Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 5, 2012

Usually, I say this at the end of the blind item, but want to put it front and center that this one will be revealed.

I don't have any first hand knowledge of some of the abuse that went on in the early days of rock. Was Ike Turner the worst abuser of women in music? Maybe, but I think the person I am going to tell you about right now is way worse. I don't know of any woman who has ever gone out with him longer than a few dates who has not been physically or verbally abused. Hell, you don't even have to go on a date with him to beat you. Just refuse him something like sex even if it is right after you meet and he might beat you. The thing is most women stay with him anyway. Must be for his name and his former fame. Oh he was big. He was A list for sure. Now? Not so much, but he has that A list name. From the time he was young he would abuse women. He would yell and hit. Punching and breaking bones was no big deal for this guy. if you angered him, your body was in jeopardy. As I said before, most of the women he beats just put up with it as long as they can hoping he will change. They do it because they think they can change him or that he will change or that he didn't mean it. They stay because he buys them crazy expensive gifts all the time and some have felt it was the price they needed to pay to stay. They all end up leaving though, but none have called the police. At this point he does not even bother to try and date anyone without having them sign a confidentiality agreement. This way no matter what happens to them they can't speak about it. he has learned his lessons in that regard. It is not like the current women don't know what happened in the past. They have. They know that they face a chance of a beating that that will make Rihanna's a cake walk, yet they keep coming.

Axl Rose


  1. It's a shame what women will put up with to be close to fame. He needs a good beat down. His jacked up face still gets laid ? Sad.

  2. Chris Brown's role model, obviously.

  3. Wow...that's shocking. How disgusting. I hope he runs into a man his own size who gives him what he deserves

  4. Guns & Roses was MY BAND. I will always blame Axl and his problems/issues for taking away MY BAND. He is free to not want to play with anyone or everyone for that matter....but I hope he burns in HELL for stopping G&R in its much more beautiful music may have come...

    As for the women- I am sorry he has such awful issues- but the word is out, if anyone hooks up with him, they ought not be suprised....I wonder just what happened in his own childhood- sexual abuse?

    I still pray he will one day come to his senses, drop to his knees in front of all his old bandmates- beg for forgiveness and ROCK ON!

    1. They only made one great album. That Use Your Illusion shit was overbloated and overhyped as Beyonce.
      One album got those fools into the HOF!!!!??????

    2. Some people have no emotions beyond hate, fear, frustration and rage. Their brain is not capable of anything else. Nothing to do with upbringing or childhood abuse.

  5. Rose has said in previously interviews of being abused as a child and having temperamental relationships .
    Nothing new here .

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I have to say, my theories with these kind of guys are either they have tiny penises or are gay, or could have been abused themselves. Not that I'm making an excuse for this total piece of shit, just because you used to have a great rock voice doesn't mean, well it doesn't mean anything to me, if this is how he treats women. what's next? kicking puppies? molesting children? It doesn't get much worse than beating the crap out of women. If I had the chance to meet him, I would turn away. The old me would want to confront him and tell him what I think of him, but with guys like that, it's best to walk away, and not engage.

    1. I don't think he has a great rock voice at all!

    2. I second thar Ellen. He's so easily replaceable IMO.

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Repulsive and abhorrent scum. Glad no one pays any attention to him any longer

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    no car, house, jewelry is worth your self respect, self esteem, physical safety. Nothing is.

  9. I've always hated him, ever since he wore that aids kills fags dead t-shirt. He is disgusting. lol those bicycle shorts? November Rain was our grade 7 staple for school dances though.

    1. Wrong dude, that was Sebastian Bach from Skid Row

  10. How exactly would a confidentiality agreement stop someone from reporting a crime?

  11. None never called the police? Signed confidentiality agreements?
    These women weren't abused, just compen$ated well for putting up with a rich man's shit. A lotta women will take anything from a man as long as the check never bounces.

    1. @just curious Exibit A: Lindsay Lohan (alledgedly)

  12. I am almost more disgusted by the women that perpetuate this abuse by hooking up with this creep. As a woman I can only ask what in the world could be so important to stay?

  13. Of course it was "going to be revealed" as it is a compilation of previously published articles and radio interviews.

