Thursday, March 21, 2013

Your Turn

Favorite board game.


  1. So many to choose from!!!! But I'll go with Parcheesi!

  2. Sorry! And I love saying it like that old lady Vicki Lawrence does!

  3. Yahtzee (does that count?). If not, Scrabble.

  4. Sorry! my husband and i play 3-4 times a week.

  5. Monopoly - original version. Never gets old.

  6. Monopoly....because I'm GREEEEEEEEDY

  7. I love the Game of Life; when I was a tweener, though, my favorite was Dream Phone. I miss it. I really wish I hadn't given it to a friend's little sister. And Sweet Valley High.

    1. @karen

      Do you remember that mall game? It was awesome! I'm only asking because you are talking about Dream Phone and SVH, I totally forgot about those. I LOVED the SVH game!!

    2. Ahhhhh Karen I was obsessed with everything sweet valley high and sweet valley twins before that

  8. Trivial Pursuit

  9. Life! My friends and I used to have all night Life marathons. We would keep track of our husbands, kids, cars, money, and houses on paper. Those were the days!

  10. Scrabble, of course.

    I'm also partial to Sorry! and Trivial Pursuit.

  11. hate all of them. candyland i could tolerate when my kids were small. seriously do not get the appeal.

    1. Amen sista!! And theres always some a-hole whi plays like its life or death. Ugh! Totally not a fan.

    2. I totally cheat at Candyland. *nodding* Of course, I cheat to lose. I get that Plum Pudding (or whatever that one back near the beginning is,) five or six times a game.

    3. Gay, lol, i cheat to lose too!!!!

  12. Scrabble, hands down. Anyone want to play me? marti210 on Words With Friends. :)

  13. Game of Life is awesome! So is Clue. Memories........ Ooh, I really like Uno, too. Does that count?

  14. Trivial Pursuit, Kill Dr. Lucky and Settlers of Catan :)

  15. Catan is the best board game. I also like Scrabble but no one ever wants to play w me.

  16. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit.

  17. @Karen I had the dream phone!!! That was the. Best.
    My fav game now is apples to apples.

  18. @Karen I had the dream phone!!! That was the. Best.
    My fav game now is apples to apples.

  19. Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Clue, Monopoly, Chinese Checkers...can't pick one..they're all so fun. Operation a board game?? Loved that when I was a kid!

  20. I'm with FSP - Trivial Pursuit. But only because it is the only place my vast collection of useless knowledge is helpful.

    1. @Lucas. People stopped playing that (and similar games) with me. What was the one where they named three things and you were supposed to say what they had in common? I was playing that with a group of my roommate's friends and shouted out "Elvis Presley movies" as soon as they said "Clambake." After they all stopped staring at me, they all moved slowly away.

    2. @Gayeld - It's hard to get people to play with me as well. My bestie and I occasionally get into intense games of Trivial Pursuit because we are so competitive. Our SOs are just like "really, can we stop now?". My GF and I also make a kick-ass team at Taboo.

    3. @Lucas. LMAO! I had a roommate (the one with the friends with TriBond) tell me that I was the most competitive person she knew. Once I stopped laughing at how absurd I thought it was, I called my mother and told her about it. She agreed with the roommate. *pout* Now I mostly limited my competitive streak to seeing how badly I can lose at Candyland. *g* The eight year olds have just figured out that I'm doing it on purpose. The three-year is too busy throwing everyone's pieces off the gameboard to notice.

  21. Life and Imaginiff :-) I love game nights!!

  22. 13 dead end drive, nightmare or mall madness

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. OUIJA board; hey it's not a board game but it was fun to play late at night with friends.

  25. Trivial Pursuit. Gee, I haven't touched a Ouija board since high school, that would be kind of fun...

  26. Monopoly with real money. In the Navy on pay days in the middle of the freaking ocean we would play. Boardwalk costs $500 monopoly for us it was $5.

    Fun times.

  27. Parcheesi. It's a blood sport in my house.

    1. @Amartel That's the way to play it!! I do love a good blockade :)

  28. Since I now play Scrabble on my phone and iPad, I would say Clue.

  29. Scrabble!!!!

    @Badguesser: as soon as I can send an invite, I'll hook up with you! Look for Meanie M. =) I play with AndyCane, too. I also play Lexulous (my preference out of all the word games on FB) and Wordscraper.

    Also, I love Clue! Sorry and Life are cool, too.

  30. Does Operation count? It not, Mousetrap or Clue.

    1. @Gayeld


      I love this thread, I'm remembering so many games that I loved as a child!

    2. @Ljsmed. Loved mousetrap sooooo much. I even managed to not lose any of the pieces through several moves, which was pretty much a miracle.

  31. Trivial Pursuit. I am OBSESSED with trivia.

  32. Gayeld, is that TriBond, I think? THAT'S fun, too!

    1. @AKM. Yes, that one! I'd never played it before that night and no one would ever play with me more than once unless they could be on my team. Hard to play when there's only one team.

  33. Scattergories or Scrabble

  34. @J Lo, my cousin and I played Dream Phone all.the.time. It was annoying--but hilarious--when you'd call one of the guys and he'd go, "I know who it is, but I'm not telling! HA HA!"

  35. I only play Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit. I'm really good at both.

  36. how about least favorite?
    Chutes and Ladders, who is the evil person that put so many ladders on the top row!!!

    As for favorite, monopoly, my sister and I would play it for days.

  37. Oh wow, Life & Clue tie for me.

    @Susan, I LOVE Uno! :)

  38. my favorite is Taboo. It's where you look take a card that lists a word you have to describe to your partner. Underneath there's 5 or so words you CAN'T use to describe it. Someone from the other team looks over your shoulder and buzzes you if you use one of the taboo words and you have to go to the next card. You want to guess as many cards as possible

    We used to play this all the time at parties. They finally learned to separate me and my BFF because this is how the games usually went:

    "It's the name of the bar we went to after your sister's graduation"
    "The Guardian!!"

