Thursday, April 11, 2013

Amanda Bynes Was Wasted When She Got Her Hair Done

For four hours, Amanda Bynes sat in a hair salon with her sunglasses on. The woman who did Amanda's hair says that Amanda was wasted. In an interview with Radar, you get the feeling that the whole place was waiting for Amanda to do something super crazy but she just sat there and remained almost motionless. When she finally did leave the salon, the business called police to help Amanda leave the place. I'm not sure what Amanda was doing in a hair salon for four hours. her hair routine seems to be changing out hideous wigs that she got from the Britney Spears restroom collection. Meanwhile, Amanda has once again indicated she will sue any tabloid or blog that says she is odd or strange and that she thinks she is perfectly normal. Uh huh.


  1. Careful, Enty! She will sue a bitch!

  2. Four hours in a salon - very possible. I spent 2 1/2 hours in my salon yesterday. One-process color. Add highlights to that and it could easily be 3+ hours.

    After Enty's JJ comment earlier, I thought "Enty could be a woman." After this story, though, I'm back to thinking he's a guy.

    1. ^ yep - me too. It's my favorite time each month!

  3. Was she refusing to leave? Anyone have back story on this?

    This poor girl. Makes me so sad. :/

  4. Daily Amanda Tweet:

    @AmandaBynes: I don't speak to my parents anymore, they don't talk to reporters on my behalf. Don't believe anything you read about me unless I tweet it.

  5. I've had hair appointments go for over five hours before (with color, trim, and keratin treatment). Four hours isn't a big deal.

  6. Perhaps there were paparazzi or "fans" waiting outside for her, doesn't seem implausible.

  7. Enty, I can see you listened and are only using the pics Amanda approves of!

  8. I wonder if they should have denied her services if she was so out of it?

  9. I read her own statement about not wanting to have bad pics, and how she will sue anyone who posts them. She makes some strange ( okay they're all kind of strange, but a couple stood out): She says that someone at a salon ruined her hair/overprocessed it so she had to shave her head, now she wears extensions, and she wants good shots of her hair because she's self conscious about it. She also says that she's trying to lose weight, has an eating disorder, and is just out trying to walk for excercise when she gets papped. It sounds like she's saying she is fat so forgive her, she's trying to work it off, and that she's got issues with her hair because of some salon, and she's trying to grow it back. I'd be willing to bet if she goes to a salon four hours every day then she's over processing it/damaging it/frying it so that it's falling out and/or has to be shaved. Bottom line, bitch is delusional ( crayzay) and needs help.

  10. strange points is what I meant to say

  11. I just get my regrowth touched up and a glaze. My appts are two hours. If she has extensions, that's going to take a whole helluva lot longer, especially depending upon the type. I had Great Lengths 4ish years ago, and my God, what a pain in the ass. Never again!

  12. Wonder what she was wasted on. This poor girl. What's going to be the catalyst to get her help? I really wonder. And she's starting to look very ghetto.

  13. I've had appts that last nearly three hours, with color as well as a cut.

  14. Maybe they should not have done business with someone who wasn't sober.

  15. The hairdresser should have turned herself in. I've seen the pictures, her weave looks awful.

    That said, I have lost hours of my life in a hairdresser's chair. Quite frequently I have gone into something like a fugue state if I forgot my book. 4 hours is nothing.

    While Amanda MAY be crazy, I'm sure she was aware that she was being viewed as a spectacle by the salon. Why would she engage in salon chit-chat?

  16. I wonder how Enty will react/respond when something really terrible to this mentally unstable girl happens..

  17. When this girls dies, there are going to be a lot of people feeling guilty.

  18. I'm guessing she's been wasted for the last few years. I hope she gets some help soon.

  19. I would have more sympathy for her if she didn't lie constantly and has said to be nasty to some people who try and talk to her in public.

  20. After seeing her consistently bizarre photos on Instagram, I'd be more surprised to learn she wasn't wasted. Such a shame, too...she's one child actress who seemed to have genuine talent. I'd hoped for better things for her.

  21. The picture of her smoking a joint in Times Square was really strange. It seems like she has to smoke constantly.

  22. Did they mention if her credit card was declined again this time?

  23. I don't think she was high or boozing. At this point she seems to show signed of multiple personality disorder. If her parents really wanted to have her held on a psych hold for 72 hours they have enough evidence to present to a court, but then the tabloid money would go away.

  24. Well my last hair appt took 3 hours (I have a pixie cut, think Mia Farrow in RB) not for the hair, but for the huge convo I was having with my (awesome) hairdresser about the paranormal situation in her house, so while I can't comment on the time spent, the fact Amanda was silent is the red flag. The diversity of conversations in a salon is inspiring, so the catatonic/wasted/apathetic mein is the worrying part for me.

  25. Oh this chile needs some help

  26. This bothers me for multiple reasons... 1) I love amanda bynes, she was one of my favs, I love her movies, and I'm super sad she is in a seemingly neverending downward spiral..... 2) so the hairdresser doesn't mind taking her money or working on her hair, but then wants to blab about her being wasted and call the cops??? AFTER taking her money I'm sure... just seems kind of underhanded... 3) I wish someone, ANYONE would help her :( SAVE SYDNEY WHITE!

  27. Her hair looks like she rubbed fast food in it for 4 hours.