  14. Ike turner , the worse abuser in music????? The Entity must be white with selective memory:
    John Lennon
    Brian jones
    Robert plant
    John bonham
    Keith moon
    Tommy lee
    Sid Vicious
    Rick Springfield ...... I ain't lying

    How do you judge someone as being a worse the number of people they beat or the degree of harm?

    1. Rick Allen, the one-armed drummer from Def Leppard. You don't fuck with the crippled.

  15. I've never heard anything good about him and he should have never been A list in the first place. There are so many great metal singers and he is not one of them. As for his abusive behavior, I hope someone gets brave and files charges one day.

  16. I think even I got this one, and I suck at guessing blinds!

    Appetite remains one of my favourite albums of all time, and I actually liked parts of Use Your Illusion I&II...there were some good tunes on there.

  17. No shocker here! This stuff was reported when I was in high school, circa 1988.

    As for John Lennon, Yoko Ono has covered all that up and turned him into a saint. If you believe the crap she spews, Lennon was a virgin before he met her and sat in gardens contemplating life. She seriously is trying to turn Lennon into a version of Buddha or Ghandi, at least. No wonder Paul and Ringo hate her.

    1. @ Henriette @ just curious: I had no idea that Lennon was an abuser. Sitting here shocked. I guess Yoko is more cunning than I give her credit for. I guess it behooved her to paint him as a saint and make money off him than to expose him for who he truly was.

    2. These widows or vampires depend on this dead icons to make a living. It's their life's blood.

      Rita Marley.....Rita gave an interview back in the 80s saying Bob went to town on her a couple of times and that he had multiple kids by various women because he didn't want to put her body through that physical burden.
      She later recanted her story.

  18. If they knew what they were getting into, then I have no sympathy for them. Any broads that didn't know ahead of time, should have gone to the cops.

    Those confidentiality agreements aren't going to hold up if laws are being broken. Of course they could be hooker contracts w/ a confidentiality clause, in which case maybe the broads keep quiet so they aren't exposed as escorts.

  19. Always wondered how John Lennon was never spoken about when it came to abuse! quess people forgot!!!

    I think most persons guessed axl rose, and there are even worse than him out there in the movie business but there names are not called, such is life

  20. @just curious: You forgot Joe Jackson, he kept knocking his wife up so he'd have fresh meat to beat.

    Also, drummers get a pass. They live on the edge.

    1. Who is Joe Jackson? That white dude who did "steppin out" ???

    2. Drummers get an pass,because they beat shit for a living so its ' a natural progression???

    3. @just curious - maybe Joe Jackson the patriarch of the Jackson family?

    4. Never heard of Joe beating Katherine....cheating ? Yes.
      I really think the abuse shit got overblown . If you got 10 kids and 6 are BOYS, you're gonna need a firm hand and some physical discipline.
      Black men are generally hard on their sons because they know the world will be hard on then.

  21. @Henriette, agreed about Lennon.

    I'm a Guns fan from way back and have really enjoyed following Slash and Duff through their careers. Both of them are now in long-term marriages and have what look like reasonably well-brought-up children.

    Axl has....what? A mediocre band comprised of a revolving door of back-up players and...whom? So karma has already caught up with him in some form. Granted, he has also struggled with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses, but that doesn't excuse violence, even if it might help to explain it.

    Steven Adler and Izzy were the real unsung heroes of that band. Steven was kicked out after "Appetite for Destruction", and afterwards the band's sound became less punky and dirty and more ponderous and pretentious. And Izzy, who left not long after, was the glue that held it all together.

  22. Axl like Mel is now as ugly on the outside as the inside. It catches up to you.

    Both Erin Everly and Stephanie Seymour both sued Axl for abuse. But he never was arrested for domestic abuse.

  23. Axl always gave me the feeling that he was a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome, he has the face of a baby born to an alcoholic mother. Well his old face. And that causes all sorts of problems in your life thereafter especially if you don't get the help and therapy you need which I am sure he never has.

    I remember reading a biography for the band INXS they were touring with Guns n Roses on one short leg of the tour. The guys from INXS who are from Australia had been on tour for 18 months and away from home for at least a year and Axl complained to them that he was exhausted after a few weeks of touring. They were not impressed.

