Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ashley Judd Is Called Emotionally Unbalanced

Probably knowing what was in store for her, Ashley Judd has decided not to seek election to the office of US Senator from Kentucky. Yesterday, an audio recording was released which captures a current US Senator from KY and others discussing Ashley and what they would do if they had to face her in an election.  The people in the recording decide the best way to go after Ashley is to talk about her time spent in a mental hospital and how she is anti-Christian and how Ashley thinks it is selfish to have kids and that she hates the tradition of men giving away their daughters at weddings and everything else Ashley has ever mentioned in any interview or her book. The recording is being investigated by the FBI and the person who made it will probably be investigated, but it shows you what Ashley was in store for if she decided to run. This little initial thing would have just been the beginning. When they started spending money and really investigated her, things would have been way worse. As much as she wanted to be a Senator, I think Ashley only wanted to if no skeletons came out.


  1. I saw this story yesterday and all I have to say is: Fuck Mitch McTurtle.

  2. Mich McConnell is an SOB, hope he's defeated.

  3. All candidates use opposition research.

  4. I think the Democratic Party got down on its knees and begged her not to run. There are indications that the particular seat is vunerable with a credible 'BlueDog' running.

  5. Meh. Typical oppo research.

    1. @FSP - it is, and most of that stuff comes from her own writing so no big deal. But I loathe Yertle the Turtle for many, many other reasons.

  6. I think the Democratic Party got down on its knees and begged her not to run. There are indications that the particular seat is vunerable with a credible 'BlueDog' running.

  7. No one mentioned the therapy dog?

  8. " anti-Christian and how ... it is selfish to have kids and... hates the tradition of men giving away their daughters at weddings"

    Is it wrong that I agree with all of those things?

  9. If you guys don't believe this happens with every. single. elected. office you're not paying attention. They ALL do it. From the president on down to the local dogcatcher. It's called politics. You just don't hear about it.

    1. SusanB, right on:)

    2. SusanB, you're right. Politicians, even the ones we like, are assholes to some degree. I think you have to be in order to last.

  10. Opposition research or not... fuck that guy. Having opinions about organized religion and traditional gender roles (i.e. fuck the patriarchy) does NOT equal 'mentally unbalanced'.

  11. @Derek X - high five

    @SusanB - I'm sure it does. Which is why the best people for the job never end up running.

  12. I agree @lelale. She would've been a liability not an asset, too many skeletons in the closet and Mitch McConell being the a hole he is would've relished the opportunity to destroy her. He's already gleefully calling for an investigation of the recordings and how this is the way liberals work.

  13. It's what all politicians do: nothing new about that.

    He's a repulsive twat and I hope he loses.

  14. Haven't there been plenty of BI's questioning Ashley's mental state? (I'm thinking specifically of one involving - I think - cat hoarding or something along those lines?)


  15. Keep the little women in their place. Jackass Republicans.

    1. I've worked on political campaigns and with celebs. Political party has zero to do with it. I can't figure out why people are acting shocked about this, its extremely tame compared to things I've seen. Plus, she is totally batsh*t crazy, regardless of who she's running against, acting with, etc.

  16. I've never understood why having an opinion is a bad thing. If I were asked about my "women's rights" issues I'd briefly explain them and end with "I am very thankful I live in a country where as a woman I can express my own opinion"

    Now the mental health problems might be of some concern.

  17. It's 100 percent typical. And Enty is correct -- when they actually started digging things up that aren't already in the public domain, this conversation would have looked like child's play compared to what would have come next.

    Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel are among the current kings of conducting super-nasty oppo research and using it to its full force, just saying.

  18. The fun part, of course, is that it's a sure thing that any of the stuff they discussed on that tape, and other stuff besides -- I saw one GOP operative on some talk show saying "We have a stack of naked pictures of her from movies six inches high!" -- would have backfired catastrophically on the Republicans.

    Can you imagine it? Ashley Judd campaigning on, among other things, women's right to control their own bodies, and McConnell trying to fight her by releasing scenes from her hit movies? "That, Mr. McConnell, is a woman in control of her own body. It's no wonder you don't like it. You think women's bodies belong to you!"

