I know I sound like a pretentious bitch, but this really pisses me off.

  9. @MAC - you don't think that someone who smokes WHILE PREGNANT would also smoke in front of their kid?

  10. 100% Agreed MAC!

    @Cathy, Listen, I agree with you about the smoking, but there IS a difference between doing it in front of them and letting them participate. That is why they got rid of candy cigarettes because of the way it was teaching children to smoke like their parents. This is 10 times worse than candy cigarettes. I smoke weed, myself, but I would never, ever let a child do it in front of me, let alone hand a joint to them. This is more disgusting because it is goes beyond being an example, it is making it interactive.

    Also, MAC brings up a good point that a mother who is doing something like this is probably not reading to that child or going over the alphabet or teaching that child any other kind of beneficial things. It's horrible.

  11. OH, and I should mention that I would never even smoke weed in front of any children either. I forgot to include that. Hahaha.

  12. I'm just saying that people who do it while pregnant are not only letting their kids participate, but forcing them to.

  13. What is WRONG with some people?

  14. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Michael Vick's post count: 55 and counting

    Dumb-ass mom playing Smell the Bong with her toddler: 15 (including mine)

    The bottom line is that are all kinds of people doing all kinds of fucked-up things. All things good should be equally praised, all things bad should be equally condemned. And I'm not talking penny-anty stuff. I'm talking about the major mistakes.

    This mother has done something awful and should go to jail, but probably won't. She'll get counseling and whatnot. Which she clearly needs. But does it fit the severity of the crime?

    I'm being preachy, but for me, it comes down point a finger at all of it or none of it. That's just my take, not saying anyone else has to look at it that way.

    It's why judging others on our own, IMO, is a waste of time. We hardly ever get it right.

  15. That's nothing. We Okies get to claim this gem that was going door to door trying to sell her kids in order to raise enough money to bail her boyfriend out of jail.


  16. She can go live with the scumbag mother who got her 14 year old daughter so drunk in a restaurant that the manager had to call an ambulance for the girl.

    The mother had been sneaking her drinks in the restaurant and apparently the girl had already been drinking at home with her mother and was her "drinking buddy".


  17. The older I get, the more I hate people. And I understand what Layna Day is saying - the abuse of children doesn't seem to attract as much attention as the abuse of animals.

  18. I saw this on morning news, what an idiot.

  19. Worst mother in the world? like, worse than moms that murder or pimp out their kids?

  20. Cannot and will not watch.

    1. I'm with you - I refuse to watch the video. But, just reading the title makes my blood boil - especially because I have a 22 month old, as well and I can't even believe what some people are capable of.

  21. Is anyone else sick of Bieber posts?

  22. Sadly, this probably happens a dozen times a day and doesn't get video taped.

  23. Cathy, if you don't know the inherent differences then find google and do some educating.

    Comparing the two is ridiculous and alarmist.

  24. wow jax - why do you even come to this site anymore if all you ever do is try to rip other readers apart or brag about your alleged celebrity meetings? seriously, do you get that much pleasure out of thinking you're that much smarter/cooler than a bunch of people on the internet who you have never met?

  25. And also, if you think it is "alarmist" to state that smoking while pregnant is just as dangerous to the kid, then i suggest that *you* "find google and do some educating."

  26. @Layna Day, I think the difference might be that there aren't people jumping in here to defend her like on the Vick thread.

    (That said, I agree that pet worship often overtakes respect for human life.)

  27. I didn't post earlier because I assumed it was obvious than any mom who'd let her toddler toke up is a totally craptastic mother. I just don't understand people sometimes...

  28. Cathy >>>>>>>>>>>> Jax

  29. 3 of my kids got to enjoy the benefits of heroin and/or methadone while in-utero. And cigarettes. And pot. And whatever other alcohol or drug that was freely being given.I am thankful beyond words none of them are showing any effects other than slight asthma for one.

    As a non-breeder that adopted from social services and has seen the ugliest of humanity before my very eyes, this is NOTHING compared to what happens all the time to innocent children.

    I choose to believe in Hell just so I get comfort in the hope all the evil breeders make it there someday.

  30. Kristen, I hope you believe in heaven (or its equivalent), b/c there's a special place there for people like you who rescue these kids from a life of hell. Kudos and a lovely slow blink!

  31. Sorry, @Kirsten. (And I typed it right the first time, then corrected myself!)

  32. That broad has to be a Juggalo. No other form of white trash is a low class and stupid as Juggaloes. Not Methbillies, not Dirty Hippies, shit even stupid Neo Nazis have pride. Nothing remotely comes near the level of scum that is Juggaloes.

    We need to get the Catholic Church to start a new Inquisition and have them torture these nudniks until they recant their allegiance to ICP and admit, "I suck so I wanted to feel a part of something. I picked the wrong thing." The torture should consist of burning or slicing off the horrible tattoos they possess.

    When the Juggalo Inquisition is over, I say we get started on some Bronie Genocide. If anyone can think up a way to have the 2 factions slaughter each other, then we should really consider inciting some violence, as the depleted victor will require less resources to exterminate.

  33. I'm sure that if this was a post about a Mother having and recruiting children for her own fight club would have many more posts than a Vick one. While this is ignorant and neglectful, it isn't on the same level, if you will, as Vick's abuse so it won't garner as much attention. Stupidity<Violence

    These people are just in a circle that will never be broken, going around and around like monkeys, doing stupid, stupid shit, until they die. I don't get how they don't see themselves and want to get out.

  34. For those who aren't watching, it's not what you might think - it's mom holding a bong (looks like a big cup until the camera pulls away) and the kid (face blurred) comes over and leans over the bong, then looks up. If you didn't know what was going on, you might not think it is what it is. Thank goodness.

    And what kind of idiot films this and releases it? As a joke? A*holes should not be allowed around kids.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. That's disgusting. Poor kid.

  37. Cathy - ITA -- the subjects of The Jax scrutiny are as random as the comments she makes venomous. Jax this isn't the first time someone has asked you why you bother even commenting on this site is everyone is such a fucking idiot in your opinion. I had the gall the say a Rick Ross car accident was a PR stunt and she jumped all over my shit. Rick. Fucking. Ross. Realllyyy ??? Way to superman a douchebag Jax

    Count Jerkula - that Juggaho comment put me in tears .. Happy, happy tears.

    1. *as everyone is - god forbid I have a typo!

  38. I can't watch this cause I'll have a fucking attack of violence come over me that I may not be able to hold back. What in the holy fuck is wrong with people. When you become a parent your child becomes your number one responsibility IMO why are YOU even getting high in front of your baby. You can't wait 2 hours till your baby goes to bed. And that's me being generous because I know lots of people get high and d are still responsible but IMO I think if you need to party you need to get a babysitter and do it up that night. Just my opinion.

  39. Oh lovely No Thanks. Exactly.