  24. I need to get out more. This is the first time I'm reading about Lennon being an abuser.

    I had heard about Axl Rose being a creep many years ago from someone who was then on the management side of the business but they never hinted at this part of him.

  25. @just curious - and yet Grand Funk Railroad STILL haven't been inducted. :(

    I loved Axl Rose for about 5 minutes back in the day. He had charisma - "It". Too bad he is a woman beating, homophobic, arrogant, irredeemable asshole.

    1. Those -isms are what gave him the edge.

      Yep , I thought he was the biggest racist with "one in a million" but I read his interview and he was just expressing his fears based on real life experiences : mofos trying to sell you a gold chain that you don't want, a Good Samaritan trying to rape him or foreigners making him feel like an outsider when he goes into their stores.
      I have no problem with you being honest about racism and speaking with candor . It's the ones who point fingers at the old white dude with the rebel flag in his truck as a racist so as to distract from their subtle racism I have an issue with.

    2. Hall n' Oates, no HOF either.
      They still play "One on One" on urban stations. Darryl could dance too ..... In a style completely HIS own. But I like that guy.

    3. @just curious I agree with you on this one. I was a HUGE fan of G'nR, particularly of Axl, but the sheen was wearing thin for me. I know what article/interview you're talking about. And yes, better to be honest than hide.

      But that doesn't/didn't give him a free pass to continue his racist views.

      What it DID do was open my eyes & realize what a stupid fuck I was for being so enamored. I was old enough to know better.

    4. Remember, the Gunners popped near the end of hair metal and before Grunge.....89-91 crevice. They looked like hair metal but their sound was totally different.
      I believed there were no ballads on "Appetire"
      It was stripped down rock or heavy metal for some who grouped it as such.
      As I said, they don't have the catalog to get into the HOF.
      As much as I like Slash,how did he get the tag as a great guitarist just from one album????

    5. @just curious I swear I'm not being a smartass with you. But have you listened to Slash's band Velvet Revolver? When Scott Weiland was lead singer? Pretty damn awesome...IF you like that kind of music. Not trying to sell you on Slash at all.

      I figure there's always going to be someone else coming along as I'm sure you'll agree. Clapton, Beck, Richards,, are getting up there. Jimi died too soon. (As a kid, I always argued Jimi was better than Eric. Now I appreciate their different styles.) Slash & others are just continuing on.

      I guess I count myself very, very fortunate that my dad embraced all music given most men his age didn't like "the devil's music." I grew up with big band, blues, rock, country, soul & much more. Sam Cooke could bring tears to my dad's eyes.

      I've even grown to appreciate hip hop because that's what he taught me. Music is ever-evolving & I know you know that. ;-)

      I will confess that I got some strange ass looks from the other kids when I'd talk about Robert Johnson & they'd be talking about Eric Clapton. Funny how that worked out. Clapton's awesome documentary on Johnson some 40+ years later. Who knew?

      I apologize for rambling. I forgot where I was going with this. I got engulfed in good memories & I'm missing my dad very much today. I'm gonna take a break now & go listen to music. :-)

    6. Yes, I bought the 1st VR album, if was descent. I expected better because of the Gunners/STP hybrid.....the same with Audioslave. If you're gonna have supergroups, they need to be better than their previous bands.

      If Slash is your guy, so be it.

  26. @Aoife
    John Lennon abused his first wife, Yoko, and his mistresses. It was well-known before he died.

    Jackson Brown abused Daryl Hannah and got into it with JFK jr over her. Doesn't anyone remember all the press about that back in the late 80s? I do.

    1. @Henrietta...

      I remember when Jackson Browne beat her really badly one time when they were in LA and she called JFK who flew from New York to get her and bring her home with him. I remember the pjctipictures from the airport and her bruised face. If I remember, JB tied her up before beating the shit out of her.

      As a side note, Daryl remained friends with John and the rest of the Kennedys and was particularly close to Jackie. Daryl visited Jackie's bedside in her final couple of days to say her goodbyes.