  19. This is Kentucky, a bible belt state. She would have been such a liability to her party.

  20. Mitch McConnell leads the GOP Mens Choir in a rousing rendition of Seth MacFarland's timeless classic "We Saw Your Boobs".

    Sing along with Mitch.

    1. There is nothing wrong with that song. If slutty women show their goodies on the red carpet they are a fair game. Men never walk the red carpet with their penis hanging half out.

    2. Anonymous10:10 PM

      I think Seth was making the point that Hollywood is anti feminist, that women still have to bare their boobs to get on yet the men??? It's pro women and certainly not about the women being sluts rather their worth more than that and said Hollywood reduces them to that.

  21. I wanted her to run. I thought she would've been good.

    1. Well, entertaining in the very least

  22. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The tradition of fathers giving away daughters IS f'ed up.

  23. The games people play . This is no different from when Hillary questioned Obama 's religion status and nationality.

    The senator did nothing wrong but whoever tapped his office broke the law.

  24. @just curious - you're exactly right. Kentucky is a 1 party state, so at least one person present had to know they were being taped or else someone is going to jail.

    This should ring a loud bell to those of us who remember Watergate. It's exactly the same thing, except the GOP didn't leak what they taped.

    1. 1 party state? You don't live here do you?

    2. party state means only one person in a recorded conversation has to know it's being recorded. Nothing to do with political parties

  25. Wanted to add - not sure why all the hate for dad giving his daughter away at her wedding. It's a tradition, not federal law. You want to do it, do it, you don't want to do it, don't.

    1. Lovely tradition, but the heart of it is the father 'owning' the daughter and thus ' giving' her away. Doesnt set well with me.

    2. @auntliddy, I always thought of it as the father (or mother if there is no father) walking her to a new chapter in her life, not giving her away. I don't think the origin really matters, it is how one interprets it.

    3. Agree with SusanB. One cousin had both parents walk her down the aisle. Her sister wanted no part of it and walked down alone. It's a choice because we live in a free country. While the origin was from a different time with different meaning, now-a-days it is a parent escorting his little girl to her new life.

    4. Convenient feminists. SMH.

    5. +1 SusanB. Everyone gets a choice of how they want their wedding to go. Its okay to not like it and its okay to want someone to walk with you down the aisle. Its not abusing kids or beating baby seals either way.

  26. What snapdragon and lazyday and greenmountaingal said. And to compare Obama and/or Rahm to McC is laughable--and just plain wrong. And any time Kentucky wants to enter this century would be fine with me...

  27. "Keep the little women in their place. Jackass Republicans."

    Dumbass dog whistle gets results.

    Oppo research on crazy, pretentious, incompetent "movie star" and would-be Dem candidate: BAAAAAD.
    Making sh*t up about Republican VP candidate and front paging every last embarrassing detail of her family and hayseed in-laws: FIIIINE.

    But, hey, hypocrisy whatevs! Your security blanky and free stuff pipeline might be threatened.

    (Helpful hint: the gravy train is going to be running into a wall soon, and these politicians ... don't really care about you.)

  28. On behalf of the decent people in Kentucky, I'd like to personally apologize for Mitch McConnell.

    1. @Curly - apology accepted.

    2. Ahh, curly, not your fault, most states have resident idiot.

  29. This is SOP in politics and it always has been regardless of political leanings or parties. AND the American public, as a general rule, believes the made up crap too. Gah I hate politics period.

  30. This "dirt" is just stupid, but I suspect there's worse out there about Ms. Judd that she wouldn't want plastered on the news tickers (I don't know of anything, specifically, I'm just speculating). But let's also be real here. Kentucky is not California. People are going to be a bit less tolerant of things that we view as mainstream in other places, CDAN commenters' views notwithstanding.

  31. All the men I know would vote for her if her ads were the first five minutes of that "Norma Jean & Marilyn" movie she did years ago.

  32. And the sky is blue.

    She IS a fucking nut job.

  33. Ashley Judd was not smeared by McC. Ashley Judd was smeared by someone on the Left who illegally made the tape and then leaked it to Mother Jones. Mother Jones could have decided to not publish it in deference to Judd. Instead, they used her for their own purposes.

