Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Alexa Ray Joel Does Not Have A Friendly Stalker

As you know, there have been times in the past where I have found stalkers much more humorous than dangerous. As for Alec Baldwin's stalker? Don't even get me started. He brought that one on himself and refuses to admit the truth what happened and I think that is what pushed her over the edge. He knew she was unstable and did what he did anyway. At the time he liked it. Now, with her showing up on his doorstep all the time or going to Hilaria's classes, not so much.

Anyway, this is not one of those cute and funny stalker stories. Alexa Ray Joel has a stalker who has threatened to not only rape her, but also kill her. That is something that needs to be taken seriously and on May 3, 40 year old Sheryl Finley will stand trial on charges of felony stalking. Sheryl has posed as a man when she made the threats which have all been electronic. Want to know the really scary part? Sheryl was captured by police in Austin. Naked. Outside. In January. Yeah, Austin is not Alaska, but there are not that many days where you would want to be wandering outside naked.


  1. I feel sorry for Alexa Ray. She already had so many problems. Didn't she try to commit suicide once?

  2. Good thing she was caught, sounds like she has a lot of mental issues.

    And thanks for the Alec info, I always felt he did something with her.

  3. I totally agree about Alec Baldwin's stalker. I know people who do stuff like that to unstable people.

  4. I'm in the dark about Alec's stalker - seems like a juicy story... Anyone? As for Alexa - hope she is ok, how scary. Mentally ill people are not to be trifled with.

    1. @jsara: I think the story was something along the lines of she was groupie/fan and maybe aspiring actress. He slept with her, may have said he's help her get a part, the normal bs, then dropped her like a hot rock and pretended he didn't know her and had never seen her before. She got pissed off, was already a little nuts, and started showing up at his apartment, his wife's yoga studio, etc.
      I *think* that was the gist of it, but someone will help me out of I'm wrong.

  5. Texas peeps, what's the weather like in January?

  6. Stalker is from Austin, MINNESOTA, not Texas, just so people have an idea of just how crazy this girl is (unless you're doing a polar plunge, there's no reason to be naked outside in January in Minnesota!). And yes, my great state of Minnesota can get colder than Alaska.

    1. @Hurricane Tiffany- Thanks for clearing that up.

    2. @Hurricane-Thanks, I googled after you said that & it took me 2 minutes to see 4 other sites that say Minnesota. Which would be hella cold.
      I hate that I have to check out other sites to get the real details.

  7. I always thought her song "Notice Me" (which is ridiculously terrible) was especially sad, given the timing of it and her "suicide attempt" (I put it in quotes, because she took homeopathic pills and later admitted that she wanted people close to her to know that she hit rock bottom).

  8. @EmpressofSocks
    That's the gist of it. There are a lot of stories about Alec crying foul about his stalker, but I think he knew she was unstable and slept with her any way.

    I've know people who cry "stalker" without admitting they were messing with an unstable person.

  9. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Austin..warm....but they say cold. Days 60s night upper 40s. A little north of Dallas which is about four and a half hours. . Days lower fifties nights in the thirties. Often strong cold fronts that drop the temps twenty degree s for three or four days.

  10. It's scary as hell having a stalker. You have no idea if it's going to cross the line into lunacy. I would say this lady has leaped over the line into lunacy.

  11. Stalkers tend not to be funny ever. Just because they don't seem intimidating to you doesn't mean they aren't intimidating to the people they are stalking.

  12. Yeah, I agree with Maximus. Stalking is never funny.

  13. My cousin's fiance got a stalker when she first started college. He got one of her notebooks that had her class schedule in it as well as contact information (which some people write down so that someone can return if found). The police in that town told her and her parents that now that the guy had her info, there was no way they could protect her or do anything until he actually DID something. They moved her out immediately.

  14. @Lotta - no problem!!

    @ethorne - I agree about it getting annoying having to go to other sites to get the scoop...on the other hand, this is entys blog, and most definitely not a news source. However, I get a lot of my news from Enty ;) I usually wait until someone posts the real story, and someone usually does. Or, I ask my BFF, google. I know people have posted this quote before but I'll say it again, 'links, Enty, links!' :)

  15. Nope stalking not funny. I kinda have soft spot for alexa, having watched her grow up. She seems very likable. I wish her well always.