    2. I remember it well. Plus, I find it sad when so many abusers are forgiven, or its overlooked, because they have a fake nice guy personality, but people hate that ass boil Chris Brown because he doesn't hide his a$$holishness. I loathe Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, etc., just as much, personally. In some ways,more, given their age.

    3. I think either me or someone else dropped Lennon's name before on a Chris Brown thread on a list of white boys beating. But as usual, whitefolks see a black man doing shit makes them blind to everyone else .

  27. Hey glad Lennon owned up to it. Still upsetting to hear. I was completely unaware of this part of him.

  28. I too am shocked about Lennon, I had no idea at all.
    Axl Rose, not so much of a surprise.

  29. I also did not know that about Lennon. I do remember Daryl Hannah and Jackson Brown though.

  30. @just curious: Really? You think Joe Jackson was beating all the kids, but was tender and loving to his wife? I didn't know Kool-Aid came in Denial flavor. (Jim Jones joke, not racist).

    1. As I said : I never heard anything about joe beating his wife. Never heard of Joe beating Janet either . I think the boys were disciplined.

      There's a cultural difference : what blackfolks call "discipline" aka "beating " , whitefolks call ABUSE!!
      Kinda like whitefolks still don't know the difference between THICK and FAT

    2. I never took the Kool-Aid joke as racist .
      Jim Jones presented himself as a Christlike to a bunch of folk who look nothing like him and for his own benefit..... Kinda like the Penns,Jolies and Madonnas of the world .

  31. Rick Astley was famous for Rickrolling the women in his life.

    1. @lazyday LOL! Comment of the day.

  32. @Nutty Did you read Slash's autobiography? It gave great insight on Steven Adler's childhood. It also made me very sympathetic towards Izzy. Izzy would come & go. He was trying to remain sober, but when it got too crazy, he'd leave again.

  33. Thank you for posting that @Pugglewug.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who is shocked about Lennon.

  34. How is this a BI? Stephanie Seymore has openly talked about the abuse and she DID call the police a few times.

    1. All of this was on record . Every bit of it.

      Enty, you must really hate people of color to be trolling so hard for hits on racial divisiveness. Get new shtick. The new Himmmm persona gets a d so far. Too transparent.

    2. Rose and Seymour played up their drama in the videos (don't cry,November rain). It added to Rose's persona.

      People like their rock stars fucked up.folks said STP didn't get any street cred until Weiland started getting busted for drugs.

      He's another wife beater .

  35. "You kids don't know Grand Funk? The wild shirtless lyrics of Mark Farner? The bong-rattling bass of Mel Schacher? The competent drumwork of Don Brewer? Oh, man!"

  36. @Just Curious: "what blackfolks call "discipline" aka "beating " , whitefolks call ABUSE!!"

    Thank you for explaining one of the problems in their community.

    1. Blackfolks like to say the reason white kids shoot up their schools is because their parents don't beat their asses. You'll see them in the malls talking back to their parents. Whitefolks try to be a friend to their kids instead of a parent,treat their kids as an equal.

  37. "As much as I like Slash,how did he get the tag as a great guitarist just from one album???? "

    "There must have been some magic in that old (top) hat they found.

    For when they placed it on his head, he began to dance around."

    1. Oh, Count, you're on a roll. The children must've placed that magic hat on u today...

  38. Seeing some of the comments here make it no wonder why douchebags like this and others get away with this mess.

    It sucks when people look the other way but even worse when people do stop and look but not to help only to condemn.

  39. Didn't some of Rose's ex-girlfriends and groupies laugh later about how small his penis was?

  40. For what its worth i am not sure i believed jackson browne did beat Darryl, ms hannah is a very strange person and am not sure i believe her story, heard whispers long ago that she mental

    1. Didn't she have a prosthetic finger or something?

  41. Napoleon Complex at its most severe. He's like 5 foot tall, I can see him feeling like a big man punching a woman. His fights w/ Stephanie Seymour were epic. Suprised she's alive.

    1. Prolly something to do with it. Ike and James Brown were known abusers, both men were short in stature as well.
      Small mofos always have something to prove.0

  42. Lola - that's not the way I remember the JFK Jr./Darryl Hannah/Jackie O story. The way I heard it, JFK Jr. was crazy about Darryl Hannah but Jackie was having none of it - thought she was not good enough for him and would never have let him wind up with an actress.

