Sunday, April 07, 2013

$300 A Day To Feed A Family Using The Goopster's Cookbook

I'm not sure how much the average family spends a month on groceries, but I bet there are lots of families who spend $300. The Goopster is not your friend and don't even bother to buy her cookbook because that is what it would cost to feed a family everyday using her new cookbook. When she has you spending $72 for some eggs and muffins on breakfast, you just know that it is going to be a very expensive day. Does she really think people are going to cook these recipes? You know that she was probably thinking people would do anything to be like her and would love to spend $109K a year on groceries just to eat like she does. The thing is she probably does not even eat her own food. I didn't see a recipe for water. Wait, I take that back. Sample lunch. Coconut water. $5.


  1. I just can't with her, and I used to like her.

  2. Marie Antoinette bullshit

  3. How can you spend $72.00 a day on eggs & muffins? Are they made at home? Do the eggs come from golden chickens? Or perhaps peacocks? How anyone can tolerate her elitist, entitled attitude is beyond me.

    1. Susan, you said it best!!!!!

    2. LOL @ SusanB! Golden chickens raised in silk tents and bathed daily with the tears of virgins!

  4. I read this article on yahoo, the cost they figured was if you start out with not one single ingredient and the assumption that you will use all of that ingredient (such as a whole bag of flour) it's really not terribly expensive

  5. She can munch MY lunch for free. Wait. Scratch that. Ew.

  6. well, whatever she eats or does she has a fantastic body.

  7. The Washington Post published a piece that pointed out many of the ingredients (many, not all) are pricey spices that will have a long shelf life.

    I also doubt that you're supposed to eat from the book every day.

    That concludes my solitary defense of Gwyneth Paltrow.

  8. What kind of eggs and muffins cost that much? Mind boggling.

  9. Replies
    1. @Ja'mei I love you for being Ja'mei. 'That's so random'

  10. I'm not quite sure why everyone thinks duck eggs are so freakin expensive. They sell them at my local Asian market and you can get them at the farmers market. They are more expensive than chicken eggs (like maybe a buck or two an egg) but they aren't break the bank expensive. I suspect that much like the duck eggs, and as Empress said, this has all been played up and exaggerated to the nth degree because it's fun to mock how elitist and out of touch she is.

    1. +1 @ Lola.
      If you live outside a large metro area or somewhere rural then I can see how some of these ingredients can be pricy or hard to come by. However, you can use her book as a guide and 1) make substitutions, 2) ask your grocer ahead of time to order these ingredients - almost all of them will do it if you just ask, even the large chains, or 3) order what you need online.

    2. OMG! Really duck eggs? News flash fucking Goop. They have 3x the fat and cholesterol of chicken eggs. Seriously was anyone aware of that?

  11. the eggs she uses are duck eggs they are hard to find and cost about a $1 each.

    Goopsters do not eat chicken eggs!

    1. I can find them quick and easy at any Asian store, if I want to spend the next week trying to claw my skin off. I'm allergic. According to the allergist, lots of people are because they have a higher concentration of the hormone that causes allergies than chicken eggs.

      So, Goop is trying to kill me.

  12. not that nouveau. her family had bucks. think more protected/clueless. she knows she has more, but has no idea how much more. wife swap with a typical famiy would be eye-opening for her.

    1. This, totally. So many people who have money and have had it for awhile think they are just "plain folks." Truly out of touch.

    2. This, totally. So many people who have money and have had it for awhile think they are just "plain folks." Truly out of touch.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @ Me That would be an awesome show for Gwyneth! A cross between Wife Swap and The Simple Life.

  13. I'm with you, Dewie. Even if it doesn't come out to $300/day, if you had enough money to feed your family healthily and it was a priority to you, what's wrong with that? It's not like Gwyneth is known as a budget anything. People who buy her cookbook know what they're getting into, and it would be completely off-brand to offer bargain recipes.