  34. @Curly, no need to apologize! I'm in Michigan, where a lot of ridiculous things are happening currently. All I can say is that I didn't vote for these people proposing stupid bills and acting like assholes in general.

    1. Did you hear about the highland park major and the cops? Lovely

  35. She has a reputation for being an insufferable asshole and is rumored to have spent plenty of time in a mental ward in the 90's. She shouldn't work for "the people". She's a liability and she would have lost. The dems didn't want her to run because she was a guaranteed loser. They did the right thing.

  36. @Amartel, if you are speaking of Sarah Palin, all she had to do was speak, to embarrass herself and seem incapable. She did the job for the Dems.

  37. Re-elect nobody ever!!!

  38. So far as I know all of those things are true. Since when was disclosing the truth a smear?

  39. @_-_=_ - my philosophy exactly! And for those who DO re-elect people, term limits for everyone!

  40. @Kitty - really? The tape was released to show how far, and how low, people will go. I am sure there is plenty of stuff McConnell wouldn't want made public, he just never wrote about it. Ashley Judd (and I'm no Ashley fan, she can be a bit much) has been pretty open about her life and her struggles. The same struggles that MANY of us face. Just by looking at the number of commenters on this site who have struggled with mental health issues I'd say it is a hell of a lot more common than people would have us believe. But we stigmatize it so heavily that we can't have an informed discussion about it. And so people who are otherwise bright, productive members of society feel they have to hide the fact that sometimes it's hard to get through.

    You know we're screwy on the issue when it is more acceptable to talk about how your dick doesn't work than it is to talk about how sometimes you just feel so, so alone.

  41. All politicians look into their opponents, that is true. But not all of them do it with that pissy "Queen Mother" look, and a staff of incompetents, and with a thought that they could take out Judd. Remember, these bozos thought they could turn her rape comment into some kind of anti-woman thing. I don't want to be partisan, but ... the GOP and women, that just ain't a good history recently.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I like Ashley and am tired of the "good ole boys" network.

  44. @Lucas My answer stands.

  45. Right on, Lucas!!!! /says one of those evil 'left' bitches. =)

  46. "Kentucky is not California"
    Well, we're both one party states.
    But California is totally screwed whereas Kentucky not quite totally screwed.

    "I like Ashley and am tired of the "good ole boys" network."

    Well then maybe you should have a word with Bill Clinton. Because he's the good ole boy the put the nail in that coffin. I'm sure he did it for her own good, though, so that's okay.

  47. When did being a Republican and supporting common sense become mutually exclusive?

    problem is on all sides. All politicians invariably use money from lobbyists who have their own agenda so that the special interest groups will have some pull on various areas. As we all know it's a system that doesn't represent constituents, only back-scratching. Not sure why RRepublicans get the rep all the time of being this evil empire.

    if you want to see real change then term llimits need to be instituted to prevent pork spending. Remember there are millions of Americans who live the consequences of a couple hundred people's.decisions.

    Besides, Dems are always viewed more open, but from observation they're not open to anyone who perceives differently regarding political views. So not all-inclusive, even though most paint Republicans as such. I'm not anti-same sex marriage yet fully support gun ownership. Single mom due to divorce who works my butt off but lose significant portion in taxes to support people whose sole achievement is popping out a lot of kids or scamming the welfare system.I live in the poorest county in my state and people who truly need assistance should never feel bad for receiving it. Not my point. It's those that cultivate it as a life's achievement.


  48. What's the juicy stuff, Enty???

    I'm so sick of the war between the two parties. It's just about the win at any cost.

  49. If it were up to me I'd put in the following term limits:

    Pres & VP - (1) 6 year term
    Senators - (2) 6 year terms, total 12 years.

    Reps - (5) 2 year terms - total 10 years.

    And you can only hold federal office (all the above) for a total of 25 years.

    You can't tell me there is such a small minority of people qualified in this country to hold federal office that we should re-elect the same person for 30 or more years.

    And yeah, you might get equally shitty office holders, but at least it'd be a different type of shit every year.

