Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Caught

A tarp flapping in the wind is what finally brought the capture of Boston Marathon suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was arrested by police last night. A Watertwon resident noticed that the tarp to his boat was flapping in the wind. He sent his stepson out to investigate who said he saw blood on the tarp. He looked inside the boat and there was blood everywhere and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who had eluded police most of the day after running over his brother earlier that morning. His brother is dead and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is listed in serious condition.


  1. I'm happy they caught him alive. Hopefully we get some answers now.

  2. Glad he wasn't black.

    1. I'll bite, why?

    2. just curious, he was as black as you . Get a new schtick.

  3. I'm of two minds about capturing him alive. Of course, getting him alive means we can get information about other conspirators, sleeper cells, etc, but if he had been killed, there would be some closure, and we'd be spared the years of motions, trials, etc that are coming up.

    Either way, congrats to all law enforcement involved - they did a fantastic job!

  4. has an interesting article comparing the brothers to the Columbine killers - one dominant, malevolent leader, one depressed, submissive follower.

    The younger brother may have had a lot of friends, but he was also supposedly stoned a lot and flunking out of college.

  5. I was stunned when I heard that the boat owner had actually gone up to the boat and lifted the tarp before he called 911. That guy is lucky to be alive...

  6. The FBI had the brother in their sights...and now the GOP will blame this on President Obama...just watch and see...

    1. Yes, perhaps they learned that from the folks who blamed 9-11 on George Bush.

      So disgusting when people try to score cheap political points off a national tragedy.

    2. Yep, pitiful, pathetic & almost laughable in the breathtaking stupidity of some.

  7. Did anyone else watch CNN all day yesterday? Those Russian Uncles were amazing!!!! Some much-needed comic relief in a very tense day. Love that one of them found out it was his nephew when he went to AOL! Who still uses LOL?!

    1. Typo, and it stays!

    2. LOL! Er, I mean AOL! I was waiting for one of them to whip out a Zack Morris cell phone.

    3. @vip omg yes! from like 6 am until probably 11 pm i had cnn on all day!

    4. *raising hand* I'm the only one in the family that can always be found (via email) because I've had the same address for 15 years. *g* (Which makes the idiot popping up on Mom's facebook saying they don't know how to contact me ludicrous.)

  8. So happy that he's been caught. Still continuing to send prayers and love to those in Boston and surrounding areas.

    What scares me the most is that someone, somewhere actually looks up to these horrible men and wants to be just like them.

    @justcurious I refuse to believe that you are the person you portray yourself to be.

  9. Glad he was caught alive. Maybe we will get answers. That boat owner is seriously lucky. I can't imagine seeing the worlds most wanted man in my backyard.

  10. @Misch I could say the same thing about liberals blaming the GOP. But this is about two wayward brothers, and the destruction they caused for whatever reason. I'm not sure we will ever get a good enough why. The police, the citizens of Boston, they deserve the applause. They set politics aside to come together. They responded with such courage. There is a long road ahead for the survivors. They will be in my prayers.

    1. Its not even a close comparison to 9-11. There were a lot of hands and govts and corporations involved in 9-11. This was two misguided kids making horrible history.

    2. Its not even a close comparison to 9-11. There were a lot of hands and govts and corporations involved in 9-11. This was two misguided kids making horrible history.

    3. Please don't call them kids or use such a light term as "misguided"

    4. Anonymous6:33 PM

      I don't think the terms were used lightly or to belittle what's happened here or the evil of it but to say there is a big difference to an internationally funded, planned terrorist plan that would have taken years to plan and these two. Killing is killing and the evil is the same but the planning and ability to monitor and stop such things is very different in both cases.

    5. "Two misguided kids" can be used to describe an awful lot of things but NOT the Boston Bombings!

  11. After being under lockdown here in Boston all of yesterday; then having the lockdown lifted, and then the gunfire started right after that; and a very tense 2 hours praying for them to capture him. Our community is AMAZING

  12. I guess he was kind of ambivalent about his stepson? Who does that?! If I were the mom I would be sooo pissed.

  13. It seems he was on the quiet side and impressionable, looked up to his brother as somewhat of a parental figure, and was naively misguided by him. That is terribly unfortunate. I hope he eventually realizes what a monstrous mistake he's made.