  14. The book was not well received ...but that won't stop her...too bad

  15. She's not promoting it as a budget minded cookbook so who cares. Anytime you go gluten free, organic, healthy etc its gonna cost more. My mom has celiacs and her spaghetti costs 4$ a box. It's a mix of corn and quinoa and guess what? It tastes better, and doesn't leave you hungry again after twenty minutes like a cheap box of white flour pasta. Some people spend their money on designer purses and some of us choose to spend it on food.

    1. Caprica, what company makes that pasta? I do rice noodles but they get a big squishy and the babies don't like it.

    2. @Nothanksdarlin. Where do you get your rice noodles? The ones from Trader Joe's seem to hold up pretty well. They also have corn noodles.

  16. She wanted to be a show off about what and who she knows, dropping names and exotic place names, as well as show off how much money and sophistication she has. Plus I'm sure she thinks that she has big fans out there that want to try out what she reccommends. You know there's some socialites somewhere bragging about making her recipes, saying how divine it is, etc. She's bored. She's a rich, skinny, bored housewife, she did something to show off and have something to do to break up the tedium and the pain of being ditched by Martin. She's teeny and starving, but she's obsessed with expensive food? Sounds about right.

  17. I agree with you Caprica that when you eat organic, and/or gluten free, that it's going to cost. Look at Whole Foods. But 72 dollars on Breakfast? That's just excessive.

  18. Is this based on every ingredient in the recipe? Most recipes would be expensive if you didn't already have any of the spices, but a lot of us have a well stocked spice cabinet and pricey ingredients.

  19. I can't stand her . If you ever read or watch her interviews she really thinks her shit doesn't stink ..just like her bestie Madonna

  20. Her whole "women were threatened by me" is laughable .

  21. @Anna: As I understand it, a lot of eating-disordered people are totally obsessed w/food, and not just in terms of not eating/binging--they'll read cookbooks, plan big meals, cook for other people, etc.

  22. I'm all for hating on the clueless rich, but the Yahoo article is ridiculous. The only way it's even plausible is if each ingredient is bought in bulk for each recipe.

    Plus, since when does salt cost $10 and olive oil spray cost $6? $18 for 8 oz. of oil-packed tuna? What a load of B.S.

  23. This woman is so clueless when it comes to the lives us peasants. I have no doubt many of her fans who read this and GOOP cannot afford any of the shit she promotes.

  24. She needs to look at her market better. The majority of people she wants to reach don't do their own cooking, and those cooks they have are far above using a celebrity cookbook.

  25. Im starting to think shes really mentally askew. She's obsessed with food, yet terrified of eating it. Shes constantly changing her diet in some bizarre quest for some sort of food nirvana. Shes also obsessed with her body snd how it looks, and then brags about it. Sad really. Hope this is all exagerated, because otherwise she is gonna be making her daughter neurotic.

  26. It's not the "hate the rich," or "cluelessness," that's disturbing. GOOPy has all kinds of vitamin deficiencies, osteoporosis starting, and supposed food issues, according to her. She has severe issues with food, seems to obsess over it, and I would guess, eating disorders. That's unfortunate, but she shouldn't try and appear as Ms. Fit & Super Healthy, hawk cleanses, and such, if so. Leave it to experts, G.

  27. She's bulimic .....

  28. I suspect that Goopy would frown upon our widely stocked spice racks and cupboards. How could bottled spices sold in a mere market possibly compare to the actual process of going out into the wild and hunting your own fresh parsley, basil and vanilla bean? And those duck eggs? She has them imported from France--by private plane--every morning. Everyone knows that the French do everything so much more better--including their duck eggs.

  29. As skewed as her world view is, this article also seems pretty skewed IMO.

  30. Awww Gwynnie, haters gonna hate.

  31. You'd be surprised at how expensive proper nutrition is and the difference it makes.

    Some of the MMA fighters I know spend at least 30-40k a year on getting the right foods.

    It's actually pretty difficult - most of the stuff you see in a grocery store is genetically engineer/hormones/pesticides stuff.

  32. Luckily, a garden doesn't cost $40k a year.

  33. My acupuncturist is also a licensed dietician and is very dedicated to whole and organic foods, and we were just talking about local stores and grocery prices the other day--he has 4 in his family--himself, his wife, a 4 yr old, and an infant, and he said he spends $2000 a month mostly at Whole Foods on their groceries.

