Friday, April 19, 2013

Blind Item #2

There is a cell phone video that more and more people are starting to see. From what I have seen, it is tough to make out whether it is this reality star/actress offspring of this former A list singer. The reality star/actress is being called by name and it looks like her, but she is turned to the side as someone helps her inject heroin into her arm for the first time.


  1. I can't think of another option but Bobbi Kristina. Does no one in her family care about this girl?

  2. It could also be Nicole Ritchie, but I don't think cameraphones were around the first time she used heroin. So I'm going with BK.

  3. I really hope it is not BK, LAWWWD when is this girl going to get some help?!?!

  4. got to be bobbie kristina

  5. Has BK acted in anything that would warrant the "slash actress"?

  6. And the daughter becomes the mother....

  7. Idk if Olivia Newton John's daughter, Chloe. According to Google she has acted and she was on that reality show

  8. Once you say "reality star" I don't care at all, except in a human way to wish people who use drugs weren't so stupid to still think after 40 years it's cool to be an addict, and then to have compassion and hope they can recover and get their lives back again.

  9. Clarify: Not to mean the star is 40, but it's been at least 40 years of publicity about what drugs do to people - and to stars and their careers with photos - to get a clue.

  10. @Gossip Marmelade: You might be right on this one. Chloe is extremely skinny (very severe eating disorder) and heroin makes you lose weight like crazy. Seeing how ill she is, this would not surprise me.

  11. Is Bobbi Kristina an actress? I don't think so.

  12. Tyler Perry hired Bobbi Kristina for one of his shows as an actress. I don't know if that's enough for a reality star/actress tag, but she has done some acting.

  13. Has to be Bobbi Kristina. Would anyone care if it was Kim Stewart?

  14. Whoever it is, get help!!!!!

  15. has kimberly stewart ever done any acting though? or drugs? i know nicole richie & bobbi kristina have problems but i don't recall anything about kim stewart being a druggie.

  16. kim should still be taking care of her baby.

    i just googled chloe and omg.... what is with the plastic surgery.... i'm never letting a needle touch my face 0.0
