Thursday, April 11, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly movie actress who is really about to drop to a B and would have along time ago if not for her name and her ongoing divorce has big issues. One of the many doctors she uses for prescriptions just got busted for writing fake prescriptions. Our actress uses that doctor with another six or seven doctors and has a total of 20 prescriptions which sees her taking in excess of 50 pills everyday. No wonder she barely emerges from her house. It is also no wonder anyone wants to hire her anymore. I bet she does not even care about getting clean anymore. She is a very good candidate for an overdose because she mixes booze with them all the time. They would be talking about this death for a good solid year.


  1. Yep @camembert and @Kelly, it's totes Demi Moore

  2. First time poster, long time lurker - Co-sign on Demi. Sigh.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Demi Moore and sad.... sad that she see no reason, has no interest in getting clean. That's no life. I know.

  5. Demi. So sad.
    well spotted Camembert and Kelly!

  6. I think Demi dropped to a B a few years ago...not sure it's her.

  7. I know someone who has been taking tons of pills and getting hammered on vodka or tequila daily for 10+ years. We're really stumped as to how she hasn't died yet, or how she doesn't have cirrhosis. She looks god-awful, but other than brain damage and severe addiction, doesn't seem to have any major health issues. Her daughter doesn't seem to be motivation enough to get clean, either.

    How sad for Demi's family.

  8. co-co-co-sign Demi Moore.

  9. Welcome, SubaruGirl!

    Wow, how the star has fallen. She was in the stratosphere once and now it's this. Sad.

    @Amber, weird, isn't it? I know someone like that, too. Massive drug and alcohol abuser, but still functioning and no major health issues.

    1. Thanks, Izzie! I'm not much of an online commenter, but I've wanted to join in this great community for awhile and finally took the plunge. Y'all are awesome! :)

  10. @Izzie - My theory is that she's pickled, thus rendering her indestructible.

  11. I feel sorry for Demi - I know what it's like to turn to booze and pills (yes together) to forget about the hard stuff in life.

    Ashton really did a number on her and so did Hollywood. They lauded her in her 20s and 30s, made her seem like a has-been in her 40s (and remeber those shots of her thighs on the beach) adn then she got all that surgery and she was hot again with a hot young husband. Then he cheated on her and now she is 50, can't get a job, can't get a man, and everyone is taking the piss again.

    I know she shouldn't hang all her self esteem on her career and her looks and a man but sho can say that they don't do the same thing at least some of the time? And to fall down so pubicly must be shaming. I wouldn't be able to leave the house either.

    1. I agree, great post.

    2. Exactly. I could never wish that pressure on anyone.

  12. Depression is a bitch! We all deal with it differently. This is sad.

  13. Depression is a bitch! We all deal with it differently. This is sad.

  14. Demi, I hope she can come thru, the best revenge is being happy.

  15. Semi should stick to wip it.

  16. Gidamn spelchek*Demi*

  17. Poor Demi. We haven't see her lately though have we. Last time was that party with Lenny K and then nothing. And the media came down so hard on her. I hope she can get it together. I know how hard it can be.

  18. "wet brain" as in people that are exhibiting brain damage is an end stage sign of cirrhosis. The liver being unable to process alcohol efficiently anymore, keeps unprocessed toxins in the blood stream where they end up in the brain, causing brain damage. Not a good sign.

    1. Not just the alcohol damage on the liver, but the massive amounts of acetaminophen in that kind of dosage of hydrocodone and oxycodone is the quickest way to liver failure, on its own, never mind the booze. The combo is just insane.

  19. mrjack, yeah- it is very hard to be an aging woman in Hollywood. But she was also working behind the camera- made a ton of $$ producing movies. She should have held her head high, and aged gracefully- instead of acting like a teenager. She wouldn't be in her situation now, I'd bet money on that.