  50. @Kitty - that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion. But the issues they were discussing were from her own book, so it isn't like it was secret. It is how they intended to use that information that is the problem and the reason the tape was released. Rather than address her ideas about policy and defend his record, McConnell was planning to just use personal attacks to discredit her. We need more human beings in office. We are all wonderfully flawed and the idea that all of our worst moments will be trotted out for public ridicule and display keeps many otherwise talented people from making a difference. So we get these fundamentalist ass-hats whose sole virtue is their ability to spew the party line and their lack of colorful experiences.

  51. @Lucas - I do see what you're saying and agree. What I'm trying to say is that they ALL do it - ALL politicians have meetings like this where they try to dig up dirt on candidates.

    As you may know, Mr. B is a private investigator. In the past he was hired to do "background searches" by politicians on their opponents. They also wanted him to interview neighbors, co-workers, etc, etc. to dig up any dirt on their opponents. (this was before we met, years ago). He decided he didn't want to get involved in that stuff so he turned down jobs. And this was on LOCAL politicians. I'm sure the dirt digging is MUCH more extensive on statewide and national contests. Like someone above said, this is why good people refuse to go into politics. We ALL have stuff we would rather not be made public.

    1. @SusanB - everyone doing it doesn't make it okay. Hillary Clinton did some really despicable oppo research on Barack Obama in '08. And I LIKE her. But that doesn't make it any better. Let's try running on ideas and policy and recognize we are all human and make mistakes and have struggles. We shouldn't have to be stigmatized and punished for them. Personally I think it's great that we have a guy in the White House who admitted to doing cocaine. At least he's honest about it, you know?

  52. "As much as she wanted to be a Senator, I think Ashley only wanted to if no skeletons came out."

    Pretty much sums up anyone who runs right?

    I don't know how effective she would have been as a Senator, personally I think she would be more productive as an advocate.

  53. Ms. Snarky, please. Ashley Judd is a pompous idiot, and I bet it would have all came leaking out. And from her own mouth, no less.

  54. I have nothing nice to say about Ashley Judd, I think she had a bad upbringing that formed her into who she is. She comes off as cold and I she probably is emotionally unbalanced and would not be a good choice as a someone to run for ublic office.

    It's also sad and pathetic that this is what politics is now. Sitting around a room and figuring out how to bring down your component instead of marketing who you are campaigning for.

    While I don't think AJ has probably turned a corner and found some healthy place it made me sad that they were pulling up records from the 1990's to shame her. There are people out there who do battle depression and need help, get and come back stronger. That shouldn't be used against them 20 years later.

  55. Politics is a filthy game. This is nothing new. There's just no way anyone of any party can win unless their pasts are clean or hermetically sealed. Judd just saved herself and her family a lot of woe by dropping out in this digital era where every word lives forever unless you have the power to e-scrub your past, whch Ashley does not.

  56. would be amazing if people actually reported what has been found out about Obama and Emmanuel when people do some deep digging.

    1. Such as? Substantiated or conjecture?

  57. I like peanuts.

    1. @FSP - do you like peanuts in your beer?

    2. @Izzie - only if I've had one too many ; )

  58. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Agree with Susan B regarding term limits.
    Let's get one thing straight all politicians are maggots. There has to be something wrong with you to want to be in politics. I understand some don't go in thinking like that but especially on a federal level they all (maybe 5 examples I can think of that go against that rule in about 1000)come out that way. IMO.

    My sister in law knows someone that was in rehab with Ashley a few years ago. There's no way she would of made it through the primary. I'm not saying having a past addition excludes you *cough-Bush Jr* but she's also batshit on top of that.

    What they said is pretty vile and I don't disagree with some of her thoughts but it is what it is and always will be when it comes to politics, especially when there's really just two parties.
    The good ole boys on BOTH sides run it all.

    End of rant, sorry.

  59. So she wanted to lie to the electors denying she is mad.
    I think liberals would't mind it, they are used to vote for retarded people (rahm, jesse jackson sr, howard dean...), so I think a crazy one is an upgrade.