    1. jackie o intensely disliked hannah.

  43. I thought you were saying bald English singer Joe Jackson was a wife beater. I'm glad it was a different Joe Jackson.

  44. @Hannah Banana: That is what I thought, but when I asked the Google, it told me he is 5'9.

  45. I have never heard that Robert Plant was abusive...there's the drunken groupie escapades of the past but I don't think anyone was being forced to do anything they didn't want to. If someone else knows differently let me know!

    1. Plant and Bonzo attacked a writer from Life magazine in their dressing room, ripping her get clothes and shit.
      Plant never denied the story . There are countless Bonzo stories where his own bodyguards had to restrain him from attacking women, a particular flight stewardess comes to mind right now.

  46. I guess no one bothers to hit Axl back.

    Once upon a time in the late 80s, I met the disgustingly smart Slash in an online game called Trade Wars. I didn't know it was Slash until we agreed to meet for dinner before the GnR concert at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, CA (about 30 miles south of San Francisco). Fast forward a few hours, through dinner, and the show. Axl grabbed me by the wrist, and tried to drag me behind him, I'm not sure to where..but I was not going. After I yanked my arm back, he grabbed hold of my hair, and made a fist. I was (and still am) a paramedic in some ugly urban decay, and this was not the type of person I found scary. Two can play the hair grab game, and his head found a wall...several times. We. Do. Not. Hit. Girls. I walked away and he didn't make so much as eye contact with me the rest of the night. While I do not generally advocate retaliating against an abuser, I'm not against it either-especially when he's an entitled little pussy like THAT guy.


  47. lol @ Kim , that is the type of shit that should be taped and leaked lol

  48. This was never a secret; he was making excuses after his marriage broke up, after he attacked a neighbor, after Stephanie Seymor left him...

  49. Why does anyone engage this "just curious" poster? The hate and ignorance s/he constantly spews is reprehensible.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. While somewhat agreeing with you, I think many of his comments today were valid. Which I feel resulted in more engagement than usual.

    3. What's hateful and ignorant about my comments??? I've read some real hateful and ignorant shit on this board , none of it was by me .

  50. I am NOT a John Lennon fan. I like the Beatles, but I found John to be a HUGE hypocrite. Yoko Ono has been white washing Lennon since he died. If you want to know more about Lennon, read May Pang's book with pictures. Pang was hired, yes I wrote "hired," by Yoko to his mistress after she kicked him out. Lennon was the ultimate guy who didn't walk his talk.

  51. Don't forget David Soul as a beater. He's got a major record for it. He was the ultimate Hollywood wife beater.

    Jackson Brown disputes the story about him beating Daryl Hannah. A lot of people think she made it up out of spite, but his wife did commit suicide over beating rumors. Jackson Brown has never been able to live it down.

    Jackie O hated Daryl Hannah if the rumors are true.

    1. David Soul....from Starsky/Hutch????? GTFO!!!!!

  52. Oh Jackson Brown is also fight the TBS movie about JFK jr that portrays him as a beater.

    The LA cops never arrested him, but they never did much to OJ either when he was beating his wives.

    1. Because the cops didn't care. The only time you ever heard about oj beating Nicole was in Jet magazine. Whitefolks didn't care. Her sister,Denise, who goes around with her the country getting paid to talk about her sister's abuse but doesn't tell the number of times oj kept life all Gucci for her and the whole Brown family.
      As I said earlier, a lotta women will put up with anything from a man just as long as the high standard of living that they grew accustomed to is maintained.

  53. A friend of mine was a graphic designer for the Victoria's Secret catalog back in the 90s. He said that it took days to remove all the bruises from Stephanie Seymour's body.

  54. Common knowledge;,,20103471,00.html

  55. @Cornflowerbuzz Yes, I did read the Slash autobiography, as well as the Duff autobiography and the Steven Adler autobiography. I assume Axl will come out with one of his own book one of these days....delayed as usual. :=) Izzy will probably not choose to maintain his privacy and not write a book, although it would probably be a good one if he did.

    In the books from Slash, Duff, and Adler, there are descriptions of Axl being highly unkind to women.

