Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jenelle Evans Arrested For Heroin And Assault

It was just Monday that I asked aloud on Twitter whether Jenelle Evans was still alive. The reason I had asked was it had been over a month since she had been arrested which has got to be one of her personal bests. No longer. Yesterday she was arrested along with her husband as both were charged with possession of heroin and her husband had an intent to sell charge. They were also both charged with assault after police were called because the pair were fighting. Jenelle says she was set up even though the packets of heroin were on her person. She had told a follower earlier in the day that she was sober. I guess she meant for that tiny second she was responding. Jenelle has also not been paying child support to her mom so she was arrested on that too.


  1. Such a winner - color me shocked

  2. So when does her porn come out?

  3. Are you interested now FSP?


    1. dia-not really, but I do have a story to share...elsewhere.

    2. if f* elsewhere wasn't whinging about Utah again! Damn it!

    3. Aww Izzie, *breathe*

    4. I heart Izzie for her hard work.

    5. Me three!

      WE <3 YOU IZZIE!

  4. God I am so done with reality programming. It's like the basest form of entertainment, watching to delight in misery.
    Can we have good news now, please?

  5. Really? A 21-year-old has to pay support to her mother? That is messed up.

  6. If it wasn't for her mom, her kid would be bouncing back and forth to different foster homes.

  7. @Surfer, her mother has custody of her child because as you can see from this story she's a very unfit mother and since this trick is making money from her reality show why shouldn't she pay support? Since she can't be bothered to be a mother the least she could do is make sure he's taken care of financially.

  8. Can we get a compilation of all the Teen Mom/16 & Pregnant mugshots?

    That would be awesome.

  9. Agree with Sarah - these shows focusing on human misery are just too depressing and make things worse for the people involved. I refuse to watch those type shows.

  10. This makes me sad..Whatever the intent of the show these girls should've taken the opportunity to better themselves. Made as much $ as they could..get some staibility and saved the rest in a trust fund for their kids..A bad situation (teen pregnancy) could've been turned into a better life for these girls and their kids instead not one of them have been able to keep it together. Maybe MTV should include counseling or something with their contract to help these people out!

  11. I rarely say this but I am happy she doesn't have her kid anymore. I grew up in a very bad area riddled by drugs, heroin particularly, and it is sad seeing the addicts getting their scripts, or worse, with the kids in tow.
    I don't watch any of these shows so I don't know her story but shouldn't she be better at avoiding the cops by now?

  12. I've never watched the Teen Moms show, but this girl breaks my heart for some reason. It could be she'd be in the same mess if she hadn't been exploited by MTV, but fame and money seem to amplify your demons.

  13. See ya in 3-5 girl!

  14. Shocker!!!! Girl gets fame from starring on a reality show about 16 year olds getting pregnant. Any wonder it goes to her screwed up head and then you throw a little money her way- recipe for disaster. If I didn't enjoy reading about them and making fun of them I would feel guilty because it is only because we watch these trainwrecks that the networks green light this. Why don't they just start with a show at a mental hospital and see where the crazy goes when you start with crazy.

  15. I'm surprised there hasn't been more deaths/murders related to reality shows given the number of wackjobs involved.

  16. @Izzie We all know and appreciate how hard you work.

  17. What does Izzie do? Inside joke?

  18. Somewhat OT, but I generally get really annoyed when people are arrested for drug possession. They aren't criminals, they're addicts, and they need help, not incarceration. (Possession with intent to sell excepted.)

    Off my soapbox now...

    1. After watching my brother fight addiction & overdose, I strongly agree. selling drugs should be a crime but not possession.

  19. She isn't dead yet? Oh.

  20. Is there an unofficial competition amongst these teen mothers, as to who can be the worst mother?

  21. Anonymous11:28 AM

    the young couple that actually came from a fucked up background (parents were addicts) are the only ones that actually are doing good right?

  22. Barton Fink - That was out of line.
    Sad sad state of affairs for the girl. And what about her little one?

  23. For once she looks truly sad in her mug shot. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  24. Countdown to an appearance on Inervention
