Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yeah, It's A Cat Video


  1. Gawd, I love me some cats. :)

  2. Lol, that looks just like my cat, Ted. And is exactly what Ted would do for a treat.

  3. That is one big cat...

  4. I f'ing love this little guy.

  5. That must be a high table or a fat cat - my cat would just jump on the table, eat the treat and then glare at me for more. They're such adorable little turds!!

  6. Bert is SERIOUS about his treats!

  7. MISCH - I was thinking the same thing! My dog - 9 lbs - can't get anywhere near the table top.

  8. Cats...stinkerbelles and stinkerbeaus...every last one of them!!! =^.^=

  9. I make my cat jump from the bed to the radiator and down to the floor and repeat the cycle. She burns those calories for her treats.

  10. *sigh* my cat is getting older to the point where she's having some trouble jumping up more than 3 feet. I put a small box next to the bed so she can "walk" up instead of jumping. She looks so sad when she can't jump.

  11. @SusanB. Is that him in your profile pic? He's a pretty, handsome fella!

    It sucks to watch them get older. I hate it. :/

  12. Yeah - I watched the entire video. WHAT OF IT??

  13. I love cats when I watch cat videos. But I hate cats when I have to clean the litter box. I'll stick to my outside cat.

  14. I love cats. I have a cat. But ill be damned if i will watch a cat video. One if the 7 signs im sure, lol

  15. My cats, Lucy and Ethel are almost 19 and when I feed them the wet food, I actually wake them up (if they don't respond to the clinking on the bowls) and bring them to the food. I am a total cat geek and the Opster is just as bad. We love those little fur balls. Reminds me that it's time to feed them.

  16. I recognize those treats. "Whiskas Temptations". Kitty crack. My cats *love* them.

    My brother's cat is so spoiled, that's all she wants to eat and his supermarket charges $2.50 for a small bag. She's got him trained!

  17. @ SusanB:

    I had my carpenter step dad make a little staircase to the bed for one of my cats--she's a little tubby and sounds like she's climbing Everest when she tries to come up.

    1. The Opster also built a stairs for the girls to get to where they like to eat their food at Blanc Debris. Not so much for Lucy but Ethel is, uhm, more full figured. Oh what we do for the furry members of our family.

  18. You're right cats would kill for those things. I buy about 4 bags a week.

  19. @SusanB: I know what you mean--Jezebel is almost 17 now, and due to her arthritis hasn't been able to jump up for the past 3 years or so. :-( I have to pick her up and put her on my bed or the couch, although she can still manage to jump back down again. (Does anyone else have an elderly cat who yowls a lot for no apparent reason?)

  20. @Robin: a good friend had a kitty who would yowl and yowl until she went to bed. For hours and hours, starting at about 8 at night. It was bad because my friend was a chronic insomniac and girl kitty didn't understand that. But my friend would pick her up, put her on *her* pillow and she would finally go to sleep, but the minute she tried to get up, kitty would start yowling again. Perhaps it's a security thing for kitties?

  21. ^Kitty was about 15 years old when she started it.