  20. How is no one guessing Halle Berry? She immediately jumped into my head.

  21. @paris - I think after reading all these blinds and knowing all the celebs that have died or committed suicide, we can all agree that money and fame doesn't make you happy. I think bad childhood + trading on your looks as a commodity + plus aging + not having a support system would fuck any up. I'd love to be rich and sometimes day dream how it would solve all my problems but it probably wouldn't. And I wouldn't be famous for any amount of money.

  22. Halle's pregnant, just had a movie released and is out and about all the time.

  23. the fact is that when you are in the throes of a deep depression and/or a major addiction, you are not thinking clearly, you are trying to get through one day a time and you can't see how to get out of the spiral, it is like you are in a narrow tunnel and you can't see there are exits, until something or someone shakes you out of the haze or someone is able to reach inside the haze or you are finally tired of living this way or you hit your rock bottom and if you survive it you decide you got lucky and now is the time to grab onto the life lines being offered then

    because if you get clean and stay clean and realize how much better your life is clean, because some don't and relapse, you look back you think why didn't I get help sooner what was I thinking but you have to be ready to take that help or it won't work

    so I just feel sad because Demi had a lot more to offer than she realizes

    and the reality is for all the so-called strides for women over the past decades I see too many women young and old still see their self esteem is tied to their looks and their men

    just watch Real Housewives of _________ and there you go

    we still are not teaching girls well enough that accomplishments and inner beauty are more important in the long run in life rather than the man you snag or looking like you are 30 when you are 75

    the only consolation is that men are getting sucked into the same vortex, more men are becoming anorexic or bulimic and/or ruining their looks with too much plastic surgery

    it is all very sad

  24. People need to realize that Hollywood is a lot like the NFL or MLB. Basically you're a rookie and don't make much then you come into your prime and if you are really good looking can make a bunch of $$.
    Then you hit your 40s and the big roles are gone and you have to accept supporting roles, move to a job behind the camera, or retire.

    The problem is that most actors have serious self esteem issues deep down and are extreme narcissists. They can't believe that that will ever happen to THEM. When it does, it destroys them --like it is Demi.

    It's very sad.

  25. I find it hard to cope with the fact I'm not 21 anymore (I'm 31) and don't have a 30 inch waist. God knows what I'll be like when I'm 50 (if I haven't drunk myself to a "wet brain" by then).

    Yes I am a narcissist but it's hard not to be that way when you got a lot of attention for your looks when you were younger. (Not saying I was a model or anything but I did alright)

  26. I'm half-joking, half-serious btw. I can just imagine that insecurites like mine are x1000 in Hollywierd.

  27. only females get cast aside in hollywood at 40. men's careers usually stay on track or get better, and their wives in the movies get 20 years younger.

    that said, wealthy older actresses in h-wood could begin to change things if they started directing and producing movies. which they seem to not want to do.

  28. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I totally see the Demi guess...but on what planet is she Alist now? MAAAYYYBBEE in the late 80's early 90's but no way would I put her in with the likes of the alisters on the spreadsheet JSierra made.

  29. I wish her recovery and happiness.

  30. @annabella - Lots of women want to write and direct great parts for other women but the powers that be (old white straight men) don't want to finance these projects.

  31. She's so disappointing. Given that she's one of the celebs who's chosen good plastic surgeons, her work looks really good. I.E. she can still get work. But instead of coming out of her dumping by asshat on fire, she's gone into a permanent funk and thrown her life away, that'll show him! Lame.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Actually the same thing happens to male actors too although I think that it hits them ~50 instead of 40.

    Think, Harrison Ford was huge for years and now except for sequels he isn't in much. Ditto Pierce Brosnan, Al Pacino, Chuck Norris, Stallone, etc.
    Now some like De Niro are still in movies but they are really character actors in these movies and not leading men.

    Hollywood is all about youth and we all get old. People who understand it and adapt (like Ron Howard, De Niro, Jodie Foster, etc) do well and don't self destruct.

    Others like Demi Moore thought that they would be A list forever and can't handle getting old and self destruct.

