Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Angelina Jolie - The Photo That Needs Its Own Post

I did not think this was going to become a habit yesterday when I posted the Beyonce photo of her costume for her new show, but apparently the post that needs it's own photo is back at least for one more day as this photo of Angelina Jolie is going on sale. The photo, which has not been seen before is an outtake from a set she did for Rolling Stone. Note the no longer there Billy Bob tattoo. Also note that Angelina seems to be enjoying the horse licking her breasts way more than one could think possible. Probably apple flavored lotion. The photo is expected to sell for as much as $50K.


  1. Eh. She actually looks beautiful and healthier here than I've seen her in photos in a very long time.

  2. I was going to say the same thing - it must have been right after she gave birth, because she looks like a normal weight.

    1. This was before kids, before Brad. Angelina was curvy before they got together

  3. How long ago did she get that tattoo removed?

  4. Why would anyone pay 50k for a photo when you can just print it from the internet unless she autographed it.

  5. Replies
    1. Agreed. I just plain don't like the ho.

  6. @nevermindthat - for 50k, it should come with a vial of her blood

  7. Kinky Angie & the Sexy Stud

  8. This photo has been seen before. Heck, the horse has a nickname on the interwebz - Buster.

  9. Looks like it's from 2001:

  10. Just horsing around!

  11. She actually looks great here but as much as I like her that is a strange picture and not worth 50K

  12. @FSP
    If that is what I think it is in your profile pic, it looks extremely painful. It hurts me to look at the pic, and I don't even have them.

  13. Look! She's neigh-ked.

  14. Yeah there was a whole series of these drugged, horse loving photos. Very uncomfortable.

  15. Beautiful picture.

  16. I was thinking, Man if that's what she looks like after having twins and another kid, good on her. Still a little creepy though.

    1. Nah, this us from 2001 or so. Long before she dropped half her body weight and started dressing in Mrs. Dracula's cast off mumus!

  17. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I think this picture is from around the time she packed on some weight for Tomb Raider. She looks good here.

    The horse thing is kinda weird but not so weird as to fetch 50k.

    @Seachica- Neigh kid! That was cute.

  18. Wow, she actually looks healthy here!

  19. she dated that horse after she broke up w/billy bob and before she went after colin farrell. the horse actually broke up with her, and she was devastated.

  20. not sure if i find this hot or just plain weird. maybe its a mixture of both. but i think angie wouldn't be able to take a horse, she may look healthier here than ive ever seen her, but shes still a stick that would break in half

  21. Replies
    1. YoMismo said "Lucky S(arah) J(essica) P(arker)"

    2. OMG, that was hilarious Yo.

  22. I've seen this photo a million times.

  23. Ok so Beyonce was crazy but Angie can have her nipples licked by a horse and thats cool! Smh

  24. She has a horse's nose motor boating her. I think that's a very odd picture.

  25. Angelina and a horse would be the first celeb sex tape that I pay for.

    She would have to film it in Brazil, where the legality of such things is up in the air. If you think I'm fibbing on that, feel free to utilize your Google and include the terms: Monica+Mattos+horse.

    Horse is prolly a safer partner than most of the mopes in LA. No IV drug use, no rent boying, no working the gay side of porn where testing is lax and no worries about spawning a trick baby.

  26. The horse is NOT licking her damned nipples, no matter how much you don't like her. Sheesh.
    It probably tickles.

    GMAB---Angie did so many odd photos because she was a photographer's dream---up for the weirdest ideas. Who do you think payed for the horse to be there? NOT the model.

    I have a picture of me kissing my cat FULL ON THE LIPS, more intimate than this pic of Ange. Turn me in for bestiality, I am a weirdo.

    1. @Libby i actually do like Angie but i really wouldnt put it past her to have a horse lick her nips!

  27. @Count, always amazed at your random dropping of fun facts. I'm afraid what I will see if I google that so I'll bow to your superior knowledge. Lol

  28. Weird. I bet it goes for more than $50k. Weird sells.

  29. My comment wasn't totally directed at you netta, I just realized it read that way (sorry). I was just reminding everybody, you know--like her full-frontal big-time nudity she used to do---the lady was KNOWN for being up for anything.

  30. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I don't see the horses tongue, just him maybe nibbling on her side boob, and she's giggling because it looks like it tickles. Horses have that bristley whiskery hair on their lips around their mouths, that would tickle the heck out of anyone. She looks carefree and happy, I don't see anything salacious, beastie or pervy about this. People get so weird about Angelina.

