Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Blind Item #5

I'm trying to imagine this threesome and how exactly it went down. It is fairly common knowledge that this C list mostly television actress who was on a very hit almost network show before she got fired was up for anything and had some one on one encounters with another actress from the same show who quit or got fired depending on who you ask. They considered themselves wild and rebels so would hook up now and again. Anyway, the C lister apparently got a text from the most famous actress on the show wanting to meet up for dinner. Funny considering they had not spoken in well over a year and the star had no use for the C lister before. It turns out though that our star's A list mostly movie actor husband saw an episode with the C lister and would not stop talking about her and ordered his wife to make it happen. Hence the dinner and the very very awkward invitation. One week later it went down, but mostly between the C lister and the A lister. The wife was pushed to the side.


  1. In the order they are listed in the blind:
    Gossip Girl for the show
    Taylor Momsen as the c-lister
    Jessica Szohr for the one that was fired or quit
    Blake Lively for the famous costar
    Ryan Reynolds for A list hubs

  2. Taylor Momson, Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds

  3. Jennifer Garner & B. Coop?

    Jk, <3 Jen

  4. Who new Ryan was into the ladies.

  5. I've always been into the ladies. Didn't think I was lurking here did you? But I was, natch.


  6. Ewwww Taylor M looks like she would have the gift that keeps on giving amongst other things.

  7. I think it's Jessica Szohr as the c-list in the 3some, not taylor

  8. lol.

    can't picture this either. would be weird.

  9. Yeah but Ryan this makes me think you planted the blind to shore up (pun intended) your rep as a ladies man.

  10. +1 to Ryan. Not only for the wit, but for the use of "natch."

  11. I think didi67 is right: Jessica Szohr was definitely fired and Taylor Momsen "retired from acting" but others said she was fired. Very unclear.

    Taylor Momsen appeared the GG finale in the same room as the main characters whereas Jessica Szohr appeared by herself. I believe that it was filmed less than a year ago.

  12. Natch? Flashback to Tiger Beat in the 70's, oh yes, I've been reading gossip a LONG time.

  13. If that is the real Ryan, thank you for having those pics of Blake and ScarJo on your phone when it was hacked. They were...uh...helpful.

    1. @Count - Amen to that, brother.

  14. @Ryan - Did blake do up Ben nice during The Town filming?

  15. never heard that ryan was gay. (i'm always last to that party). i my mind, he and blake are JUST a 2-some. and they are going live happily ever after, with their kiddos, in wedded bliss. THE END.

  16. Ryan - what's the deal with Two Guys a Girl And A Pizza Place not being on DVD? You must know somebody at Fox Home Entertainment that can get this released? Oh sure - nudie photos of Blake L. can find their way to people's homes but that awesome show - nooooooooo.

  17. I agree that Taylor Momsen was the actress who quit/got fired and Jessica Szohr was the fired one in the threesome.

    Was she dating Ed Westwick during this?

  18. I'm more shocked that Szohr is still C-list and not down to D- than I am by the content of the blind.

    And Blake needs to get out of that marriage asap before she's too old to enjoy all of the perks of her youth that she so obviously loves.

  19. Stop trying to make 'natch' happen, guys.

  20. Maddie, I believe the word was that she was dating Westwick and cheated on him, so he kind of made it clear he wanted her gone.
    No idea if that's what happened, though

  21. As sexy as I find you, Ryan, I can't get over your relationship with Alanis. She's too awesome and weird and I can't compete with either.

  22. Though since there is no timeline..
    Could it be Doherty/Garth and Franciwhatshisname?

  23. Natch not so much, snatch, well then, natch.

  24. Agree, Jessica was the one in the 3some, not Taylor.

  25. I love when I get here late, and VIP already has them

  26. LMAO@ Natch!

    Why not stop lurking and use your fame to help Enty get 20K followers on Twitter.

    Hell... if Ryan can find 20K people that actually sat through the entire Green Lantern movie I'll no longer question your sexuality...PUBLICLY

  27. I sat through Green Lantern because a)my hubby is a frickin nerd and held the popcorn hostage and b) Ryan looked super hot in his underwear. I think I saw his natch. Wait...that's not what that word means is it?

  28. So why does nobody ever ask me questions like I'm Khloe Kardashian? :)

  29. Jenn, ditto. Ryan. Get it son. Oh and you're delish.

  30. Bahaha, @Libby!

  31. Ok, the "natch" thing makes me think our @Ryan is Ted Casablanca, getting his jollies while he's bored and out of work... ;)

  32. I thought of Michelle Trachtenberg as one of the fired actresses.

  33. Trachtenberg wasn't fired - she was on the show until the end.

  34. "Natch" was popular back in the 1930's and 40's. You can hear it used in old black and white movies. Funny if people are trying to bring it back again.