  14. I'm glad they captured him alive as hopefully now he can say why they did the horrible things that they did. People deserve an explanation. Nothing will excuse the bombings, of course, but people want,and need, answers.

  15. Anonymous9:35 AM

    What a great ending to such a horrible, heartless, senseless tragedy. Thank goodness this didn't drag on for weeks and months with unanswered questions. They were al qaeda wannabe little shits. End of story.

  16. enty idk where you get your info from but i never read anywhere that the owner of the boat sent his stepson out to look under the tarp, everywhere i read said the boat owner himself looked under the tarp then ran to his neighbor and called 911.

    1. @Jennifer. The interview I read with the stepson said the same thing. He was nowhere near and frantically trying to get a hold of them. His sister had to call and tell him they were alright.

  17. I would've shit my pants if I was the owner of the boat.

  18. The Boston police certainly did their job. I was very impressed that they brought him in alive.

    I was so sad last night after everything went down. What the hell did these two people accomplish, but to senselessly destroy lives, including their own?

    I've decided I'm done with the word, "Terrorist", like I said yesterday. Everyone who plans mass murder like this has some sort of stupid cause or point they're trying to make. Try him like everyone else, and if he's found guilty, give him the same sentence as anyone else would get. To handle people like this differently is only sending a message that people who kill for a cause are somehow special. They aren't. They're just criminals, period.

    That being said, what a fucking waste of too many lives filled with potential.

    1. +1 MadLyb - though at the end of the day I think they could all be deemed terrorists (mass murderers, etc), because that is what they all are.

      I know if he is tried federally, he will be subject to the death penalty (not the case if tried at state level) which in this case I feel is appropriate.

    2. V- i'd rather hv him rot in a cell for the rest of his life, slowly going mad from being in max security lockup.

    3. @auntliddy - I guess that works too. He'll probably be locked up in the supermax facility in Florence, CO.

  19. @jennifer, me too.. something about him going outside to stretch his limbs and have a smoke after being cooped up all day, and noticing blood on the boat which led him to explore further.

  20. I'm taking into consideration that he'll need to be interrogated in order to assure that he and his brother weren't part of some larger operation, but don't elevate them to a status they nor any other human being who commits senseless atrocities deserves.

  21. @VIP - This was all going on in the town next to mine and I don't know what I would have done without the uncles cracking me up!! I'm half-Russian and, yes, my relatives are all Drama Queens too haha!

  22. The stepaon was on.CNN and said his step father was the one who looked in the boat. He hadn't even had a chance to talk to his parents much and was the house.... The people are older so the step son is not a child.

  23. Put him in the express lane for the death penalty.

  24. Please during all this, please don't forget the people of West, Texas. 14 confirmed dead, 60 people still missing. Any other time this would be the front page news. Please don't forget them.

    1. Misery cant and wont be forgotten. I cant even imagine pain from burns. Prayers to all.

  25. A legal analyst mentioned he could face both state and federal charges.. federal for throwing grenades at FBI agents during the car chase.

    Interesting tidbit that answered a question I had: Police said he went undetected by the massive manhunt because he had managed to get just one block outside the search perimeter.

  26. They don't have the death penalty in MA. They aren't going to read this guy the Miranda rights either.

  27. Yesterday, I was sure that this the strokes' boyband guy was a jihadist terrorist, but when I knew that he has taken alive, I changed my opinion. In addition to his preposterous family (some histrionic uncle and a crazier-than-Ashley-Judd aunt), he let himself alive, which is done almost never.

    1. Crazier than Ashley Judd aunt is hilarious

  28. Bottom line, I think this is another mad guy without treatment, the kind of those that the USA is apparently full of.

  29. I read a quote saying 99% of those missing in West, TX were found so I don't know if the "60 missing" is still true. Glad he was caught alive, hopefully he actually talks.

  30. Hopefully we can now get answers. I think this was not connected to any radical group but just these two boys.

    I heard that a FOF was at the finish line when the bombing happened but luckily escaped unharmed with her 9 yr old sun.