    There was a great Twilight Zone about this very thing where an aging actress cannot accept getting older and how Hollywood treats her:

  34. I dont see Demi as still a A lister about to drop to a B though. I dont think enty has referred to her as that in any recent blinds either.

  35. One of the reasons I love watching Law and Order SVU is because they cast many actresses that are over 40. Look at Mariska Hartigay, she's the lead on that show and rocking!!

    There are many reasons Demi is where she is. I'm an addict in recovery. I truly believe the buck starts and stops with us, the addicts. That being said, she alone shoulders the blame for her addiction. However, I do totally see how our society does contribute to her downward spiral and fuels her and many other women's addictions.

    As Tina Mallette so wonderfully pointed out, we all can start educating our young girls and women in having a healthy self esteem to help to put an end to this viscous cycle.

  36. @annabella and @mrjack You're both right! There are women that want to make great films, but Hollywood is still largely male in terms of its power-players. Plus, a lot of decisions are made by bean-counters and not creative-types, and sometimes films don't get made because the bean-counters don't think it will make enough money. Other times, the suits will bring people in to tinker with a project so much that it doesn't remotely resemble what it started as by the time it goes through the Hollywood machine. It's one reason why so many movie actors are doing TV these days; there are great things being produced. And American Horror Story is like a love letter to Jessica Lange written by Ryan Murphy, and I totally dig it!!!

  37. @TinaMallette: Amen & preach it sistah!
    I just wouldn't wish eating disorders & body dysmorphia on men. Pulling others into a pit doesn't help get you out.

  38. jimmyPx: You did an excellent analogy. Spot on, luv.

    Getting old is hard. Getting old when you have head shots from your youth and a constant reminder that you're being pushed out over someone younger is harder. I think the Brits have it down with using women of all ages in different stories and allowing them to age gracefully. Dame Maggie, Dame Judith are good examples.

    Seriously if you choose a life of acting you need to be prepared for a second career because not everyone can carry it on past the age of 40. There simply are not enough good roles out there for mature women and as pointed out, men as well. Good thing I got into sales!

  39. Listen guys getting old is only hard if you make it that way. I'm 56, yes I was a babe, (but didn't ever feel secure in that, who really does), but for most wisdom truly does come with age, and so yeah, you're not getting catcalled anymore but only those who are stuck in narcissism are lost. I am so much more content with myself, with everything now. I don't feel that sorry for Demi, she chose to be shallow. She's still putting herself above her kids too.

  40. I think Asston played Demi's attachment disorder to his advantage. This is why the breakup is so bad for her. I guess PTSD along with addiction problems now. Not many like her survive. Who hasn't abandoned her? Her bonding process is so broken she may be alone for the remaInder of her life. Very similar to Marilyn Monroe IMHO.

  41. It's sad as it is for any addict but would people really be talking about Demi for a year after her supposed death?

  42. I was thinking Ashley Judd with "candidate" being a clue from all of the stories of her running for office.

  43. Demi Moore was so awesome in her prime. She was actually a good role model for strong women at one point, so it's weird and sad to see her fall apart because she fell in love with some superficial douche. It just hits home how disjointed perception and reality can be.

  44. Demi should have done tv. Life gets hard, we all cope in our own ways. Hope she finds a way out. We all love a good comeback

  45. @Poppymann - I laughed so hard at that! Gah! Love that movie!

  46. That was a really good post Tina Mallette!

  47. di butler, that is so true. I don't think people think enough about how much acetaminophen they are putting into their systems.

    I have a chronic health condition that's pretty serious and my doctor put me on hydrocodone for a month. At the end of the month, my liver enzymes had gone through the roof and he had to quickly take me off.

    I'm not sure how people survive taking all those pills, but I do feel badly for them. I could understand how stress and depression could lead someone into taking all this to zone out. It's like committing suicide without committing to real suicide.

  48. Ok, are we SURE this is Demi?! Is she really an A movie actress ABOUT to drop to a B??? Wouldn't she have dropped to a B/B- long ago, with A list name recognition?
