Friday, April 12, 2013

James Deen Says He Tried To Talk Farrah Abraham Out Of Sex tape - Had No Idea She Had A Child

James Deen gave an interview to about his porn with Teen Mom Farrah Abraham. He says that everyone wanted him to stay quiet about the whole thing so they could put some kind of master plan together which would involve James and Farrah going out on dates and getting photographed holding hands and kissing, but he said he was not going to play that game and if someone asked him what was going on he would tell them. He also says in the interview that he tried to talk Farrah out of the thing and that she already got paid some money and signed a release and that he had no idea Farrah had a child. I'm ready for this story to be over. I hereby declare it over. Yeah, well, aren't you bored with it? It is someone who wanted to be famous longer and was willing to make a porn to do it. Also, she has a shopping addiction and needed the money.


  1. "Had No Idea She Had A Child"

    GURL. Farrah, you are so Z list your last name may as well be Zlist.

  2. "has a shopping addiction."

    Bullshit. She had money and got used to being able to buy whatever she wanted. Now she thinks that she can make more money so she keeps spending on credit. That's not an addiction, it's financial irresponsibility.

  3. How low in society's food chain do you have to be where a porn star has more credibility and is more deserving of respect?

  4. This is making me laugh so very hard:

    "After seeing James speaking about my personal video as a porn and not even contacting me before running his mouth, I have to say I am very disappointed," Farrah told "I personally will never have anything to do with James."

    Um, James Deen is a PORN star. If you have (paid) sex with James Deen, the porn star, you are making a porn movie, not a "personal video."

  5. I'll be more than happy to listen to any James deen interview on mute and just watch him move his mouth and look all sexy. Farrah was not worthy of that amazing been.

  6. This is all leading up to a big letdown when it's finally released.

  7. The little i know of him he always comes off as a chill dude. Seems pretty level-headed and aware of the bullshit surrounding him. Sounds pretty proffesional too, going by what you read about his work on The Canyons... Will never watch a movie of his but i like the dude.

  8. This James Deen kid is the porn star with a heart of gold. He was the most professional person in that whole article about The Canyons.

  9. @Izzie. Omg, that's hilarious! LMAO She's not, is she?

  10. I'm with plozky & discoflux, I am LOVING James Deen the person and he gives great interview. I'm a huge fan now.

  11. From what I've read about James he DOES seem like the one of the most professional porn actors out there. I like his integrity and professionalism. Not sure I'll ever watch one of his films but he seems like an upstanding guy.

    Farrah on the other hand....right, 'nuff said

  12. Perhaps she should make sure her costars sign non disclosure contracts before she makes such a large "investment" - this speaks volumes to how completely delusional and ridiculous this girl is. Comedy for the masses though!

  13. Well, he IS a professional. I could understand him being offended by an amateur trying to mess up his career rep.

  14. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Add me to the list Hunter. I think he's a pretty normal and level headed guy. I like him.

    What ever happened to the stupid Joe Jonas tape? Did Blind Gossip eat their words yet?

  15. I haven't even SEEN his porn and I like him - like @hunter said - he comes off as very cool in interviews.

  16. Apparently, he has another mainstream movie coming out, it's called Novel. Saw the trailer, I'm not sure he can actually act (in his scenes in the trailer he overdoes it a bit), but he's pleasant to look at.

  17. "I am, like, so angry about the things he's saying, and I will like totally never pay him to jack off on my face again."

    1. @Barton - Nasty. Mean. Hilarious.

  18. Add me to the pro-Deen list. He seems professional and comes across as an average guy who happens to be a porn star. I don't care for porn movies but if he did something mainstream (without Lindsay) I'd certainly watch it.

  19. How did he not know she had a kid? Who did he think she was and where did he think she came from?

    1. @Pisces, he's professional porn actor hired for a gig.

      Honestly, were it not for CDaN, I wouldn't have a clue who she was. I still don't except that she was on a Teen Mom show and had some plastic surgery. And now a porn tape. Teen mom is not in James Deen's world (his type of porn is BDSM, and I ONLY know this from the NYT article, I promise). The question is - how does SHE know about him and where'd she get the money to pay for his services? Hmmm...

    2. @Izzie - she was also in the news recently for waxing her 3 yr old daughter's eyebrows. Apparently having a uni-brow is frowned upon in daycare. She was a sad excuse for a mother when Teen Mom was on (ie, leaving her toddler in the kitchen sink where she turned on the tap and was scalded), and she hasn't gotten better now that the cameras are gone. God only knows what that child will grow up to be like.

