Monday, April 22, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former almost A list mostly television actor has been taking a break. He had to. His addictions were out of control and he needed to not work. After taking a very long break from work, he is starting a new project and returning to new habits. He never deleted the phone numbers of his dealers. They were happy to hear from one of their very best customers this past week. Lets just hope his wife does not join in this time.


  1. Maybe someone with a pregnant wife?

  2. Cleary Abe Vigoda

  3. How does one return to new habits?

    1. Lol @ legrange I had to re read that a couple times

    2. Legal jargon from the resident attorney.

  4. Eric Dane, Rebecca Gayheart

  5. McSteamy / Rebeca Gayheart

  6. My first thought was Eric Dane too, but idk if he's A list.

  7. Oh Dane/Gayheart is an awesome guess. Especially considering she killed someone.

  8. Eric Dane doesn't fit for a couple reasons:
    1. He has been off of Grey's for less than a season - I don't think that counts as a "very long" break
    2. He recently finished filming a tv movie (in post-production), which means he is not just now starting a new project and he has nothing else in the pipeline.

  9. What is on Eric Dane's new project??

  10. I couldn't find any new projects for Abe so it must be Eric Dane. He has a new show coming out "Last
    Ship" on TNT by Michael Bay. Good job Flaky and VIP.

  11. hmmm now I am hardly a good sleuth, but does anyone else know anything about this ? Nicolas Cage's New Habit

  12. @texas rose - it's not a show; it's a tv movie and it's already been filmed.

  13. I think the blind steers us to McSteamy but i don't think it's the answer.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Is it David Schwimmer or one of the guys from "Friends"? The whole "taking a break" thing reminds me of the Ross/Rachel "We were on a break!" scene.

    Plus David hasn't done much of anything except voice-over & animation work for a couple of years now.

    1. David has been very busy working. Directing, starring in plays, etc. Just mostly in the UK. Its not him.

  16. Not sure who it is, but I don't think that Eric Dane would be considered "former almost A list"? His IMDb is not that stellar with exception of Grey's.

  17. I agree with others who said McSteamy hasn't been on a long break. He was in the first couple episodes of Grey's this season. He doesn't seem to have a new project either.

  18. @stew I was thinking someone from Friends too

  19. i don't buy Eric Dane as guess:he has no project and he only did a tv movie last year who just was test-screened recently(maybe a pilot if it liked:according to IMDB's THE LAST SHIP)

  20. Is Matthew Fox married? This fits him if so.

  21. If it IS someone from "Friends", the only one who had an addiction (that we know of) was Matthew Perry - keep an eye on him- if he starts getting skinny again, it is him.

  22. Matthew Perry just started that new crappy tv show.

  23. Matthew Perry might fit but he's not married, and his long term girlfriend is Lizzy Caplan, don't know much about her but I can't think of any specific incident over which she shouldn't join him again. Plus Matthew Perry has been very open about his addiction struggles and seems to have really gotten a hold on it this time.

  24. I'm back on Abe Vigoda - he apparently is working on a new project 'The Gigilo Life'.

  25. Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart, druggie couple numero uno

  26. Anonymous11:38 AM

    My guess was Dane. I was watching the last XMen movie the other day and didn"t know he was in it, he was brunette, I didnt recogonize him. I think he was formely almost A list for a while there everyone knew who McSteamy was even if you didn't watch the show.

  27. Just check the Daily Mail.

  28. Just check the Daily Mail.

  29. Check that- Abe's new project not 'the gigilo life' - but he has been cast as next seasons new guy on showtimes 'Gigolos'. Season 5.

    Oh- and J - fuck off!!

  30. Oh and texas cactus.. eat me!!!

  31. 8:33 AM
    Blogger LeGrange said...
    How does one return to new habits?

    The same way one wakes up dead...

  32. Good Lord the trolling has gotten to epic proportions on this site! Can't we all just enjoy commenting on gossip without calling each other names? So so unnecessary.

    1. Why am I trolling? Because my opinion doesn't coincide with the majority?

      I am commenting like everyone else as is my right. Or should my rights be taken away because I'm not kissing ass and in the "in crowd?" I know this board rearranges the law to fit it's agenda.

      You tell me?

    2. This board takes away your rights, rearranges the law, and starts gender wars?


    3. Yes if you read one of the many blinds, but most recent, about an older guy/younger girl the male subject made sure that the girls were of legalal age although very young. The "clique" opined how he should STILL go to jail and was such a louse. The law went out of the window based on "their" emotions. If you're paying attention, you'd see where Mango questioned why I didn't comment on male posters here. Does it matter? She was clearly trying IT and incite a gender war. But she had no problem with Windbag calling Rihanna a "nasty skank". Female empowerment here is only self-serving. It's ok to pick on the women they're jealous of and view as a threat. You know, young, pretty, IN SHAPE with small appetites and more than a cat for company. Did you NOT see the posters telling me to go away and quit posting thus infringing on my rights? Unless you're like the rest of the flock and see what you want to see.


    4. Yes if you read one of the many blinds, but most recent, about an older guy/younger girl the male subject made sure that the girls were of legalal age although very young. The "clique" opined how he should STILL go to jail and was such a louse. The law went out of the window based on "their" emotions. If you're paying attention, you'd see where Mango questioned why I didn't comment on male posters here. Does it matter? She was clearly trying IT and incite a gender war. But she had no problem with Windbag calling Rihanna a "nasty skank". Female empowerment here is only self-serving. It's ok to pick on the women they're jealous of and view as a threat. You know, young, pretty, IN SHAPE with small appetites and more than a cat for company. Did you NOT see the posters telling me to go away and quit posting thus infringing on my rights? Unless you're like the rest of the flock and see what you want to see.


  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Sheen the machine
    clearly it's charlie

  35. uh, what was the question?

  36. Like the Abe Vigoda guess. Appropriate:)