    Prayers to all the injured and still hospitalized. Boston did an AMAZING job. Plucky buncha people!

  31. Not how it went down folks NOT AT ALL. The woman of the house noticed a ladder out of place and called police who flew a chopper overhead and used heat tech to find the guy in the boat and moved in slowly accordingly until they took him.

  32. @iheartgoss - you're right - my bad. There are 200 injured however, not to mentioned homes and their place of work destroyed.

  33. the boat owner did not send his stepson out to see what was wrong. he himself went out in his yard when the lock down was lifted. he saw that one of the straps on the tarp had been cut. he saw blood and then got a ladder and lifted the tarp and saw a bloodied person curled up at the front of the boat.

    then he called the police and the rest is history. the guy's stepson was interviewed last night and gave the deets. the stepson lives in another town.

  34. Thanks annabella. Makes sense and has the ring of truth to it. What a lucky coincidence too.

  35. Oh my god, that aunt of theirs. I'm sorry, but she reminded me of Farrah Abrahams mother.

  36. Hey, Anna Nonymous, you never told us you were psychic! Can you help us all find answers about our lives as well? It's so great to have someone who has all the answers!

  37. I've been watching the news constantly, and reading different articles about this, but I still can't figure out how they know the two bombers killed the MIT officer...I have no doubt that they did, but, were they caught on tape or something? And, I keep reading conflicting reports that they were involved in the 7-11 robbery. And, how did the guy that had his car hijacked escape? So many questions....

    1. I heard a report saying that they were I'm the 7-11 at the time of the robbery, not involved, and the only reason they found out they were there at the time of the robbery was due to the footage of the robbery.

      I also heard they chose to let the guy they carjacked go, without issue. And I think the whole reason they even found the brothers Thursday was because of the MIT officer shot and killed.

  38. An amazing week. I was glued to the computer as were all of us I'm surd. I too am wondering if the younger one was persuaded and manipulated by the elder, who seemed to have become more and more jihadist. I read his wife changed and had started to wear traditional Muslim wear. But the younger seemed to be on the right track, until recently when he started flunking all his classes. His tweets after Monday are chilling.

    I'm glad he was taken alive, we all want answers and need to make sure they were acting alone.

    And yes, it's a shame that the Texas explosion, which seems to have been a result of ignoring safety regulations, is not getting more exposure. Altho I do understand why - the manhunt was dramatic and a terrorist act, with so many daily updates that it caught the imagination of the nation like an ultimate reality show. Now we can turn our attention back to corporate greed that outweighs the safety of workers and people.

    1. Ms- the texas explosion was accident and horrible but these two losers PURPOSELY left a bomb right behind a CHILD. No one can fathom this, no one sane that is.

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      What @auntliddy just said

  39. They let the carjack guy go. I don't know why. He must be thanking his lucky stars.

  40. Hurricane - it seems the 7/11 robbery was a completely different incident.

  41. CNN reporting today that they have caught the 2nd suspect.

  42. I don't know if these two committed this horrible act or not. I keep hearing so many different stories about what happened. Even the boat incident keeps changing. I can understand the video of them walking around the marathon but where is the video of them actually placing the bag down? Why can't we see that one? Anyway, I feel so terrible about those who lost their lives and those who were injured. It really is a tragedy.

    1. Shan, they do have that video, not everyone playing it. Also positive id by one of victims that this was guy who had backpack and later walked away without it. Cant get much more proof than that.

  43. WOO HOO Boston!!!! I'm so glad they caught him alive!

  44. Thank you Susan and everyone for thinking of West.
    I live about 20 miles south of West and this horrific accident has touched so many people though out Central Texas.

    A friend of the family lost 2 people who were first responders.

    One of my daughter's classmates is missing a family member, another classmate has a cousin who was a first responder,and missing, and another classmate who has some damage to their house.

    A girl who is friends with my middle child, and always over on the weekends was home in West and sadly lost her stepfather.

    A friend of a friend, they heard the sirens, wanted to go see, she stopped and said "let's get the dog too" and their house is gone.

    The scale is just so hard to imagine.