    "I just started taking these yesterday"
    "Ginko Biloba"

    "You hate him!"
    "Bill Clinton" (Don't get mad at me for that one. I still don't know why Pip hates Bill Clinton. Just that she does!)

    1. Haha! That's how my BFF and I played too. People would get so pissed at us.

  39. When I was little I had Welcome Back Kotter boardgame...thought it was the greatest! You would move the pieces around that had little pictures of Barbarino, Epstein even Hotsy Totsie! Whoever won the game would pick up this green piece of plastic and yell Up your noise with a rubber hose...high larious

  40. Trivial Pursuit, because I grew up watching Jeopardy and all of the tiny pockets of my brain have stores of otherwise useless trivia and I win every single time. :D

    Also, Scrabble (word nerd) and checkers. Mr likes Risk and I'll play him after watching Game of Thrones.

  41. Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit the ones that are 80's, 90's or special edition ones.

  42. Payday. My brother and I took our financial responsibilities so seriously.

  43. Chess. I played one year in our high school chess team. I was the only girl. Don't judge me! ;)

  44. I used to love Payday as a kid and then taught my kids how to play it when they were old enough - although it wasn't as much fun as I remembered it.

  45. Risk!

    Never pick Asia.

  46. @Sunny, that sounds like my best friend and I! We were hanging out with other girlfriends and had this exchange:



    "At night."


    Everyone stared at us and then we realized that we hadn't actually been speaking complete thoughts but could understand each other completely.

    Funny enough, one time we were so drunk in college and IMing each other--we could completely understand what we were typing to each other, but we could barely decipher it the next day (saved the convo) because most of it was mistyped and half of it was gibberish. Some people just *get* each other. :)

  47. I used to love board games but no one wants to play them with me. It's a toss up between Scrabble (9 letters is an awesome twist!) and Trivial Pursuit because like Lucas and the others, I have so much useless information stored in my brain. The Opster swears I have all the answers memorized. 3rd choice would be Monopoly.

  48. "The Stock Market" board game from the 1960s. We had to play it every day in our advanced placement group during grade school. I became a billionaire!

  49. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Life (I always wanted twins in that game and I hot them in real life :)
    Trivial Pursuit

  50. Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble!

  51. Risk. I was born to rule the world, baby!

  52. I think the only board game I can actually follow and play is Clue, the rest are beyond me.

  53. My second fave is one no one else has mentioned; Scruples. Blew up big in the mid-80s.

  54. Sunny! Get out of my head, I came here to say the exact same thing about Taboo! My sisters and I are not allowed to be on the same team for just that reason-
    "What Kerri tried to make Michele eat?"
    Totally unfair advantage. I am all about a good game night, love Apples to Apples these days, Catch Phrase, Taboo, Scategories, and if you haven't played crimes against humanity, you need to! Adults only though!
    Old school, I am amazing how much the kids in my after school program still love Pay Day, its one of my favorites, and Uno always holds up, I keep a deck in my beach bag at all times!

  55. Trivial Pursuit and Taboo.

  56. Worst Case Scenario - its like a trivia survival game .. Some of the questions are ridiculous ( " How do you keep from being abducted from and alien? " ) but some are super informative.. And they're all multiple choice so the trick is when you're reading the options to your opposing player to not laugh at some of the insane answer options. It's what I would call a good time.
    Also Bolderdash ( sp? ) - that game is friggin awwwesome

  57. Trivial pursuit and Boggle (does that count?). I rock at boggle, and my dream is to be on Jeopardy.

    I used to love going to Longs and Thrifty as a kid, and walking down the board game aisle. I have really strong memories of browsing all the games. Sigh - another relic of my childhood that is long gone

    1. @Seachicha. \o/ Long's for the WIN! I grew-up in the toy aisle of a Long's Drugs. My mother was a cashier there off and on until I was 12. I could still read the code on the price tag and tell you what they really paid for an item until the day they closed. *g*

      My concert buddy was a Senior Dept. Manager when CVS bought them out, but they were the final straw for him. He retired and moved back to South Dakota. Ah, the drug store wars in CA. Bill Ames swearing to his employees that as long as he was alive there'd always be a Bill's Drugs, then going directly from that meeting to one with Long's to discuss their buy-out of his chain.

  58. Also, I'm not sure if it counts as a board game but..
    DOMINO mutha fuckkas!

    One of my fave games and the Mr and I play all the time

  59. Did any of you have Kerplunk? I used to love that. Now it would have to be Scrabble.

    By the way Himmm is back. He visited on Xanders tshirt thread.

    I think I was lurking on there after you'd all left.

  60. Clue, and I also love Scattagories tho that one isn't really a board game.

  61. @Alicia-Balderdash is awesome! Forgot about that one!

  62. Trivial, chess and Tablut, in this order.

  63. Does Jenga count? If it doesn't, Scrabble is my favorite.

  64. Taboo! It's sooo much fun. (Bonus: we would always take the buzzer and pretend we were shaving our armpits or legs withit because it's shaped like an electric razor)

    Trivial Pursuit


  65. Mango - us too! It never gets old ( . . .because we're always tipsy when we play). Looks like if we ever have a CA meetup, Taboo will be our official boardgame!!

  66. Chess and Monopoly.

  67. TWISTER too. for obvious reason.

    wait is that consider a board game?

  68. CdanLand, the MV edition.

  69. Trivial Pursuit, backgammon and mahjong

  70. Atmosfear: The Harbingers. Favorite game of all time. Doesn't matter if we had the VHS tape that went with it memorized. :D

  71. Payday!!!!
    Commercial Crazies