    But there are also some passages about Axl being a loving and reliable friend.

    Duff and Steven Adler tell entirely separate stories of times in their lives when they ended up in the hospital because of drug abuse, and Axl was the only person who visited.

    As the band's only non-addict, he also did everything he could to get them into rehab.

  56. I could never figure out how the hell was Rosé able to get the other band members to sign the band name solely to him?????!!!!!!!

  57. yes... 'november rain' was THE song to dance to with your date at my 7th grade dances as well. lol. so glad that time of my life is over

    i am in no way defending axl rose.. everyone must be accountable for their actions. however, it makes me wonder about what he was exposed to as a child. here is my theory: he was the victim of abuse, and possibly sexual assault by a male (hence, having such a hatred for homosexuals and wanting them to die?). and the hitting... it seems to me to be a "juvenile" reaction.. hitting/lashing out when things aren't going his way, because he doesn't know any better way to respond.. as if, mentally, he has the emotional maturity of a child.

    again, no way am i defending him. just speculating as to why he turned out this way.

  58. David Soul was so bad, he moved to England. He was arrested back when it was unheard of celebs beating their wives. The rumor was, his only song, "Don't Give Up On Us," was about his second wife's beating and making-up. She pressed charges and still back with him, later to divorce him. He would go on to beat a few more wives and girlfriends.

    Oh and let us not forget the rumors that dogged Bruce Springsteen with his first wife, Julianne Phillips. Dumping her because she couldn't have kids. Springsteen is another celeb who gets played up as being some New Jersey saint.

    1. Springsteen was photographed on the balcony in his underwear with Patti while still married to Julianne Phillips.

  59. Yeah, Springsteen's people planted rumors that Phillips chose her career over Springsteen to make himself look better, but he's cheating on his current wife too. Funny, how Phillips hasn't done anything since.

    Springsteen's newest biographer had his nose all the way up Springsteen's ass. Springsteen could run down nuns and orphans and his fans would still excuse his behavior. That must be nice.

  60. @Just Curious During the "Illusion" tour, Axl was often extremely late to shows, to the extent that fans came close to rioting. Before one show, he presented Slash and Duff - the only two original members left at that point - with a document that would give him full control of the band name. Both Slash and Duff were deep into their addictions at the time - heroin and alcohol, respectively - and according to the account in their biographies, they both say they had the impression that Axl would refuse to go onstage that evening if they did not sign the document. The crowd was already chanting and close to turning violent because the band was so late, and they signed.

  61. " just curious said...
    As I said : I never heard anything about joe beating his wife. Never heard of Joe beating Janet either . I think the boys were disciplined.

    There's a cultural difference : what blackfolks call "discipline" aka "beating " , whitefolks call ABUSE!!
    Kinda like whitefolks still don't know the difference between THICK and FAT"

    There is no such thing as "Thick". fat is fat. White's have it right. Ditto for abuse. beating oyu children is child abuse. Blacks need to learn how to properly discipline their children with o ut beating them half to death. Fear is not a tool to be used instead of actual parenting.

    As for Joe Jackson. He beat his wife. Only an abused woman would allow a man to bring home his bastard from another woman to raise.

    The girls were sexually abused by Joe Jackson and hte boys were physically abused. Michael Jackson was physically abused and pimped out to business man. read Jermaine's book, while you're at it read Latoya's book too.

    Joe Jackson was a monster... like many other parents of child satrs wh o either looked the other way as their children were being raped and abused... or who raped and abused their own children themselves.

  62. " just curious said...
    Blackfolks like to say the reason white kids shoot up their schools is because their parents don't beat their asses. You'll see them in the malls talking back to their parents. Whitefolks try to be a friend to their kids instead of a parent,treat their kids as an equal."

    So therefore, beating is parenting? Really, I'm black and that shit pisses me off. Ignorance is NOT bliss.

    Based on your logic that violence in the home = parenting.... when those same black kids kill each other inthe streets for any slight... real or imagined... how is that explained. Violence begats violence... or were the parents not violent enough? You know, their parents did beat the desire to harm another human being out of them.

  63. MsPinkKitty is winnin the internets so far today. Good job, lady.