    Now for Boston.. YOU GUYS TOTALLY ROCK!!

    Please know Central Texas is praying for all of you too!

    1. Thank you for sharing, JoElla. I'm sending positive energy for all you mentioned and West at large x0x

  45. Yes, they do have video of the younger one putting down a bag in the spot where one of the blasts occurred. And one of the people whose legs were blown off saw him put down the bag and identified him.

    Just because it's been reported different ways in different places doesn't mean it's not true. This is not a news site - Enty made a mistake - but it is well documented elsewhere.

    I don't believe everything I read or hear, and I hate thinking that a kid the same age as my daughters did this, but the pieces of the puzzle are all there.

  46. Exactly Dianne. My son is 18, I feel the same way.

  47. I think the confusion about the boat owner is because initially almost while they were surrounding the house, the man's step son did some phone interviews--and told the story--and then as soon as possible the step dad was interviewed and he set it straight.

    I still don't totally understand the MIT circumstances--what they were doing there and why they shot the young policeman--initially I sort of thought it was connected to the 7/11 and I've read they didn't rob the store but early yesterday I saw film that I thought was of the younger guy wearing a hoodie that I thought they said was from the 7/11 store. I missed the initial confrontation with them and what led up to it --I was asleep and didn't wake up til about 3 and hear what was going on.

    I feel so sorry for that young cop's family--he was the same age as the older bomber and it sounds like he was a really great person.

    I just came from the hardware store and the guys told me they were selling US flags today--people were buying them to put on their houses. Same thing happened immediately after 9/11 here. Every house sported a flag suddenly. Our town is about 30 minutes from Watertown and the main intersection has a big light up sign that says "Boston Strong"---that they usually put up to notify us of road work that is being done, lol.

  48. Speaking of West, TX I hope they bring criminal charges against the owners of the factory/storage facility whatever the hell it was that blew up.

    I have no words for Boston. It's horrifying and perplexing and sad.

  49. @Shanabntz, there's plenty of proof, but even beyond that, they told the guy whose car they hijacked that they were the marathon bombers.

  50. @SusanB "I'm of two minds about capturing him alive."

    That comment disturbed me. Too many times authorities around the world have sought to silence those who commit attrocities, lest their own implicit complicity be revealed.

    I am not suggesting any such thing here. But I got saddened by the reaction of many. The "rise" of the Twitter Detectives that named an innocent Indian (who's missing) as the protagonist. Those that assume that it's the diaspora of Chechnya that's at the heart of this. It's not. But I suspect it's the continued hijacking of a religious belief, and I am sure it happened within the US of A.

    There are many questions to be asked, and this isn't the forum to do it. Hopefully they'll get some answers, I doubt they'll be answers we want to hear - for that reason I expect them not to be published.

    I admire Boston for their collective and stoic response in the face of an atrocious act, and the media scrutiny that followed.

  51. How about we stop showing is picture and repeating his name. It only gives Hume fame he does not deserve. Simply refer to him as bomber #2.

  52. I get the feeling that the younger one was used by the older one. Older one is the one that was investigated because of his possible connections to jihad - and by another country, ffs.

    I'm glad they got one of them alive to get answers for the sake of the victims (all victims, not just the CHILD), but I think the younger one wasn't involved in the planning or the bomb-making. He's not innocent, but I don't think this was his idea.

    There are too many conflicting reports for me to believe much of anything be reported.

  53. I'm glad they caught him alive so he can explain himself. I hope it doesn't drag out. He has such sad eyes in all the photos they show. I don't know what to make of it but it's something I noticed.

    The story about the gentlemen who lost both his legs and his savior is so amazing. I hope we get to start focussing on the good people in this tragedy.

  54. The senseless murders of the past year have left me both numb and enraged at the same time. What did this accomplish? what was your message? Did it or will it change anything and if it DID change anything, would that have made these two rancid bastards 'happy'?

    enjoy a slow, rotting, solitary, self-masturbatory, rotten life behind cement walls...that's what you accomplished in this awesome country you were so privileged to have been invited to live in.