  34. Well, whole foods is ridiculously overpriced. Why? Because they csn. Try trade joes.

  35. At least it's a little cheaper than her fashion advice for spring.

  36. The only thing I'll say is that even though she's ridiculous, I can't totally hate on Gwynnie b/c she was in one of my favorite movies, Shallow Hal.

  37. Having now actually read the article, even being a Goop fan, the article is ridiculous and frankly engages in the type of elitist behavior they are accusing her of. Oil packed tuna $18.50? Anchovies $9? Sea salt $10 (which is quoted in the previously priced recipe at $4 so I guess you have to buy a new container for each recipe) ? 4 sole filets $45? Even the peppers are readily available at Whole Foods for about $5 (and w/about 30seconds of googling find they are easily substituted with regular, canned roasted peppers). I really enjoy the cooking spray for $6.29. Have the authors of the article ever heard of Pam?

    This seems a lot more like bashing for the sake of bashing than anything.

    Incidentally, pricing it out with what I have in my pantry (granted, I cook a lot of off the beaten path food) it would cost about $110 (1/3 their estimate); and that's assuming I wouldn't just substitute regular honey from the farmers market, substitute a different mild white fish if dole wasn't reasonably priced (all of which I would) and that duck eggs are generally not sold by the dozen, but individually. Under those circumstances, it would cost me about $45 or so. For the day. Doable.

    Now, do I really want duck white omelets? That is a different question.

  38. I have done shopping at qfc (quality food center, like an albertsons or Safeway), trader joes, whole foods and a local market called PCC or metropolitan market. Trader joes was 15 or 20 dollars more than whole foods. Qfc was 15-20 dollars cheaper than whole foods and the PCC or metro market were much more like 50 dollars over my regular whole foods visit. To feed a family of 2 with 2 dogs that eat protein (chicken, ground beef or bison) it costs about 350 dollars a week at whole foods. To me that is not terrible. I can get it down to 300 if I want or go to Qfc and still spend 270 atleast for a week. Eatting healthy and delicious food is not cheap but it is worth it.

  39. She's obsessed with food and what goes in and out of her digestive tract. What's kind of sad is that I think she makes Chris and the kids kind of miserable because she controls what they eat, hence Chris photographed eating a bag of crisps. I bet he got an earful when he got home that night!

    Spices have a short shelf life. I used to live near a food co-op in Florida where I could go in and measure out whatever I needed for a recipe if I didn't have that particular spice (like, say, star anise seeds) and not have a half a bottle moldering in my cabinet. I was a member and the prices were great. Once when I was there I got some applewood smoked salt that made my car smell like BACON on the drive home.

  40. I hate the article for making me defend the Goopster, but the article was ridiculously biased and factually wrong. I can buy 6 duck eggs in my local supermarket for £2. Not a farmers market or an expensive wholefoods place, just the local everyday shop. The article is slanted to look like she uses a half kilo of rock salt PER MEAL.

    I hate that they made me defend her but most of the ingredients are in my house right now. Without having to spend a penny.

  41. I have the cookbook and I love it. Gwyneth has curated a lot of sound ideas about food, and if you are into that thing - which I am - this is a nice cookbook to have in the collection. Our family spends more on groceries than typical families to meet the criteria we have set on food and that works for us because it is our priority. Bashing this book (and gwyneth) is unreasonable... Just like it would be unreasonable for me to bash someone else's decision to spend money on cruises and expensive clothes while feeding their bodies crap... To each their own. The food estimates are way overblown and trying to capitalize on gwyneth hate (perhaps as a means to justify the lazy/unhealthy eating happening in other people's kitchens)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Boxes I hardly think Fanciesmom sounds pretentious because she has chosen to put a priority on certain types of food/eating which may be more expensive than yours. Does that mean I'm pretentious if I happen to like a glass of decent wine over a bud light?