  16. Is this lady famous enough to have a stalker or is stalking (according to Karen's history) usual in the US?

    I don't recall any non-famous person stalked where I live, and no more than five celebrities who, probably in most cases, said so searching for publicity.

  17. Poor Alexa. Stackers are scary. My husbands ex wife was an absolute psychopath. After they divorced she would continually call him, show up to his work, etc. one night she broke into my husbands parebts house were he was staying (trying to get back on his feet). He woke up to find her completely trashed and peeing on the rug in his room. When he told her to leave she went absolutely insane and began hitting him, throwing things at him, etc. his family woke up and called the police. When they arrived she was stabbing him with her car keys. He knew if he pushed her away or touched her in any way he'd be arrested so he just took the abuse. She was promptly dragged up the stairs by the police and locked up. My husband, all 6'2" 250 pounds of him had no choice but to file a restraining order against her. He said it was the most embarrassing moment of his life. But what choice did he have? I still worry that she'll break into our house and try to attack me, him or our baby.

  18. @YoMismo, I think it's a thing that happens here often unfortunately

  19. Dammit, my comment died. Anyway@ yomismo: I think people in the US are sometimes quick to label someone a stalker, sometimes jokingly. If they have a bad breakup and te other person keeps calling them at all hours they would call the person a stalker, or if there's a creepy guy who's always at their coffee shop in the morning they might call them a stalker. Obviously if that someone is breaking into your house there is real cause for concern, but I feel the word is tossed around pretty flippantly.

  20. omg @ashlea. that is so scary 0.0 i pray that nothing ever happens to your family.

  21. Austin can get fairly cold in January, we get freeze warnings and such. It can also be pretty warm, but if she was in Minn. naked she is crazy!

  22. Poor girl, doesn't she have it hard enough having Christie Brinkley as a mother and looking exactly like her bug eyed, dumpy father? Why you gotta make her life harder, stalker?

  23. @t.e. thanks doll!

  24. Yes! The word stalker is overused daily by people joking about FB or Twitter or by folks bragging about unwanted attention from a co-worker or party guest that invited themselves, etc. Stalking is REAL. It’s very common and extremely scary for average people that aren’t in the public eye and are without resources or security details at their disposal. The stalking laws vary by State, which even more whack.

    Stalking impacts EVERY aspect of the target’s life, more than just changing your social media footprint. Even though most of us did nothing to provoke this behavior, there is a lot of guilt and kicking ourselves for letting that person into our lives in the first place. In other cases a stalker could be some random stranger that got fixated when you held their gaze too long as you passed them on the street. Now they are escalating to waiting outside your office building every night trying to follow you home. WTF?! Totally random sh*t.

    That surge of anxiety I feel every time I need to leave the house or take an alternate route home from work or when the phone rings is indescribable. It changes you and that’s exactly what the stalker wants and it’s totally f*cked up. It’s SO not funny.

  25. Alec's stalker sounds like Alex from Fatal Attraction.

    I hope Alexa is ok and her stalker gets locked up and helped.

  26. This girl has lived a life of comfort and it goes to show you that $$ doesn't always guarantee happiness. Hope they keep this crazy away from her.

  27. I had a stalker, it was scary. I had to change my phone number, my email (multiple times), I had him blocked from my email and he still figured out how to get by that, I had to change where I parked my car, etc. it was relentless. I went to file a restraining order only to find out since we never lived together or had children together (wtf) that I could not do it through the courts and had to get a private attorney, which I did. He told me there was not really anything I could do except file a harassing communication order. I did this and just about two months ago he got a DUI and was served with this. Keep in mind this was 5/6 years ago so now he's right back in my life again, the court system is fucked up...

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. A female stalker who poses as a man? That's messed up.

    Alexa looks like Penelope Cruz in this photo.

  30. Very sorry fo all of you who have had or have a stalker. People can be really flippant about it. Read a great article in one of our newspapers. This guy stalked a woman so badly she had to leave Australia for England. Had to send her mail to a police site to be forwarded on. She got a bit lax after a few years & this stalker broke into her friends house, found one of her letters, & ended up outside her flat in London. Another one broke into the family home & was living in their roof. Stalkers need to be locked up, no question.

  31. People get fixated on celebs, feel like they're singing to, talking to them. That has to be terrifying. I'd never leave the house w/o bodyguards if I had one.

    Austin TX gets cold as hell in January, I'm sure Minnesota is way worse on the lady bits.