  55. Local news reporting he has throat injuries and it will be a while before he can speak.

  56. When another COUNTRY calls you about a radical Islamist, and you basically tell them they're get to pay just like this. It's not like an ex-girlfriend called on him..It's another COUNTRY!!

  57. I have a 19 year old child, and I find this entire ordeal tremendously sad.

  58. I hate hearing these two being referred to as "kids." They are murderers. I also find it very hard to understand how the older one's wife and her family did not go forward and identify them once he photos and videos were released. Surely they recognized them from the photos.

  59. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Nice one Agent It

  60. I saw an interview with their uncle--(not the first interview) and he said that he and the older guy were estranged because he had become more radical in his beliefs. He also said that it came from contacts he made here in the US--at the mosque in Boston--not overseas.

    Early on, I was conflicted because the younger one is only 19--and possibly was influenced by his older brother--but some of the actions after the bombing--going back to school--tweeting --the way they sought out the MIT policeman to start a conflict--the way he charged the police in the stolen SUV (and ran over his brother) are so blatant, I am not conflicted anymore--he's a killer and deserves to stand trial as fully responsible for their acts. He was no follower.

  61. I don't believe the story about him running over his brothers body. So much of what has been reported isn't true. For one thing, he was originally reported as escaping on foot and then they changed their story. If he escaped in a vehicle, wouldn't they have issued an alert for the vehicle (make, model, license plate)? But they didn't. He could have gone anywhere in a car but no, they knew he'd escaped on foot so they were searching the Watertown area knowing he couldn't go far. The police actions indicate he escaped on foot.

    I don't want to sound like I'm defending the younger ones actions but the reports, including what the police told the public, are conflicting at best.

    1. hothotheat - did you see the autopsy photo? It seems to show a tire mark over his face and right side of his body. Pretty ugly.

  62. @VIP - The AOL thing cracked me up too.

    That uncle was great. I have a friend who lives in Montgomery Village who said she was glad she lived near the relative that believed they were guilty vs framed.

    @lutefisk - Yea, I had the same questions although I would not be surprised if immediate family knew what was going on based on their quotes. And what about the college friends who he partied with (allegedly) Wednesday?

  63. @hothotheat They did have an APB out for a Honda CRV, they had the license plate number and everything. It was found abandoned, so they knew he was on foot because of that. Because I don't sleep very much, I was up watching the news and checking online from the moment the story broke of the shooting of the police officer. The news and Twitter had the information about the vehicle that they believed the suspect was in. They even contacted police in neighboring states that he might be heading their way. When they found the CRV they then shifted to an "on foot" search.

  64. Maybe I'm Internet-dumb, but I still can't find any articles or interviews on how they know the bombers killed the MIT officer. And, I saw some videos on CNN I believe that showed the older brother on the ground surrendering and then he was cuffed and naked and walking to a police car all of a sudden. This whole thing is a mess. But, hopefully it's over. What a scary week for Boston AND Texas.

  65. Oh how the trolls are having a field day with this tragedy. Really? These two dumbies that did this is a poor excuse of human beings. Cowards, not man enough to deal with their problems head on. These are what you call bullies. Can't deal so they take it out on someone else. I hope their is a heaven and hell so he would know the damage he has caused and get it back tenfold.

  66. @Hurricane Tiffany The guy on the ground that was led away naked was not one of the bombers. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the police weren't sure if this random guy on the street was one of the bombers or even some third party that was helping them.

    I'm not able to find the articles at the moment, but I believe they know that they killed the MIT officer because they have witnesses to the crime. I also read shortly after the shooting, that the two bombers took the cops car and then went to the 7-11 where they carjacked another person. So I think it's safe to say they killed the officer... I mean, they had bombs and guns with them, and they were driving around in the murdered cops car. It seems pretty open and shut to me.

  67. Thanks @jayjay. I didn't doubt they were the ones who shot the MIT officer, I just couldn't find any articles written about the events surrounding that unfortunate incident.

  68. @hothotheat, they are now saying that he dragged his brother's body rather than running over it. Either way, he escaped the shootout by driving out, then abandoned the vehicle and took off on foot.

    The problem with reporting on an incident while it's in progress is that people not directly involved are giving their best idea of what's occurring. There will be an ongoing correction of the sequence of events as facts are sorted and verified I'm sure.