  60. Everyone wants an honest upfront person to run, but unfortunately no one really wants to hear the truth. This is why so many get corrupted and change their views as they move through politics.

  61. McConnell is UNSTABLE. Please I would take Ashley's issues ALL DAY over that angry old bigoted white man!

  62. I like it when small time "machine" type politicians try and go big time and it blows up in their faces. Like the Bernie Kerik saga. In NYC everyone was afraid of him, and the amount of stroke he had, so his skeletons stayed in the closet. Tried to get that Homeland Security job and what happened? Every skeleton is drudged up and the dude landed in jail.

    I hope the same thing happens to Bloomberg if he runs for President. Not the jail time, but just that he is embarrassed into going away. Can't stand that guy.

  63. P.S. Chris Christie in 2016!

  64. I think the "mute stones" alone could've done her in.

  65. Yeah she's crazy and whiny but she's no worse than that corrupt good ol boy.

  66. If she wants to play with the big boys she's not exempt from dirty politics, it comes with the territory and isn't exactly personal. Now it's because she's a girl? You want equal rights.. or not? She should take notes from HRC who is built for the game. A crime was committed, I hope someone is prosecuted.

  67. She could walk around with one of those toy Eight ball things in her purse and use it to make alllll of her decisions....and she'd still be about 80 kajillion times more sane than Michellen Bachmann.

    She could keep a pet rock and she would still be smarter than Rand Paul, who seems like a real loo loo, and is currently, a senator from KY.

    Oh...and...let's not even talk about Sarah Palin who some of these people actually saw fit to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Seriously, there is nothing I could learn about Ashley Judd's background that would make me think she is crazier than Sarah Palin. Also, Ashley probably shits out more brains than Sarah Palin, Rand Paul and Michelle Bachmann have in their heads -- combined. So...there's that...

  68. Bloomberg sucks. I am totally bipartisan in my contempt for nannystaters. Chris Christie would be okay with me. At least he's entertaining.

    What just amazes me is that this blog has called Ashley Judd emotionally unstable in the past, and Ashley Judd herself has acknowledged her emotional instability in the past. But let a Republican state the obvious (while being wire-tapped), and it's open season. None of the lot of partisan hackosauruses blindly baying for Mitch McConnel's blood for stating the obvious has standing to call Palin stupid.

  69. Christ, I stole a candy bar when I was 4. There goes my career in politics.

  70. Bwhaha. I think Ashley figured, Eh, I've handled Hollywood bitch fights, I'll be fine.

    I don't think she has any idea how dirty politicians can actually play and she's going after one of the biggest guns.

    The damn election isn't even for another year and change and they're already frying her in case she considers running.

  71. This leak is minimal to the shame of Caroline Kennedy's "ummmmmmm, aaaaahhhhh, duuuuuuuh" interview, that tanked her shot at being gifted the Senate seat from NY.

  72. I love the folks who were so worried about Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away from Presidency, but have no problem with good old Sheriff Joe being a heartbeat away. There is no bigger doofus in Washington than Biden. He is downright stupid and sticks his foot in his mouth every time he talks. Whatever. Keep patting yourselves on the back for dodging that one.

  73. Oh, and how many of you had a problem with how our current President got his state and federal Senate seats? Inform yourselves before making asses of yourselves.

  74. You're right, I don't have a problem with Biden being a heartbeat away from the presidency. Because he's a very competent politician and understands far better than most how Washington works. Palin couldn't even stick out it for four years in the governor's mansion. How in hell would she have managed in the White House? We had a former governor in the White House not all that long ago, one who was about 20X more intelligent than Palin is, and with probably about as much understanding of how Washington works as Palin does. His name was Jimmy Carter, and as smart as he was and is, and as decent a human being as he is, he was a terrible president because he didn't understand what the job entails.

    Joe Biden DOES understand the job and the ins and outs of Washington. Palin would have been absolutely lost, and probably, in the end, a puppet of certain Rove-ian types.


    I'm in favor of term limits, but not as short as you propose and definitely not 1 term only for president. On the state level, there are a lot of negatives to go with the positives (not unexpected) and jumping into it is ill-advised. It's not a magic bullet to end gridlock and corruption. Two states (Utah and Idaho, I believe) have even repealed term limits in the early 2000s.

