Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kardashian Diaries Issue Of In Touch Is Going To Be A Huge Seller

The estimates are in for the In Touch collectors issue featuring 100 pages of the diaries of Robert Kardashian trashing Kris Jenner. Bought by In Touch for $40K from Robert's widow, they probably could have got as much as $500K from a publisher, but she needed the money fast. The issue sells for $9.95 and is expected to sell between 200K and 300K copies. They don't sell all that many more of their regular issues and they are priced $7 less. That is a crazy number for something that highly priced. If they made it a book instead of a magazine it would be at the top of the best seller list. The excerpts of it that I have read have been great. Things like the kids don't know who their mom is anymore or Kris showed up drunk again or Kris has done this or that. It is 100 pages filled of trashing Kris written by Robert. Too bad he helped defend O.J., or you might actually like the guy.


  1. The only downside here is that when Kris' evil ways are exposed, it will probably score sympathy points for the K kids.

  2. I wonder what he would think of his precious daughters now because apparently the apples didn't fall far from the tree and the only thing that can be said for them is that they don't seem to be drinkers like Pimp Mama Kris

  3. To buy, or not to buy, that is the question:
    Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
    The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of Kardashians, And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep No more.
    To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, there's the rub, for when we purchase the issue, we just encourage them.

  4. These are those super dramatized diaries that are utilized in pumping up divorce/custody battles. Crapfest.

  5. Yawn. I've watched a few episodes and I don't need a magazine to know Kris is crazy and always drinking wine. They won't sell that many copies, their 15mins is fading as fast as Paris.. I expect to see Kim and Paris making up in pap photos very soon.

  6. Despite defending OJ I still find him more likeable than the rest of his family.

    At least back then he was the only Kardashian we knew about and was worth knowing.

  7. At least he actually EARNED his fame.

  8. The choicest excerpts will be posted online anyway, so..

  9. I don't think it will sell that many copies. Its nothing new.

  10. LOL @VIP. You're right, Chicky!

  11. I thought there was some sort of legal action against the widow by the kids because their dads will left his diary to the kids. Am I imagining this? Waiting for the Kardashians lawyers to file a restraining order. Only they can profit from families dirty secrets. Too bad he didn't have any unreleased sex videos.

  12. In any case-the Kardashians in particular- know there is no such thing as bad publicity. In fact, they might be happy they are being released in this manner. They won't be seen as so money grubbing by selling them themselves and might even get some sympathy in some circles.

  13. I was in our Dollar Store over the weekend. The KarTrashian book is priced at $2. I wanted so badly to take a picture & post it but I was too embarrased to do it....tick tock, tick tock ...

  14. If there's one good thing about working in PR, it's the free magazines....

  15. You know when Hamlet quotes get busted out, shit just got real. VIP def wins the internetz today. :)

  16. And no, I am not buying. I am with phoenix - all that I need to know (okay, fine, nothing) will be posted online anyway.

  17. Yet bitch is getting her own daytime talk show ..God I hate her

  18. Robert and Oj were college roommates. He defended his buddy to the end. His fiancée at the time broke up with him because of the media scrutiny but it shows what kind of wife she would've been in the first place.

    Brothers before Others.

    1. Awww well bless his heart for defending a cold blooded murderer.


    2. Actually Johnnie Cochran defended Simpson and beat the white man at his own game.....even when he tried to cheat (Mark Furnman).....bless his heart.

  19. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Thank God, I'll buy it, this should be good.

  20. No fan of kardasses, but these 'diaries' dont pass the smell test. Dont believe they are real.

  21. I already know way more about this clan of famewhores than I ever wanted to. And I have never watched an episode of their shit show,I change the channel when they come on ET.Yet I now know that Kim thinks she looks so sexy right now that she would have sex with herself. If she does she will film it I'm sure. Robert Kardashian seems like the only decent one in the bunch. Of course if not for him we wouldn't be stuck with all of them.

  22. The only thing the pages would be good for is lining the bird cage or house breaking a puppy!