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  32. So tired of her and her OLD MAN...Brad

  33. How does this photo convey the message that she has too much time on her hands? It was a photo shoot. If you're not familiar with the process, a publication, in this case Rolling Stone, pays a model to show up and take photos with a wardrobe and props. This was Rolling Stone, not Better Homes and Gardens. And it was Angelina Jolie in her prime, not Mother Teresa. To top it off, this photo is 12 years old....and it has been seen before. The time for pearl clutching has passed.

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  34. @Anna Nonymous Agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. I feel like if you were to just replace this with any model and tack a logo in the corner it could be an ad for jeans.

  35. If this pics nets $50k, I can picture a post rehab Lohag being seen headed into a photographer's studio w/ a newly adopted Chihuahua on a leash and a jar of Skippy in her hand.

  36. Absolutely gorgeous, but not worth 50k. Leave my Angie aloooone!!

  37. Alma, I don't know what you're seeing but that is most definitely NOT what is happening here. You obviously hate Angelina Jolie, but you can't change the facts no matter how much bile you throw at it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Oh, Count...what would we do without you? *laughs, shakes head*

    (I was about to say "but wouldn't meat-flavored baby food work better?" until I remembered that the point of the peanut butter is that it's harder to...OK, I think I just squicked myself. *shudder*)

  39. She looks great there. The horse isn't licking her (and luckily not biting her either) and it was staged by some stylist. Nothing kinky here. Sheesh!

    This was why I had the hots for her. She looks pretty damn good there. Wish her arm were UP and not blocking the breast.

  40. Oh, and as far as Angie's concerned, this doesn't bother me--honestly, it would seem stranger to be if she were draped naked on the horse's back, and I know I've seen plenty of other people in that exact pose. And yes, that's side boob; that's her shoulder sticking out behind, not another boob. (I remember this issue of Rolling Stone, and the shot of Angie & BBT playing tonsil hockey squicked me a lot more than this does.)

  41. This photo has been seen before. It's been on the internet for years.

  42. @Robin: Lady Godiva from centuries ago is strange to you???

  43. It's a pretty picture but hardly worth 50k. If it *does* come with a vial of her blood, buy it Enty! You can clone your own Angelina Jolie!!

    Happy birthday, Libby!

  44. These pics are old as hell. Seen them floating on the interest for ages. Im jealous of that horse

  45. I remember the issue with the horse. This is before she adopted Maddox!

  46. The horse is not licking her breasts. The horse has its nose in her cleavage, and not anywhere near her nipples. Angie threw her hair back for shock value. It's actually a really cool pic. She does look great.

  47. WHHHYYYYYYY do I do what Count Jerkula says to do? Why?

    *can't unsee*

  48. It's astonishing how she's completely starved that beautiful body away.

  49. @emeyekay: I feel yer frustration. Over the net I can get women to do all sorts of stuff. IRL, not so much.

  50. @Count Jerkula, that is a little bit of a relief to hear the women in your life have a little more sense ;)

    I don't think much either way of the photo, I think it might be weird for her kids that's all. But I guess she has to compete with an Aniston wedding and all that.

  51. These comments creep me out more than the picture.

  52. @Count Jerkula, I'm never doing anything you say again. It'll be like I know you IRL :)

  53. I think Angelina looks beautiful. Amazing what a little bit of meat can do. Wish she would put some weight back on, she (an a lot of other Hollywood types) are going to be extremely frail when they are older.

  54. This same picture was on Ian Halperin's website several years ago, so I'm not sure why it's being recycled now unless it's simply nostalgia. I believe it was taken about 12 years ago, when Angie was "bats**t crazy" ( but still had her Lara Croft: Tomb Raider physique. It appears that sainthood -- or something else -- takes quite a physical toll.

  55. I was gonna say,, I had that Rolling Stone, and the picture in it was basically the same one because I remember thinking WTF is she letting that horse lick her boobs for? Ehh, she let HillBilly Bob do it, he's a horse's ass.

  56. She's probably laughing because she's so freaking high that she's in her own crazy hallucination. Being (formerly) beautiful doesn't change the fact that she's a drug addled lunatic!

  57. That s gross. I wouldn't put any animal close to my naked body parts.

  58. Everyone is commenting how great she looks with all this supposed meat on her bones, but what I'm seeing is a thin woman with a thin arm in front of her chest area, making it appear as if her lower left breast and upper right breast are one voluptuous one- but that's an illusion. And that upper curve of the right breast is what implants look like- real, home-grown breasts are not that convex on the upper side. A thin woman with breast implants is a very Hollywood version of voluptuousness.

    I guess everything is relative- she's still not as emaciated in this photo as she looks nowadays.