      Further I would argue with the premise that only the "elite" can afford $1 duck eggs which, let's be honest, is not all that huge of a monetary indulgence for any but the poor (unless you are the Duggar and have a bazillion mouths to feed).

  42. Rich people have time to obsess over this type of shit. Chicken eggs vs. Duck eggs. I'm trying to keep my family alive, so don't really worry about having a blow dryer bar near me. If something is healthy and I can see the benefits I will try to incorporate it into our meals. Chia seeds are great. You can eat them with anything. You feel better, look better, and can add it to CHEAP meals to save money and feel fuller.

    She goes too far though. I want to like her then some pompous bull comes out of her.

  43. She drives me absolutely nuts! I am fortunate in that I get my beef and pork from family as it is raised right on their farms. Every year they also hunt and I get fresh venison. I have plenty of chicken through a local farmer as well as eggs that I go and pick up from them once a week. My deep freezer is well stocked. If I want bison there is a farm a couple of counties over or I go to Whole Foods in Louisville. I also go there for some of the fish I want that we can't get around here from fishing. I get honey from a local beekeeper.
    We have a garden every year that I either can, freeze, dehydrate what we don't use for winter. I make jellies and jams from my fruit trees and berry bushes and plants. I have an extensive herb garden both outside and inside all year long.
    Even doing all that I still couldn't afford to do her stuff!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. For goodness sake, if you were stupid enough to buy all the ingredients from scratch (really, you don't have most of the basics already?) you deserve to lose your money. The idea of any cookbook is to give you ideas, as far as I'm concerned. Don't have duck eggs or they are too expensive? what's wrong with the ones you have in the fridge? Don't have one particular spice? How much is it at the store and will I use it again? No? Then that recipe is to be saved for another time, or maybe I can tweak to suit my budget and what I already have.

    Cooking should be fun and personal.

    Lisa, you are so lucky to have all that lovely produce available for virtually free or very little money! My mum just gave up her allotment (non-UK-ers, a plot of land you lease from a local council to grow extra produce on, especially if you live in an apartment and don't have much space) - fortunately, the guys she gave it up to are going to be bringing her produce from the plot regularly - and I'll be there, with my dehydrator and my vacuum sealer and jars etc to make the most of it all!

    There may actually be a few recipes Goopster has that some of you will like - after you've done it your own way and on your budget!

  46. I do not take cooking advice from skinny people. That is all.

  47. I love to cook and while I'm on the treadmill and climber in the gym I watch Food Network (yes I go to the gym so I can eat what I want)...but we're only two people and I spend a fortune weekly on food also...the bottom line is if your not eating mac & cheese out of a box (which I lived on in college) it's expensive out there.
    I hit the farmers market which gets more and more costly every week, TJ's, Whole Food....and Costco for basics. And I admit I shop the specials and plan around them...I don't know how big families do it. And I will not watch those couponing shows because they never heard of double and triple coupon in New York City.
    Something tells me most of us are better cooks than The Goop....just not preachy..

  48. That's one thing about Goop. She has never, EVER pretended to be one of us. She admits she's privileged.
    She knows it and that's the point of her blog. To help other privileged people eat and dress right. She's SAID that. Damn.

  49. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I really, really dislike Goopy and her pretentiousness. Also, she is the LAST person people should be taking food advice from. She is quite obviously orthorexic -- absolutely obsessed with healthy eating to the extent that it interferes with everyday life. She has openly (I would even say happily) broadcast her myriad health problems, including nutritional deficiencies, to the world. She claims that everyone in her family is gluten-intolerant, which is ridiculous. She's one of those people who's convinced that wheat is bad for you, when it should really only be avoided by people with celiac disease or a wheat allergy, which is a very small proportion of the general population. She is constantly on the lookout for the next big fad in restrictive eating and embraces it with a convert's fervor, and I fear that she is encouraging her children to have the same warped perception of food. She's terrible, and I wish someone would finally get her the therapy she needs.

