Monday, April 22, 2013

Farrah Abraham Brought Her Daughter To Porn Company

Yesterday was a big day for Farrah Abraham. She had a big meeting which is going to determine how much money she can expect to get from the sale of her sex tape. Well, not really sex tape. It is a straight up porn, let's not kid ourselves. Sex tapes are what you make and then have end up in porn companies hands. This one was always designed and shot with porn distribution in mind. What better place then to bring your toddler daughter than a porn company. She can wait in the waiting room surrounded by posters of porn box covers or she can come into the meeting with mom and hear about whether mom is going to get paid extra for letting James________. While they are in there they can screen a rough cut of the finished project because the girl won't find that strange or life altering or therapy inducing at all. Just to make this super creepy, Farrah also brought her dad. "Dad does that orgasm look real enough to you?"


  1. I really need a bleach shower now. Just, ugh.

  2. yep, that is creepy as fuck.

  3. Vivid's offices are actually quite nice and professional

    1. I want to marry you and Count Jerkula. Think of the fun we will have... that you KNOW this is so freakin' awesome!

  4. I hate she moved to Bee Caves. She belongs in LA.

    1. As in right outside if Austin?!??

    2. Yes. I read her dad lives here.

    3. As a fellowTexan, I am completely disgusted that she landed here

  5. Your kid and your dad? Sweet Jesus.

  6. Honestly, that is like the least of that kid's (now and future) problems.

  7. she made a huge deal about not talking about her sex life with her parents on Dr. Phil the other day. Then she brings Michael to Vivid.

    Actually I'm not surprised by this flamboyant contradiction. This is Farrah we're talking about.

  8. I feel so bad for her daughter. She has such an insecure, image obsessed, money hungry mother. I pray that this little girl isn't affected by Farrah's bad choices.

  9. Am I weird for thinking bringing the dad is worse than the kid? The kid probably just sat in the lobby with a coloring book

  10. her Dad??? and her Kid????? to her Porn distributor? You get an F forever in Life Decisions 101, Ms. Abraham. Where will she be in ten years? Walking the streets of Atlantic City, hooked on drugs?

    1. She will be on a pole, Austin or maybe San Marcos. That poor kid.

  11. sick. My daughter had me watch a few scenes with this chick and she is a truly horrible person. The way she spoke to her mom was beyond the pale.

  12. Can we please get a "Teen Mom" free month in May?

  13. It won't take 10 yrs for her, since she's admitted to a problem with coke and booze, I believe in the book she "wrote" last year. And apparently if the porn movies don't pan out, she wants to get into writing erotica. I can't even imagine how vapid and non-arousing that would be! Ugh. She was on Dr. Phil on Friday, along with her parents. She said she didn't bring her daughter to that show because she didn't want her to see Mommy like that, but she'll bring her to a fcking porn studio?! Where is CPS when you need them??

  14. Wow. I always thought her dad was the only sane one of that bunch. That even puts Hulk Hogans relationship with his daughter to shame. That's disgusting.

    1. Actually Hulk Hogan is probably telling Brook "See honey, she doesn't have a problem with it" bunch of weirdos.

  15. Good god, this shivered me timbers. Just gross.

  16. Anything to obtain (or extend) that "15 minutes of fame." At a guess, the Boston bombers probably had a very similar mindset. They just chose another way of getting what they wanted.

  17. Someone shoot her. Put us out of our misery. And call CPS about her kid. WTF?!

  18. they should actually give farrah what she wants, Fame. Giver her shot at porn, real porn, that'll teach her and one taste of that she'll live under a rock for the rest of her life!

  19. I am going to rant and this is going to come out as horrible, vile, "you should not breed" lines of thinking, etc.

    I cannot STAND this vapid little shit, waste of space, cum dumpster, spoiled self entitled CUNT who was blessed with a baby due to her own stupidity. Her parents raised her as a brat who eventully spiraled out of contol and when they realized what she had become it was too late. Know why? Because her parents let her do what ever the fuck she wanted & never broke that mouth of hers. They never kept her in line or taught her to respect them and by the time they tried reasoning with her it was too late. That said if she was my kid and had she spoke to me the way she would to her mother on camera I guarantee you I would've knocked her teeth out. Shouldn't have to come to that but that's what the parents get for letting her get that out of hand.

    /Rant over

    I apologize for the brief lapse in judgement but this little trollop makes me see red.

    1. @La Descarada I forgive your rant. You used cum dumpster and trollop in the same post. Two of my favorite terms that very accurately describe this ho

    2. Whoo. Mopping brow. How totally refreshing!

  20. I never watch teen mom but this one seems truly deranged. She's a liar and a bad one at that. Cut off her tv exposure and let her crawl back into the hole she came from.

  21. About the only porn that butter-face would be good for is bukkake; gotta cover that mug up somehow! Otherwise, YUCK! Her face + her voice = total woodkiller.

  22. Farrahs iff the rails, no doubt about it, but her parents, esp her mother, are weirdos. I read the mother as an alcoholic, the steo father is creepy, dont know about her bio dad.

  23. auntliddy: Actually Michael is her biological father. Farrah just calls him Michael since he has an older half-sister who calls him Michael and they didn't want one girl to call him dad and the other girl to call him by his name.

  24. I wonder if it's time for that little girl to go spend more time with her father's family.

    1. Father of farrahs baby died in car accident while she was still pregnant. She has some contact with them.

  25. Luna Smith: I watched one episode where Farrah and her sister were talking and Farrah said they call him Michael because he never stood up to other family members who trampled all over him, and therefore the girls don't think he is deserving of being called Dad. Surprisingly, they weren't talking about themselves as being the awful family members; the sister is just as bad as Farrah with disrespecting her parents.
    I was a spoiled rotten bitch as a teenager, but I know my dad would've knocked me into the next century if I spoke to my parents the way Farrah does. The lightbulb went off after I turned 20, and I still apologize occasionally for being such an ungrateful kid (who had straight A's and never trouble with the law, just one hell of a smart mouth). At least Farrah only has one kid, compared to Leah (from TM2) who has a third baby with her second husband, at the ripe old age of 20.

  26. I don't know anything about this woman, but it seems to me that it's possible that her dad wanted to make sure she didn't get financially screwed (too late for literally) in this whole mess? If so, I say good for him. A not-very-bright, 20-year old female negotiating a porn contract on her own...well, let's just say she would no doubt getting the short end of the stick. I could see how having an older man on her side might prove helpful at this time. Too bad he wasn't able to teach her things prior to now, but better late than never, I guess.

  27. What kind of dad would agree to go to that? He could've taken grandchild to the park and spared her if he was trying to be supportive!

  28. Shes a idiot and a piece of shit. Actually I applaud her dad for going with her, probably did so make sure she doesnt get screwed
