Saturday, April 13, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

July 2, 2012

I sure hope this new relationship is an open relationship. This former A list actor who is A list in theory only and has the talent of a D lister has been dating this B list movie and television actress who is in a very big hit movie. Anyway, our actor has been telling the actress that he has changed his cheating ways and can commit. The problem is he just has not decide who to commit to. He doesn't consider it a lie, because he knows he can commit. Just needs time with each person he is seeing to decide what feels best. It would be nice though if he actually told everyone involved about all the others.

Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis (For his part, it does look like things have changed from the first part of the relationship almost a year ago)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank u. That is all.....lmao!!!!

    2. My 8th grade cheerleading squad did a dance routine to this song. Blondes vs brunettes style. Seems kind of inappropriate thinking about it now. We also did Janet Jackson's "If" that year. Wildly inappropriate.

      Wow. Off topic.

    3. @VIP OMG u just brought back a ton of memories with that song. My best friend had with this awesome sound system and we used to cruise around when we were teenagers blasting this song . Not that we ever actually took anyone's bf but we thought we were soooo cool (haha thanks for the laugh and memory).

  2. Scumbag should keep it in his drawers

  3. That's nothing out of the ordinary. I dated other people the first five months my guy and I were together - its when I realized those other people meant nothing I decided to commit .. So yawn on this one.. Next!

  4. I just read they're moving to London.

  5. So, is he now committed to Mila? Is that what I'm reading here?

  6. Water is wet...Ashton is a douche, next....

  7. Haha thanks for the link VIP! My 8 year old and I were dancing around the living room shaking our booties .. Too fun!!

  8. Even before the cheating stuff he was a juvenile douchebag. I like her and wonder if she's just overwhelmed with the fame game. She and MC seemed happy until he got too druggy. She's a big nerd at heart.

  9. A repeated serial cheater is not ever going to commit, period. They may say they want it, may even get married, but sooner or later the allure of strange wins out.

  10. I like Mila, and the fact that she is by far the better actor in this relationship also bodes ill for the couple.
    She could and should do so much better. You should be proud of your significant other and I don't see how she can be with this guy.

  11. Anna nailed it. A leopard diesnt change hus spots.

    1. And i cant type, lol. Leopard doesnt change his spots.

  12. Demi Moore just did a celebratory whip-it.

  13. Hahahahaha! Yes, ethorne

  14. What is the very big hit movie Mila was in? Black Swan?

    Trying to decipher the clues once they are reveled is good for future reference.

  15. What about Forgetting Sarah Marshall? That was a pretty big movie, right?

  16. I think he's talking about Black Swan, because he used present tense. It was more recent than Sarah Marshall.

  17. Ted is more recent than Black Swan.

  18. Ashton is like the Warren Beatty of his generation.

  19. Meh. Mila has known Ashton for a long time. She knew what she was getting into. And as Alicia (hey, that's my daughter's name too!) said, sometimes you date around for a while. No biggie.

  20. I just want to know how someone is A list in theory??? Does this mean my dog can be A list?

    1. Well, Mila should be A list with her talent and films, but she's still not able to open a movie solo, doesn't have the accolades. Asston is A list tv and name recognition, thanks to Demi. Personally, I'd prefer seeing your dog!

  21. @di Butler, thanks! Here's Sophie the Wonder dog begging for more treats. Wonder if I should send it to!

  22. Seriously? Why are people surprised? He's a player and a cheater...and always will be. He's diseased. I don't pity anyone who dates this creep. They're asking for it.
