Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dina Eastwood Checks In To Rehab

Clint Eastwood is probably having to take care of his youngest daughter Morgan for awhile because her mom has entered rehab. Dina Eastwood says it is for anxiety and depression, but that is celebrity speak for you are going to find out I am in rehab so I need to come up with something that sounds plausible but no one actually ever goes to rehab for. Have you ever known anyone who is going to drop $1000 a day to go to rehab for anxiety and depression? When you go to the group meetings and everyone is admitting they are an alcoholic or drug addict, do you just say you are none of those and are there because you are anxious? Dina can say to the press what she wants. It is her life and I have said that it is always up to people whether they feel like sharing what their medical conditions are because if she thinks it will help her to get better by saying she is being treated for anxiety and depression, then by all means just keep saying it.


  1. Why lie? How about don't issue a statement, and when someone asks you or your family, tell them it's none of their damn business. Medical treatment should be private. Aren't these rehab facilities held to the same HIPPA privacy laws as hospitals? How would people find out she was there if she didn't tell them?

  2. Anxiety and depression usually means pill addiction.

  3. Can't be easy living with Clint...

    1. Hell,he's an old man is supposed to be easy for him but he has to go through this shit with a grown ass woman over 40.
      Eastwood must have threaten to live her ass if she didn't get help.

      Piece of mind is better than a piece of pussy anyday.

  4. Why does everyone feel a need to release a statement? Go away quietly, and no one will be the wiser.

    It's not like she has a movie that she has to do press for.

  5. I'm guessing that it's either pills or a stunt to boost the ratings of her show.

  6. Too bad they don't have rehab for famewhoring. Because anyone who releases a lie of a presser for rehab surely needs it.

  7. She is in the rehab facility that is named after Clint. He donates to it on a regular basis.

  8. I hope that Clint has a chair around to talk to in her absence.

    1. Karen he talked to the recliner for 3 days before the kids told him it wasn't Dina.

  9. Well, technically she's probably not lying. Depression goes hand in hand with addiction. You can be depressed and not be an addict, but find me an addict that doesn't have depression issues. So TECHNICALLY she could be treated for her depression as a part of her addiction treatment.

    @surfer - she'll probably try to parlay it into a book deal and talk shows, I'm guessing. Hence the statement.

    1. Very true. But as someone who's currently in out-patient rehab, if she said she was just depressed she'd be laughed at.

  10. Lol Karen. I'd rather have a conversation with a chair over Dina any day of the week. She and Clint are such an odd couple anyway.

  11. She's depressed and anxious about his estate and her diminishing slice of it.

  12. Good point, Amber. I miss the old days of discretion.

  13. Why is this news? She isn't a celebrity. I doubt this would've made magazine covers if she kept quiet about it anyways. She's just a wife of a celebrity. It's sorta insulting that people with drug issues claim they are in rehab for "anxiety". I've dealt with anxiety since the age of 12, I went to a shrink for it, not a rehab. Dina is an asshat.

  14. It's not necessarily a lie. I went to rehab because I "self medicated" my depression and anxiety with lots of alcohol. Granted, it took a failed suicide attempt for me to end up there but, as of June 29th, I'll have 7 years sober. As much as Dina annoys me, I wish her well.

    1. Congratulations - it is a tough road and you are finding out how strong you are.

    2. @StewMcG~Keep on keepin' on!

    3. Congrats to you! :)

  15. She looks like Dina Lohan in that picture, another Dina who needs rehab.

    btaim, I wish her the best, anxiety and depression suck.

  16. She's kind of a celebrity. She used to be a newscaster in Monterey, CA.

  17. She is anxious and depressed about the fact that her plan to show the world what a wonderful, smart, and caring person didn't go the way she thought it would. I wonder why people think that being on a reality show is going to make them look good. It rarely, if ever, turns out that way and you expose yourself to national ridicule. She should have just been happy that she struck gold and married a multi-millionaire and been happy with the celebrity and fame that that brought. The only surprising thing in this is that Clint let her do the show in the first place.

    1. Clint appearing on the show or even being associated with it is beneath someone of his status.

  18. @Henriette - if you are married to Clint Eastwood you are the queen of the Monterey peninsula- which is a very nice thing to be.

  19. You can file this news right under "no shit sherlock."

  20. Ok I don't know about rehabs but do they really have programs for people who are depressed, exhausted (another standard lie) or anxious? I thought rehab was only for people with drug, alcohol problems or other addictive problems like sex addiction.

  21. Long time reader, 1st time commenter: There is definitely rehab for depression. The facilities are totally separate from ones that deal with addiction. I'm battling major depression and I'm not addicted to any substance (I have 2 kids to care for). My shrink has told me the standard rehab for depression is 3 months, and since I have 2 young kids, I'm doing everything else possible. I also know a former CEO of a Fortune 500 company that has been in rehab for depression multiple times.

    1. @chaos, thanks for answering that for me, I really had no idea. I'm sorry to hear about your situation and as a mother of two myself I understand how hard it must be for you to be battling depression while also being a mother which is hard work but I'm sure you're stronger than you think and will overcome this. Best wishes and welcome to the CDAN comments :)

  22. One of my very best friends went to rehab for this exact thing. She had to stay for 60 days. There are many rehabs who have different specials and put the community in different groups for this type of thing.

  23. It's "Peace of mind"...just sayin'

  24. "Have you ever known anyone who is going to drop $1000 a day to go to rehab for anxiety and depression?"

    Um, yes? It's not really called "rehab" in that instance. It's more of a "mental health hospitalization."

    And Amber's right. SUD and mood and/or anxiety disorders are so comorbid.

  25. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I doubt Clint would allow any hard stuff. Judging from the messy pic, I'm going to say booze.

  26. She was a hot mess in that reality show. I hope the best for all of us who battle anxiety and depression. I treasure my good days.

  27. Anonymous10:34 AM

    i think im depressed or anxious
    ive been self medicating with evening primrose oil thinking its just bad PMS..but i dont know.. going away for 60 days DOES sound like heaven, for some peace
    the rich have the best depression

  28. @Chaos: Take care of yourself and I hope you do indeed feel better. Your children will love you for it. I know it must be hard for you so I am sending you a hug. Hang in there sweetie.

    Gypsy had it right. Yeah Dina was a newscaster and she still wants to be in the spotlight, hence her reality show. And if she truly needs help I hope she gets it but if it's a bid for publicity then she's doing a disservice to everyone who takes depression and anxiety seriously and who really need the help.

  29. Thanks for the love - everyone on this site provides the few minutes of escapism that I need each day. If she really is going away for depression- I can see why they'd call it rehab instead of what? The looney bin? The asylum? And if its not, shame on her for making light of battling brain chemistry.

  30. Clint Eastwood really doesn't like stable women at all, does he?

  31. nudibelle, I agree, going away to a $1000/day facility for 60 days would definitely help. But then the world is still there when you get back. That's when the work starts.
    Good luck with your woes. :)