  50. I almost feel deprived now at never having a duck egg before.

  51. The cholesterol in in a duck egg is largely irrelevant since cholesterol in food doesn't tend to contribute to high cholesterol in otherwise healthy people. Having said that,over 98% of the cholesterol and fat in any egg is found in the yolk so, since she is using only the egg white, I'd say that Goop got that particular fucking news flash.

    IMO, if you are only using the whites, a very fresh chicken egg (bleh to store eggs that have sat on the shelf for who knows how long) and a fresh duck egg are largely interchangeable (except for serving size).

    @Black Cat, duck eggs and guinea hen eggs (if you happen to be visiting my mom) make fabulous scrambled eggs. The higher fat content of the yolk make them super creamy and fluffy. Really fresh chicken eggs (especially from chickens that are raised in pastures) are also super creamy.

    Eggs and milk...2 things I'd rather not have if they aren't fresh from the farm. (And no, I'm not like Goop...I shop at Aldi for some things too; an excellent example that we all have different food priorities.)

  52. @Reno...I LOVE your Chrissy pic! It made me smile. :D

  53. Lola! Thank you so much! I have an unhealthy obsession with Three's Company. Always have, lol.

  54. I'll feel comfortable bashing her food choices when I out live her. One thing for certain is corporations are selling food that is not healthy. That food is making many of my friends sick and that makes me sad. Either you pay doctors and big pharma or you can spend your money on high quality food. You pay either way. Natural is not organic. Even Peru outlawed GMO foods. Why are we eating that stuff??? Many countries have burned those crops and outlawed them forever.

  55. My problem with Goopy is not her acting, body, diet, clothes, obscene bank balance, whatever. My problem is she's a stuck-up, snobby, elitist, pretentious moronic twat who wouldn't know humility if it ran smack into her in a two-ton anvil form. She has no self-awareness whatsoever in the least and then she wonders why people can't stand her. I think of this article, and I think of Jennifer Lawrence saying she can't imagine spending $6 on a minibar Snickers just because she can afford it now because she was taught to have respect for money and how much hard work it takes to earn it, and I laugh at how different these two are. Learn some humility, Goopy, or at least go out and see how the poor plebians live once in your life and then maybe, maybe people won't hate you so much.

  56. Gayleld, for our local grocery chain, Kroger. We have a trader joe its just across town. I'll check it out :) thanks man

  57. I might just order this book, living in Asia duck eggs are on every corner and her 'rare' ingredients are super easy to find. IMHO since moving here we eat so much healthier. When you have a tiny fridge and have to buy fresh every day it becomes a way of life. After only six months going back to the US for Christmas the food made me very sick. Crazy the street vendor Shanghai food is fine but US food makes me ill.... Something to be said for all the preservatives and additives.

  58. this is bullshit
    she does feature some weird ingredients that you can ignore or substitute, just like with any flashy cookbook

  59. @Expat Trek Wife
    are you living in Shanghai?? I spent easter there and in Beijing and I LOVED it! :D
    I really love the vibe of the city. The best trip was to a local carrefour. I found it pretty amazing :)
    How's the pollution though?

  60. I still can't hate on her. This article was totally skewed and ridiculous. Like FlirtyChick74 said, you can use these recipes as a guide and do the best YOU can do with what YOU can afford.

    And yes, those of us who have health issues and must modify our diets DO have to pay more. It sucks, but it's nice to be able to, you know, go to work and walk around and not be in as much pain and stuff. You just budget the best that you can and buy the best you can afford.

  61. Gwennie, your a stuck up bitch. Go suck an egg, duck or goose, dont care! I really dont like this trick & pony show that she is doing. Just fuck off & leave your opinions to yourself.

  62. Lola...Mea Cupla..I didn't do my due diligence as I was on the mobile and was unaware she was only using the whites..But again. Why bother with a duck egg? Just stoopid!

  63. Spices are way cheaper if purchased from the bulk department. The organic supermarket will sell me Frontier-brand Italian Seasoning in a jar for $5, or in a bag for $1. Save your jars!

    I try to "steal" rosemary when I can... it grows on large bushes that reach 6' high. So if I pass a large bush of it (like at a park or something) I'll snag about a 6" twig (tiny amount.)