  69. From the Washington Post, an article talking about the timeline, on running the brother over:

    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, apparently intending to help his brother, tried to ram the officers with the Mercedes. Instead, the officers lunged out of the vehicle’s path and he ran over his brother and dragged him along the street before speeding off with police in pursuit.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. @Tiffany, yep, and this morning on CNN someone connected with the case merely said he dragged his brother's body.

    It's going to take numerous interviews with those directly involved before we can be certain about what happened, and that's going to take some time.

  72. ^ since you brought it up, this is Tamerlan Tsarnaev's corpse.

    WARNING, not for everyone. EXTREMELY GRAPHIC:

    Someone on TV commented that the gaping wound on his side is due to an explosive device that went off, but that was an unconfirmed report as far as I know.

  73. @phoenix: I read an article on yahoo that states they opened his chest in an attempt to allow blood to drain out from around his heart. I think that the explanation of that wound because if you look closely you can see what appears to be betadine/iodine around it (prior to reading the yahoo article I couldn't figure out why it had looked as if they attempted to disinfect the area as they had more pressing issues, but there's the answer: they made that incision at the hospital)

  74. *thats the explanation for the chest wound. Again, autocorrect....
    Also, it looks like potentialy skin there was already damaged so they chose to use that as an entry point into the chest cavity to proven ore physical trauma, since the skin is pretty ragged but the muscle incision is clean.

  75. *prevent more trauma. Jesus. Apple, you are not always smarter than me.

  76. I noticed the betadine/iodine too, and thought it might have something to do with initial efforts to save him. It's still too early to rule any possibility out.

  77. Whatever this is it isn't simple. I think that the lack of mercy, sympathy or consciousness in maiming and killing innocents shows a clear "al qaeda" mentality.. We are right and righteousness is on our side, God hates them, God loves us, we will be rewarded, etc. Religious Wars are still being fought in this day and age? If you see what these two brothers did to the city of Boston, I think you'd agree. Is this the Crusades? Didn't we already do Christianity vs Islam already? No one is ever going to win the argument until they die and learn the truth about the afterlife for themselves, so are we going to kill each other to see who can get there first? I know about God, he told me in my holy book. No you're wrong about God, he told me so in MY holy book. I'm going to kill you if you don't agree with me about the afterlife and God. Not if I kill you first. Can you think of a more idiotic, self destructive, implausible, no way of winning argument? I'd rather debate the value to society of Paris vs Kim.

  78. I saw the picture of the body too (yikes!). I thought the slash couldve been from the car. I figured the discoloring of the face could have been from explosives.

  79. I saw the photo, I didn't see tire marks. I would think if a car as heavy as a CRV ran over a human head it would be crushed, not merely leave a tread mark.

    I think the horrible reporting on this is confusing and not getting all the details correct so people are believing anything they're told by police and media.

    The killing/shooting/bombing/ bombing throwing stopped when the older brother died. Jus sayin'.

  80. @hothotheat I didn't have the guts to look at the picture of the dead body... so I don't know if he had tire marks over his head. From what I was hearing during the gun fight, it didn't sound like the younger brother was originally driving a CRV... that came after the shoot out. Meaning, he had a different vehicle, the BMW (or was it a Mercedes) that was carjacked near the 7-11. Again, this is what I was hearing during the whole shoot out and chase at around 3am East Coast time, but Twitter had a "trending topic" that was the license plate number that they were looking for.

    Also, what are you trying to imply with the "jus sayin'? That the younger brother had nothing to do with it? That's sort of what it sounds like when you say "stopped when the older brother died." The killing might have stopped, but the kid had guns, he shot at police long after his brother was dead, and he tried to run the police over when he drove away. While I usually hate the reporting that's done in this day and age, I don't think the reporting has really been bad at all during the shootout and chase. Most of the news networks seemed to learn from their mistakes in the days before when they claimed that someone was arrested, even though no one had been at that time. I really don't think the reporting has been confusing at all. The confusing parts of the story came very early on in the chase (like 1, 2, and 3am Eastern time). As the day went on those parts of the story became pretty clear, and the news outlets were pretty quick to correct any mistake that they had made.

