Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blind Item #4 - Easy Easy

Waitress - And what would you like for lunch?

B list reality star who is very skinny - I would like one piece of steamed broccoli. Nothing on it. One piece. Lightly steamed.

Waitress - So, one whole broccoli?

Soon to be probably ex reality star - No, just one piece. One stem.


  1. Nicole Richie "Fashion Star"

  2. What's the fucking point of going to a restaurant? She hogged a table for that?!

  3. Why bother trotting out in public to feast on one soggy piece of broccoli?

  4. Rachel Zoe. She has done this before.

  5. She wouldn't like my broccoli! Making some tonight with my seasoned mayo dip - dill & garlic/parsley salt. This mayo is also amazing with asparagus & artichokes.

    1. @jennyferrall what's the recipe. I love dip.

    2. That sounds great!!!

  6. Shenanigans. I don't think anyone would really make or take that order. But I could be wrong.

  7. My friend once had lunch with Rachel Zoe. I questioned her and she said RZ really did eat. She had a salad. I know my friend wouldn't lie to me. But I bet that was the only meal RZ ate that day.

  8. Jenny that sounds delish, I may have to steal that one!

  9. Haha @Turkish! And she said it with her smoldering bedroom eyes & breathy voice..."Braaaaw-colee"

  10. Oh what a hog monster she must feel like if she ate an actual serving of steamed, plain broccoli.

  11. I f'n love broccoli!!! @Jenny, that sounds amazing! Rachel Zoe. Her shows about to get canceled.

  12. broccoli is the best vegetable, not sure how anyone could eat just one piece.

  13. "Yes, just a piece of broccoli and an Adderall please."

    1. "And a mound of coke (not Coke) to go!"

  14. Enjoy the dip everyone! I can never guess these blinds but I love this site and how you all figure things out. So I thought I could finally *share* something!

    Skimpy - it's just mayo with dried dill & garlic/parsley salt. Easy and yum. Oh! Best to chill for an hour before dinner.

    1. Sounds good, especially when you're low on pantry items! I make one that's really good on broccoli and asparagus, my hubby likes tortilla chips w/ it, too. Here it is, if anyone wants to try it:

      2 T lemon juice
      2 T chopped cilantro leaves (you could use dry, also, just let it refrigerate longer)
      1/4 C mayo
      3/4 C yogurt, I prefer Greek, and I like to strain it when using for dips and sauces
      salt and pepper to taste
      zest of one lemon (optional)

      Whisk together, chill a couple of hrs. This is pretty tart, so you may want to add lemon a little at a time until it hits the spot, for you.It also can be used to dress salad greens.

    2. This reminds me of the cilantro lime sour cream I use on homemade shrimp tacos! So yummy!

  15. What an idiot! She is obviously new to the scene and doesn't know the protocol of Hollywood starlets is to hide their eating disorder.

    But seriously, girl why are you starving yourself? You must have the Hangry feeling at all times!

  16. Super tasters HATE the taste of broccoli. I made an excellent broccoli pasta. Steamed mashed broccoli on rotini with EVOO,garlic, onion powder, parmesan and veggie stock. Easy and tasty and not too caloric.

    Rachel Zoe since she's too skinny and her show is about to be canceled.

  17. This sounds like the "Blind" Nicole Richie wrote years ago when she and Zoe had a feud. Something about "Raisinface" only eating a few pieces of asparagus. I'm embarrassed to even recall this b/c I know there's valuable knowledge I don't have b/c this shit is taking up brain cells. *hangs head in shame*

    So I'll guess Zoe.

  18. hey, i made a veggie topic on the forum :)

    p.s. this seems to be zoe since her show is on the edge.... fashion star seems to be fine (but i don't doubt nicole also has very minimal eating habits)

  19. I'm thinking Rachel Zoe considering the "Soon to be probably ex" statement since there are those rumors the Rachel Zoe Project is going to be cancelled.

  20. Why even go eat out for a stalk of broccoli? Just stay home.I don't even see the point.

  21. Snooki...but I hope she's not up to B list...

  22. i really want to know how she ate it. did she use a knife and fork to cut each tiny bud? break it down, fiber by fiber? these details are quite important!

  23. If this would've said singer, I would've said Katy Perry. She does the same thing.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hopefully she paid her bill instead of pulling a Jane Adams.

  26. kathrynnova, And did she clean her plate?

  27. Guiliana (spelling?) from E

  28. Broccoli is delicious.

  29. I bet she cut it up into teeny, weeny,itsy, bitsy bits. Then spent twenty minutes chewing each piece.
    Blargh! GIVE ME PIZZA!

  30. I'm rather fond of rustbelt hummus, myself.