    3. I'm confused too about why he didn't know who she was. Obviously someone had to contact him about doing the film, I'm sure they had to go through his manager. Surely his manager asked who she was before they agrees to it. Seems off.

    4. Oh shit, is that who she is? Damn....

  20. lol @ Barton x2

  21. I thought it was an actual movie they were going to release, but I read this online: "[Farrah]... admitted this week that she had sex on camera with professional porn star James Deen. It was then widely assumed the idea was that the video was to then be “leaked” as a celebrity sex tape."

    That's where the hand-holding and kissing comes in. They were supposed to look as if they were dating. Doesn't she live in Montana or Nebraska? How does she just happen to be dating a porn star? *eye roll*

  22. @Katydid, Blind Gossip claimed someone was paid off with a very expensive car not to release the Joe Jonas tape.

  23. I like this guy! Seems decent, intelligent and kind. I also love that he crapped all over her "oops my private tape got leaked" sham. Such a lovely role model for her young daughter.

  24. @Nutty_Flavor: They did claim that. They then later ran a blind that said that that very night was Jonas' last night on earth before losing everything, because the tape would hit the next day. I mean, within hours of posting the blind, they actually "solved" it identifying it as him.

    That was more than a week ago...

  25. these idiots who think a sex tape is going to catapult them into fame like Kim K or Paris are delusional and fail to realize Paris and Kim already had the last name notoriety(Hilton hotel empire, Kardashian OJ case), they had $ to begin with, and are surrounded by rich buisness people to handle the contracts/negotiations. I only know who this twit is because of Cdan.

  26. what sex tape? what were we talking about? I'd already forgotten...

  27. @ CrazyCatLady - His wiki bio says he's made over 1400 porn films. He probably doesn't ask for a deet sheet on all the chicks he's scheduled to bang; it's just another day at the office for him. And if it was supposed to be a leaked sex tape, the session wasn't even probably very long. In and out, so to speak. ;)

  28. I love James Deen. I'm hoping he will allude to Farrah being a lackluster partner on his blog. He talks about how it is with a lot of his costars. He is very candid about his sexual experiences in the industry. It really is a fascinating glimpse into the life of a porn star but it's very NSFW and does have very graphic photos...

  29. Score one for Barton (again) to look at James Deen blog..

  30. James Deen has a blog??????? ***runs off to google***

  31. I'm not ready for this story to be over so you can fill the blog with shit about RHOwhatever that i'm pretty sure no one cares about.

  32. James Deen is his own manager, in regards to porn anyway.

    He's pretty funny on twitter too.

  33. He's the man...he literally does everything perfect and right

  34. Yum! He is really a manly man man! :) I forget about the article looking at just him. Seriously she should be proud of it. Not really because she is a mom. But you know she is thinking "see! I did bang someone hot! I have video proof!"

  35. You know, James seems like a really nice guy despite his choice of profession.

    Too bad Farrah didn't listen. She has no excuse for being in her situation--she has a decent family and she made a ton of money off being a teen mom--she should have used that money to get her education and to be something besides this.

  36. You know, James seems like a really nice guy despite his choice of profession.

    Too bad Farrah didn't listen. She has no excuse for being in her situation--she has a decent family and she made a ton of money off being a teen mom--she should have used that money to get her education and to be something besides this.

  37. Car54- she got a taste of fame and wants more! That's why she is a "model" and had all that plastic put in her face : /

  38. When I think of James Deen I think of the nasty things he has done in porn and now I'm wondering how Farrah can even walk now. THe man is rigorous in his movies.. And his peen.. must feel like giving birth all over again for her. Out of her ass.

    I also imagine her mom rolling her eyes and being like 'ohohoh Farrah..' *shakes head*

  39. I have a shopping addiction, seriously. I can't help but to spend any money I get as soon as I get it and when I don't have any money I'm searching for what I want to buy next.

    Then again, the things I buy are classic era Video Games, Transformers (make a pretty good profit buying and selling them along with doing customs) and stuff for my nieces.

    I am available for amateur porn also, ladies :P

  40. I could become a James Deen fan. He's interesting. It's no small feat come off as respectable with his professional background, but he does so repeatedly. He's just so not full of shit though, it's refreshing.

  41. He was on today's TMZ episode, they got him coming out of some place. He gets 100 points because he started talking about the badness of slut-shaming.

    Gotta wonder, though, if the "admission" was also planned. She was interviewed on the Today show? She's getting exactly what she wanted: More fame.