  81. I want to know who was supporting them. The older one was married with a kid and unemployed. The younger one was attending college. The parents returned to the country they had come from. I really don't want to hear that they were being supported by the country they did this to.

  82. He's awake and responding to questions in writing. It sounds like he may have attempted to kill himself in the boat--he has a gun wound in his mouth --the bullet exited the back of his neck.

    I've been wondering how they were living too. The older one was married with a child, dressed well, drove a nice car---the younger one was in college and drove a car as well--he lived in a dorm but went home to the apartment they shared after their parents moved back home. I haven't seen any mention of either one having a job. The parents home in Russia didn't look like they have a lot of money.

  83. @jayjay, I interpreted @hothotheat's 'just saying' comment as an indication that it doesn't appear Dzhokhar was one masterminding and directing their criminal actions, not that he was an innocent bystander. His actions after his brother was disabled seem more the result of a panicked fight or flight response than deliberate hostile aggression.

  84. @car54, thinking back to my own college days, Dzhokhar probably paid for his college tuition via the scholarship he was awarded, augmented by student loans to cover his dorm and cafeteria living expenses.

    I don't see how he could have also been supporting Tamerlan with just that though.

  85. @Phoenix, he was awarded a $2500 scholarship. The average student loan is $6,000. UMASS with instate tuition is approximately $20,000, including room and board. He had a car at school. There is no way he was given full tuition. My daughter was offered $10,000/year for the Honors Program at UMASS Amherst and I believe that is the highest amount offered for academics.. I believe the only thing left is complete aid if he could have proven he needed it.

  86. @phoenix I took his comment in a whole other way, but after reading your explanation of it... well I think I was wrong. Sorry hothotheat!

  87. @lutefisk, good points. I didn't stop to consider how much college expenses have gone up since I was there. I managed to live without working and wanted to so I could devote full time to my studies, but my budget for any extras was decidedly shoestring.

  88. Just heard on CNN that Tamberlan would stay home and babysit his daughter while his wife went out and worked as a house maid for up to 70 hours per week.

  89. I just hears that also. Good thing he had all of that free time to learn how to build bombs. CNN also said the wife and family claimed they knew nothing until they saw the photos released on Thursday. However, there was NO mention of them going forward and identifying them once they saw the photos.

  90. The money trail: every single transaction on bank stmnts and credit cards will be examined in exhausting detail. Wire transfers in particular will be looked at with great scrutiny. All cash transactions used to pay any kind of rent, etc will require an interview with the recipient. I want to know which of their residences were used to make the bombs in the pressure cookers.There will be trace evidence there and that will link to others who visited that domicile.

  91. Anna, we are infidels who support Israel and love freedom. That is why they hate us. USA was founded on Christian Judaic principles. Never forget their degradation of women. We are a dirty but necessary species within their own belief system. H e will be tried in civilian court because the White House did not classify him as an enemy combatant. He faces life in prison, hopefully in solitary confinement.

  92. @phoenix Thanks, that's exactly what I meant. The younger one isn't innocent but I don't think he helped plan or make bombs.

    @jayjay No problem.

    The older bro was supported by his wife who worked 70-80 hours per week. The younger may have had a scholarship but couldn't he have also gotten a grant? I don't know. I do know the car the younger bro drove was only worth about $4k. I had heard the car the older bro drove was a Honda.

    I don't doubt at this point these two did it. I just don't trust the media to report correctly. They'll put something out there that turns out to be wrong and then not retract. Don't even get me started on the police.....

    I don't think he returned gunfire. I just don't believe it. One report says they fired on the boat and other reports say they used rubber bullets. why would they use rubber bullets against a man with a REAL gun. Makes no sense.

  93. @hothotheat, the news reported they found ballbearings in his dorm room.

    Police said the Tsarnaev brothers made enough additional bombs for them to believe that more attacks were planned. They were also armed with handguns. A shootout with police in the Boston suburb of Watertown early Friday morning left more than 200 spent shell casings in the street.
    I don't know how anyone could overlook his involvement. He was flunking just about everyone of his classes, probably because he was busy building bombs.