  75. Biden is no doofus. Anyone who knows Washington knows that. There really is no one with a better reputation for foreign policy. Underestimate him at your peril, as the oft-overestimated Paul Ryan can attest.

    Amartel, it's not that the said Ashley Judd is unstable, it's the whole attitude caught on tape. It's typical Washington opposition prep but it's new to a lot of people who rarely hear how vicious it can be. It's also interesting to hear how clearly scared McConnell is about re-election.

    It's unlikely a Democrat leaked this. There is no reason to, Judd isn't running. Most of the GOP hates McConnell and is ready for him to go. They are going to run at him from the right and teabag him, which is why the Democrats need to run a viable centrist who has a chance.

    Susan B, would love to see term limits. Also we can't cut the pay of the Senators and Congressman but we sure as hell can cut their benefits and pensions.

  76. If she was really all that, she should have run for office and faced them down. I think the Dems didn't want to deal with her.

  77. I'm still trying to figure out why this is news. So you've got a bug in the opponents office and the best thing you can come up with is trash-talking a two-bit celebrity? You'd think there would be juicier stuff to report. "The hookers will be here at 6 p.m. Senator. Do you want me score ecstasy or blow for after tonight's fundraiser with the Klan?"

  78. I love Lainey's stone story about Ashley. In order to talk to Ashley, she had to give you a stone.

  79. @ poovey-tunt & PuggleWug it sure doesn't take much to bring out the palin hate.

    the couric interview was carefully selected to put her in the worst possible light, pretty much like the media orchestrated "hit" on romney in the second debate.

    as for palin "quitting" half way through her term, if you'll remember she was being dragged into court on completely assinine lawsuits that she would have had to defend out of her own pocket, and bankrupted herself and been completely unable to perform her job. but liberals don't seem to mind harassing and trying to destroy anyone who doesn't get in line.

    please try to see more clearly. then hate if you want to.

  80. I don't care to get into politics, but the line about having kids being a SELFISH enterprise...give me a fucking break!
    There's no other job in the world which requires one to give more of themselves, to give of yourself, your money, time, love, attention, and planning.
    For some prissy Hollywood princess who doesn't want to get out of bed in the night to call mothers selfish in order to appear wise and benevolent is beyond comprehension.

  81. Sorry Biden lovers, I know WAY too many people who know Joe Biden personally. He is a major doofus (I'm being nice) and the whole bunch of shit that he is a foreign policy expert is just that - a bunch of shit. He is the crazy uncle that everyone agrees with when he talks crazy then laughs at him when they walk away.

    The credit card companies lined his pockets and kept him in office to do their bidding. I will say he did it well, but then again any idiot can be a shill.

    Keep telling yourself that he is a foreign policy savant. If he was a Republican, you would have run him out of the Senate on a rail for comments such as this one - "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden, in a private remark to an Indian-American man caught on C-SPAN, June, 2006

  82. Of the four men involved in the fall's Presidential race, Joe Biden was voted Guy I'd Most Want to Have a Beer With, in an informal poll of friends.

    If McCain's "cross the aisle" pick would have been Biden, instead of Leiberman, then he would have never got involved w/ Caribou Barbie and would be in the midst of his second term. Would have revolutionized Presidential politics, too.

    Obama being a noob made Biden the only choice for VP. What does Delaware really need? Biden had 30 years of IOUs to collect in getting Obama's legislation passed.

    The cluster fuck of our political system is getting tiresome. Pander to the extremists to get the nomination and render yourself unelectable, because no one will cross party lines to vote for you. The 50% of the country who are rational thinkers are held hostage by the kooks at the opposite ends of the spectrum.

  83. I don't want someone I can have a beer with elected President or Vice President. I want a competent leader. I could give a shit if the person is fun to be with or personable. I am in the business world and leaders lead and losers spend all day waiting for the happy hour after work. Biden is the latter. Fine as a coworker, but certainly not someone I would put in charge of ANYTHING.

  84. "The credit card companies lined his pockets and kept him in office to do their bidding." Very true.