  94. Based on what we know so far, that's how I see it. Tamerlan was the mastermind and director, and Dzhokhar the follower. I think Tamerlan had everything to do with negatively influencing his brother, but both are culpable.

    Dzhokhar's youth and secondary role in the overall scheme of things could potentially result in a plea deal to save him from the death penalty, but he'll never walk the earth again as a free man, that's certain.

  95. phoenix it will be interesting to see if a private atty steps up to represent him, right now it's a public atty.

  96. Yes.. I don't expect it will make much difference though. I've heard a couple people on TV comment that Boston has an excellent public defender program, and the nature of the crimes leaves no wiggle room for for a private attorney to present even a far reaching theory or story as has occurred in the Jodi Arias trial.

  97. I've refrained from saying anything. In fact, I have to put myself in a media blackout when stuff like this happens. Seeing horrific scenes repeated in a continuous loop will set off anyone who suffers from matter where they are in their recovery. I'm glad I know my triggers.

    That said, I'm sick & tired of the media saying it was 2 kids & Bomber #2 being pitied (because he's 19) & being led astray by his older brother who was 26! 26 years old is not a fucking kid!

    I will give you the fact the older brother most likely heavily influenced his younger brother. But let me remind you of the DC snipers. John Mohammed was the mastermind & corrupted Lee Malvo, but Malvo was much more cold-blooded in the end.

    I know there are people on this site that lived thru those terror-filled weeks & may have even lost someone from the sniper attacks. I'm so very grateful that Boston wasn't held hostage as long as we were.

    But don't let age or anything else influence what's happening. I'm in NO WAY saying that the younger brother will do the same things that Malvo did once he was captured.

    Malvo worked the system & made people feel sorry for him. I don't know if it ever made national news, but it had been discovered that illegal correspondence had been found between Malvo & outsiders after he was jailed in Virginia. It was bone-chilling. That was only one of many things after the capture.

    And now, Virginians are paying for him for the next 50+ years.

    Do NOT try to play the race card with me for those who like to do that. This has NOTHING to do with race. This has to do with living in fear of not knowing where the snipers would hit next. We were just beginning to rebuild after 9/11 the year before.

    I wish they wouldn't put this picture up of Bomber #2. I wish they'd post the picture of him with that got damn smirk on his face after leaving the bomb.

    I'm not going to apologize for my rant. But I will apologize to those who have welcomed me onto this site. I have to work daily on the pain & loss I've experienced over the last 12 years. Ever so often, my anger erupts & I blow.

    I don't do this very often, so I hope my new "buds" here will cut me some slack. I try to make people laugh, not get pissed off. That is all.

  98. cornflower, well stated. I wanted enemy combatant status. But, this cheese stands alone (most of the time). So sorry for your loss.

    1. @Agent**it Thanks for the kind words. :-) I work hard not to let things trigger my PTSD, but last week was a tough one...for everyone...young & old.

      With that, I'd best be on my way. :-)

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. If your primary concern is the possibility of Dzhokhar being spared the death penalty, Alan Dershowitz made some interesting comments about that on TV today.

    He pointed out that should Dzhokhar receive the death penalty, he'll immediately become the new poster boy for Jihad recruiters, extolled as a heroic martyr for the cause.

    He said we win if he's given a life sentence and shipped to a remote facility where he'll never be heard from again.

  101. @Phoenix Not sure if the death penalty comment is directed at me or not. I definitely understand what Dershowitz is saying & it will be the most likely scenario.

    My comments are in reference to the public not getting played by that innocent-looking photo above. Malvo played innocent, but is pure evil. I'm not saying Bomber #2 wasn't led astray. But, at some point, whatever moral compass he might have had, died when he put the first bomb down.

    And please accept my apologies, @Phoenix, if you were making a general statement & not to me. Thanks for the info. I've cooled off since I first posted. :-)

  102. I hear ya cornflowerbluezz, and didn't get the impression you were angry at all. Made some excellent points. Thanks for sharing :)

  103. Came across this article which explores the Tamerlan/Dzhokhar dynamic:
